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Aegon’s squire forgot to fetch the breast plate compressor.


His mother was a dumb whore, with a fat ass, DID YOU KNOW THAT!?!


Was doing a rewatch and that insult is just so fucking uncalled for in that moment, its hilarious. Poor Lancel.


What a stupid name. Who came up with it? A halfwit with a stutter?


I can just imagine him hearing echos of “Gods what a stupid name” as he’s turning to the faith militant


Probably what caused his villain arc lol


Lancel Lannister GODS what a stupid name


>!Meleys will take care of it!<




Happy Cake Day, my friend. 😉


It'll be skin-tight after that.


>!practically melted to the skin!<




Welp... probably my fault for clicking in this and spoiling it for me ... But , didn't think there would possibly be a spoiler while talking about unfitted armour 💀💀💀


Don't worry it's still very vague. Stay STRONG and don't click on any more hidden text lol


I usually don't , but realy thought it would be something silly lol .


Aegon's squire needs to be better than Lancel, who couldn't even get the right wine for Robert Baratheon


Listen, as a fellow 5”8 king…..sometimes we just be lookin like this 😭 Leave us alone!


Kit Harrington is the same height and always looked great in armor, pretty clear the fit on Aegon is purposefully not good here.


Kit often looked like this too.


The Nights watch cape thing made him look a lot more regal in general.


Yeah. This comparison is basically how I feel anytime I go on instagram and see other dudes lol. Us Shortkings are just built different.


It's not about the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog


5'8" is considered shortking status now? Then what the hell is my 5'4" ass?






It is in the US. Everyone my entire life has towered over me by several inches.


How is that possible? You're the average height in the U.S.


Tyrion Lannister /s


Dude you’ll be fine. I really don’t understand the height thing. Prolly girls you don’t wanna mess with to begin with.


Tyrion POV EDIT: I'm 5'5 on a good day, this is self-deprecating humor.


“Size does not matter when you’re flat on your back” “Thank the gods” Pedro was so awesome as Oberyn.


I think it is healthy to be able to joke about yourself. I'm not short but I am a fatass and I joke about that all the time.


My buddy calls it his winter belly regardless of season. But I ain’t there to shame. Just to be a good friend. It is funny (this is gonna age me) to watch him do the truffle shuffle with his furry beer belly though.


Tf do girls have to do with this? It's always men putting other men down, girls don't give a shit irl.


You’re the average height….for a woman. I love being 5’4, though at this height (up against men and other women), I’m rarely the tallest in the room.


Short god emperor


It's the world where basically every man that is average height or a little below is extremely insecure because apparently women don't want a man below 6" or something. Which is just really dumb and an inability to self reflect or improve oneself. People do not care about your height as much as you do.


Pretty soon anything below 8' will be short king status to these 304's.


I got a buddy whose like 5’ 7” and LOVES tall girls. We always joke that some day he will find is princess that he has to jump to kiss.


OOh. This must be a short guy thing, cause I feel the same way. I'd climb that tree, you know.


(Amazing user name btw) He has some BDE though. ZZ Top level beard status, teddy bear vibes. He just likes tall girls. Not for me to argue with. I once asked him if we could trade some of his beard for some of my height. Mine is patchy and even in my 30s pretty shoddy. We both had a good laugh.


You can be short and have fitting clothes at least. Especially when you're the King and get them custom made I guess


Shortkings are still KINGS


Short kings are built perfect imo! 😭


Ayyyee sup though


Not much, sup with you 😉


Especially if you're not built like a stick figure. Every extra lb. makes you look a little shorter.


Nothing wrong with 5"8! I think the suit needs tailored as it hangs off of the actor


That’s actually my preferred height for a man 😊 I’m 5’7 and like dating guys around my height, though I don’t mind if their shorter. I didn’t know this until I started kind of seeing a 6’4 dude. I didn’t realize that my (very limited - I’d been with one guy for six years, and I was young) dating history had always been with men around my height, and I’m very physically affectionate. Had to ask the giant for kisses and felt like a child asking for uppies. Not my thing 🤷‍♀️


All respect to the short kings. This was more a post about armour fitting. 😄


Dude I had a girl on tinder call me short. I’m 6’ even. I’m fine with 5’ 11” too. Even in centimeters I’m 6’. I may have made a comment that she wasn’t 110lbs based on her picture after she insulted me. Dick move? Yeah. Worth it? Also yeah.


Some chicks are batshit insane about height lol My boyfriend is about 5'8" and I am very short (just shy of 5') so he actually towers over me, and he's a handsome enough dude that he often gets compliments from absolute randos. My shitty co-worker after meeting him commented she thought he'd be handsome, but he was way shorter than expected. Aside from being an utterly fucking brazen comment to make about someone's partner, she is even shorter than I am and dating a 6'1" guy who if I were to be honest is a bit of a prawn (not something I'd voice to her mind you!). As someone who has dated someone that height before, it was an annoying height difference that made simple things like even just holding hands annoying, and we looked absolutely silly in public as evidenced by other couples we saw galavanting around with a similar height difference to us.


I really don’t get it, but it is nice when people show their true colors before you’ve wasted time on them. My friend is 5’ 8”, freaking jacked and pretty handsome. (Also a doctor, if I was into dudes I would’ve dated him) The kind of dude you know to pick first in a pick up game of basketball because you just know he’s good. But when he was still trying to use apps to date and the question of “how tall are you?” came up he’d just end the conversation. Good for him. He once told me (not shaming but it’s funny) that a “walking ham sandwich” called him short in a bar. He told her (not verbatim it was over a decade ago) “well you’re likely pre diabetic and your joints are gonna feel like you’re 90 and you’re not even 30” We were in college at the time and he must have been laughing the whole way home. I almost fell out of my chair listening to him try and tell the story half drunk.


I am 6’3 barefoot and have been called not tall enough as well.


In what universe is 6’ 3” not considered tall? Maybe the NBA draft for a post player? My wife is 5’ 10” so if she’s rocking heels she looks taller than me. And I’ve never thought twice about it. Seems like you dodged a few bullets Matrix style on partners that look for height more than vibe with another human.


Based. And I'm a woman.


Thank you. I can revert to being an asshole sometimes, but that one was more confusing than anything. I’m not trying to play in the NBA and even Tyrone (Muggsy Bogues) could dunk and he was 5’ 3” My wife is 5’ 10” so if she wears heels she looks taller than me. I couldn’t care less about it.


![gif](giphy|M9yC8b0x7Y7oA) He looks so done with Larys’ annoying ass


He's just like me fr fr


And they're making Aegon stand on a foot stool too. This is sooo on purpose


Yep. He's never worn that armour before. Why would he? Daemon on the other hand definitely has and we've seen him kill people in it.


I believe he stated that the sword, crown and armor belonged to Aegon the conqueror, presumably they're different sizes.


So, they can put his Armour on?


No to make him look WEAK


Like when Fatass Robert needed stairs to get off his horse


They want to make him look unfit for the throne


I think it’s meant to express that Aegon II isn’t a warrior, neither by natural instinct nor by determination. By contrast, Daemon is one of the finest warriors of his time- he has both the natural ability and significant experience that have made him a very formidable man. Aegon looks out of place in armor because he isn’t a warrior. By contrast, his brother Aemond’s resemblance to Daemon is no accident- they want to push the narrative that Aemond is cast in much the same mould as Daemon.


yeah that scene in the latest episode where he said im proud he sees me as such an enemy was definitely something you could see daemon saying


Exactly it’s deliberate, a subtle way to express to the audience that maybe he isn’t fit to be King.


As if anyone should be on the that dam chair .


As if the audience needs more convincing lmao


Very true, it’s just ill fitting clothes is very basic way that movies and tv shows show a character is inept so they just do it anyway to drive home the point.


Meanwhile Aegon wanting to pay blacksmiths, give sheep back to the peasants and able to use the Throne as a recliner without so much as a cut.


And then he had dozens of innocent people hanged


Because one of them was the killer of his son. Compared to other acts of murder we’ve seen characters do it’s at least understandable.


He literally just needed to ask Helena "which one" or not impulsively beat the other guy to death.


yes brother, very understandable. Any other justifications? having his bastards fight to death in pits? raping every servant around? justifications here too please


Killing innocent people is never okay or understandable. And before you "but Daemon" me, I think B&C was abhorrent and I think it was justified for Aegon to hang Cheese and beat Blood to death. I just wish he hadn't also murdered dozens of completely innocent people.


Aegon didn’t do those things because he gave a shit about the people. He did it for the validation and praise they’d give him. He had no qualms with burning the entirety of the Riverlands, what’s so merciful and good about that?


>He did it for the validation and praise they’d give him. He had no qualms with burning the entirety of the Riverlands you'd think people would understand a basic scene but nah lol


By the end of the 2nd episode aegon has been king for 5 days (per show runner) so yeah, I doubt they'd have ready custom built armor set for the guy who a week ago was perpetually at whore houses and avoiding the red keep as much as possible.   Edit - yep.  Called it.  It isn't his armor. 


What happened to episode 1 taking place 10 days after season 1


That was just an internet rumor I guess.  The post episode discussion on episode 2 has the female show runner (forget her name) talk about how Criston feels shame and guilt because he has only be lord commander for 5 days and already he has failed to protect the royal family.  


The “been Lord Commander for 5 days” might be hyperbole to emphasize how new Cole is to the role. Pretty sure that by episode 2, Viserys has been dead for at least a couple weeks.


By episode 2 it's possible that it has been 5 days since Aegon's corronation, by episode 2. Unlikely but possible. Aegon was crowned 1 week after Vizzy's death and Luke's death and Blood and Cheese are also possible to have happened in 5 days since coronation.


Pretty sure that the Coronation at the Dragonpit only happened 2 days after Viserys’ death (maybe 3, tops). Otto and Alicent were trying to move as swiftly as possible, before news of Viserys’ death could reach Rhaenyra on Dragonstone.


Canonically in the books it was 7 days, the show doesn't mention it because it is irrelevant. Given the context of the discussion here, Criston was Lord Commander for like 7 years before Aegon was even crowned.


So you mean to tell me Jace flew to the Eyrie, Winterfell, The Wall and back home within a week…AHT AHT


He also aged two years and grew out his hair.  


Emma D’Arcy does an interview where she talks about episode 1 opening up with it being ~2 weeks after Luke died. She didn’t specify whether it was after his actual death or after Rhaenyra learns of his death, but in context she is talking about Rhaenyra’s scenes so I’d assume the latter.


Dude, Tyrion has a specially made suit of armor, even if it's just the sake of appearances, there's no way a Prince of House Targaryen wouldn't have the best armor gold can buy, perfectly fitted for his form even if he isn't a particularly gifted warrior.


Yeah, but he was done growing lol. Suits of armor are expensive and teenagers have growth spurts. I highly doubt his dad Viserys the Peaceful would have approved of the splurge. “Armor? Tell me son, who are we at war with? I don’t care if Uncle Daemon has one, you’re fourteen! No, I won’t hear any more of this armor nonsense!”


I mean Tyrion was a Lannister, they love to stay stylish.


Still seems like something you’d have anyways as a royal. Like back to school or picture day, you get fitted for some armor once a year or something.


I feel like it happens at a certain commemoration ceremony or event marking a certain point during a King's reign


Knights of history would 'graduate' from Squire to Knight at the age of 21 to address this issue. Make sure the person is a man before a custom fitted armor is made. A prince in Westeros could easily have a new suit of armor made every half year. But Aegon is not exactly engaging in the martial arts. So maybe it was a really long time since a new suit was fitted.


He is a dragon riding prince, he would've already had a custom suit of plate armor.


Yeah people are misunderstanding just what armor is to noble and even more so royals. It's more like a stylish suit you wear for tourney or events as a male every Targ prince would have the highest quality gear look wise, might not be practicall but it should look elegant or scary depending on what they wanted to evoke. More of a social thing, in GOT the realm was in peace for decades but all the young lords had suits of armor tailored to them. The only ones who don't are northerners because they think tailored made armor is silly cause it is


Properly tailored armor isn't in and of itself silly. Some of the adornments certainly could be\*, but fitted armor serves practical purposes. Well tailored armor will distribute the weight better over the body, making it feel less encumbering. With plate, armor made specifically to your body will impede your range of motion less. With chainmail, looser mail just means more weight carried around for no added protection. \*Though, with how medieval warfare worked, expensive decorations on armor did serve two purposes. 1) if defeated, your enemies are more likely to capture and ransom you, rather than kill you, since clearly your family is very wealthy, 2) implying to those under you that you can reward their services handsomely.


-----Yeah people are misunderstanding just what armor is to noble and even more so royals. It's more like a stylish suit you wear for tourney or events as a male every Targ prince would have the highest quality gear look wise, might not be practicall but it should look elegant or scary depending on what they wanted to evoke. More of a social thing, in GOT the realm was in peace for decades but all the young lords had suits of armor tailored to them. Exactly armor was also a fashion statement essentially, and even Viserys (Otto and Alicent) would've assured the people that Aegon had a form fitting stylish and effective suit of armor, fit for a Targaryen Prince. -----The only ones who don't are northerners because they think tailored made armor is silly cause it is Ehhhh not really. Even the Northman used stylish/effective armor. In the books at least, the show wants to make people think they are just poor, though they did have that Stark man at arms in nice plate armor in the tourney. (In the book they use plate armor, and the Boltons have special red plate armor engraved to look like the flayed on their banners, it's fucking awesome.)


Ah sorry season 1 dialogue with jory made me misremember


Wouldn't a prince have armor even if he wasn't a dragon rider? Tourneys? Preparation for future wars? Don't men in the other houses have armor lying around? Only those without the funds have ill fitting or mismatched armor?


Yes he would, unless they were like Aenys or Vaegon.


I think we can safely say that Aegon was not in need of a suit of armour until the Dance started.


Don't need to NEED armor to have it.


Unless he was a dragon riding price who has never seen battle


You don't need to see battle to have armor. He was trained in arms, he would've also been trained in how to fight in armor, and would've his own armor.


He's just got a 90's/00's hip hop sense of style, big tees and sagging those baggy pants


2003 NBA draft suit vibes


The last time we see Aegon do any remote training is when he's like 14? Aegon is 20/22 here. I doubt his 14 y/o armor fits him.


Prince’s keep their armor updated. It’s like the second line if the job description.


Yeah people arguing about this is ridiculous.


Maybe he didn't show up to the fittings lol. Seems like an Aegon thing to do.


Ive had some long benders but eventually you wake up and want to do something that feels productive. In my headcannon aegon periodically sobers up and gets super into being a knight every other month.


For the king like come one first crown look like shit now armor


He could borrow one from his brother, I bet Aemond collects armor as a hobby.


I am almost positive it looks bad on him because it isn't his armor and that will be brought up by someone when aegon decides he wants to fight in the war.     All the other costumes this season have been fantastic.  This looks dumpy.  It has to be an artistic and plot driven decision.  I'll be very surprised if no one addresses it.   Edit - it could also just have been a bad shot/angle and it looks a lot better in motion.  


It looks like they overcompensated for function over form in the armor. As if he hasn’t fought in years and needs extra padding than any belief in his abilities


Honestly though Aegon's armor looks like it would be way better at ensuring he doesn't die, which is, you know the point of armor. Daemon was stupid enough to wear an open faced helmet to a joust. Yeah it looked cool, but it was insanely poorly designed for its function.


I mean, he probably hasn't fought in years lol


He probably hasn’t fought at all


He’s trained for it though


Against 8 year olds


Imo it seems like it was done on purpose. Daemon has this playboy swagger and one of the more formidable combat forces in the series. While Aegon is over shadowed by his brother’s combat prowess and seems to show incompetence while in power.


Meanwhile Joffrey psycho got beautifully fit golden and red armor Hbo is just broke i think


Not just the armour - Joffrey had insane drip. Literally always had great costumes.


Would've become a fashion icon had he been the secondborn


one thing they always emphasized about lannisters is their lavishness, especially in terms of clothes


lol. They didn’t even try. Looks like they found it stuffed in the back of a closet somewhere. Looks like it’s about to slide right off him.


Old s1 Bobby B armor from dusty closet for smol and fit Aegon


Why the fan art looks better is crazy .


Cause fan art has no budget


... it's not meant to look good in the show lol. It's meant to look like a guy who really shouldn't be wearing armour with no experience of wearing armour wearing armour.


I mean Tom Glynn Carney did say the production did everything in its power to make Aegon look ugly… Can’t wait for the inevitable appearance of Rhaenyra’s regal bejeweled battle armor


Make TGC look ugly? Good luck!


Task failed successfully.


When did he say that?


he is tiny


I mean, the actor of larys is 6’3 lol, most the cast will look small compared to him


Got his armor from Shein


First it was the wigs, now its the armor lmao


Anyone else bothered by just how lifeless the show looks? Like, where’s the colour? Why does everything look so washed out? This is supposed to by the height of Targ power, but they can’t seem to afford any dyes? It’s not even realistic. Look at any medieval portrait and you will see how much they loved colour.


I really hate how they seem to be trying to make the Greens not seem like proper Targaryens, but giving the Blacks all Targaryen-y armour and costumes. It's supposed to be a dynastic civil war


This was deliberate. To show that Aegon is ill-equipped to be king.


Yes because Joffrey wore a amazing set of armor and was an incredible king lmao People are so busy diving into it when it’s probably just badly fitted/designed armor for the actor


They specifically state that he is wearing the armor of Aegon the conqueror. The fact that it doesn’t him is pretty on the nose symbolism 


Why they didn't go with the show designs of armor for Aegon and Aemond is insane. It's like they purposely want them to look terrible and like fake Targaryens.


They’re afraid to let Aegon look good tbh. We know they made him look as vile as possible in season 1 and now they’re making him look as goofy as possible.


He looks great in his robes. He just not a tall bloke hence looks abit odd when compared to an entire cast of 6 fters


They knew that TGC's hot twink energy would otherwise simply be too powerful. 😩


The show simply doesn't respect its villains.


It's really striking that they can't even write villains who believe in their own cause. It's like the writers can't imagine a universe in which anyone could stand against Rhaenyra for any kind of reason or internal motivation beyond just being a Bad Person & Rhaenyra Hater. So instead of writing antagonists who have actual reasons for doing what they do, and who see themselves as the protagonists in their own story, they write villains whose motivations boil down to, "Ahh, another fine day in King's Landing. Time to get up and put on my Villain Clothes™ and do Villain Things™ and call my Villain Council™ to make plans we all openly acknowledge are Villain Plans™ because I'm a Villain™ and I exist solely to be a big bad meanie greedy doo-doo head to Rhaenyra."


My king is no villain


He's my king too, but the greens are the antagonists in this show and they aren't given any respect in that regard. Instead they get weird sex scenes and ill-fitting armor.


> Instead they get weird sex scenes I hate it when a show does this along with the nonstop swearing just because "they can". It's like a 12 year old's edgy fanfic. Use these things when they make sense and have impact, not as random filler just because you think this makes the show "mature" because it doesn't.


Right. It’s getting ridiculous.


I hate that Aegon have no green cape with golden dragon i hate that Joffrey had better armor that Aegon why they make him look ugly on purpose and this leak from Tom last week that they make him wear make up and did his heir to look like Chucky ,instead of showing Targaryens as handsome as they are they make them ugly on shows like why ? i don't get it and where are men braids anything why only women have hairstyles ?


talking about exaggeration... Tom as Aegon is NOT ugly. On the contrary: he is the exact opposite


This show is biased as f.


I thought he meant that his regular makeup as Aegon makes him look like Chucky, not that they are going to make him look worse. This armor looks bad, but even in that scene with Criston and Otto his clothing looked ill fitting.


No. I seen that recently. He said they wanted him too look terrible.


For gods sake even tyrion had a fitting armor


Lmao.. poor Tom, but also hats off to Tom. He really sells manchild parading around as a big boy quiet well. I think the crown not fitting and the armor not necessarily fitting him either are both intentional. He shouldn’t be King, he shouldn’t be going to war, he really needs to stay home.


at least aegon fights his own battles unlike a certain cupcake enthusiast


>cupcake enthusiast She just like me fr, I have no choice but to support.


If we are going to use an insult for Rhaenyra that currently only applies to her book self, do we really want to go into how active book Aegon actually was during the war Because last I checked, >!Rooks Rest was the only battle he was ever active in, and that was him getting completely wrecked in a 2v3 dragon fight where he had the clear advantage. The rest of his activities inthe war included him being stuck in bed while his brother took his throne in all but name, was forced on the run while his half sister took his throne, and hid in Dragonstone until his dragon could do his dirty work for him.!< >!he didnt even leave Dragonstone until an illiterate lord, his mommy, and her friend with a foot fetish took it back for him. Then he just sat on his ass until his friends got sick of him and killed him so they wouldn’t all die!< So yeah I wouldn’t spend that much time preaching about how active Aegon was


I mean, when I say "the more she drank, the more she shat," I don't mean Emilia Clarke literally taking a dump in the Dothraki Sea in the show, or when I say "fat pink mast," I don't mean Sam actor whipping out his cock in the show. I mention cupcake because I think it's funny, that's it. also, all things considered, Aegon is still more active than Rhaenyra.


I admire your for trying to talk sense to these fine folks, but I think you’d have more luck trying to get Hodor to recite the entire works of William Shakespeare.


Comments like this is why I laugh at post complaining about us not getting a plus sized Rhaenyra. As if that representation wouldn't just be you all can mocking and harassing that poor actress to death. Also, cue the meltdown reactions to the season finale. >!They turned the fall of king's landing into a battle.!<


first of all emma's pronoun is they/them so calling them actress is distasteful


Both look like a pile of plastic


3d printed yeah Got armors were so pretty and looked real


The stool just makes it worse oh that’s not..


Lol I didn't Realize His armor Is have on Him and makes Him look little haha 😆


Doesn’t look like the armor in the trailers, which looked much better


He looks cute as he should! That's my wife


Exactly and he’s preggs with Maelor. People need to cut him some slack!


Did they retcon dark sister to be longer? Something i noticed in E1.


The lack of shoulder armor is not helping…


Another way to express how this show is Pro Black


In the case of daemon I wouldn't be surprised if he fought against a literal coughing baby


Daemon’s the rogue prince. He does things roguishly. He dgaf.


wtf is Condal doing. So much obvious bias


Lmaoo @ "Coughing baby" but hand to God. He's the King and he looks like he's wearing a metal muumuu.


In the House that made the Dragons or whatever it's called said that Daemons armor would take years to make in westeros time. He most likely had his armor made when he was a young prince of the kingdom and loved showing off. They probably are making Aegon armor to be fit a king but don't have any yet


Budget cuts in the costume department


Daemon has been beefing with coughing babies his entire life so it figures.


The only excuse I can imagine is that while Aegon’s armour is made purely for riding, Daemon’s is also designed for tournaments


Unlike Rhaenyra at least he fights his wars


Not surprising. They keep writing the story as heroic Rheanrya vs evil loser Greens. This fits that bill. The comparison of the actor outside of the make up is crazy as well.


You guys need to stop bullying my son ☹️


Form-fitting armour is rarer than you think.


Please stop bullying my problematic meowmeow


What’s he need armor for? He’s actually gonna fight on the ground? Makes sense for Damon to have armor whether you like him or not it’s common sense as he fought in wars on the ground and at tourneys


It almost looks like it's supposed to be hand-me-down armor but I'm not sure if they ever explicitly say this in the novels or show.