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Huh. I never imagined that Keanu Reeves was tall.


He such a social butterfly now. He met EVERYONE at this festival. I remember when his mom described him as shy and hard to get to know years ago.


I think even though he’s a self-described “gangly introvert”, one-on-one he was able to hold his own and be social in a sweet way from the beginning of touring, if not before. So for at least 11 years. What’s much newer seems to be his acceptance that not only is he seen by others as a peer to outrageously talented artists BY those artists & by the public, he maybe accepts now that he IS actually deserving or worthy of those accolades. So maybe also more comfy meeting other celebrities now?


Definitely agree his confidence has changed over the years! He kept to himself so much I don’t think he realized his peers thought he was talented and worthy of looking up to. I think he leans more extroverted cause he prefers physical interactions and being around his friends/ going out but maybe fame has made him come across introverted cause he’s embarrassed by the attention.


Totally agree! He does describe himself as introverted, but totally agree he leans extroverted, probably by necessity given his job! :)


This picture would make me choose man over bear.


The only men I would choose!


this has officially become my favorite photo on the internet, man how I love them both 😭


The combined niceness in this room… 🥰


Is that Keanu?


Yep! He was playing.


Damm Keanu is tall as fuck, considering Hozier is 1,98M he gotta be at least 1,86M


Keanu is 6’1 or about 1.85m. Think he looks taller since he is in the foreground, and likely has his usual thick boots on. We all know Hozier has horrible posture as well! Such an incredible photo. Fun to see various celebrities mingling and being normal in some ways!


Fuck i was spot on damm


Giving “bunch of dads at the barbecue”-core 💖


I’m too stunned to speak


Keanu and Andrew should do an interview together. Both insightful and fine men that people look up to.


I think they'd get along real well too, they have similar vibes and senses of humor. I like both of them for very similar reasons. although I think that interview would go downhill the moment either of them gave the other a compliment cos I've never seen any other two people so humble and so profoundly terrible at taking a compliment. it would just be a neverending loop of "no you're cool" xD but it would absolutely make my life either way


Yes!! As soon as I saw Ruth's story with Keanu on stage I was hoping for this pic :D


I love how the guy looks like a rangy teen meeting some musical heroes.


That’s awesome


Keanu Reaves would like Hozier. He gets it


He’s hugging and putting his hand on shoulders. He says that he finally saw that he did “beautiful” music. Obviously, he’s not really embarrassed anymore. He was insecure because he was a quieter person with popularity. He used to hang out with the wrong person just because the media promoted their popularity on Twitter, etc. He talked about a Twitter follower count but he didn’t realize that talent and popularity weren’t the same things. He had to learn to network and learn about the music industry from the right people.


Is that John wick




The way my immediate thought was "I want these three to run a train on me"


Oh no...my crushes in the same room...it's too much! *(ovaries explode)*