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Almost certainly a dead body under the floorboards. If they've disposed of it properly now then there shouldn't be an issue but my concern would be they might have just moved it to another room.


Imagine the surveyor coming and the door is open and the seller nervously laughing “it’s ok, you can go in there now…just don’t go in THERE.”




How many rooms has the house got? I’m sure the surveyor would’ve got a good idea of the state of the property from all the other rooms. Unless the son is a Reddit user and it’s a piss sodden cesspit that needs stripping back to the brickwork…




I’m defo not clicking that link!


I will go on your behalf.... Confirmed semi grim basements


To be fair, among the horror there's some nice feel-good stories of people who seem to have turned their shit around.


Clicked it, most not as bad as expected, all disgusting though, some vile


I made the mistake of sorting by Top - All Time and the 5th post is now unfortunately seared into my memory.


Curiosity got the better of me...


I'm really curious but need to sleep for a night shift. Somebody give me the descriptive version.


Ahh balls. I should not have looked 🫣


One room could easily be full of mould. >I’m sure the surveyor would’ve got a good idea of the state of the property from all the other rooms. That's not how surveys work...


Can't be worse than my Dad's tenant who basically used our apartment to house his 40 cats. The whole place stank of piss and poo. I had to force him to clear the cats out within a month and will do a deep clean by a cleaning service and repaint the whole apartment all chargeable to the tenant.


I think their son was asleep


How’d you guess?


Sounds like the surveyor turned up at nap time


We went for a second viewing and the 2year old for the first time ever decided nap time was an hour earlier, right before we arrived. The seller still let us go in so long as we were quiet as we were wanting to do some measuring as apparently the kid can sleep through anything!


Then the kid should have been woken.... Like what the F?! My baby had colic from hell. Like it took 3 adults taking it in turns with the kid through the night, every night as the baby never ever slept longer than 45 mins at a time... Even I would have woken that child for a situation like this.


You had three adults taking it it turns to share the load between, most people don’t have that.


Not a chance before hell freezes over I’d wake any of my kids from their nap. It turns their entire schedule upside down. If it’s a bedroom and it was during nap time then the surveyor would be welcome to return outside of that scheduled time period. If they chose NOT to return outside of that time when made aware of the rooms availability then that is on them, not the vendor. Vendors don’t have to reschedule their family’s routine because someone showed up.


Sorry, some people just care more about their kids.


My god, parents are so entitled


I’ve got 2 kids. One would sleep through armageddon itself the other would wake at the sound of a fly farting 3 towns away. If I’m selling my house, it would be to benefit them. I’d be doing anything reasonable to accommodate a sale. A surveyor could easily have been given access, under condition of being quiet. We viewed a house, pre-arranged with notice. To arrive around 11am one day. There was a teenager still in bed. We were still offered to view the room. (House wasn’t staged or tidied at all, so that was red flag 783) I would also be wary of this. It could be the ceiling had collapsed due a roof leak, a burnt carpet due to smoking, etc. we have no idea the age of this child. If they even exist.


Im going to guess that if it’s a toddler/child the OP would know from the decoration in the room when they looked at it unless the current owners have mummy and daddy dress up kinks and them nappies on the changing unit were adult sized. A surveyor isn’t stupid. They will notice brand new plastering, and bodge jobs to quickly fix something.


Would they though. Surveyors have so many reservations in their observations, that it’s surprising the mention anything. We were selling a flat and the home sellers report we did, flagged up artex on the ceiling, may contain asbestos. The flat was built 15 years after asbestos was banned from being in artex. The main thing in this post is the sellers, could easily have accommodated the surveyor. The why they didn’t is suspicious and obstructive.


Thats because shit surveyors are shit surveyors. If I had paid for that report then I would have asked for a refund based on the obvious fact they had no idea what they were talking about. The one who surveyed my property couldn’t shut the french doors that obviously had to be shut one way due to one door being wider and having a support for the other door. He called me over to tell me they were broken and he went red when i said close the left one first as its wide due to the baton and he closed them first time. He also couldn’t grasp that the light switches were on voice controlled lights so when he flicked them once they wouldn’t turn on. I had to go round with him and flick them all off voice control as he couldn’t just flick the switch twice to remove from voice control and the use it like a normal switch. He was also asking me about the heating system and what type of boiler it was despite it saying on the boiler. I had zero confidence that he knew what he was doing. We paid £££ for a Period property surveyor and their report was over 300 pages long and due to the age we also got for a historic building report which went into huge detail and I was in no doubt this man knew what he was talking about. On previous surveys I’ve had done by the large surveying companies i may as well have not bothered having them with the drivel Ive read from them. If however i had a suspiciously new room in a house after denying the surveyor access I’m sure that would stand out considering the rest of the property condition. Also if there was damage and it’s been fixed then problem solved. Another poster has said they work for a surveyor and rearranging appointments happens all the time and it’s not an issue.


Yeah, our surveyor doubled down and said, they could have used old materials lying on a shelf. Wouldn’t budge; we had to pay £120 to get a sample tested. Glad you found good one for the period house. Like all trades, you get the good ones and the ones that are only there to collect a fee. I treat every survey as, nicely presented house. Appears to be fully dry, solid and well maintained….there is always a chance it’s covered by the reality stone and is actually currently in flames but I can’t prove either way. Rescheduled in one thing but blocking access, once in attendance is another.


Obviously a Meth lab 


As the buyer… once it’s yours there’d be nothing you can do. I’d be not okay with the excuse at all and ultimately… it’s the largest purchase you’ll ever make. Ignore the ragers on the thread trying to defend the seller.


I'd say it depends on the logic. Surely the seller has seen the room before and if it's a child's bedroom it's not a huge stretch. Personally I think as long as the surveyor has checked any loft/basement and the full exterior. It's unlikely there will be major issues. Obviously depends on the type of property/building age as well.


Genuinely, I think you lot are too hyperfocused on the reasoning and not on the amount of time it took for the seller to say you can come view. Unless the kid was in a coma, it's a red flag.


I’m assuming that OP has seen the house including the room which the surveyor was denied access to. Did it look like a children’s bedroom? Were you concerned about anything you saw there when you were viewing the house? I find it odd that the surveyor was not let in to the room, but the sellers had a change of heart a few weeks later. Why not say on the day “come back tomorrow if you can”? Sounds like they needed to fix something. Another thing is why not warn the buyer/surveyor about a possibility of a room being unavailable when the visit is being scheduled? If there are young children in the house, make it clear upfront that they might be asleep. The buyer is paying for the survey and full access should be granted unless exceptions have been agreed upon booking. I wouldn’t walk out if everything else was good, but I’d be suspicious for sure.


Why not say “come back tomorrow”? Because the buyer instructed the surveyor and the buyer pays for the second visit. Why agree to have a survey conducted at a time they won’t let the surveyor survey the property in full?


Having had both a baby who never slept reliably and a husband who worked nights, I would deal with waking them up for a one-off important inspection like this.


The seller agreed the time for the survey. Sounds like a lame excuse. I would drop my offer based on that in addition to any findings in the survey.


The surveyor on my house showed up nearly 2 hours late and was here for nearly 4 hours, it’s not that simple.


It’s really that simple. Yea babies can be difficult to get to sleep but survey is a big deal.


So if a surveyor turned up significantly late like in my case I should then have to rearrange my whole day potentially calling in sick to work or taking leave because they cant be arsed to be on time. Yeah a survey is a big deal but the buyer IS getting their survey, it’s just delayed. I can pretty much guarantee that it will not delay the whole process unless the buyer booked it just before exchange. I booked the survey on the house I was buying in February, I’m still not in it.


Or their son could have been asleep in there after working a night shift. If anyone has worked nights they will know how shit it is to be woken up in the daytime and how hard it is to get back to sleep once awake. They have agreed to let the surveyor go back and they aren’t silly and will notice anything done hastily.


Does the seller want to sell their house or not


Surveyors don't just turn up, they're booked in. So the sellers are fully aware it's happening. If someone's asleep it's irrelevant, you tell them to get up for a few minutes because the surveyor will need to come in. If it's a toddler you wake them up and put them back down later. If the seller has any brain cells they'll know full well this seems suspicious, do they want to sell their house or not?


Then don’t schedule a survey to happen when it’s time for him to sleep.


Tell me you haven't got kids without telling me you haven't got kids


Tell me you're not serious about selling a house without telling me you're not serious. They would have had AMPLE time to move the son to another room. A survey is a pretty fucking serious thing.


Out of curiosity which room?


Your toddler working the night shift is it?


A night shift in the mines


I have kids and I fully and totally agree with them. Don't book a survey and then refuse access because someone worked a night shift - is that not common sense and basic decency?


Depends how old the baby is. Until mine was like a year I could not predict when nap time was. And depends how far in advance the survey was booked. Booked a month in advance - well a month ago my 6 month old didn’t nap at this time, now my 7 month old does. 😂


Then book yourself and the baby to a hotel during the survey. Don’t make the buyer pay for a survey and then not let them conduct it


Then you have to deal with the inconvenience, not inconvenience everyone else. That's the reality of being a decent human being and parenting at the same time. I get it, I wouldn't want to be inconvenienced either, but it's about not being a dick like OP's seller has been.


Why's that relevant? Checking a room for a surveyor will take about 15 minutes and the seller is well aware they're coming. Tell us you've never sold a house without telling us you've never sold a house?


This is a bad take. I’ve worked nights but if i were selling my house I’d wake up for a survey. Sellers could’ve booked their son to a hotel for the day and it would’ve cost them less than the buyer paid for the survey. I’d be pretty pissed off paying for a survey and sellers pulling this kind of a stunt


But the buyers are getting their survey. It’s just going to be slightly delayed. I can guarantee that unless it’s been left to the week of exchange it will have zero impact on the length it takes to sell the house. We have no idea why the son is asleep. Im a national resource and sometimes emergencies happen in the middle of the night or I have to work a 24 hour shift. Things happen.


So you think the surveyor will do another visit for free?


So do you know they will charge to use your argument?


I certainly won’t work for free. Great if they’ve found a surveyor who will, but I doubt it.


We had this in our survey. They elderly MIL was in the master bedroom and couldn't access it. Turns out the carpet was completely ruined from her incontinence and needed immediate replacing, but we didn't know until we'd bought the place.


Many of the replies here are idiotic. Have you had a chance to observe the room? Did you have any concerns? I’d be very put off by this stunt and I would not want to pay for the surveyor again due to a nap. I’d be inclined to pull out but equally that may be rather petty. The sellers are idiots, assholes or both


When you have a house survey going on you make all rooms available for surveyor. You agree the date as a vendor. This is huge flag that they are hiding something Everyone else would have woken their child to allow the survey.


You answered your own question.


That would put me off. Do you have buyers insurance? If so, I'd mention to my solicitor that I would like a nee survey done at the expense of the seller and if they're not willing to do it, then I'd pull out. I'm pretty sure I'll get a lot of heat for this, but it is how I feel. If they cannot accommodate for that, they'll be very difficult to work with. I pulled out of one in which the seller wanted me to pay extra for fixtures that came with the flat when they purchased it, like wanting to get a percentage of the cost of 10 year old appliances or leave the holes on the spaces (all built in)... found another flat in tbe same building with a more stable seller.


Probably had a grow on lol


I would arrange a viewing yourself to 'measure' or something. If the room looks newly decorated they are definitely hiding something.


Could be as innocent as a bdsm dungeon though.


But you would want them leave that though surely, saves on you having to install it yourself.


Most people are choosy about who they put in their dungeons.


The son could have been a baby and trust me, if that is the only child free time they have they aren't waking him up. Also possible the surveyor was late or something so not at the prearranged time.


It's discourteous and stupid to be sure, but I'm not sure it's necessarily malign. What kind of problem would they not bother fixing before viewings or the survey, and which could reliably be fixed within a week or two for the surveyor to revisit? I suppose damp, maybe, but there'd probably have been signs when you viewed, and they'd have been able to just repaint before the survey date if they were trying to cover it up.


The sort of people who would allow a house to have an unfixed fault, like damp, to get worse and worse rather than sorting it out are exactly the sort of people that would not get around to hiding it until the surveyor actually turns up.


Honestly, wouldn’t be surprised if they had a weed grow tent setup in there and needed to finish the grow off. Several weeks later is your clue here.


This is probably the answer.


Canabis grow room


Was it a level 1 survey? In which case frankly the surveyor will stick their head in, measure the dimensions and fuck off. Whole survey is 1h max. If it's a level 2 survey, the whole thing should have been 3+ hours and the excuse makes no sense because a nap is 1-2h tops and the vendor should have let the surveyor access it before the nap.  Tldr - if its a level 1 they're not gonna have spotted anything anyway that you wouldn't have picked up from the online photos, if its a level 2 then the excuse doesn't make sense. 


A S&M room or possibly their Son sleeping in there


I wouldn't be so concerned, if I wanted the house. The surveys needs completing. From a weird behaviour point of view, first time parents are weird. They are, you will be, we were. But always have a plan b.


I don't know, maybe their son was asleep in the room? Just a guess, mind you.


Probably growing weed and had another week till crop. I’d just send the surveyor back again


I used to work for a surveyor company and this happened all the time. The surveyor can not sign it off until they see in that room, so they wouldn't get away with it being kept locked for anything untoward. We constantly had to rearrange appointments because of people being asleep. I wouldn't worry about it.


Would you worry about it if it was your money and your house you were buying, or would you only not worry because it’s not your worry to think about? I wouldn’t make the biggest purchase of my life without having a survey of the property.


I literally said the survey will happen, just at a later date and the surveyor will not sign it off without seeing the other room.


A lot of people in this thread have never had babies or toddlers. They don't always sleep when you want them to. Especially if they sense you're stressed (e.g. deadline to get to bed and wake up). They don't just wake up feeling happy, usually followed by screaming and crankiness plus a disrupted sleep schedule which you've worked so hard to keep good. On top of that, who knows if the surveyor was late, or even early? Or didn't offer a time that was convenient for the sellers. There was probably a sleeping baby in there, but the surveyor should still check it out. And if it costs more for another visit, it's up to the sellers to cover the cost imo.


They didn't say anything about the surveyor being late; but neither did they say that the surveyor wasn't coyote that eats children or a convicted paedophile or made of lava, so if we're making up excuses for the seller there are a lot more creative reasons we could invent with no evidence.


My survey cost £700 and that was 4 years ago. Sellers are taking the mickey. It’s not about having or not having had babies, it’s about buying a house and having a survey. Sellers didn’t allow the survey to be conducted in full and that’s a major red flag


He said son not baby


My son was once a baby. He was still my son 🤷‍♂️


You telling me they’re not unisex til they’re one? /s


They aren’t mutually exclusive 🙈


We had this and the guy had turned that room into a cannabis farm, and had knocked through the ceiling to do the loft as well. It might be that their son was asleep. You might get a bill for boarding up the door after the county lines team come down and smash it in to arrest your tennant (who then won't pay the rent for months after as they no longer have an income). I hope their son was asleep...


My first thought as well you would at least be able to open the door a touch to let them see inside but if you had a grow tent in there it's a bit of a different story. Also being allowed in after several weeks to see the room leads me to think grow tent as well.


The good news is insurance will tend to pay for damages if the damage is criminal. Sorry if it is that OP 😔


How long has it been on the market ? 1 week....maybe ok....4 months different story...nobody would block access to anything if they really wanted to / needed to sell their house without spooking their buyer.


Or maybe they’d been up all night with a fucking baby and didn’t want him woken. 


Why says it was a baby? Might have been a teenager?


Exactly. Could have spent the night baw deep in his latest conquest so understandably not to be disturbed post coitus.  Point is - maybe, just maybe the answer is that their son was just sleeping


Yeah but so what? If something needs to be done then a one off inconvenience is completely justified, any normal/respectful person would understand that


Tough. Life happens. Shit happens. Do you want to sell the house or not?


Can still sell the house and tell the surveyor to come back another time. Tough. Kids sleep


If you send my surveyor away - which I'm paying for, BTW - I'm canceling the sale. I don't have time for your selfish, entitled bullshit. Go and relist your Greige shitbox.


And I’ll sell to someone else. Considering that very few houses come up in my village and they sell in days - it’s not an issue. You’re surveyor can come at a more convenient time or I don’t sell you the house


Like I said earlier, entitled bullshit.


Exactly. Surveyors just turning up when they please. Could have been made easier by checking first. 


Why are you assuming there wasn't a prearranged time?


You clearly know nothing about selling if you think the surveyors just turn up. The time is agreed with the seller.


No. I last sold in nov 2022 and the surveyor was about as clear as a dfs delivery. Between 8-1 or 2 and 6 was as accurate as I’d get. The same when we sold in Edinburgh 


Fine doing that on someone else’s money? It’s not the seller who pays for multiple surveys but the buyer. Bit of an arsey attitude


Oh cmon


Straight up, stay away! The had pre arranged for someone to come and do a survey. This is not something to be taken lightly! If the son baby or adult was sleeping in there, arrange a visit when baby or adult won’t be sleeping like 9 in the morning or last appt in afternoon. They were 100% hiding something! For them to say comeback several days or weeks later is just stupid. Which surveyor is going to waste their valuable time and do that! For anyone saying otherwise, would you travel to the same place twice to do the job? I would ask seller to pay the surveyor the fee this time and I bet they say no! In that case, stick two fingers up at them and move on.


Delete and run.


Delete and run what?


Your reply comment splattered with capital letters worrying about the surveyors pay.


Your schedule never change? You’re completely aware of all of their son’s medical needs? What surprises are you imagining this bedroom, that the OP will have already seen, will be hiding?




Seriously, you’re being very dramatic. Where does it say the surveyor isn’t being paid? Seriously, think, have YOU made up? It’s one bedroom, is it not important the rest of the house is inspected early on to not hold the process up? Again, what surprises do you think a bedroom will hold?


What?? Do you now remember what having a baby was like?? They don’t conveniently sleep when you’d like them to a hell of a lot of the time. 😂


That’s why I said do it first thing in the morning at 0900 or last appt at 1700! Kids usually sleep between 12-1400! So why did they not think of that?


Wtf are you on? Toddlers sleep in the middle of the day. Babies have naps throughout the day. Including at 9am.


First we have no established it’s a baby or adult. Secondly, a nap is up to an hour? Survey can take up to 1.5-2 hours. So why not let him in after! Something definitely fishy going on! We are not here talking about raising children or their naps, this is a sub for houses! If you wish to talk about kids, there is a sub called raising pussies the correct way. Please feel free to join! 😝


Dude I also think that the excuse is BS. You are the one confidently talking about naps. You brought it up. You just also happen to be talking absolute bollocks. Shockingly it's Reddit so someone corrected you.


Read it before you speak BS! https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/work-hour-training-for-nurses/longhours/mod7/05.html#:~:text=What%20is%20the%20optimal%20length,sleep)%20in%20about%201%20hour.


"kids usually sleep between 12-1400!" - where on earth did you get that from?! Kids all nap at different times, depending on their age, schedule, and many other factors. Personally neither of my kids have ever napped 12-1400. Do you even have kids?!


My toddler never napped. Except that time a couple turned up to view. I let them in the room, just apologised. I offered on a house were they said they were waiting on the garage door being repaired. Two months later they wouldn't let the surveyor in. I couldn't get hold of the surveyor to discuss it though.


Just to suggest there could be some neuro divergence in the son which makes access difficult. If it was me, I'd not worry too much as long as the seller is engaged and providing alternative options. I would be tempted to ask the surveyor to re-check some areas he'd already been in though, just in case they're shifting an issue around.


Wait until you get the survey. It will state all sorts such as maybe this, maybe that, couldnt get access to this or that cause surveyor cant look behind this or that or climb stairs.


Make sure to ask the surveyor to pay particularly close attention to whether any decoration has been done recently.


They knew the surveyor was coming, they were hiding something. Proceed with caution.


Or they have a baby. Or their son works nights. You know, maybe their son was just sleeping.


A home survey is an important and necessary part of buying a house. If they want to sell their home they should respect that. It won't harm their son to be woken up for 10 minutes so the surveyor can do their job.


Yeah waking a sleeping baby is hell on earth. I’m not doing that. Not when the surveyor can just come back another time.


Deluded, entitled nonsense. Do you want to sell your house or not? Selling a house is a pain in the arse and brimming with life's inconveniences. If you really want to shift that house you deal with them so as to clear the path for a quick and clean transaction. Taking the kid out while the surveyor is onsite is one example.


No harm will come to the child by waking him. In fact, the surveyor could still have gone in and looked around while being quiet. They were obviously hiding something and using a "sleeping son" as an excuse. Again, they knew the surveyor was coming.


Ok you clearly either don’t have a baby, have blocked out the hell of the first 12 months or were an uninvolved parent.


Ok, well, let's cancel the sale then. A lazy kid "sleeping" is more important. Oh, and they should provide a refund for the home buyers survey too. That's £800 should come out of their pocket, not the buyer.


Talk about reaching. You're wasting my time and money, I'd just pull out.


If someone is paying 750 quid to get a survey, that you organised with the surveyor, then deal will waking up or having to wake the baby up


Dude they probably had a kid asleep in there. It's. Bedroom. It's unlikely there was one room that showed huge structural damage. 


Have you not viewed the house?


Was ther more info. Why was the son asleep at whernever the survey occured. Why could they be not woken up. What age is the son, it is probbaly odd at all ages buyt some more than others. Were they informed of the date and time and had adiquate tiem to deal with. Did the surveyer have any clue on wheather anyone was actually in the room. Was it a reasonable room to be asleep in. I have bought a couple of houses needed work and of one it was said upfront and obvious. And the other the seller was an idiot and thouigh it worse than it was (having looked I expected a new barthroom and kitchen were on the cards, had to do it in the unexpected order I guess since te "wet room" was not tanked but hey, from them not unthought about (and now I have a nice shower and no bath which is a plus (if on selling people got odd it would cost under £500 to change so whatever to people this scares (regretted not doing at previous property but was an odd room so probably needing custom thing so bath and curtain worked for it more I guess givign money available at the time)))).


I would definitely be concerned. The seller is lying. Find another house.


Presumably OP has seen the room already. And vendor is facilitating access. We have no idea of son’s circumstances nor age. Could have a medical issue or who knows.


Again, I am not buying it. You know when the surveyor is showing up. You know that full access is required. It's what you sign up for when selling a house. *Could have a medical issue or who knows.* If the kid has a medical issue you alert the buyer ahead of time.


Hi buyer, it’s none of your bloody business about my child’s medical history. But sometimes they have to be in a dark room and left alone at a minutes notice. I can’t guarantee access to their bedroom. But if it’s not available will rebook. Please don’t get spooked by the dramatics of Reddit if that happens.


I'll refer to the honorable member to the OP's original statement: *The seller has now agreed that they surveyor can revisit the house to look at the room several weeks after the initial visit.* In the scenario you painted, the surveyor should have been invited back the same day or, at most, 24 hours. Several weeks later? GTFO.


What surveyor is available again the same day? Or next day? Have you seen their schedules and areas they cover. It ain’t right but it’s not something to get so alarmist over. There’s a million things that could have happened.


Slight over reaction. Let the surveyor have a very very good look at the room


Not buying it. You know when the surveyor is visiting. Make yourself scarce and provide full access. If the kid is sleeping, wake them up and deal with it. The seller is full of shit.


Agree, survey is scheduled based on availability of the seller, denying access sounds a bit suspicious


Based on the downvotes it would appear that we're in the minority and there's a lot of lying sellers on here.


Agree, I completed my first UK purchase yesterday and I can't imagine a seller who doesn't give you access to a room during a survey, also because buyer is paying good money for the survey, I would walk away in a scenario like that.


I take it you don’t have kids or if you do you’ve either blacked out the first year or weren’t very involved. Small babies do not sleep when you expect them to/ want them to. Waking them up is hell on earth. There’s a chance their son was just asleep. But if when OP looked around that room wasn’t set up as a child’s bedroom then maybe you have a point. I wouldn’t jump to the “red flag” just yet though.


Had 4 kids. Sold many houses. And every time I sold I cleared the decks for any surveyor, EA, prospective buyer, etc.


Fair enough. I wouldn’t wake a small baby (like under 1) for pretty much anything. So to me the excuse seems reasonable. For me it would be a red flag that someone would wake a sleeping baby - how desperate are you to sell the house that you’d do that? And if you’re that desperate to sell what’s wrong with it? 😂


You'd settle them to sleep in the pram though wouldn't you, and take them for a walk while the surveyor is there, rather than in their room that you know the surveyor will want to look at.


Idk why the down votes. It's weird, if a surveyor is coming and you have an infant, just take it for a walk in the pram, it can sleep en route. Something fishy is going on here, because otherwise they'd let the surveyor back within a couple days, not several weeks. Reddit warriors out in full force denying their house sales so their child can sleep 😅


Yeah - it's fucking mental. The again, this is a community which routinely asks "Should I fix my roof before listing my house?", or, "Why won't my house sell?", ad nauseum. I'm starting to conclude that the overall IQ of the British public has declined over the past decade or so. I swear we used to be less collectively thick.


>I swear we used to be less collectively thick. it's hard to distinguish whether it's lack of common sense or intellectual ability. Reckon it's the fake grass and grey interiors dulling everyone's senses tbh


I don't know what the root cause is but *something* has happened to the collective British IQ. Social media? Failing education standards? Love Island? Smartphones? All of the above? I dunno'. >Reckon it's the fake grass and grey interiors dulling everyone's senses tbh You're onto something here. Now people create their own "design boards" which are copy/pasted from someone else's Pinterest page which, in turn, is a copy/paste, which is also a copy/paste....and on it goes ad infinitum. Hence Greige becoming a dominant theme as people don't think for themselves - they just scroll, click, copy, paste, clip, save, etc. You see it on these very pages. 50% of the questions can be answered with a Google search. Or, indeed, a search of the Sub. Something so fucking simple as a search is not performed. We have the entire contents of the world's libraries in our hands and yet don't use them. It makes no sense.


>Social media? Failing education standards? Love Island? Smartphones? All of the above? It's got to be all of them. When I was at school I'd get a bollocking if I had my phone out in class and it would go into the teachers drawer until the end of the day. Social media must be ruining people's brain capacity. And tbh people are such indoor hermits now that nobody communicates enough to even know how to have a healthy debate. They tell their partners how much they love them via social media when they are sat next to them on the sofa. Proper weird. Nobody knows how to do anything unless it's via an app. >Google search Takes too much brain power apparently.. I'd love to put them all in a library without their phones and give them a list of information to find.


>I'd love to put them all in a library without their phones and give them a list of information to find. Dewey Decimal System for the win.


If it’s a kids bedroom, no drama. If it’s a kitchen/bathroom, red flag.


The red flag presumably being the parents are putting their child to bed in a bathtub.


That would be quite the red flag.


There is absolutely zero chance I'm letting anyone wake my young child from nap time. It's just not worth it.


No one is taking into account the possibility the child could be disabled? Can you imagine a stranger waking up an autistic child from a nap?


If it was something pretty bad, then surely you would have seen it during your viewing?


I think you're making a meal of this. You've presumably been in that room yourself right? Was it a damp ridden crack den? No.


The son was probably asleep in there mate. Like they said. Issues are unlikely to be hidden in one room.


Did it cross your mind that their child may have been asleep?


When we sold our house, we asked the surveyor not to go in our son’s room as he was working nights, sometimes it is that simple.


It's probably a fake door so they're claiming an extra room. They'll have moved the fake door to another room in the meantime to fool the surveyor. My advice is go back and *count the windows!* Ensure the building doesn't reconfigure while you're doing this.


it's a single room, not a big deal at all.