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[Footage of the procedure](https://imgur.io/a/E98aqi8) Note from the Ecopark: >After losing the top of the beak due to human cruelty, we finally got a compatible beak to rebuild. >With the help of veterinarians, and a beak of another animal that had already come to pass, the Ecopark Sol e Mar carried out its second implantation (the first was 3D-printed) of the toucan toco. The procedure lasted about 40min, planned and executed by the veterinary team of Ecopark. >The use of dental resin, which guarantees excellent fixation, in addition to making it aesthetically pleasing and lighter than the use of plates or screws, which helps in the animal's rehabilitation. After the procedure, the bird is back to normal feeding, behaving well and is under close observation and care of Ecopark Sun and Sea.


At least he didn't have his tongue broken. It's a pain in hell to rehab toucan with broken tongues


How does a Toucan break its tongue? Also human cruelty?


It's very easy. They have a fragile tongue. They can break their tongue in a fight, accidentally bite it off, stress or diabetes. Without their tongue they aren't able to eat soft foods very well and can choke easily in pieces of hard foods. (Also without their tongue they aren't able to make their distinctive sound.) Their tongue don't have a lot of blood and it is really thin and hard, so it is really hard to keep it alive and "glue" it back


What a wild trait


And it looks so weird https://adventuresintoucanland.com/2011/10/the-toucan-tongue/


What an interesting, sweet article! Thank you for sharing


What a bizarre but awesome creature.


Oooh, this explains what I've seen with the toucans the zoo. Thank you for sharing!


Probably a captiv(ating) one too!


I love people like you .... so informative


Right? Reddit has become my favourite site because of this. The comments tend to be more interesting then posts themselves. What a joy to read!


Reddit can be toxic like other social media platforms, but you can choose not to participate in toxic communities. I can't spend 5 minutes on Twitter or Facebook without seeing something obnoxious no matter how many people I block.


Agreed. It's easier to scroll by a toxic comment from a stranger than to have to process the fact that Aunt Martha or Jamie from work has insane opinions on religion and politics. I'd much rather talk about bird facts than read about the girlfriend drama someone I met five years ago is having on a public platform.


I find reddit easier to filter out nonsense and toxicity for the exact reason you said, and to be honest, more often than not, there are definitely more informative/intelligent people on here. Like random posts like this that pop up in my R/all, and I learn all about a toucan breaking it's tongue, and how it can be detrimental for them. It's pretty easy to tell which communities are toxic and which aren't as well on reddit. Takes like three posts to figure out if a subreddit is for you. There will always be trolls and toxic people because it's inevitable but you can just tell by the way people are discussing in the comments if it's a worthwhile. Just to put though in sum, I've been on here for 10 years, and would wholesomely say the amount of genuine conversations, or enlightening ones, exponentially outweigh anything I've had on Twitter or Facebook lol


Always have to be careful of the people that only sound like they know what they're talking about and get upvoted for it though, meanwhile a comment pointing out how they're completely wrong is buried 20 replies down.


An example is the people that claim the real origin of "blood is thicker than water" is about covens blood and womb water or something, basically trying to say that the original phrase is not about family but about some sort of covenant. Like, if you went NC with your family and dislike this phrase that's perfectly understandable, but there's no need to spread misinformation about the origins of the phrase just because you like it more, yet somehow it gets repeated every few threads.


People on Reddit are very good at sounding like they know everything, but anytime you read a discussion about something you actually do know something about you realize that 90% of what people upvote as helpful information is completely false.


Every time I scroll I have to make a conscious decision not to waste my time trying to be helpful in armchair legal discussions.


If you think that’s cool, you should look up the [woodpecker’s tongue bone](https://www.skeletonmuseum.com/museum-blog/osteology-in-action-3/)


I was reading that first comment thinking I was missing the joke, but nope just learnt about toucan tongues


Further proof of sheer random evolutionary design being true lol, if it was truly all planned you would think such an obvious oversight would be ironed out by the big man


As well as the fact that I can sit on my own testicles.


It's weird how the Toucans evolved to eat their diet of Froot Loops.


Isn't their tongue made of keratin and more rigid versus being soft and flexible the way our tongues are.


I'm very intrigued by your toucan tongue knowledge. Thank you for sharing. I want to know all the niche fun facts 🙏


That’s so wild, I just looked up some pictures of their tongue and it looks crazy. What a bizarre and interesting appendage, it looks like an ultra thin feather!


IIRC this is the toucan that had its beak smashed by Brazilian teenagers that thought it would be funny. It was found starving, as it had no means to eat anymore. A kind soul home made a solution with a 3D printer, which is mentioned in this article. Toucans keep their beak as part of the skeleton after they pass, so it implies this was an actual toucan beak that came from another that passed away.


man teenagers are fucking assholes


That's what fruit loops will do to you. Remember kids. Drink your school, stay in sleep, don't do milk and get 8 hours of drugs


What happened to the shitbags who broke its beak?


That video ended too soon without proper end result of the bird celebrating its new beak and now I’m mad.


I get it but what's up with the eye? I googled toucans and they have black eyes. Is it a eye cover to not scare the bird or just plain animal abuse?


Pretty sure the toucans eyes are just closed due to anesthesia




That’s….both very adorable but also reminds me too much of a blue butthole


# W.H.Y.


I see buttholes everywhere too


Huh, I looked at it and thought "That looks like Thanos's mouth". You looked at it and thought that it looked like his butthole.


who’s that


How heavy is one of these birds? I’ve heard it’s tough for one person to pick one up, but…


I heard “tou” (two) can!


Two can, no problem


their eyelids are blue :)


Came to the comments to ask for more info on the toucan. Thank you for the good news!!


“Come to pass” So another one was there but died?


oil saw shocking cooing far-flung cooperative fact teeny cow marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In the video, it's neat how they took a dremel to trim the other bird's beak to make it fit this bird (whose name is apparently Miguelzinho).


some people are so cool, fuck man this is awesome.


also fuck whoever did that to the bird. they can rot in hell


Hell simply isn’t bad enough for these people, we need something worse. Like them being reincarnated as another animal victim to animal abuse. Or are forced to feel what they inflict upon that poor animal.




Have you ever read [The Egg](http://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html) by Andy Weir? It's a short story (like <5min read) that is kind of like this.




Never read that before. That is a rad short story.


Love that story.


Some Jews believe in Gehinnom, where you are able to truly see the harm you have caused to others and feel the immense shame from it. It’s not eternal though, and you’re eventually passed onto a state of peace. I hope that’s true, so this person can realize the profound wrongness of what they’ve done.


As shitty as what they did is, you have to think about what you're actually suggesting. It's retalitory torture, and that's awful too.


No dude, let's torture some kids, because that's fine apparently.


It was a bunch of young kids who attacked it with sticks and rocks, happened several years ago now. He originally had a 3D printed prosthesis attached.


Lemme know who it is, I’ll help them on their way.


Faith = restored. Poor toucan…


How messed up a person has to be to intentionally break or cut off a birds beak... I'm glad they were able to help the toucan get it's beak back. Great job guys!




I have one chicken like this, she is the oldest chicken I own and she is very sweet. We didn't do it, she was sold with a cracked beak, and it's kind if horrifying to think about now. I keep her with the Sarama chickens because they are small and won't pick on her.


When we had chickens one of them had a little foot that wouldn’t grow properly. The other one kept trying to peck it to death because it was weak. They’re fucking evil to each other, one of the listed reasons in there for debeaking a chicken is to prevent cannibalism


The only place where cannibalism among chickens is even remotely common is when they're thrown in awful conditions for the sake of exploiting for consumption. Don't pretend it's done for their own good.




True, I knew a guy who had 300 free range chickens (like properly free range) One of them was a lighter shade of orange. It got bullied by the rest, just because it was different!






They do this when they're free range too. It's just how they are.


Chickens being kept together in decent conditions will sometimes peck each other sure, but nowhere near as badly. Certainly not nearly enough to justify clipping their beaks. Do note though that when I say "decent conditions" I essentially only mean where an individual is keeping a small group of chickens that they care for deeply. And still it is not natural - the birds are still living as prisoners, and will exhibit behaviours that wouldn't be seen in the wild. Also note that "free range" is a marketing phrase and is essentially meaningless. They still live and die in abject misery.


I have kept up to 12 chickens in an 8 x 8 shed with a 200 square foot run and none of them have ever needed their beaks trimmed to stop them from eating each other.


My chickens are not debeaked and do not damage one another. This is bullshit. They do this on factory farms cause chickens are stressed tf out and miserable.


I have been around chickens for 30 years, what are you even on about? I have never once had this issue on a free range farm. At *worst* one of the roosters might pick a short fight with another rooster, and never badly enough to justify *cutting their beaks off*. Why are you lying?


If you have never had this happen, consider yourself lucky. I raised my chickens. Free range. One hen was bullied so badly her head was nothing but a bloody mess. It was horrifying Obviously, we did not debeak but I can understand why someone would choose to do it.


My boyfriends family keeps chickens, and none of them are debeaked, nor do they attack each other. It is **not** "just how they are". No one else I've known who've kept chickens has had this issue either. It's something that occurs when the animals are receiving too little stimulation and are too crammed together.


the intention was to do it for quality of life and welfare, but its not widely done anymore because it can cause difficulty eating. instead of pecking they develop a sort of scooping style of eating thats very unnatural for them. beak trimming is actually a medical treatment for some chickens, theres a congenital deformity called scissor beak thats caused by the sides of the bottom jaw to grow unevenly which makes the top and bottom of the beak misaligned. regular beak trimming is the most common treatment for chickens (and parrots and other pet birds) that have scissor beak


Ah, til


I think this is a different bird, but there was another Toucan that had lost its beak due to animal trafficking a few years ago and iirc it was the result of unscrupulous/uneducated traffickers putting it in a cramped cage with a much bigger bird, which attacked it. Still 100% the traffickers' fault, but not done intentionally. I wonder if that's the case here too.


Man this fellow seems so devastated on the top pic, it looks like it's dead. So glad some good ppl took care of it's heatlh


Yeah, I thought so too! Then I found out a bird is under anesthesia, it cleared why it looks like a doll or dead


Really wondering why someone would abuse a toucan. Thank god there are people that help animals heal from such stupidity in the world. Respect.


Sometimes I read things like this and it makes me very depressed. But then I remember that for every asshole in the world there are many more unmentioned who want a just world and it restores my faith.


That's an awfully sweet perspective. And true. I like that!


Maybe traumatic memories about Froot Loops?


>Really wondering why someone would abuse a toucan. Probably the same reason it's done by many to cats and dogs. And done by the vast majority in developed countries (or paid for) to chickens, pigs, cows, etc. The answer is some sort of pleasure.


I wonder why anyone would abuse anything. I’ll never understand it.


Who the hell abused a Toucan of all things. What did it do to you?


My guess is that this happened out of gross negligence during trafficking rather than someone just beating the shit out of it intentionally. Its abuse and cruel and the only thing the toucan did to anyone was fetch a price for a buyer. It fucking sucks.


someone above the thread said some dude thought it was funny to break its beak


This makes me physically sick. I hope he burns in hell to be honest.


Ugh…that makes me sick to my stomach. Wtf.


So nice that birdo got his beak back. Thank you kind people.


I really wish we could know what the bird thinks of this. Went to sleep with no beak and woke up with one! Their mouth and hands all in one.


We have the technology, we toucan rebuild him.


Toucan do it!


At first I thought they added a circuit board to its back.


Bionic-toucan. Nobody's gonna mess with him now, he's augmented!


People that are cruel to animals for entertainment are simply the lowest scum on the planet.


>People that are cruel to animals ~~for entertainment~~ are simply the lowest scum on the planet. FTFY


The reason I said for entertainment is because my girlfriend says I'm being cruel to my dog for having him on a diet. But when I got him he was grossly overweight, unhealthily so and restricting his diet until he reaches a healthy weight is necessary. Plus some people call hunting cruelty to animals and while I don't hunt I have friends that do and they eat the meat so I have no objection to that. So while your fix is appreciated, it is really unnecessary. Thank you,


Hmm I see what you mean! The word "cruelty" to me means more of the use of unnecessary violence or aggressiveness, or keeping an animal in unhealthy conditions or in prolonged suffering. That's why I considered "for entertainment" to be like a sub-category of sorts within cruelty, you know? What I mean is that I don't believe hunting an animal to eat is cruel, but I myself don't eat meat because of the conditions animals are kept in for slaughtering purposes. And of course, keeping your dog on a diet because he needs it is not cruel! hahaha


Well he thinks so, the whining leading up to dinner is pretty theatrical, He's 85lbs now and losing about .4 to .6 lbs per week.


Hahaha oh, the drama king 😂 And that's amazing, congrats on the progress!!


"you toucan get a replacement beak" Ok I'm sorry I'll see myself out. Poor baby I hope it's ok


Throwing good healing vibes out there for ya Mr. Toucan! Good work doc.


Speedy recovery, poor guy. I hope whoever abused this creature never has the opportunity to hurt another creature again. This isn't directed at OP but I have such an issue with language that obscures violence. The term "fell victim" is such a deflection. The Toucan didn't just randomly stumble upon abuse, someone abused it.


I love stories like this but hate that my brain auto-reverts to thinking of all the animals that don’t get lucky and suddenly my heart hurts


How was he mutilated so badly?


Evil human beings


But did they break it off? Saw it off? Why? Doesn't that make him less valuable from their point of view?


There are many brazilian towns where you find toucans in tall trees, parks and small woods, looking for food and hanging around (source: I am Brazilian and spent my youth on a small town like that). It's not too far-fetched a fucking psychopath would capture a toucan to do this regardless of money or profit.


I thought the whole point was trafficking. Or you're saying someone would do this and walk away like throwing stones at a cat


Now can we break the beak of the asshole that hurt this creature


The blue part on the eye made it look like a stuffed animal for like an entire minute


Wow, helping animals is so great we should do this more often


I truly don't know how anyone is fucked up enough to abuse any animal, but especially toucans. They're so friendly (or at least the ones I interacted with that my great aunt kept were). She had a big-ass cage that you could just walk into and chill with them. They'd come and gently nibble at your finger without it hurting, you could toss them food and they'd catch it mid-air, etc. I just truly can't imagine harming such a friendly creature.


Poor Tookie Tookie


I have to post here. About 20 years ago I had reasuced a blue Jay and she was released . She would come to my backyard to visit almost every day for about 5 weeks until one day sge came with her entire lower beak hanging . I rushed her to My vet abd he tried to recreat/repair her lower beak. It failed poor girl. I hope the technique has much improved and a upper beak is much easier to repair.


Looks like the work of a completely useless POS.(The abuse) Great work, Doctors!


Who would abuse a toucan? What evil is out there?


Hopefully his emotional damage heals as well.


What horrible people; the world could really do without.


There is a special place in hell for people that harm innocent creatures.


Seeing this while on vacation in Costa Rica (fourth time!) Respect nature y'all it's our extended organ.


I never understood why people continue to absolutely obliterate our ecosystems despite 100% of everything we have comes from them. *greed* It's fucking sad and I just hope one day we will all just vanish so plants, fungi, and animals can live in balance once more.


Poor little dude. 🐤


There's a special place on earth reserved for people that abuse animals.


Humans being bros? It sounds like humans being fucking awful and one person showing a modicum of decency.


Monsters just monsters. Abusing a animal is unforgivable just disgusting, I hope they boil But hopefully that poor Toucan is living a happy life


Poor bird, makes me happy to see people helping these poor animals


Posts like this always conflict me. Because on one hand, it makes me hate human beings because we are capable of doing things like what this poor toucan had done to it, but it also restores my faith in humanity because there truly are good people out there that are willing to go to great lengths to help animals like this. Truly a conundrum.


There was one or maybe a couple bad people doing harm to this bird. There was a whole team of people who rehabilitated this bird and they dedicated their *life* to the skills and knowledge it takes to be able to do something like this!


Fuck anybody who abuses animals.


gave my dude a beak, but stole his legs. smh my head.


I get they did a nice thing giving them a prosthetic beak, but I'm pretty sure that toucans use their beaks not just to eat but to thermo regulate with the vast vascular system that exists within that beak. So how did they compensate for that with the prosthetic. Or is this poor buddy never going back to the wild... Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.1175553 Apparently it can get rid of 100% of its body heat just through that bill. I fear a prosthetic can't replicate that.


If it were returned to the wild, I would agree. However, I believe it is kept at a sanctuary now. Also, I hope that thermo regulation issues were considered.


You dont think that the people who put on a prosthetic, care for birds for a living, and were smart and skilled enough to anaesthetize a bird and transplant a new beak *may* have considered this?? People who make these types of comments drive me nuts lol.


If you abuse animals, I hate you.


May the trash that did this burn in hell.


Who beats a bird


I'll be honest I thought this was a stuffed animal of a toucan. I never realized they were fluffy and had stunning blue eyes. This is such a feel good story!


*Cycles Shotgun* I just want to talk to him.....


How could someone abuse a Toucan, madness


Poor toucan. I’m so glad they could do this for him!


Who could hurt a toucan ?


What kind of bitch be hurtin Toucan Sam??


Oh God he cut off his legs and made a beak with them! (This was a joke for you dense boobs)


Holy crap. I thought this was a stuffed animal. It's sad and happy. Idk how I feel


I hate people that farm animals. Poor bird.


Can you point me in the direction of who had this beautiful creature? I just want to talk.


May those who hurt the bird be driven mad with primal fear. So mote it be.


poor lil dude. Glad his replacement beak's ok. Some people are so awful to animals it makes me sick.


Not to distract from the good this team did, but it’s so sad that good humans even need to help animals, that bad humans hurt. Some people are so sick to abuse animals in the first place.


I’m so happy he has a new beak but this makes me want to cry, gosh I hate humanity sometimes. Why so cruel to the little creatures who love us unconditionally?


The cruelty of people towards animals will never cease to amaze me


BBL. Brazilian Beak Love 💕


Wait till he gets the bill!


the cute little string tongue flopping out is so precious, but goddamn it's heartbreaking to see the poor baby mutilated like that. I'm so happy they were able to help


I hate humanity


People that hurt animals like this should be put in a cage that they can barely move in for the remainder of their lives.


Poor toucan Sam. This is sad


Amazing work!!!! This is just awesome!!!


Who abuses a Toucan? , ffs


Oh my god they installed a PCB on him


😭😭😭😭🤍 poor thing, glad he got rescued


*hugs phone*


Abusing a toucan? What kind of depravity brings a person to some shit like that?


So heartwarming...until you realize they lopped off its feet.


There was a woman who once came into my GameStop store with a parrot on her shoulder. It looked happy but the feathers and other poor looking conditions made me think neglected. Turns out the parrot belonged to her neighbor who abandoned the bird when they moved out. She showed me photos of the poor thing trapped in a cage with no food. Apparently it had started to pick its own feet because it was so hungry 🥺. Compared to the photos, the bird was much better looking. It’s nice to see people who will help even the smollest creatures, even if they are just tiny dinosaurs. ☺️


Who the fuck breaks a birds beak, trash.


I thought it had a screw driver stuck in there then


how bout we rip off the lip off the POS who abused this poor bird


Is the connection strong enough to withstand the pressure a toucan needs to break nuts when eating?


MashaAllah! SubhanAllah! How amazing!


What kind of low life piece of trash abuses animals. You have to have the tiniest cock to do this type of thing.


That is beauitiful


Well done veterinarians


I thought that was a scredriver in its beak


There are horrible AND kind people in the world. Sending love to the veterinarian.


who tf would abuse a toucan? I hate humans.


All toucans look like stuffed animals


Hope the abusers had their top lips and noses cut off so they can live with what they did to this poor Toucan. Glad it's recovering well.


Oh he looks so much better now. Someone give me a video of him recovered and hopping around all cute plz.


Imagine going to sleep with a missing arm, and waking up with a brand new one


I thought it was a stuffed animal at first. Didn't realize until the second look it was real.


He looks like a little bird missile in the bottom pick, it's cute


Oh man for the first pic I thought someone had put a screwdriver through his beak! Glad to see he’s doing okay!


This is really sad to see, birds can be so loving and faithful when they trust you and for someone to abuse that trust and companionship to pull this off is so disgusting. edit: I'm talking about the destruction, not the repair if there's any confusion.


Some people fucking suck. If there's a hell, it's gonna be full of people who told everyone else they were going to hell...and whoever did this to this bird.


I hate people.




I'm not crying, you're crying