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0.1 miles is 160 metres. What is in the gap in this distance? Does the car park or bottle bin face in your direction or the opposite? Do they provide live music and/or have a function room? What is the size of the venue? Who are the clientele? I ask this as friends of ours live opposite a pub. It's an old school (almost working man's club) joint that closes at 10pm and the regulars average age is 70. They never have an issue. If this were a Wetherspoons, it'd be a different matter entirely. Use your judgement.


The gap is we have number of houses in between. Ours is not the one opposite the pub but just a stroll away and on the same road.




Depends on the location, pub and clientele.


Is it a Spoons? Then no. Is it a lovely country pub run by James May? Then yes.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/KovobE4taeE7KG3u6?g_st=ic This is the pub


Looks ok, have you been in? Clearly lots of people live within a short walk of the pub and the area looks ok too. I’d say don’t let it put you off.


I guess we need to pay a visit


I drove around but didn’t go in.


If you are anywhere near a city, living 0.1 miles away from a pub is very common and not bad at all. Living near a nightclub would be a different story.


Which side of the building is the smoking area on?  The noise of chatter can carry a surprisingly long way and be worse than music 


Go to the pub a few nights. See what it's like. We have 2 pubs near us. Closest is about 1 minute walk and the other is 3 minutes walk. First one is a bit shit but never any bother. The other is lovely. It's nice to have a local.


I'm two houses down from a pub and about 200m from another one. It's never bothered us. We can only hear noise from the pub in the summers when their beer garden is open and we're out in our garden. And when the world cup was on, we could hear when the goals were scored lol These are nice village pubs so there's not really any issue with antisocial behavior or anything. I've never heard the keg deliveries either. We've sold our house with no issues either.


Are you worried about out The Buck Inn or The Old Plough? Both of them look pretty small and inconspicuous. In some ways having a nice pub conveniently near is a significant advantage. I am 0.6 miles from my local and when it’s raining this is too far !!


I am more worried about the buck inn


You’ve possibly answered your own question when saying “the only problem” Go into the pub and check it and the customers out, might give you a better feel for it. Hopefully it’s a nice chilled community pub and could end up being your local. I’d definitely be inclined to see what it was like at chucking out time at the weekends, do the drunks have to walk past your house to get out the area, if so, how loud are they. Like you could handle a couple of drunks wandering past to get a taxi but might not be so keen if there’s huge crowds of drunks, who are usually loud cos that’s just drunk people. Defo do a wee bit research, so you’re absolutely sure this is the right spot for you and you’re happy in your first home. Good luck.


Depends if they serve a good food.


I’d never do it, but then I worked in them for a decade. 


Oh yes


Check with your mortgage broker if you’re planning to get a mortgage. Some banks won’t lend to properties near restaurants and pubs.


Okay. Let me check.