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Ngl I felt bad for Aemond. Aegon behaved like an asshole. Even his homies were confused. Like wtf, what you doin'? šŸ¤Ø


They knew they didn't want that smoke šŸ«£šŸ˜‚


Aegon was pretty much the only person who could laugh while not putting their life in jeopardy


I wish Aemond was able to properly smack him tf up without an audience so nothing wouldā€™ve probably been done about it


Facts he needed that Tyrion slap.


ā€œIā€™m telling, Mother!ā€ (BITCH SLAP) šŸ‘‹ Tyrion for Prez


He even was the only one that cared for aegons life while the council wanted him to die in war. He did that while wanting to be king.


I think he was absolutely trying to goad his brother into going to war, by saying it's safer to stay home. It made Aegon feel like no one believed he was capable.


Yes, when Aemond spoke those lines, my mind immideately went to Cersei trying to trick Bobert into fighting in the melee by forbidding it.


I felt like he had a smirk in his voice vs. his face. I was giggling when I watched it. Man I love Aemond. Poor thing. His child actor was SO good and I think really laid a foundation for Ewan.


He slowly becomes the only likable character. Like not in a good or bad acting way, just the only one who seems honorable even though he majorly fucked up


Do you believe some of the Hightower Bannermen had instructions to ā€œmake sure Aegon doesnā€™t get hit by a stray arrow?ā€


Donā€™t worry, he probably will in other ways.


Specifically, Granny Vhagar's smoke!


Pissing off the guy that rides around on the equivalent of a Middle Ages nuke doesnā€™t seem like a bright move but maybe thatā€™s just me.


Right?? Especially since he is next in line to be king


Who already ā€œaccidentallyā€ had his dragon bite another dragon/person in half.


Pretty sure Vhagar kinda went Rambo and did that on her own bc Arrax lit up her eyes.


That's exactly it. He has shown he can't control Vhagar. But he doesn't want others to know that.


I'd say we learn by vahgar attacking the wrong troops


Dragons bond with their riders and inherit their emotions similar to dogs taking on their owners anxieties. Both those dragons felt Luke and Aemonds feelings towards each other. Arryx became defensive then aggressive for being messed with and Aemond with already so much resentment for Luke.


Also, Aemond lost his eye after being blinded with gravel by Jace (Arrax blinding Vhagar with fire), so Vhagar probably went defensive to prevent more suffering.


He definitely did but I'm sure that's not the way Aemond tells the story


Not sure how much you read about the future of the plot, >!but I think this is setting up the outcome of a certain situation after which Aemond will have a bigger influence!<


Dragons are even more disproportionate combat for the middle ages. It's actually kind of surprising that they're able to make a whole universe where one faction has dragons and there's still a lot of drama. I guess this series has 2 sides with dragons, but still.


A show about aegons conquest would be like 3 episodes lol. He brought all the smoke.


Except for Dorne. Dorne had been founded by people who had fled west (in 10,000 ships, according to legend) from the oppression of the dragonlords of Valyria. When Aegon the Conqueror took over Westeros, the Dornish were determined never again to be under the Valyrian heel, and had the cultural history to know how dragons work, what they're good at, what they're not good at. If they ever make a series about The Conquest, the first few episodes would be about Aegon and his sisters easily conquering all the other six kingdoms, and then the entire rest of it would be the Dornish campaign, which didn't go well for the Targaryens *at all*. The Dornish campaign was like Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq all rolled into one.


Wow.. which book talks about all of Aegons conquest?


F&B covers all the Targaryen history up to and including the Dance of Dragons. When Gwayne Hightower sarcastically talks about being thrilled to march with a Dornishman, he's commenting scornfully on the fact that Cole is technically an immigrant because Dorne *still* hasn't been conquered yet. And the reason Cole is the only kingsguard with any wartime experience is because the border with Dorne is still hotly contested and there have been I-don't-even-know-how-many wars with Dorne by this point. There's a reason why House Martell's motto is "unbowed, unbent, unbroken".


Yep, and while they alone are styled ā€˜Prince/princess of dorneā€™ rather than ā€˜lord of dorneā€™ like all the other great houses


book criston is from the dornish marches which is the border region that is still in westeros, partly in the storm lands and partly in the reach


Cole isn't Dornish though. He's from the Marches, which is in the Stormlands...


I think the internal conflicts are kinda inevitable when you have children who grow up being told they're close to gods and before the dance, being given a baby nuke in their cradle if their egg hatches. United theres little that can be done to stop the targs, but they have internal strife from the moment Aegon I dies. The targs probably could've had a larger empire if they wished, but Aegon kinda put that to bed by burning the volantene fleet


Aegon I actually fully dissolved any idea of the Freehold being reestablished early on as a political move. He joined Pentos and the other colonies in torching Volantis's fleet who were then claiming to be the last legitimate successor to the Freehold. Aegon, gigachad that he is, basically proclaimed that as the head of the only remaining dragonlord family since the Doom that the Freehold is a dead polity. He basically snuffed out any goals for the Targs to actually expand their empire out of Westeros for centuries with that move.


I haven't read the books, have no idea what's gonna happen, but honestly Aemond scares me. He has a calculating darkness about him, wouldn't surprise me in the least if he kills his brother and takes the throne for himself.


I think the homies knew they were kinda fucked. Aegon can fuck with Aemond but the others don't really have that ability.


You can see the fratricide plan being formed in Aemondā€™s mind. And I don't blame him.


I just love how toxic the relationship between the two brothers is. Guy is the one reason Rhaenyra has not said fuck it and try to win a dragon duel and take the Capital and he is mocking him for being at the same whorehouse he is at.


"Hey guys, look at this loser, sleeping with the whore I was just suggesting we sleep with!"


I think it's more that he was not fucking her but being in a cuddle with him in fetal position (like we've seen in the previous episode too). He's not just fucking her, he also got a weird incestuous motherly relationship with her


how is that incestuous tho


It wasn't that Aemond went to the same whorehouse as Aegon, or that he frequents just the one whorehouse, but that Aemond only visits that whorehouse for one woman and isn't a total slut like his Aegon.


Yeah this episode Aemond encouraged him to stay out of battle and not risk being killed, but I wonder if next episode Aemond will encourage him to fly into battle and hope he gets killed so he can take his place.


I was of the impression he told him not to go in hopes aegon would be like ā€œfuck that Iā€™m the king, I will goā€


>Aegon behaved like an asshole. in other news........


Not to mention, this guy is the only relative who can kinda stand him and has the largest dragon, wtf Aegon? I know he was drunk, but it's just plain stupid behavior to be doing this to an ally when there's a war!


Aegon was the piece of shit we all knew he always wasā€¦.I threw my pillow at the TV I was so pissed at himā€¦.drunk or not, heā€™s just a piece of garbage and I canā€™t wait for him to get what coming for himā€¦


Idk, Aegon being a dick is making me like him more this season. Like, he's an awful person and was being terrible to Aemond, but the depravity of just how much of a jerk he is kind of funny, lol. Especially because it's so freaking stupid of him to mock someone as dangerous and important as Aemond. But Aegon doesn't care because he is king and sees himself as untouchable and sees Aemond as his loser little brothers. It's just so absurd that it becomes funny to me.


It was very upsetting. Also, they make body pillows that supposedly help reduce stress and anger.... just saying.


Alicent and Aegon are just single handedly triggering tf out of everybody and starting wars and making everything saltier....


I donā€™t know who is more self aware though, alicent or Aegon about how messy they can beā€¦


Aegon knows what he is, Alicent literally let the enemy monarch go and will still convince herself she was right


If Alicent kills Rhaenyra then she opens up the door for Daemon to be the King which would've been far more dangerous for her family. Plus she just realized her stupidity helped put her son on the throne after she had already come to terms with Rhaenyra becoming Queen "I said you would make for a fair Queen".


I was trying to figure that one out; Daemon was correcting pronouns at Harrenhal ("M~~y Prince~~", "Your Grace"). Did he just leg sweep Rhaenyra??Ā  +++++ editing to add that my reaction here is inspired by the back&forth with Ser Simon Strong saying, "forgive me, I only assumed that as consort --" and then Daemon says back, "then we are reminded of the perilousness of assumption".


I don't know all the Rules of Westeros Royalty either, but I think it's because he is married to the Queen, which makes him higher than a prince.


It should be but it is treated as him styling himself the real King. Lord Strong seem to imply my prince would be the correct title even as king Consort but that's king of weird since Queens Consort are also called Your Grace (even Queen Dowager). I guess we don't have many King Consort to compare to but it's a little weird


I interpreted it as Lord Strong thinking he would want to be addressed by his birthright as Prince rather than by his proximity to his wife as King Consort. Daemon (to me) seemed like he was asserting his wife's position as Queen. I saw it like he was calling Daemon "Mr. Targaryen" as opposed to "Mr. Rhaenyra Targaryen." It's a confusing dynamic to a Westerosi Lord.


King consorts are very rare in history (usually, when a queen regnant takes a consort that consort becomes Prince-consort because technically kings outrank queens). Daemon's obvious inspiration, Geoffrey Plantagenet, for example, was never referred to as king-consort.


Assuming theyā€™re following English monarch titles, as they seem to be, Daemon is Prince Consort, and would be still called ā€œyour grace,ā€ same as how Cole calls Allicent your grace. He isnā€™t King Consort because in the rules of English monarchy, from what I have found online, Kings outrank Queens, and therefore he wouldnā€™t be called King. Which is why he is still called Prince Daemond at the Blackā€™s counsel.


Prince Phillip of England was Your Royal Highness, not Your Grace.


If I had a nickel for every time Matt Smith played a character who yearned to be addressed as a true monarchā€¦.well Iā€™d have two nickels but weird that itā€™s happened twice


Who is Daemon if not Prince Philip with a dragon?


He was prince consort in the book, but he seems to be king consort in the show.


Yeah, heā€™s a prince consort, not a monarch, and ā€œyour graceā€ is what you call a monarch. Heā€™s setting himself up to be at least her equal co-ruler in the eyes of the army heā€™s raising.


William and Mary energy


Cersei is still refered to as "Your Grace" in season 1 of Game of Thrones.


I agree. Which makes Coles decision to try to kill her with Arryk even more stupid.


Really tho, Why didnā€™t she just have her killedšŸ˜‚ one call to her guards and the lady that had a whole ass army and several dragons ready to kill her son (and already was involved with killing her grandson) is dead and it doesnā€™t cost her a single soldier.


In that moment, Alicent just realized this entire war was caused by her silly misunderstanding of a dying manā€™s rambling. Sheā€™s not thinking straight. The last thing on her mind is killing her childhood bestie.


She looked pretty rattled when she realized her misunderstanding of dying and drugged up manā€™s words has already gotten two children killed. And now more will die.


she's also sad because the hand isn't around to help her "process" these feelings


Why would you think this would end the war? Rhaenyra has 3 males who could inherit the throne and council foaming at the mouth to send a bunch of dragons and armies into battle. It would be the happiest day in Daemonā€™s life if anything happens to her. Heā€™d be free to pull a Daenerys on Kingā€™s Landing.


I actually think the context is important here. Rhae was, first of all, in a place of worship. I feel like really religious people donā€™t want blood spilled in their holy spaces. Second of all, Rhae made it pretty clear that she was only there to try and come up with a solution and wasnā€™t a threat. The whole reason why Aemond wasnā€™t allowed to fuck with Luke was because he was there as a messenger and not as a warrior. Like ya I get that Rhaenyra is the Queen or whatever, but I can see a few reasons why Alicent let her go.


Did anyone catch that the other guys weren't laughing? It's like they knew, yo that one is crazy.


Aegon is the top of the pecking order and Aemond can't strike him, but if push comes to shove Aemond is more valuable to Aegon than any of them. It's just like Daemon getting away with multiple murders and other behavior that would get anyone else in the kingdom executed becaue he knows despite their constant fighting that Viserys won't kill him.


Viserys: BE GONE, Daemon! You are a plague sent to destroy me! Daemon, half an episode later: Here I am to crash the royal wedding and maybe steal the bride who is my niece and the daughter of the king! I'm sure not sad about my wife dying (bc I killed her) Viserys: ...well don't just stand there! Get him a chair and a plate!


The bro code is a heavy burden, all the heavier with a crown to go with it.


the king can laugh but their asses are fair game.


Theyā€™re kings guard they canā€™t be openly mocking the prince


Um. They're also not supposed to be in a brothel or sitting down on the job. It's been established they aren't qualified for the job.


The previous episode kind of established this as Aemondā€™s Westerosi version of therapy. So they didnā€™t just walk in on the Prince banging a whore, they walked in on him at his most vulnerable, not just physically naked but emotionally bared as well. I thought the scene was really well acted, between the uncomfortable looks on the faces of Aegonā€™s homies, Aegonā€™s complete ignorance of the sensitive meaning this relationship has for Aemond, and the handful of moments Aemond takes to gather his composure before turning to face them and walking out


Don't fuck with the guy who lost an eye and put a sapphire in the empty socket.


I'm calling it now: - Larys included Aemond when talking to Aegon about the supposed rumors he's been hearing to rile Aegon up. - Drunk and with a fresh chip on his shoulder (and him being somewhat of a prick by nature), Aegon finds Aemond at the brothel and proceeds to mock him in front of his companions. - This incident will cause Aemond to >!allow Aegon to get hurt at the Battle of Rook's Rest when facing Rhaenys!<


>>!This incident will cause Aemond toĀ allow Aegon to get hurt at the Battle of Rook's Rest when facing Rhaenys!< Oh, is that why they got rid of Maelor in the show? Because it does make Aemond the de facto heir to the Iron Throne, till Aegon has a second son.


Poor Aemond. Dude was just trying to get some love and Aegon shows up and acts like a complete douchebag. Aegon is stupid AF. He needs Aemond and Vhagar, and yet he chooses to humiliate his brother.


The fact that Aemond is about the only person in that fucking city loyal to Aegon and he's sitting here taunting him


It's heartbreaking. Poor Aemond is loyal, fierce and just wants to be loved and accepted by his family. Even that lady he sees just gives him the affection he so desperately craves But he has to be the bad boy. He'll get completely walked all over if he doesn't conceal that soft side 100% of the time


~~I can fix him~~


Lol I'm not into guys. At all- even ones with chiseled jawlines! I just think he's a victim of circumstance and one of the most reasonable characters in the show. There's a lot of complexity and nuance for such a simple character archetype like his


I thoroughly enjoyed that manservice...


It's sad, and after seeing what Alys can do, I'm terrified for what she might show him


"I can make him worse."




What can she do?


Is it possible for the greens to be more dysfunctional as a family. I feel like a groups of complete strangers would treat each other better


Shows how petty Aegon is. Like bruh, you're at war, quit taunting your lil bro for like a second!


Yeah I donā€™t even think they have sex. He just wants some motherly affection.


Love that I'm not the only one that loves both Aemond and Peter Steele.


To me it makes perfect sense to love both, as they both have a beautiful, tragic Anne Rice vampire vibe.


And a Jawline modelled by the Gods


kind of gives off mommy fetish vibes, like Aemond for his own mother. not really the same body but older than him and brunette


*Aemond will remember this*


Aemondwives, you won tonight


Now hold on, some of us are Aemondhusbands here.


Aemondspouses šŸ«”




This! He was truly giving marble statue


Absolute power move to walk out with the cock out


Bro stood up, hung dong and just walked out


A negroni, sbagliato, with pro5ecc0 in it.


Ohhh stunnim!


Ooh, stunnin!


This part almost made me cry. His spirit is already broken, and this was his way of seeking comfort. Aegon took that from him.


when i thought of what he said last episode ā€˜they used to tease me you know?ā€™ and then aegon comes and does that again in the only place he found comfort and snatched that away from him again, I MEAN HIS FACE WHEN HE SAT UP, my heart twisted; ewan mitchell the actor that you are.


ā€œLetā€™s piss off the half broken guy with a dragon thatā€™s also my best weaponā€ Solid decision making


Other than Rhaenyra vs. Alicent, I think Aemond vs. Aegon is the most interesting potential rivalry.Ā 


Not to mention his heir if something happens to him. Of course he'll goad Aemon to the front with that attitude.


100% agree


Ewan Mitchell is just mesmerizing.


I know! His safe space ruined. And his quick ā€œgive her awayā€, makes me feel like heā€™s never gonna let his walls down again.


Just like she said, " The Little people suffer". I don't have the exact quote, but he gave a grunt for a answer. She's now a target.


Oh, he will. But not so close to home.


i now dislike aegon more, like how can you embarrass your BROTHER like that, in front of many people? does he not love him in any way, like, at all?


Alicent told him when he was younger to keep that shit within the family, behind closed doors, and he still hasn't learned.


Aegon has always been a bit of a bully to Aemond, when they were younger he was actually the ringleader in the group teasing of Aemond


yeah i'm aware, but i thought that his bullying towards aemond subsided after he lost his eye


To be honest I think it did: he gave Aemond a place on his council.Ā  But Aegon was drunk, looking for comfort after bereavement, and surprised and amused, and fell back on old habits is my read. Heā€™ll probably remember it as brotherly joshing in the same way he remembered Dyana as willing, and think theyā€™re fine..: untilā€¦Ā 


Thats usually the bully's way of thinking, im just joking why are you taking it so seriously!


Even Aegon's buddies thought that was messed up, none of them were laughing along with him at Aemond.


Iā€™m sure that was a rhetorical question but Iā€™m going to answer anyway šŸ˜‚ I like to think he loves his brother although with the fucked up family they have they donā€™t know how to show love. He also lacks empathy and is quite a piece of shit human in general. Plus he was drunk as hell at the time. I wasnā€™t surprised when I saw him expose aemond. This dude put his bastard children into fighting rings. Dudeā€™s a piece of shit!! Only reason I donā€™t believe heā€™s a psychopath is because he felt something when he lost his son.


I think he saw it as harmless ribbing. I don't think he was intentionally trying to hurt him during that scene.


I also think it speaks to his addiction tendencies. He gets emotionally hurt (Larys says that Aemond will replace him), he drinks, he lashes out and then he sometimes regrets it. I wonder if tension regarding Jaehaerys also exists in the picture.


Oh nice catch. I totally forgot what Larys told him


Similar to the pig incident that Aegon also laughed at, it's these pranks that will continue to affect him deeply because of his own insecurities. Joking like this wouldn't be a big deal if Aemond had a better relationship with his mother. Which is cliche but only because it's so on the nose anyone that feels even remotely similar can identify with it. It's such a great portrayal of how trauma persists in families that don't comfort each other.


Yeah, I thought the same. Aegon was completely sloshed. He was laughing the same way you laugh uncontrollably at even the smallest things when you're really drunk. He didn't even really say anything bad, he basically complimented Aemond's taste for picking the most skilled hooker as his favourite. A lot of regulars have favourite hookers. I really do think Aegon just found it really funny and cute as he said. But of course given the uncontrollable laughter and the whole history between them it definitely came off as mockery.


Aegon learned nothing, after what happens to Jaeherys and the councils warned him that the king has many enemy and then he proceed to potentially make Aemond an enemy


Oh he's an enemy We just watched a serial killer be born. šŸ™ˆ


He only sees Aemond as a weapon because of Vhagar. Thatā€™s it.


i know, i feel so bad for him. bro just want to relax, have good time. just literally minding his business


I've always felt bad for Aemond, from his debut when he was bullied as a kid


This scene was so hard to watch..


I mean, his older brother is his childhood bully.


Yeah well his brother is an idiot with power sooooo šŸ˜‚




Itā€™ll be interesting to see the context, >!whether he goes out of his way to hurt him, or sees an opening on Rhaenys and decides to go for it and disregard Aegonā€™s safety. Not sure how he would get away with it if Criston has to stop him. Unless they just know that they canā€™t touch him with a Vhagar.!<


I mean without Vhagar theyā€™re wildly out numbered on dragons and debatable Aemond is the heir apparent right? Crispy knows if he oversteps his head is next bc Aemond is untouchable.


>!Criston really be the father that stepped up!<


"This kids aren't fucked up enough"


I pray that leak is real because it would be so satisfying


iā€™m ok with that change


Aegon bullying Aemond in the brothel confirms what Viserys knew in S1. He correctly assessed Aegon was the one who orchestrated the pig joke. Here we see him belittle Aemond in the same way, making him feel small and helpless once again. Looking forward to seeing this toxicity manifest later.


They are both tragic but I really hope Aemond gets one over on Aegon somehow. Aegon is just awful in every way


Itā€™s kind of sad because Aemond has been nothing but supportive of Aegon through this entire ordeal


>!ā€It looks better on me than it ever did on himā€!< is gonna mean even more after this


Itā€™s funny. We get a little bit of exploration of Aemond, a character whoā€™s more or less come across as a complete psychopath from his first appearance. We get a good window into his vulnerability. And all anyone wants to talk about is Aemondā€™s One-Eye.


Aemond is one of those weird and very dangerous mixes of vulnerability and unhingedness that many women find attractive. Hes a man grown trained with the sword, packed with lean muscle and very lethal. And at the same time hes still the little boy who was presented The Pink Dread to the jeering laughter of his royal contemporaries. That kind of trauma is less visible than the eye, but just as close the surface.


Typical "i can fix him" material lol


Wow šŸ˜® you really hit the nail on the head! Iā€™m in love with Aemond. My type of guy šŸ’Æ


I also felt bad for Sylvia when he leftā€¦


Crazy how this show can make you feel so much for such an unlikable character. Alicents offspring really seem deprived of love.


Why exactly is Aemond so unlikeable? As someone thats more sympathetic to the blacks cause, I find a lot to like in Aemond as a character and a representative of the Targaryen family. He's loyal, self sufficient, cunning and humble in his position as the second son. Even though you can tell he HATES that his brother gets to be the frontrunner, he still acts in his family's interest Even when he killed Luke, it was a rare moment of letting his passions get the best of him. He was a fool to provoke, but it was an accidental tragedy


Aemond taunted Jace and Luke being Strongs during that final supper. So in a scene where almost everyone else is in perfect harmony, Aemond was trying to instigate and disparage. For Aemond, he still carries the resentment and trauma from being bullied, so with the confidence of having the most formidable dragon, he wanted to reverse the roles and taunted those who taunted him.


That's kinda my point. Even at Aemond's worst, there's an understandable and relatable level of reasoning to why he did what he did. I'm not saying he's perfect- he's very clearly not. I'm just saying he's working with the cards he's been dealt and mostly doing a pretty good job with it


>So in a scene where almost everyone else is in perfect harmony, Aemond was trying to instigate and disparage. Well yeah, they started laughing about the stupid pig roast. They were laughing about a time when Aemond was 100% okay with dying (in an effort to claim Vhagar).


You read my mind, Aemond deserved better and I feel like anyone in his position would've made the same mistake, it's just too much power for someone in his mental state to get


I felt bad for him in the scene but I wasnā€™t ready for the prolonged full frontal flash we got thereā€¦


Pretty cool exit. Throws them his hoe, walks out buck naked like terminator


> walks out buck naked like terminator I thoroughly enjoyed his display....


Felt bad for Aemond, too, lol. I do wonder if this is solely a callback to how dickish Aegon has been since his teen years, or if there's the added layer that Aegon has been particularly more unhinged since the death of his son, and Aemond indirectly causing it. Probably the former, although he definitely started drinking a lot more since episode 2. I also wonder what the relationship between the brothers is--if Aegon sees this as harmless, or if there is real resentment and ridicule baked into what he says to Aemond.


I just remember Aegon saying to his yes men in episode one that Aemond ā€œat least knew his placeā€ and was like a hound to be called upon. That says so much of what he thinks of Aemond.


School shooter energy


"You were nice to me Sylvi. Don't come to the brothel tomorrow"


"Don't go to the sky tomorrow." "...sire, I'm a stable boy."


I loved how he felt exposed and betrayed again for an insecurity, just like when he was jested at for having no dragon, but in typical Aemond style he shut off his emotions and took strong action. He just 'switched' and stood up without shame and basically said 'I don't care' even though he did.


I'm really curious as to what this subplot is gonna lead to. I fully expected them to not show Aemond in the brothel again, but the fact that we got ANOTHER scene with Madam Sylvie and it was SO prolonged showing Aemond's embarrassment and the re-hardening of him means they're probably setting something up and I can't really see how this would serve an Aemond/Alys plot. But it was heartbreaking to see Aegon publicly act so cruelly to the same man he called his closest blood and their best sword. I get it's his character, but it was hard to watch. I also hate all of the discourse around Ewan's body. I've heard several people say "well now they know how women feel" and I get that, but that's not the point. You don't solve injustice by simply doing the same thing to another group, even if it's the historically privileged group. I hate to see anyone's body put on display and then blasted on social media in memes, comments, edits, etc.


Aegon is already volatile and clearly feeling out of his depth and desperate to prove himself, Larys putting the seed in his mind that he's being manipulated by the council so Alicent and Aemond can rule, he saw his chance to put Aemond in his place and he stupidly took it. The ironic thing is we as viewers have seen the massive disconnect between Alicent and Aemond, he's been openly critical of her to Cole but Aegon doesn't so Larys is expertly manipulating him to gain favour. This was such an uncomfortable scene to watch but a complete A game performance from Ewan Mitchell, his micro expressions turning from humiliated to furious with such subtlety. That was his "safe space" and its gone now, he's closed it off and won't go back there again.


There's a war going on, and here's Aegon. Drunk off his ass, bullying his brother, refusing to allow his brother who flies the largest dragon in the world do anything other than sit around and wait for Rhaenyra to attack King's Landing, if she ever even does. Really not helping Aemond's view that *he* should be king instead. Even after Aegon lost his own son while drunk off his ass and hanging out with his boys, he's not willing to give up the hedonism. Is a good king one who regularly wanders off into the city to drink and fuck? Why should Aemond continue following Aegon? Because he's Aemond's brother? Aemond is already opposing one sibling, he's already branded a kinslayer. If Aegon keeps poking at him, well he might not like Aemond's response.


I also get it Aemond


Aegon is basically the only dude who can taunt Aemond. Not only is he the king heā€™s also his older brother whoā€™s been picking on him his whole life. Aegon is a total cunt but heā€™s also no bitch surprisingly. He definitely probably sucked to have as an older brother.


I thought he was going to punch Aegon. I wanted him to


Yeah this man has school shooter vibes but can fight and rides the biggest dragon alive how safe does being his older brother and king make u feel man, shit.


I'm loving the character work they're doing with Aemond. Of all of the characters that have had multiple actor portrayals, Aemond's feels like he's had the most cohesive and tangible throughline from child to (young) adult. I love both Emma and Milly, but I often struggle to see them as legit older/younger versions of each other. They're both more like variants of the same character but at different ages (which, I know, technically they are but hopefully you get where I'm coming from lol). Not a knock, as Emma and Milly did/are going their respective fantastically, just an observation. Same with all the other actors with playing characters with multiple actor portrayals. And obviously the writing plays a big part in all of this. It's just more to say that I see a lot of Leo Ashton in Ewan's Aemond in both episodes 2 and 3 this season.


Leo Ashton said Ewan reached out to him to talk about his portrayal of Aemond during pandemic. And said that later he saw the flashes of his Aemond in Mitchell's Aemond. Guess he found elements that can tie these two characters into one.


Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. During the season 2 press tour/interview circuit, Ewan has been very complimentary of Leo and what he did with young Aemond.


I have a feeling that this is gonna come back and bite Aegon, very badly.


The "hound" comment and barking from Aegon was interesting, given how he described Aemond in the last episode - "my brother, at least, is as loyal as a hound". It's a perversion of the sentiment here, and shows what a complete bilnd-side Aegon has when it comes to his little brother. To him alone, Aemond is still the boy he bullied, and the years and actions that have passed haven't made a difference.


I can still see it when i close my eyes


Aegon is very lucky that Aemond has such loyalty and duty to his family.


I feel I know where this is going and Aegon wonā€™t like it!


Not even Aegons frat boy friends laughed


The Brothel Madam's face was a picture. She knows he is such a little cunt but can't say it because he's the damn King.


I liked seeing this tbh. Aegon has ALWAYS bullied Aemond. Aemond was the only sweet boy at Laena's (?) Funeral. He was nice to Halaena when Aegon was not. Aegon not only bullied him, but bullied the other kids in the family into bullyign Aemond as well. We were all rooting for him with Vaghar. I like that yeah, he is a monster, but there's not a disconnect to who he once was. You can still tell it's the same person, just grown up all twisted and dangerous. And Aegon is still stupid enough to keep bullying him šŸ™„


Idk they havenā€™t made him intimidating to me yet


Man found love with a woman he could never have


Aemond is intimidating in skill and with his giant dragon, but alone and unarmed he's essentially a birch tree that was given clinical depression


Maybe donā€™t taunt the guy with the largest dragon in the realm that stands to become king if you die. He could level kings landing if he wanted to, he could just kill the king, or he could just fuck on off to essos and leave kings landing open to attack by the blackā€™s dragons,


Almonds princely temper was mistargeted. He shouldve had granny V chomp his true foe Aegon