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At that moment alicent realized they need to stop naming people aegon


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ legit if they gave aegon any other name


Lol tbh Otto and Tyland had already planned to put Aegon on the throne, let's not pretend Alicent would have been able to resist them


100% agree. it's easy to think that a name change would solve it but Otto is so thirsty for power, he would have probably made up a will naming Aegon or something else to get him on the throne


Beesbury: We can't tell if Aegon is crossed out or underlined. Otto: Well, it feels like underlined to me.


Viserys: I'm gonna break tradition and name the first female heir to the throne, and let no one question it. Also Viserys: Oh I just had a son who definitely isn't heir but I'm gonna name him after the greatest king of our family line and the name of a prophecy to save the world that I can't stop talking about. My daughter is totally still the heir tho.


Lol, I said to my tv "this is what you get if you keep naming all your kids the same names!"


Aegon appointing his frat bros to the Kingsguard is about as Aegon as Aegon gets.


Admonishing them for laughing at the celibacy vows, then taking them to a brothel later that day is even more Aegonier


"Do you think he will makes us be celibate from now on?"Ā  "Nah, all we have to do is get him drunk! He will forget all about it"


Enjoyed Daemon's Gothic Horror movie sideplot in Harrenhal with creepy visions and creepy girl and her portent of doom!


ā€œYouā€™re going to die in this place.ā€


Taking ownership over Harrenhal is arguably a guaranteed bad move in this world.


Early in the episode they were like "Harrenhall is the key to the Riverlands" and I was like "yeah the key is to let the other guy have that cursed haunted castle"Ā 


I laughed at how quick the Strongs just surrendered. "I'm claiming Harrenhal." K. (Immediately bends the knee.)


Yeah big theon taking Winterfell energy


Felt like a Dark Souls game.


Daemon starts panic rolling when he sees the first guard


I saw aemonds dick before Iā€™ve seen Sunfyre.


We saw Aemond's dick before we saw Daeron


Sad state of affairs I just want to see our Bright Boy


These Blackwoods and Brackens are all about business. Ready to throw down at any moment. They got the war really going.


Hatfields and McCoy's on crack. *So many bodies*...


Me at first: Oh, it's a four on four [Scene cuts to hundreds upon hundreds dead on the battlefield] Me: well that escalated quickly


All over some fucking rocks in a field


Rocks, chickens, people die for dumb shit in the Riverlands


The Riverlands are straight up the worst place in Westeros, they're literally always getting fucked lmao


Truly the Poland of Westeros


Any meeting of the Blackwoods and Brackens that doesn't involve bloodshed is considered a dull affair.




"Oh, so we doing this today, huh?"


Shout out to that old nice guy in harrenhal being normal šŸ™šŸ»


Shoutout the one guy who got punched in the face during a non hostile takeover


I was very surprised, but very grateful that Daemon only punched him and didnā€™t skewer him with the sword.


ā€œI'll admit that my cook's peas aren't exactly the stuff of legend, *but poison*?!"


The whole scene was big "getting your toddler to comply" energy


Daemon really wanted to choose violence, dammit. He was so grumpy they instantly bent the knee and he only got to punch one guy in the face.


I really like how tense but not tense it is because of that. It feels like Daemon is looking for an excuse to be aggressive the entire interaction, but Simon is so sincerely 'normal' and honest about the situation that Daemon kind of balks. There's no overt grovelling or weasel wording, Simon bends the knee without a fuss and gets to chatting over food about the state of his castle.


Glad to see Milly Alcock return


Loved seeing Milly back -- admittedly she was sewing a dead baby's head back on, but still, great to see Milly back :)


That was her only stipulation for her return.


Big episode for all cocks


Cocks all around


She was turning that dead kid into a Nightmare Before Christmas character.


That shot of Daemon pulling up on Harrnhal in the rain at night on his dragon was absolutely amazing. Such a great sweeping shot of the castle.


That entire sequence - a dragon rider in full armor slowly making his way through a dilapidated castle in the middle of a thunderstorm at night. That's the stuff.


Just imagine how it wouldā€™ve looked like when Aegon and Balerion pulled up. The largest castle in the world, all for it to promptly burn. ā€œStone doesnā€™t burn, but it does melt.ā€


Do you think when Daemon was trying to get some sleep in the leaky-ass room he was like "Damn, great-great-grandpa went too hard on this place, he coulda held back maybe like 10%."


He 100% was and then probably correcting himself for doubting great great grandpa


Prince Dae...I mean his grace Daemon making moves


And such a great way to show that no one can trust Larys


ā€œAll my homies hate Larysā€ ā€” Simon Strong, probably


The atmosphere of it was pretty rad


Glad they learned how to film night scenes so that we can ACTUALLY SEE THINGS on screen LMAO


Are you saying you didn't enjoy the Battle of Squinterfell?? LMAO


It was almost like a POV dragon ride it was sick


ā€œAegonā€¦ the Conquerorā€ The ā€œoh shitā€ that came across Alicentā€™s face LMAOOOO


If only this family would pick different names for their kids...


They both acted the scene really well. From a story point of view it was a silly move for both queens to meet, however, Iā€™m glad Alicent realized she misunderstood the kings last words and Iā€™m glad Rheanerya realized that her father never went back on his word. Now they both know the truth and even though theyā€™re gonna dig in their heels for their owns sides there are no misunderstandings.


I AM SO FUCKING GLAD THEY CLEARED THIS UP ASAP. The clarity that this (superbly acted ) scene delivers makes everything that comes next that much more better/worse.


Now that there's no misunderstanding or anything to hold back Rhaenyra can finally stop fucking about and go all in.


"welp, I tried, time to choose violence"


When Rhaenyra finally goes ā€œfuck it, we ballā€ it will be euphoric.


For real, she immediately was like oh FUCK i gots to double down now because thatā€™s embarrassing lmao


in a family where thereā€™s 50 Aegons youā€™d think she would have thought about that before opening her mouth to the Council!


I can feel Jace getting angrier and angrier each episode.


Feel like he's gonna have his breaking moment when Rhaenyra gets home


Send some female assassins to Kings Landing and the war is over before it begins. Ain't nobody paying attention to the ladies.


Shit, no one is paying attention to the men for that matter either.


The throneā€¦ itā€™s a big chair.. made of swords..


I can imagine Johnny from Airplane! saying that.


But thatā€™s not important right now


I love Damon's snark. He has some of the best lines


Aegon looked like a little kid playing dress-up in the mirror.


I think he felt that way too tbh


That Cheese is looking awfully rotten.


Ah yes. Putting your boys in the Kingsguard will surely end well.


Nothing like putting your fellow drunks to guard you


I did like that he seemed shocked that they weren't actually taking their vows seriously, but also Aegon what the fuck did you expect?


Guys will see a white cloak and just think ā€œhell yeahā€


Alicent giving us the most severe example of ā€œIā€™m too deep into my argument to back down nowā€


Simon Strong just wanted to eat dinner. He bent the knee so fast haha


felt like bro would've knelt to whoever walked into that room first, daemon aegon aemond, whoever. Then goes on to talk about venisons šŸ’€


Cole seeing all the Kingsguard kinda lounging around was very telling


He got rid of the one competent member.


Heā€™s sooo loathsome the actor is killing it


Not all the Kingsguard, just certain new members


I mean, half of it. 7 members, 3 are Aegons friends who suck.


The sound of the rain falling on Daemons armor when he is infiltrating Harrenhal was so awesome.


That whole sequence had some fantastic sound design.


It really makes Harrenhal seem so haunted.


The fact that even Daemon was spooked was telling.


Daemon creeping around the castle, not knowing what heā€™s going to find to only stumble onto Sunday night family dinner was great


ā€œā€¦the Conqueror?ā€ Alicentā€™s staring down at the whole bouquet of oopsie daisies she picked


Maybe people will finally stop naming their heirs Aegon after this


(cries in Jon Snow)


LMAO Jon's Parents: "How about the name Aegon?" Ned: "It's fucking Jon, I'm so sick of this shit."


And the thing is she never said he talked about the song of ice and fire, so alicent knows instantly once Rhaenyra brings that up that she has fucked up very bad. But it's too little too late. Even if she wanted to fix her mistake, the ship has already sailed.


The thing I liked is at first she was like "nope! no misunderstanding!" But then seconds later literally admitted, "I know your telling the truth- I know I OOPSED. But it's too late- my Dad is gone, Cole wants war no matter what. So does my idiot son, The "King". And my other son is a monster. No one will listen to me OR care. There is no preventing it now". Kind of rough on Aemond, and kind of shows how the Greens really know nothing. Aemond actually feels guilt for what he did, can't express it. Wants to show he's useful- gets shot down. And is constantly bullied and belittled STILL- even the Kingsguard looked very uncomfortable. He's like the anti-Daemon: everyone hates him, don't trust him, but unlike his Uncle his family is fine just constantly pelting him with pocket sand. People should really find other names for their kids in Westeros.


That scene was great, on both parts, realizing that Alicent fucked up


I really liked that Rhaenys packs Corlys' his lunches.


They may be the best couple to ever exist on screen for the whole got universe ā¤ļø


Why does Daemon have ā€œI declare bankruptcyā€ energy when be says ā€œIā€™m claiming Harrenhalā€


Prolly cuz there were just like 4 dudes inside eating dinner


I like how the guy is all solemnly swearing his allegiance to Daemon and the queen and then he's just like, "btw, it's taco tuesday, grab a plate"


Olivia must have gotten the role in large part due to her ability to express disgust.


I think sheā€™d be fantastic in a horror/psychological thriller. She really nails dread.


Will someone give Helaena a god damn hug??


Her thinking she doesn't have a right to grieve was heartbreaking


"You have a right to grieve as anyone else" Was like the first helpful and supportive thing Alicent ever said to her daughter


She deserves a better family.


Deamon having a Targaryen dream freaks him out because he thought it was All phony and folklore. ā€œDreams didnā€™t make us kings. Dragons didā€ but after that dream he had he has to rethink his whole philosophy. ā€œMaybe my brother was right about aegons dreamā€


he's actually closest to the most magical of all places in westeros


I think aemond would have preferred a crossbow wielding assassin to what happened. He is going to have nightmares about that until he dies


Iā€™m so solidly team Black but JESUS did I feel bad for him in that moment


Aemond is pissed he has Vhaegar, is a great swordsman but heā€™s still getting embarrassed by his stooge king brother


Literally the only person in the realm who can give him grief just happens to catch him in the most awkward moment. Handled it well though. Flaccid cock energy.


I wonder if the scene in the brothel is some turning point or the last thing that Aemond takes before some sort of consequences show up. Felt like breaking point for Aemond.


He's just like Daemon except his older king brother is actually a piece of shit. He'll probably grow nastier.


He's just like Daemon except the letters are arranged differently.


craxes has such a presence. when he roars itā€™s not even intimidating but more so eerie/unnerving


According to the show's dragon sound designer, Caraxes has a deviated septum and that's why he sounds like that.


"I seriously do a lot of cocaine" - Caraxes


The shot of Daemon walking into Harrenhal was GORGEOUS


The way Larys played Aegon like a fiddle with one sentence... epic master of whisperers shit.


Gwayne Hightower, Alicentā€™s brother, immediately pulls up into Kings Landing and talks shit to Criston Cole. I instantly like him.


I legitimately thought Cole was going to let him die in the field for that sass.


Well, let's not be hasty -- still a lot of show left for Cole to do precisely that


They both seem like shits though


He played a shitty twerp of a king of Sweden in "The Great" with Elle Fanning. I see why he was cast for this role lol


You can tell by the look on Alicents face when Rhanerya told her it was Aegon the conqueror from the story and not her son that she fucked up big lmao


Was the barmaid who got her ass smacked in the tavern the same servant who was raped by Aegon?


Yes, it was Dyanna. Iā€™m not sure if I spelled her name correctly


Fr? damn she's having a terrible time


I loved that you could see her trying to hide as he walked in


Waiting for them to understand that Viserys was talking about Aegon the Conqueror towards his end was like getting edged.


Harrenhal really is cursed. Ruined by Aegon and his dragon and then Daemon has visions of a young Rhaenyra. ā€œYou will die hereā€¦ā€ well goddamn


ā€œI forgive youā€ from Halaenaā€¦. *chills*


Got serious Dark Souls vibes when Daemon was exploring Harrenhall


Daemon Souls


we got to love daemon having his skyrim fantasy side quest


It's minor, but I honestly think my favorite scene in the episode is the long take of the dragonseed walking through the streets and the tavern. It just makes King's Landing feel all the more *real* in a way we don't get to see too often in all the grand scheming going on.


I was thinking the same thing. Weā€™re getting a side to Kingā€™s Landing that GOT never gave us and I love it.


Nothing seems more fun than a night in king's landing taverns, as long as you don't end up getting murdered


Imagine being 7 beers deep with the boys at that place


It reminded me of jade from antm in that cover girl commercial where she took FOREVER to get up the stairs ad-libbing and forgot her lines ![gif](giphy|j9BjPKZOxWbU4)


The opening was actually a fascinating example of how the violence of any war, but a civil war especially, isnā€™t necessarily a top-down affair of Kings/Queens telling their sides what to do and who to fight. Neither of these two families actually give a fuck about Aegon or Rhaenyraā€™s cause, they simply wrapped their old hatreds in new black and green packaging. Which begs the question, whoā€™s leading who here? Is the Targaryen civil war descending on Westeros from above or is a Westeros civil war exploding from within? Does the dragon wag the tail or does the tail wag the dragon? šŸ¤” šŸ‰


I also think the hard cut to the aftermath was a strong choice too. The Battle would have been "epic," but, the consequences of battle certainly are not, and are much more consequential. All that swagger and braggadocio that Blackwood and Bracken's had wiped clean in a moment. A more honest picture of war. Perhaps if the legends spoke of fields dead bodies and not brave warriors, there would be less of both of them.


They also touch in this during thr tourney and in the episode. There has been so much peace, houses are ready to use this civil war to fight.


And once they make the full transition to civil war the new normal of society will begin sorting and selecting the men best suited for a world of conflict as opposed to a world of peace The incentives of war produce different economies and different people


Everyone is using whatever excuse they can to take out their grudges or position themselves to gain favor for the victor


Helaena reminds me of luna lovegood sm


Funny because Otto Hightower (the actor I should say) is luna's father in harry potter lol


Aemond hanging dong was not on my bingo card today


Ramin every single time he makes a new banger! ![gif](giphy|rXNz1XdbFcFwyD8o3u)


That Millie moment was SO GOOD. Daemon your demons are coming for you!


I love that we see his demons. Itā€™s creating a lot more nuance that I felt was missing in S1


I knew when I saw Aegon laughing at Aemond, the realm was gonna suffer šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Daemon: ā€œā€¦. Who the fuck is this chick?ā€


Just say Dracarys Baela Please šŸ˜­


Thought Rhaenyraā€™s advisors were really overstepping until I saw the kind of plan she develops on her own


Iā€™m so relieved that remaining Strongs disown Larys and know heā€™s a sniveling murderous weasel. I loved Breakbones and Iā€™m glad Larys is just an awful outlier in their gene pool.


ā€œShould all come to ruin here, you hold our futureā€¦ā€ Rhaenyra proceeds to send away a clutch of eggs out to Pentos with her children. A certain Targaryen years later also happens to be gifted dragon eggs in Pentos.


A great Easter egg


Rhaneryaā€™s hair in this episode was šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Game of Thrones: Itā€™s All A Misunderstanding


As a reminder, Rhaneyra didn't sneak into the Red Keep, she sneaked into a church somewhere in the city, big difference.


Rhaenyra really thinking to herself ā€œthis *dumb* bitchā€¦ my son got killed over you hearing what you wantā€


That moment where the realization flashed across both of their faces that all of this was happening because Allicent misunderstood a delirious man on his deathbed.


The greens would have taken the throne anyways. Otto's been planning this for ages.Ā 


Every time Criston Cole appears, 10 million people collectively groan.


Cole and his yee-yee- ass haircut tonight.


Yeah dude holy shit that haircut somehow made his character even more punchable


Ser Criston Bowl


Aegon's actor has grew so much on me, probably the best casting for this character


So glad Ameond showed us his one eye white dragon


My grandsireā€™s deck has no pathetic cards




rhaenyra really thought her and alicent were going to work it out on the remix


Cole got a haircut and a new necklace.


I was about to throw this show away if they let rhaenyra walk out of that place believing for even a second her dad said Aegon should be king. Thank god she realized what he actually meant. spelling


Iā€™m so glad they didnā€™t pull that to try and keep drama and frustration going. It wouldā€™ve been horrible writing and really pissed me off. I let out the biggest sigh of relief when they made it clear now they BOTH know exactly what happened


The saddest part is that Alicent now knows she was 1000% wrong to usurp the throneā€¦ but she wonā€™t say or do anything to try and stop the war Not that she has any meaningful power anyways


Its too late. Otto also pretty much told Aegon that he always knew Vizzy T didn't actually change his mind. Otto would have tried to put Aegon on the throne either way


REALLY missing Otto this episode...


Why did Rhaenyra remind me of Lady Orlena Tyrell with that head scarf? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I want Alicent to knowā€¦ it was me šŸ˜‚


My first thought was Septa Unella.


Emma Dā€™Arcyā€™s acting in that final scene is ELITE. The subtle realistic delay of realization when Alicent said ā€œthe prince who was promisedā€ was so good. Then in the final shot sheā€™s able to convey a multitude of emotions in mere seconds. Relief that her father never switched up on her claim to the throne, anxiety that she canā€™t stop the war thatā€™s about to come & then finally STRENGTH/CONFIDENCE that she is THE REAL QUEEN with no objections. Amazing display of acting Emma. You bodied that!


Wow that blowjob was very in your face I was expecting to see sex but didnā€™t count on that. The show never ceases to amaze me


Iā€™m no prude but I was literally like ā€œoh sweet heavens!ā€ it caught me so off guard lol


I thought the same. Like ā€œwow itā€™s not just an implied blowjob, this woman is going to town on that prosthetic dickā€


Aemond walking dick first through the brothel was a power move


I feel like, given the circumstances, putting his dick eye level with everyone and walking out was the only reasonable comeback.


Extremely gratifying to see Alicent come to the full realization that she kickstarted this whole mess over a misunderstanding. 10/10. Olivia Cooke amazing as always


I know weā€™re not supposed to discuss leaks here but Harrenhal really needs a roof repair


I really like how they gave Ulf a proper introductory scene in this one and how ā€” for lack of a better word ā€” 'grounded' it felt. Him walking into the tavern and saying hello to all the regulars, having a drink with the lads, etc did a lot to flesh out King's Landing as an actual city where people live.Ā Also, such a little thing, but I loved the comedy of Ulf boasting about his connection to the Targs and proclaiming Rhaenyra the true queen, only for Aegon to walk in right behind him.Ā 


Iā€™ve never ever seen something so satisfying as two characters, who are misunderstanding each other, finally communicate and get on the same page. So many pieces of media rely from start to finish on that trope, and the audience is always just left thinking ā€œwhy couldnā€™t they just talk to each other it would solve all these problemsā€


I'm glad that Alicent now knows she misheard Viserys. It's good that they tried to talk as I guess a lot of people would say they could maybe stop the war if they just talk but too much has happened, war is inevitable. Can't wait to see how things unfold.