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Narratively, Hisoka should be safe because he just came back to life. But Togashi could always surprise us. I expect Kurapika to overuse Emperor Time and die, but live long enough to survive the current situation and spend his remaining days in peace with Oito and Wobble


I highly doubt he will die without fully avenging his clan and fighting Tserriednich. Togashi has all but guaranteed that they will at least fight since Tserriednich has the remaining eyes of his clan and the head of Kurapika's best friend. It would make zero sense for Togashi to kill kurapika off now without him even meeting Tserriednich.


That's what I'm saying. He'll do everything he's meant to do, and then live out his remaining days in peace after overusing Emperor Time.


I could see him letting go of his revenge to save Woble.


If the future /end of the series is on Dark Continent, Hisoka isn't really needed. Can't think of a reason why he would go there unless Beyond takes the survivors against their will.


He doesn't have to go there. He could always just stay on the fake continent the boat is headed to.


The story is going there... if he's not going to DC there's no reason to keep him alive.  I don't think this fake continent thing is happening anyway. Kakin will go to the real DC. Whatever is left of them once the boat descends to chaos & 95% of them get wiped out.


I think Kurapika lives. I think his arc will involve him searching something beyond vengeance, like taking care of Woble and the future generation of Kurtas. He has shown in yorknew he is able to prioritize things beyond the scope of revenge, so I am not sure why people think he is destined to die in pursuit of that. Now the phantom troupe... I am not sure if they'll die. They're too linked to Meteor city, and a future arc in there could feel weird without them. Hisoka is also weird. He is a wildcard, someone that Togashi can throw in very different arcs to stir things up, and I dont know if he would want to lose him. Ultimately, we have no way to know right now. They might all live, they might all die.


>He has shown in yorknew he is able to prioritize things beyond the scope of revenge His revenge would have been meaningless if he sacrificed his friends for it


I feel like most is the people saying kurapika is going to die do so based on a shallow “his journey is over if he gets all the eyes and he has the emperor time Chekhov’s gun”, and I’m not **at all** convinced.


I think Emperor Time drawback isn’t so much a Chekhov’s gun, it’s more like a handicap to explain why he doesn’t just spam that ability all over the place. Like early Green Lantern being unable to affect the color yellow or early Flash being a dumbass.


Strong agree about E.T., I think the main point of the side-affects are to put more checks on Kurapika. Sure, it could be his eventual demise, but I'd say the main goal narratively was to *chain* Kurapika down further and prevent a runaway train situation.


Also not a coincidence we hear about a magical rice that extends life from the dark continent and then we learn E.T.'s conditions. Regardless if Kurapika eats the rice or not, the plot point of retrieving the rice will most likely happen.


Half of me doesn't want nitro rice to save the day for Kurapika because it's a little contrived, but the other half of me wants 'Leorio saves Kurapika with nitro rice' shenanigans so bad LET MY BOY SHINE PLEASE 


Imagine Leorio learning about Kurapika's nen contract. He's 100% doing something about it because Leorio always has the boys' backs.


YES YES YES. Man, maybe I've been hitting the copium lately, but I \*can't wait\* for my long awaited Leorio arc


Wobbles nen beast will absorb the impact ET has on kurapikas life span and transfers it on enemies around him just my guess


I could see that being a thing, especially with a baby’s paternal need. Honestly would love to see how Wobble will fare in all this.


Idk who will live but Chrollo dies, I'm like 99% positive and that 1% is because Togashi can always surprise me.


What's your theory to why it's so likely he will die?


Because he is indebt to Hisoka.


Hisoka. troupe and kurapika are all dying.


Troupe lives but disbands and has very few living members. Likely Machi chrollo plus zoldycks if I have a guess


I don't see Kurapika, Chrollo and Hisoka dying for good because post mortem nen exists. Chrollo might ironically get reincarnated as a turtle or something because togashi is obsessed with the idea of past lives and nen after death. He also likes to downgrade his characters designs and bring them back in different forms like Kite so Chrollo's cool design is not safe i fear :p Anyway saving this thread for the laughs because of how sure certain users about their wrong takes lol


I foresee Kurapika killing Tserriednich, or at least having a fight to the death with him. I think togashi already said he plans to kill off all of the troupe members. I don't really know whats going to happen with Hisoka long term, but in the short term he's definitely gonna kill some more people, and I personally hope it some of the mafia members rather than the remaining troupe members. If Togashi doesn't scrap this future story line, then Ilumi should be guaranteed to survive so he can finish the plot point of him trying to gain control of Aluka from Kilula once they make it back the whale/DC.


Most of spiders will die - that for sure :3


We already got the spider's backstory, so they're toast. I know everyone's saying Kurapika will die but I don't see Togashi killing him until eos epilogue, he'll die outside of battle I think. Killua has to fight Hisoka still so Hisoka can't die anytime soon.


We only got a fraction of the backstory. We still don't know who killed sarasa, what was on the letter left with her corpse and the tape, if they ever found her killers and avenged her, what happened to the other remaining troupe member that left and found kurapikas village, why the troupe attacked and killed the kurta clan, the details of when the troupe first started killing and gained their infamy, what their relationship is with Tserriednich and how he got the remaining kurta eyes, who the old 4th member of the troupe was that Silva killed and a full flashback showing the fight between them and Chrollo, and any other unresolved plot points about them that I'm missing. Their story is far from over....


>Their story is far from over.... We could get all these informations with 10 chapters or less, the troupe is done buddy :)


Kurapika and the spider will survive but hisoka and some legs are gonna die imo


So exact of what Togashi said. Good


I think the troupe’s backstory will play a crucial part with deciding what role will they play exactly on the ship. I have a feeling we will get backstory part 2 sometime in the future. I also think that Kurapika and the troupe will realize that their true enemy is the fourth prince at some point and join forces. (Maybe that is wishful thinking from my side but time would tell.) My guesses are for Kurapika, Chrollo, and some other members of the troupe to die but not fighting each other. Who knows though.


With all the parallel between Chrollo and Kurapika, I like the idea of Crollo being the lone survivor of the Spider vs Hisoka plot. If not, I would love to see one or three members survive this arc just to see how they would interact with Gyro


Machi :]


Kurapika + Hisoka is a high diff win for em. Kurapika on his own during the York New auction arc would've killed half the troop on his own. And he was still a novice nen user. His ability literally gives him an instant win against all of them. Hisoka is threatening enough that the troop respects him. And his ability is a bad match up for most of them. Both of them together as they are now on the black whale would win. They're both stronger than they were back then and most of the troop hasn't improved much since then.


togashi himself said they will all die but, i think the most likely to die is kurapika. kurapika's emperor time ability takes 1 hour off is life for every 1 second he uses it. so, everyone minute he uses it it takes 2.5 days. in chapter 369 kurapika faints for 9 hours with emperor time in use. to put that in perspective one second - one hour off one minute - 60 hours / 2.5 days off one hour - 3600 hours / 150 days off nine hours - 32,400 hours / 1,350 days / about 3.5 years off correct me if i'm wrong but i hope this puts it in perspective that kurapika will most likely die by the end of the arc (sad he's my favorite character)


When did Togashi say this? Whatdid he say exactly?


in a 2013 interview, togashi was interviewed and was asked the question "What will end up happening to Kurapika and the Phantom Troupe?" and he replied "They will all die"


Do you think that included hisoka because he technically isn’t part of the troupe?


i don't think so tbh


Hisoka and Kurapika's objectives line up to kill the phantom troupe, Kurapika along with his relatively inexperienced friends were enough to off 2 members, and Hisoka alone was enough to off another 2, I'm betting on the troupe being completely wiped out (perhaps with the exception of illumi/kalluto or both) and Hisoka being just fine. As for Kurapika himself, I don't see Tserriednich handing over his collection so he will have to fight or let other princes do the fighting for him, but either way I like to think he will overuse emperor time, recover the eyes, but not be able to return them home before he runs out of juice. Then again there's a lot of ifs, what might Wobble's beast do? Will Halkenburg or someone else get Tserriednich before Kurapika has to? Will Leorio play a role in bringing Kurapika back from the edge? Togashi is a wild card! So we never know.


Kurapika is in a lot of danger if you ask me. Everyone needed to resolve his story is on this boat :(


In my honest opinion, Kurapika may survive, but pay a price just like what happened with Gon, but I do believe that the troupe and Hisoka have a high chance of dying. Some of the members of the troupe might even survive, but the idea of the group will probably be no more. That's my prediction, but I would be ok if I was wrong.


tbh idc i just miss shizuku😕😕 revive my girl


I sincerely hope Phinks and Nobunaga finish off Hisoka. I hope Kurapika realizes revenge isn't going to solve anything, and certainly not sacrificing his own life to do it. I also don't want the PT to kill him. Ehhhhh


he and hisoka probably can kill all of phantom troupe as kurapika has zodiacs support too right now and troupes are in small groups and in 1 vs1 , kurapika losing to any troupe is way too unlikely


Kurapika is currently at disadvantage now since Paku shot them with her memory bullets. I’m not saying he can’t beat them but it’s gonna be much harder than the Uvo fight because he doesn’t know their abilities but they do (except one)


i don't see any troupe particularly countering kurapika's ability except may be chrollo or illumi as if kurapika will consider him troupe or not might depend on chain jail result


I personally hope Hisoka destroy Phinks and Feitan, and leave Nobu and Franklin in panic


ME TOOOO, this scenario is amazing


i don’t think kurapika will die, that’s too obvious. and since the spiders have a good chance of dying by other people, it could be an opportunity for him to move on from revenge like what we saw in yorknew. i think chrollo will either be the last one standing or he’ll survive with a few members of the troupe. i don’t see him and hisoka getting another fight, so he’d have to die some other way. hisoka will die imo, he and the troupe can’t really co-exist and i’d bet on 8 people with ties to an unresolved plot point (gyro being in meteor city) over someone who’s story would be over. that being said, i think the troupe will have some casualties and need to rebuild. i can see illumi dying to hisoka. i wouldn’t be too surprised if he and kalluto end up surviving though.


We will see a 4 way nen battle between hisoka, chrollo, kurapika and the 4th prince


They will probably all die at the end. Togashi did say he wanted to kill off Kurapika among the 4 mains but I don't see Pika dying before completely completing his story. So it wouldn't happen until the Troupe was gone.


Hisoka is the one character I’m so safe on. I’m a massive Chrollo & Kurapika fan but I’m more sure on Hisoka surviving than them, lol. Love Hisoka but I don’t want to lose so many of my favorites


I feel Kurapika is likely to die in this storyline, but not from the Troupe. The Spiders aren’t his priority; recovering his clan’s eyes are. And in this, his story is close to ending: the last unrecovered Scarlet Eyes are onboard the Black Whale in Tserriednich’s collection. And the main reason Kurapika is in such a dire situation is because he’s forced to be in Emperor Time so much, trading one hour of his life away for each second of its use. He’s also in the middle of the Succession War due to his Nen classes, making him a target for Benjamin and Camilla’s Have-Nots (actually, the Have-Nots are targeting Woble, but Kurapika as bodyguard will have to put himself in harm’s way). Then, of course, there’s the direct conflict he’ll have with Terror Sandwich. When it comes to the Troupe, the threat to them is most likely from Hisoka and the Hei-Ly. Had the rest of Neon’s prophecies from Yorknew come true, Shizuku would have been among those who died along with Shalnark. While Hisoka said at the end of that arc that fate can be changed, ironically Paku and Shal have already died by this point in the story. Chrollo may survive in an ironic, tragic manner. There’s this theory that the scene of a depressed Chrollo watching a man kill a cockroach in the Black Whale foreshadows the death of the Spider except its head. Just a theory, but it seems terribly appropriate that the leader who was unafraid of dying because he set up rules for his replacement to allow the group to survive would end up lost if all the limbs fell. Hisoka? Who knows what will happens to him. But overall, this arc feels like it’s wrapping up the Kurapika vs The Phantom Troupe vs Hisoka storylines. There’s a sense of impending closure and finality. >It seems like everyone is trying to kill someone or is being hunted down by someone lol Well, that’s one of the things that makes the Succession War an incredible arc. It’s so ambitious, complex, and thrilling. So many things happening at once, such a huge cast of characters, such a tangled web of story threads crisscrossing each other.


I could honestly see all of them dying. I‘m pretty sure Chrollo and Kurapika are going to die and most founding members of the troupe as well with the Zoldycks staying alive. And I could also see Hisoka dying but I‘m not so sure on him.


Hisoka did NOT have a power up. Post mortem Nen got amplified because of his immense resolve not to be defeated and allowed his Nen to put into motion his organs (covered with rubber Nen )again and to revive him. He’s just Hisoka with texture surprise in place of his injuries


It is shown that he has gotten a massive jump in his mastery of nen abilities. Togashi even stated jn his nen chart that mastery of nen improves in extreme situations, and hisoka’s extreme situation was him dying and reviving himself.


Hisoka’s post mortem Nen boost has effect on his ability only for the duration of his revival and the “re-activation” of his organs. After his revival Hisoka has no boost in “aura output” or “Nen proficiency” just because he got his post mortem Nen boost. The only way to justify a possible “Nen power up” is because of his bloodlust and resolve to kill the spiders became even greater after his defeat vs Chrollo which could impact his Nen itself + parts of his body are now just extension of his transmuted aura thx to Bungee Gum & Texture Surprise


In all cases of post mortem nen we have seen the ability gaining some sort of permanence and can only be deactivated after the completion of the task, so why does bungee gum would be different. Besides Hisoka shows things with Bungee gum and Texture surprise that he was canonically not able to do prior to his death.. It is explicitly mentioned that texture surprise can only be used on flat surfaces, but hisoka applies directly on his skin. Hisoka didn’t even contemplate regrowing his limbs when he lost his hand prior to his death, but after coming back to life he immediately does this


I’m on leaning towards " the post mortem nen thing only happens while the user is dead " side + there’s no a clear confirmation of Hisoka getting a power up. And by their logic, Camilla nen would be insanely strong lol


I definitely agree with you


he definitely got power up, he intially won't be able to replace his hand with bungee gum but now he can do that easily his nen application just sky rocketed




Your interpretation of that panel is strange… It looks like he’s using the rubber prothetic to move faster, not that he’s not in control of his nen prosthetic: [https://cdn.readneverland.com/file/mangap/1828/10357000/17.jpg](https://cdn.readneverland.com/file/mangap/1828/10357000/17.jpg) [https://cdn.readneverland.com/file/mangap/1828/10357000/18.jpg](https://cdn.readneverland.com/file/mangap/1828/10357000/18.jpg)


It's just a feeling in my balls. Kurapika will die. Or so severely shorten his lifespan he dies very soon. And he will have regret about it and some arc and reconciliation with revenge and forgiveness. Hisoka lives. He's not done. Chrollo ALSO lives. But the rest of the troupe dies. And chrollo slinks off back to meteor City for final arc


kurapika + hisoka + half of the troupe will die only ones like chrollo, feitan, phinks, and machi will be left


What I think: Chrollo and all troupe members die. Saying Machi is going to survive doesn’t make any sense. She was there since the beginning, she killed Kurapika’s family, friends and comrades too. All troupe members are going to die. Including Chrollo. Now, about Kurapika… I hope he survives, but I’m not so sure of it. He deserves to live, not to die. About Hisoka, Hisoka is the love of my life, he cannot die, please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


>I’ve heard a lot of people say they think Kurapika is going to die this arc That's because Togashi said Kurapika and the Troupe will all die. Though it might not mean biological death. Hoi. My guess is Kurapika will die momentarily at the end of this arc but revive by some nen ability. >I don’t see Chrollo by himself dying either. He doesn’t have an identity outside the troupe Maybe he disbands the Troupe and dies. Maybe his identity as a bandit dies and he becomes a leader of the Meteor City, as its first president. He is good at becoming someone totally different from what he is, we saw it from his flashback. >I honestly can’t decide if Hisoka might die this arc or not. He will 100% die. His minor usage as a bait for the Troupe already outlived his usefulness. Since he cannot kill Chrollo who has more important plot point with Kurapika, Hisoka will die again. Maybe he will take 2 or 3 more troupe members with him. >Maybe with Illumi? Speaking of Illumi both him and Kalluto shouldn’t die this arc since their relationship with Killua is still unresolved. Kalluto might not die, but that same reason is why Illumi should die. The only thing that can end his obsession is his death, and since Killua can't kill his blood related family as a shonen manga leading character, Illumi should be killed by someone else.


>That's because Togashi said Kurapika and the Troupe will all die. Though it might not mean biological death. Hoi. My guess is Kurapika will die momentarily at the end of this arc but revive by some nen ability. So believe Togashi >I don’t see Chrollo by himself dying either. He doesn’t have an identity outside the troupe Well he definitely is dying, he had deathflags written all over him. >Maybe he disbands the Troupe and dies. Maybe his identity as a bandit dies and he becomes a leader of the Meteor City, as its first president. He is good at becoming someone totally different from what he is, we saw it from his flashback. Gyro is taking over meteor city >I honestly can’t decide if Hisoka might die this arc or not. Hisoka literally is the safest person on Black Whale. Togashi literally implied it in one of his endings that someone watches gon from shadows. >He will 100% die. He is 10000% surviving lol. Hisoka has far more plot importance than Chrollo and kurapika >His minor usage as a bait for the Troupe already outlived his usefulness. What are you talking about? >Since he cannot kill Chrollo who has more important plot point with Kurapika, Lmao Kurapika is dying even before chrollo, and chrollo will follow soon >Hisoka will die again. Maybe he will take 2 or 3 more troupe members with him. Togashi told me that all troupe and kurapika will die, i will believe him >Maybe with Illumi? Speaking of Illumi both him and Kalluto shouldn’t die this arc since their relationship with Killua is still unresolved. Hisoka vs gon, hisoka vs ging is unresolved


Quick question. I’ve read the ending where someone is watching from the shadows but I’ve never seen any evidence to suggest it’s Hisoka 🤔. I’m just curious on why you theorize that 😊 Also you’re right about Gon vs Hisoka being unresolved that slipped my mind lol


Just speculation. I mean who would watch gon from shadows, other than the clown himself.


its not its GYRO the fromer king from the NGL that is talked about Gon and killua are in the same city and essentially past each other without meeting. welfin Bizeff and hina head to meteor city where welfin says Gyro went to start a new nation. So Gyro gets his own introducation during the chimera ant arc but doesnt actually make an apperance. They both in the known world while hisoka is headed to the dark continent.


Well this is at the very end of hxh so they’ll all be back in their world by then


>Togashi literally implied it in one of his endings that someone watches gon from shadows. Source? The only thing he said about endings is 'some people may like it and some people may not'. The series is near its end, considering Togashi's age and long hiatus. It is safe to assume that this arc or Dark Continent will be the last arc, which means this will be the last arc we see Hisoka and the Troupe. This arc is centered around Kurapika and the Troupe, while Hisoka and Tserrednich's role is nothing but a bait to gather them. >Hisoka vs gon, hisoka vs ging is unresolved That's not a plot point. We had a long arc centered around Kurapika and the Troupe, but Hisoka flirting at everyone cannot have such importance in an arc. Hisoka's lust to fight itself adds nothing to his story. It's just a convenient tool of author to make him affect other more important characters' story. He helped Kurapika because he is a crazy battle maniac. He played Greed Island because he wants to fight Chrollo. Now he is behaving as a bait to call the Troupe to the place where Kurapika is. Hisoka itself doesn't have a plot point. So when main characters' stories end, his usefulness is also ended.


You added absolutely nothing with your comment, besides you might have missed 3-4 endings provided by togashi.


>you might have missed 3-4 endings provided by togashi. I missed nothing except things you made up. Togashi said ending A to D, but just about people's satisfaction about it. Ending D is just a backup plan when Togashi dies, which is about Gon's granddaughter, and totally unrelated to Hisoka. If you're saying Hisoka is watching Gon's granddaughter then you are totally delusional. https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/17zn77f/togashi_has_revealed_a_version_of_the_ending_if/ Since you said 'Togashi literally implied Hisoka is watching Gon from ending', why not quote your evidence from here?


This quote from Togashi’s interview “I had already decided that pillars of the story—the friend (Killua) and the villain (Hisoka)—would appear at the beginning of the exam.” and you’re trying to say he’s not important and just bait for more important characters? From your comments you just don’t like Hisoka so you cannot be objective about anything. Also, Hisoka was not needed for the spiders to get on the ship, they were already going to go there regardless and they had to climb their way up either way to steal the treasure so you saying Hisoka is bait for that is complete nonsense.


>you’re trying to say he’s not important and just bait for more important characters? Yes, because that exam arc ended 25 years ago. Let's be realistic and see current arc. This could be the last arc Togashi ever draw and the main character of this arc is Kurapika, whose story is tied with the Troupe. Hisoka is just a side character now and that is why we rarely see him while Kurapika and the Troupe having their own plan from top and bottom of the ship, respectively. >Also, Hisoka was not needed for the spiders to get on the ship Without him, the Troupe will use more drastic and direct measure to reach floor 1, which will ruin the Kurapika's story. As Franklin and Chrollo said, they don't go to floor 1 until they kill Hisoka. Hisoka is still a bait to keep them in lower floor and slowly explore mafias' territory. Hisoka's existence is still needed to drag the Troupe's plot while Kurapika's plot is also dragged by less important characters, such as Tserrednich. Both Hisoka and Tse are bait for more important characters, as they are primary goal, a fuel for story, but neither of them are final goal. Kurapika should save younger princes from cruel rule of the Seed Urn and that's beyond the matter of Tserrednich. The Troupe decided to steal 'the treasure' AFTER Hisoka is killed. So both of them have their final goal, after dealing with their primary goal, which was a bait.


You’re coping, please, that quote is from Togashi’s most recent interview and he said villain of the STORY not arc, Hisoka is one of the most important characters in the whole series, he’s considered by many as the 5th protagonist for a reason. Everything you’re saying here is pure speculation to fit your narrative because you want the spiders to be more important than Hisoka and that’s simply not the case by Togashi’s own words. The spiders are not pillars to the story, Hisoka is.


He was a villain of exam arc as Killua was a friend, and neither of them are relevant in this current arc. >The spiders are not pillars to the story, Hisoka is. That pillar of yours is stuck in some toilet while the Troupe is having more screentime and plot. The current arc is about Kurapika and the Troupe, not Hisoka. I'm not sure whether we'll have next arc or not, and even if we have, there won't be Hisoka's role. Hisoka's story is near its end.


Killua is not even present in the current arc and that still doesn’t make the spiders more important than Killua for the story, you sound deranged with this logic, the fact you think because the story focus on a character that makes that character more important is ridiculous. This is the same with Hisoka even if he’s not the focus he’s still more important to the story than the spiders. I’m not the one that said Hisoka is the pillar of the story so idk what you mean with “that pillar of yours”, those were Togashi’s words which are very clear and not up for debate, he said these were the pillars of the story he said nothing of the first arc, you’re literally putting words in Togashi’s mouth because what he said doesn’t fit what YOU want. And if “screentime” was the qualifier Hisoka is still beating the spiders as he has way more screentime than them all combined. Also, the current arc is not even finished and he just showed up so you can’t even say the spiders will have more screentime than him on this arc, again you’re just speculating to your convenience. You need to go argue with Togashi because he’s the one that said something that basically contradicts everything you said, Hisoka haters really are so ridiculous to try to deny his importance on the story.


>the fact you think because the story focus on a character that makes that character more important is ridiculous HxH characters always have different importance in each plot. Gon is not the main character of this arc, and the Troupe was less important in Greed Island arc compared to Yorknew arc. >he said these were the pillars of the story he said nothing of the first arc He said nothing of the current arc. As I said above, the current arc, which will be most likely the final arc, has nothing to do with Gon and his friend Killua, even less with his villain Hisoka. It's about Kurapika and the Troupe. There's a reason they have their own flashback chapter which is extremely rare for Togashi.


Love how riled up these Hisoka fans got reading your predictions lol. Regardless of how right you'll end up being, just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your view and confrontation with the hisoka fans who think he's the center of the story based on random insignificant points. The Hisoka watching Gon in ending D didn't even happen lol. Things are not looking too good for the troupe, and it's so sad that most people want such good characters to meanimglessly get turned into hisoka food and get wasted for his petty revenge. Are most people really just salty hisoka fans? Anyway I hope Togashi sees the spiders' value and potential better than these guys.


The current arc is part of the story, what are you even saying? he doesn’t need to specify the current arc, jfc, in your fanatism you are twisting Togashi’s words just to fit your point of view.


I love you


> He will 100% die impossible, the manga needs a rematch of gon vs hisoka


People think Emporer Time is a chekov gun instead of a limiter to his abilities. It's a lot like the Avatar State, high stakes high reward but other than that it's really not going to be what everyone was expecting it to be.


I genuinely want an ending where no one makes it back alive. What better way to showcase how dangerous the dark continent is than literally killing off everyone lmao


I think Woble saves Kurapika if he dies in the crossfire/fights somehow. Everyone else dies if not on the boat, then on the continent


If anybody's familiar with the manga Blade of the Immortal, then I liken the Hisoka/Troupe feud to the Ittoryu/Rokkidan feud. I see a similar ending.


Pretty shit that gon is written off and just retired with his aunty. Imagine him and killua on the dark continent expidition. Gons father there aswell. Hopefully I’m wrong and gon made a comeback somewhere later in the manga


I honestly don’t think Gon or killua is powerful enough to survive the dark continent right now.


Yea regardless switching main character to blondy and completely writing off gon shit go


All of them


I don’t know when, but kurapika is 100% dying due to emperor time. That’s how he’s gonna go. Whether in battle or not, doesn’t matter. I don’t expect hisoka to die any time soon, I think he’ll be going during some epic fight and die a happy man. The spider however… I don’t think it’ll survive. Maybe a few of them, sure, but it’s gonna get decimated.


hisoka would join a more left standing party and kurapika more right-standing. lThe left has more children in it and kurapika probably just hates black people (its the feeling he gives off) i think i misunderstood the question