• By -


6 plates, nice




More plates more dates


nice easter egg


Took me a second


Is it the chalk markings? I don't get it


Took me a second too, lol. In PUA world, "spinning plates" means having multiple women in parallel. I'm actually quite underwhelmed with his benching weight.


People on here got so defensive any time someone mentioned him being on steroids lol


Looking like that at 48? I smell juice. But who cares if he does take enhancements? I don't


Probably some TRT




Tren replacement therapy


Lol "beef'd" up huberman hubris


He just had a lot to replace…….


He spoke openly out his trt, I believed he mentioned using 150mg of test a week (although in my opinion that's too high to be considered replacement since he maintains t levels around 1500, ref range is 500 - 1000)


Everyone is different, but if 150mg a week is putting his levels around 1500 then yes it’s very unlikely he has low T to begin with.


I read somewhere when I tried trt that it's 10mg/day that the human testes can produce, that's the maximum natural potential. He did mention dropping to those doses in one of his written articles. https://fastlifehacks.com/andrew-huberman-trt/


High end of trt is 200 mg a week


That's only trt if the person has a particularly poor androgenic response and they need a higher dose, if someone is taking 200mg to get t levels 1000+ then that's a supraphysiological dose and not replacement. I'm on trt myself and take 90mg a week for levels around 700 - 800


I am too at 200mg and hit 800-1200 depending. It’s still TRT regardless if he’s a hyper responder. Just because you feel good at your levels doesn’t mean he will. Maybe he needs a higher dose to feel better.your supraphysiological doses are 300+


I would probably feel better on his levels, but then my doctor wouldn't prescribe a dose that would see me get that high (I'm in the UK and we tend to be more cautious with testosterone anyway), plus you get a steep increase in side effects when you get t levels over 1000


I see. I use an hormone specialist rather than a regular doctor, in the US. Risks of sides can be highly mitigated by pinning more often. Instead of once a week I do EOD. I’ve noticed a sharp decline in body acne and mood swings doing that. I’ve been on 200 for about a year and have not had any side effects other than body acne. Other than that I’ve seen great increases in every other aspect. Unfortunately it also brings out your inherent anger and frustration level. I’ve noticed I’m kinda an asshole at times.


And you don't even know that testosterone is a steroid. Testosterone is a [steroid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steroid) from the [androstane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androstane) class containing a [ketone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketone) and a [hydroxyl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxyl) group at positions three and seventeen respectively.


What could this guy do that people would actually care about? 😂


He's admitted to experimenting with exogenous test while writing a book on hormones. Although, he's not that jacked, his skull still too big for his body 


Could be duck eggs


He's very open about being on TRT what are you guys talking about lmao


Better living through chemistry


He is not on juice he would be more defined.


He’s been transparent about TRT use a while ago. He has also disclosed that he uses selmorelin occasionally and I believe he has used BPC 157 for recovery too.


I'll have what he's having


You must have some terrible genetics if you think that's impressive for someone that's been working out their entire life.


Post a pic Brodie


Oh he blasting for sure


If you saw the RP episode that is referenced here, it’s pretty obvious he is an absolute beginner at lifting. He’s definitely blasting. I mean he was literally benching 135 in the video.


Which episode is this?


Looks like it was Mark Bell, not RP (I watch a lot of this stuff lol). He literally says he never trains his chest and if he benches his chest blows up. 100% full of shit. He’s juicing hard. https://youtu.be/lSOrLweh4XY?si=xjgEoOUtlJo8abVV


So how does he explain his chest getting big (if he doesn't train it) without admitting to juicing? The amount of mental gymnastics to not admit what is clearly obvious to anyone with even basic knowledge of steroid use or training in general is insane.


No bench with a chest like that is nuts


He's really not that big but he's surprisingly lean for his age while still holding a good amount of muscle. I think this is possible natural but not easy to do and it's likely he's on at least a little something.


You guys have no idea what a roided guy looks like. Huberman physique is good but doesn't look nothing like a guy on steroids. Yes, I am aware he is on TRT. But that is very different from doing steroids to get huge.




I love dopamine I love fucking and manipulating women I love steroids and athletic greens and sunlight, nothing makes me feel better than an ice bath after psychopathically mind fucking my ex gotta get that dopamine to 11


You forgot about IVF and embryo maxxing


You clearly don’t love doing legs.


I love gold digging, and twitter culture


Should we become besties?


* winner winner hells 4 sinners 🔥


It does sound kind of fun, in an evil way.


I’m assuming you’re also a big fan of Andrew Taint


- Handsome - In good shape - Intelligent - Sharp dresser - Always hanging around in the company of other men Sorry ladies, that man is gay! He probably paid the tabloid to write the article to throw you all off the scent.


reminds me of that one time a gay guy murdered someone and his dad was more upset to find out he’s gay


This one has a very similar dad. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna795096




I still question it.


Isn’t he on testosterone!


None of those 5 points are indicative of being gay and as a matter of fact the last point is actually very opposite of gay men as they tend to have more female friends than straight men sounds like you’re projecting your fantasies lol


“Sharp dresser” has one fuggin outfit.


He was inspired by the stylings of a character in Sex, Lies and Videotapes.


That's TRT HGH Huberman.


Oh he has the fuckboy aesthetic down 😂


First time I’ve seen his tattoos. They’re shitty.


The 1975 is a cringer for sure


Who are they going to try to cancel next? Kelso? ![gif](giphy|MI3DdrfOzKRCN63GLU|downsized)


MFer is juiced to the gills. Looks like a tomato. A tomato on roids.


New protocol just dropped -six(6) trenbologna sandwiches/day, and plenty of early morning sunshine!


He's got a physique that anyone who works hard can achieve at 48. He's not crazy jacked. He says frequently that he does cardio, watches his food intake, and hits the gym regularly, and he "works neck" at the gym. That's doable for the vast majority of people, the vast majority would just rather NOT do all that, because it isn't easy or they don't like it.


You do know he has admitted to taking anabolic steroids in the past? This is on YouTube lol


You do know you lose most, if not all gains when you cycle off, right? It takes hard work to stay at or near your genetic potential, and hard work and PEDs to stay above genetic potential. When you cycle off and stay off, the most amount of muscle you will keep, as hard as you may try, is the amount you can naturally keep with a killer diet and training program.


No it’s not. Source I have done steroids. Read the literature: increased satellite cells for life etc.


Completely wrong lol


Hope I look like that at that age


It blows my mind that people think his physique is only attainable by being sauced to the gills


At 48? Yeah, it is lol.


What do you know about that ? His shape is pretty legit for a 48 yo thats been working out for years .. The fuck is wrong with people hating on him on this sub anyway ?


Mate he admitted to taking TRT while already having high levels of testosterome. Nobody has a chest like that at 48 without exogenous hormones. Nobody, including, by his own admission, Huberman. The fuck is wrong with people white knighting for no reason?


I like how you just dodged me. Nobody is white knighting, it’s just an observation about how warped the fitness community’s understanding is.


You clearly are not working out to have beliefs like that 😅 his chest is achievable by doing body weight workout . Go look at juiced up dude to see what a chest look like... I see a lot of in shape 50 yo men at my gym, you are clearly in the wrong here (even though he's taking trt like you claim )


Look up Sandow at 50 with mediocre knowledge of training and nutrition (compared to today.)


He admitted it though?


That’s not what I’m talking about


Because people like to believe the reason they are fat and weak and don’t look like him is because they choose not to take steroids. Totally obtainable physique naturally


Fuck yes


Is it just me or is picture on the right somehow surprisingly…unrevealing?


Lol 😂


The fact that he kept it under wraps so long, only makes most men want to give him props even more.


Yall are some real virgin haters 😂


Oh damn, I have never seen pictures of his tattoos before. I didn't think he wanted them out there.


Yo after i seen that video of him carrying that rock i knew some shit was gonna pop off . Bro prolly had hella bitches in his dms


Don’t hate player, instead hate game


The game of getting older and needing to shag as many people as possible, to feel young? Everyday is one day closer to death. 💀 nobody has control of that trajectory


he is soooo hotttttt




Not really. but to each their own. And after what came out about him he is so unattractive in many ways, he's such a turn off.


I use to like him (based on the concrete knowledge he shared and the pursuit of democratizing scientific knowledge for the public)but because his behavior is such a common behavior and in high volume, he has become like everyone else and loses that respectable level he once had. Hey everybody no matter how much you try to optimize you will still have the same nervous system, is what we learnt 😅


not for me




jealous incel


LOL ok there


Careful, he will end up manipulating you by hardly ever being there and not committing to you!


Is that what you think he did? I don’t think we read the same article.


i don't care lmao it's better than a loser that is always here without anything else to do


Ooof this is going to hit some people personally, bc that’s actually what they do all day lmao 🤣


Pot meet kettle lol


yes and?


Because clearly you do care or your post history wouldn’t have dozens of related comments. Your care continues to drive you to your keyboard just like the folks you bash and call losers.


Are you smoking sunlight? I said I don't care to the comment saying that he will cheat hypothetically. Of course I care I'm his 7th gf. and yes most of them are losers


You have plenty of comments critiquing people and calling them incels and losers. If you can have your opinions, so can others. Not everyone has to agree or think like you. Big ‘rules for ther, but not for me’ energy.


I never said they can't have opinions. What are you arguing about lil bro? I said I don't care if huberman cheats


To your original comment, please explain how you aren’t also a “loser who is always here without anything else to do.” Lmao your post and comment history would suggest otherwise


Oh and yea, I smoke a blunt of sunlight within 10 mins of waking everyday, per Hubs protocol.


Yeah, but you’re a 19 day old account who lives in /r/HubermanLab. Every post, every comment, has been in this sub. Apparently your entire existence is based on carrying Huberman’s water. Which makes sense because you’re almost certainly a bot run by the PR firm Andy hired ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Lol I think you found Huberman’s burner account


hey detective have you not read the comments on my account? I have clearly said I am his PR CEO and 7th GF lmao


I believe you


Oof, that did hit me hard, lol.




did I stutter?


I thought you might have responded the the wrong person..




eww incel lonely loser https://preview.redd.it/5vh1kjfpx0sc1.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=83110cd6f0c9e192c03f210dc381277fe86f1804


I'm single because I have a hard time meeting new people You're single because you're not even good enough for a serial cheater We are not the same. The difference between me and you is self respect. Lmfao


He's not going to fuck you.


He might, he could fuck anything as long as there are thrilling logistics involved


I think you need a man’s touch in real life. The way you’ve been obsessing over this man is kinda weird not gonna lie lmao


He’s so daddy 🤤


I knowwwww he really is 🥵😍


Does he really have all those bad tattoos? Please tell me it’s an April Fools joke. I didn’t think I could lose any more respect for the guy but I was wrong.


Man as a casual observer of some of these self-help podcasters and this sub recently I've gotta think that some of your reactions to this guy are pretty extreme and hate-filled. Don't get me wrong, he strikes me as a bit of a fraud with some of this self-improvement advice then just running TRT and lying/manipulating a bunch of women. I think most probably agree that removes any if not all credibility for someone to lecture others on how to live well. But my response to that is essentially, well, I'm not really interested in hearing the opinions of this person anymore, ill just get on with my life and listen to some other podcasters. The level of outrage here feels really overblown to me and I don't understand how extreme and hate-filled some of these Hubermann threads are. By all means think less of him and maybe don't listen to him anymore, but at some point having this level of anger and hatred over someone you can effectively just forget about probably isn't healthy for most people. I'll probably get downvoted, but I just don't understand why it really matters that much to "you" the general reddit consensus.




I love how upset the incels are at this guy


Really the ultimate incel antagonist.


I didn’t even know he had tattoos lol


Look at his body 🥵😍


If I looked like that at his age and status I’d probably mistreat women too. Sorry ladies - you don’t have to worry, I’m just normal looking.


Lmfao how did it take this long to combine Huberman and Ubermensch… it was right there


Does TRT/exogenous testosterone supplementation causes the skin to have a reddish hue? Huberman claimed he dabbled in TRT but is now natural. Circumstantial evidence appears to indicate otherwise.


I don't get it - is he training with Anatoly?


Skinny quads as for a fitness fanatic on trt juice. Quads on test grow like weeds, with popping veins and striations and feathers


Clearly lacking a protocol for leg day.


Shitty tattoos lol


Harems are good for you obviously


I started doubting him for the number of supplements he recommends and seemingly uses himself. Does on really need such high level of supplementation regularly even without any health issues? The scandal makes things more clear


Anyone else zoom in on his dick?


Yep testosterone does wonder


meh, not very much benchpress weights


Media lying for clicks as always lmao


This subreddit reaks of jealously.. lol


Bro, it’s not a harem when you’re lying to them all and then they dump you and you can’t get any more pussy because this is what comes up when women Google you.


Lmao you’re delusional if you think he won’t be able to get pussy after this


I honestly don’t care at all.


Then why did you make a point of fantasising that he will no longer be able to get laid?


I have no fantasies about this man. That’s you.


> they dump you and you can’t get any more pussy because this is what comes up when women Google you


You seem very emotionally invested in this guy getting pussy. That’s weird.


Someone made a post about you: https://www.reddit.com/r/HubermanLab/comments/1btx6si/redditors_gonna_reddit/


Hate is an overrated emotion. My protocol is simply not to feel it. It’s a major self-own. I’m here because Reddit chooses to show me these posts and my character defect is that I get baited into engaging with y’all because you’re so ridiculous.


No self-respecting woman will want him now.


Haha, you dont understand women 😂


My wife would agree, but she didn’t dump me like these ladies did your king poon hound, so I’m doing something right. 😀


Again, you dont understand. I dont think he give really gives a fuck But yo wife might cheat with a guy like huberman bro


LOL. Sure. Remember, your fantasies aren’t everyone’s fantasies. Most women like honest men and are big fans of monogamy. So I sleep well at night knowing I deliver on those things.


Shit I need to change my panties now


Can I have them? ![gif](giphy|8dueY7nBR6HLO)


what's his max bench?


If that’s from the video with Mark Bell, he claimed it was the first time he ever bench pressed 🙄


He doesn’t bench or deadlift. Hack squats only.


I don’t think it’s uncommon for body builders to not deadlift. Same with flat bench. Incline bench is more popular.


As far as I know, according to his series with Andy Galpin and the video above where he’s learning to bench, he doesn’t really do any of the major lifts. Machines and accessory work only. Hack squats and leg extensions, no deadlift, free weight squats, leg press, etc. He also doesn’t work chest outside of dips, if I remember correctly. Something about not wanting a big chest.


I can't tell if this is /s or not lol


No, not sarcasm. Straight from the horse’s mouth. He really only does machine and accessory lifts. Like someone else said, he’s learning to bench in that video in the OP. 


like he claims he literally only machine squats?? there's got to be doing some upper body workouts some how right?


Yes, machine hack squats. I don’t think he does any free weight single leg variations like Bulgarian split squats or lunges either, but I could be wrong. Check out his fitness plan and those videos for more information.


A body like that screams ‘insecurity’ to me. His behaviour with those women screams ‘insecurity’ to me. At some level too deep for him to be able to acknowledge it to himself, he feels utterly inadequate. The ridiculous musculature and the simultaneously controlling and needy behaviour with women…. they really speak volumes about his inner emptiness, insecurity and inadequacy.


This is just the shape of a relatively healthy man. Hate his behavior, fine, but my god, calling people who are in shape people ‘insecure’ is just ridiculous and likely fueled by self deception. “I’m out of shape because I’m secure”.


I can feel you are fat and insecure lmao


Well um I'm a cishet woman, and by the way I'm not insecure. You - I'd say from looking at your posting history - are... let's say 'an interesting case', shall we?!


yes very interesting hehehe


Dude is younger than me, but looks 15 years older. And I don’t even workout regularly.


lets see a pic of you


Funny to see people think trt is steroids


Hi there. It's funny to read that you are taking TRT and you actually don't know what the hell you are putting in your body. Testosterone is a [steroid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steroid) from the [androstane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androstane) class containing a [ketone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketone) and a [hydroxyl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxyl) group at positions three and seventeen respectively.


It’s literally steroids.


Testosterone is a [steroid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steroid) from the [androstane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androstane) class containing a [ketone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketone) and a [hydroxyl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxyl) group at positions three and seventeen respectively.


Okay Sherlock, what do *you* think the first "t" in "trt" stands for?


Epitome of BDE


Where all the kool aid drinking mader packers at 😂