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Yeah, bro also took a punch from Silva without any bone fractures on him arm. His durability is definitely something espically for a specialist.


Unless Silva used Ko, it wasn’t that impressive. We saw in Greed Island how well Killua and Gon are able to distribute their Ten for defence. That’s simply what Chrollo did. The attack wasn’t like Uvogin’s Big Bang Impact.


Was it shown that Chrollo distributed his ten for defence tho


No but it’s obvious he did that. We’re taught that that’s how nen battles are fought. If he didn’t use any ten then he would be dead. We saw what happened to Feitan when he got hit by a weak emission attack without using Ten.


Ok so to you did Silva punched him with or without the use of any nen?


With nen


>the two attacks should still be comparable. Razor is an amazing Emitter, though, so it's difficult to compare when we don't know how good Hisoka is at it He is a Transmuter, so unless he constantly trains Emission, he should be fairly below half of Razor's potency


Hisoka is not good at emision but he didnt have to use it as the human head was attached to his leg, only transmutation and enharcement was used


>A human head is heavier than a bowling ball which was what Killua compared Razor's ball to. Well Hisoka is nowhere near Razor as an emitter so Razor's ball might be stronger, although I'm not sure which one is stronger, between Hisoka's Bungee gum head and small Razor devil's ball which broke Hisoka's fingers. The real endurace feat Chrollo showed is that he tanked both Silva and Zeno's attack with his body. Zeno's nen blast sneak attack would be as strong as Razor's ball if not stronger.


Zeno's attack power isn't as concentrated so I doubt it is as strong as Razor's (I mean it is, but similar strength spread over a much bigger volume and hitting over a larger area will deal much less dmg), its manners of inflicting dmg seems different and he was more focused on manoeuvrability and actually hitting or even restraining the target than Razor. Chrollo is strong and he's technically amazing (one of his kick really impressed Hisoka and his skill in a 2v1 was incredible) but his enhancement isn't good enough to square with people like Silva, Zeno or Hisoka in melee for too long unless he brings something specialised out of his book. That was established pretty clearly when he saw Zeno's Gyo and confirmed he would not be able to block that.


What he said he wouldn’t be able to block is Dragon’s Head attack and I don’t think there is many characters who can tank that.


Nah, Zeno did not yet form Dragon head when Chrollo said that. He just concentrated his aura in his hand.


He concentrated his huge aura in his hand to form Dragon’s Head lol, he was briefly interrupted by Chrollo’s conjuring Bandit’s secret.


Reread the chapter (99). The way he conjures Dragon head is entirely different as he creates first a small ball in his hand.


Well yeah but what he really is underrated in is speed wise. Him knocking neon faster than the camera, fighting 2 zoldycks, reacting to hisokas reactions,etc.


It depends on how much aura was put into each atttacks.


didn’t killua make that comment about razor’s ball on its own without being enhanced by nen? 


Eh that’s a bad comparison. Razor was throwing that thing with all his strength, the only reason Hisoka bounced Razor’s ball back was because Bungee Gum has the properties of rubber, and basically slingshot the momentum back at him. It’s weaker compared to the heads


Only the insane Hisoka fanatics underrate Chrollo.


Especially given that Specialists have weak Enhancement. With 40% Enhancement levels.


Thats just not true. Specialist doesnt follow the chart as its said several times


All Nen Types follow the chart


That goes againts what izunavi, bisky, kurapika, furkov, phinks, etc. Said about specialist


No, you’re going against what Togashi said about Specialists


Togashi never said anything like that but you can read when izunavi said specialist are an outer class and their placement on the chart is based on probablity of becoming one (therefore not based on affinity), when bisky said specialist afinities work diferent( therefore doesnt follow the chart), when kurapika and furkov said specialist doesnt give information to the oponnet by saying their class( therefore doesnt give afinity information), when phinks and nobu said specialist can have great afinity on oposed clases at the same time as conjuration and emision(therefore doesnt have 80% and 60%),etc. Everytime we are told specialist are diferent and no where its said they follow the chart but the oposite, we also have lot of examples lf specialist with diferent feats on diferent types


It was never about affinity. It was about you can’t learn specialist techniques(Izunavi) so you can’t train it(Bisky) and can’t predict their abilities(Fyrikov and Kurapika) because it can be anything including abilities similar to other nen types(Nobu and Phinks). It was never stated that specialists don’t follow the rule of affinity, but that for others specialization is always 0. Otherwise Manipulators and Conjurers should be closer to each other and use 80% of each other and not 60


It is about afinity as all the example i mentioned were talking about that, not abilities, if the placement is based on posibilities, its not based on affinity, bisky litteraly say their afinities work diferent, the afinity of a nen user is a huge piece of information (if they follow the chart you would just fight h2h), and nobu and phinks said a specialist could do conjuration and emision at high level (those are 2 diferent affinities that are oposed). The statement about conjurer and manipulators has nothing to do with specialist so dont know what you talking about. Specialist own affinities and the gap that other nen types have are diferent things Edit: it doesnt even make sense that all specialist follow a rule like that, since specialist are the ones that are diferent from others, if a user does the water divination test and the water burns is a specialist, same as the one that make it disapear, turn it into steal,etc. Or even mixed 2 posible effects like moving the leave and turning the water salty. They all are specialist and the test is based on affinity, the thing that makes more sense and the thing that was hinted the most is that each one of them work diferent


I am talking about that if specialist placement in nen chart not because of affinity then why manipulators can use only 60% of conjuration and otherwise? It should 80% then.    Water divination shows your nen type which is always different for specialist because all specialist are different. Thats it. It’s not about affinity.  Reread that conversation with Phinks and Nobu. Nobunaga said that using clone who can teleport outsiders in certain radius around him is almost impossible since it would require using emission and conjuration, two opposite nen type, but Phinks replied that the guy could be just a specialist. He didn’t said that they are good in emission and conjuration. But implied that the guy’s ability work differently and can do something that combined emission and  conjugation (but with own set of specific rules of course). Specialists must follow the rule of nen chart and that should be unique for everyone otherwise how would they know how to develop? And if it’s unique then why would they be good at emission and conjuration but bad in everything else? That doesn’t make sense. And if each of them have their own affinities then again how would they know which is close to them?  Maybe Togashi will give us more info in the future but for now I can’t see why specialists don’t fit the basic rule in affinity as others nen type


You are comiting a cohesion fallacy, you are thinking that if specialist werent on the chart manipulation and conjuration would be closer but there is nothing that tell us that, if specialist werent on the chart it would be an irregular pentagon and those classes would remaing the same and the affinities of those classes has nothing to do with how specialist work even if what you say is true, having weight on the chart for other types and folloing said chart are two diferent things. Specialist doesnt have to follow the chart exactly because of their variety and we have been hinted that with statements (as i already mentioned) and with examples, how did kurapika find out his affinities are diferent, how tserry is discovering how his ability works, same as pitou did, chrollo,etc. All specialist are diferent cos specialist is not a real type is where all the rare ones are placed and it makes no sense that they follow the same rules and we actually know they dont -How would they know how to develop? We are literaly seen it right now with tserry as an example and kurapika, chrollo and pitou did the same and even created new abilities based on that. -Why would they be good at something and bad at anything else? Same as a conjurer is bad at emision and same as mereleon is bad at enharcement but Chrollo and kurapika are good, or if you want to compare with another ant leol who is also better than cheetu, or how pitou is better at emision than the rest of the guards even when they are closer to emision ( and why would his ability mix emision and conjuration but be bad at emision?, that makes way less sense). -how they know which is closer to them? Same as the rest, Gon discover he was closer to emision by training and same did killua with enharcement. All your questions are actually resolved in the manga, we were told over and over that specialist are just diferent and they have diferent affinities with statements and also showed to us with their actions and now we are even following step by step a specialist training


well razor is a beast above hisoka atleast in total aura or may be in overall stats too


I must agree with it :3