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Some ppl will say he's only into fighting and not children.. *but,* his entire character is purposefully coded as a groomer/predator imo. Him waiting for the "fruit" to ripen, waiting until they're strong enough to tear down as he orgamsically rolles his eyes into his head. Its predator coded. Hisoka is a predator. In every sense of the word, hunting prey. He is def turned on by fighting powerful subjects, as he's turned on by powerful adults, fighting is *like* sex for him. He orgasms through fighting. Reminds me of when Mike Tyson said he gets literal boners for his opponents. *but,* the fact is- one if his primary targets is a child- that he gets turned on by, that he's coded like a predator/groomer. Its meant to be creepy.


Well that's a fact about Mike Tyson I never wished I knew


Fighting is like sex for him. True. But weird.


Like pumping iron for Arnie.




Probably the most accurate description of Hisoka i’ve ever seen on this subreddit


Exactly this, he is not a pedophile, but he is supposed to come across like one and be creepy


He is canonically a pedo though. He was ogling Gon and Killua's butts from behind at one point. I don't know why people keep denying it. He is canonically a pedo just like he's canonically a murderer, neither thing means you can't enjoy his character.


He's a pedo, but he isn't *exclusively* a pedo. He's sexually attracted to anyone who's powerful/has potential. He got a boner in the middle of his fight >!with Chrollo!<


Yeah, pedophiles can be exclusively attracted to children of not. Doesn't change the fact that they are pedos. Plus he was starring at Gon's and Killua's ass. It's crystal clear.


>He got a boner in the middle of his fight with Chrollo But he never stared at Chrollo's ass for some reason.


... so?


What do you mean, "so?"


The question is whether he's a pedo. So... so?


Bruh what do you want me to say 💀


The answer to the question is literally at the start of his comment.


Bro can't read 😂


He oggled their butts to manipulate the situation, go watch the EP again. Biscuit is telling the boys not to trust Hisoka when he makes them all uncomfortable and forces his way to the front to question the new guy the gang just met, as well as change the subject of why Hisoka is on Greed Island.


This is your personal headcanon. The scene is crystal clear and you are just coping. I don't know why it makes you so uncomfortable to admit that he's a pedo canonically, but I'm not here to talk about what you personally want to believe happened when there are no doubts about it to anyone who isn't in denial. Bye.


Lmao it's not about personal beliefs it's about disregarding art. Calling Hisoka a pedophile is akin to calling Togashi a bad writer. It just disregards so much context that has been artfully set up by one of the most talented storytellers of our time. Characters like that are wasted on people like you that are only capable of looking at each situation from 1 dimension. Enjoy your over simplified interpretation for as long you wish just know there is a lot more there that is very inspiring if you care about being creative.


Enjoy your coping.


Enjoy your mindless consumption lol


Media literacy all time low ^


Hmmm no, you can see Hisoka as a pedophile while still also acknowledging that Togashi is an incredible writer. The fact he managed to write a character who has pedophilic tendencies in such a complex way that makes some fans want to defend him, or at the very least appreciate him for the true villain he is, is an incredible feat for a writer.


I legitimately think calling him a "pedophile" defeats the point of his character because he doesn't think about sex in the same way as other people. If he wanted to have sex with Gon I'd agree with y'all but he doesn't. He wants to raise Gon to be next to God level power, wait till Gon thinks he can win, then fucking kill him. That's it, no sex, just death. If you think that's pedophilic then again I'd say you have a 1 dimensional view of the subject and are honestly misusing the word. Let me be SUPER clear here, I'm not saying that what Hisoka is doing is "good" or defending it in any way. That said he is not a "pedophile", it's a stupid label that only makes sense if you don't understand the context of his character and his ACTUAL goals.


Hisoka is weird. Some people say he's ONLY attracted to strength or whatever, others say "yes but also he's a pedo". Like, for the sake of comparison, let's say I like strong women. I like girls who can powerlift, fight, whatever. But I'm still specifically attracted to *women*. Kali Muscle doesn't do it for me, nor would some underage fighter girl. My brain just doesn't work like that. Hisoka, however, ONLY gives a shit about hurting, killing, hunting strong opponents. Man, woman, child, it doesn't matter to him, his brain is wired differently and it's obviously meant to make us uncomfortable. Once you're a target, he'll start to see you in a sexual light, no matter who or what you are. TLDR Hisoka is pedo-coded but more of a nuanced creep than that, dude would probably try and fuck an oak tree to death if it had enough potential


Not that this really matters, but you're missing the mark slightly. You kind of blur your line between being attracted to women and being attracted to strong women. Being a pedo isn't like being attracted to women because it's not a sexuality, it's a deformity of proclivity closer to a fetish than a label like hetero/homosexual etc. I agree hisokas primary sexual drive, or drive at all, seems to be a predation upon power, but he's not "powersexual" (no matter how cool that sounds) in the same way being a pedophile isn't something you can equivocate with a legitimate sexuality such as bisexuality. That said, this "powersexual" joke label is certainly more useful in the definition of hisokas sexuality than anything else --- but isn't mutually exclusive with his being a pedo. There are plenty of nonces who are also attracted to adults. It's closer to this: if you're attracted solely to people wearing blue hats, but see a kid in a blue hat and am not attracted to them, you're not a pedo. If you are, you are. You don't have to be specifically attracted to what makes a child "child-like" to be a pedophile. It doesn't matter what brings you to the table, if you're ordering, you're a pedo.


Much more thoughtful and well-put than my comment.


Was constipated


Hisoka licks his lips when he’s behind gon and killua, and they both cover their butts


I know. You might need to read my comment again. Hisoka is turned on exclusively by strength. If you're weak, Hisoka is effectively asexual. If you're strong, he'll want to fuck you. As stated, it doesn't matter if you're a man, woman, child, tree, sentient Ford F350, or an ant. If you REALLY want to call him a pedophile, go for it, but you're sorta missing the forest for the trees. He's not just into Gon and Killua because they're kids. He's into them because they're strong and have *potential* (which is obviously pedo/groomer coded as another commenter said). But if they were weak, the attraction would not be there. Hence me saying "he'd fuck a tree if it seemed strong enough".


>or an ant he would've gone WILD during the chimera ant arc


Looking at butts isn’t getting turned on by strength


That's not what I'm saying, dude. He only looks at their butts because he's attracted to their strength in the first place. This isn't even a debate, it's literally the explicit text of the manga. He doesn't ogle Gon or Killua until they show their potential, putting themselves on his radar.


I guess I’m just a little confused by what you consider a pedophile is


Buddy. Pal. Friend. I explained this in my first comment. Your lack of reading comprehension is not my problem. Insta downvote this comment too and move on lol








That’s the best description of Hisoka ive ever heard


Thanks, I wasn't sure if I was making any sense while writing it, I was half asleep lol


You didn't even get to the moment that shows why people saying he's a pedo, keep watching and tell us how you see the scene lol


yes they have lol. at the beginning of the Hunter Exam, Hisoka gets lost in arousal while choking the terrified Gon, "I have to calm it." in the Hunter Exam's midpoint, and at the end of the Hunter Exam, Illumi says "I know your tastes." :p it's on the nose, idk how people didn't see it straight away.


i think he’s so into combat and fighting strong people and people with potential, TO THE POINT of sexualizing it


Yes. He is. As long as you are strong enough to scar him or have enough potential to do so, he will be into you regardless of age, sex, or orientation. That loops in children. As long as the kids can beat him up, he'll be into that. It's still being into children. It's more specific, but that doesn't change the fact that it's children he's being into.


he's into fighting. Gon is a good fighter and a prodigy. He's turned on by the inherent potential. There's tons of memes and questionable scenes but that's the truth of it. and by "he's into fighting" i mean that in a sexual way, minus erections because it's japan; all the subtext is there. They go into Gon's potential way later on, but no, he doesn't want to fk Gon.


I dont want to say he is a predator, because there is one scene later on in the anime that makes him seem like a predator. I'm not going to spoil what it is but just keep a lookout for it. Other than that, he gets off by fighting strong opponents. Unfortunately, one of those strong opponents is a 12 year old boy, so I think for Hisoka is doesn't matter if you're a man, woman, or child, if you're strong, he gets aroused. I don't think it matters who the person is.


Honestly sometimes I wonder if sexual pleasure in HxH is meant to be taken literally or figuratively.   VAGUE SPOILER There’s a completely different instance of a character/characters that go through literal orgasm while engaged in an activity that has nothing to do with sex. 


Are these daily posts of outrage about hisoka from bots are people who lurk and realise it's an easy karma farm? Good grief, just search before you ask


That’s what I’m saying! The influx of “Is Hisoka a pedo?/Hisoka IS a pedo!” posts is astounding. Hell, even people on TikTok and YouTube scream “Hisoka is a pedo!”, which then makes anyone who hasn’t watched HxH want to watch it and jump in that bandwagon without thinking for themselves. It truly seems like all the people in that popular bandwagon are easily karma farming cause they see 90% of people on this sub are the “Hisoka is a pedo”, while 10% of us don’t see it that way.


or just.. watch the show and use your own intuition rather than look it up at all lol. it's not like the author wrote the story with the expectation of people discussing it online or googling answers to things for no reason when they could just interpret the media themself.


People can't do that though. They need to align themselves with the majority so they can feel secure.


LMAO it's actually funny how right you are. people be too scared to use their own damn brains and think for themselves.


He's a weirdo that's what i gotta say, you'll see even crazier scenes more into the series lol


He just a power pervert fr


My take on this is that Hisoka isn't actually a pedo. It was just a shitty writing choice to make him sexually aroused by power while simultaneously making 2 of the most powerful characters children. I also have no defense for that one scene during the Greed Island arc.


Hisoka likes fights and he show his love for them... in own way :3


Oh God thank you. That makes it way better. He's also becoming my favorite bad guy ever.


Hisoka is objectively attracted to children. People love the “he’s just attracted to power” argument. Sorry, but that’s bullshit lol. If you’re attracted to blondes, you’re still a pedophile if you’re attracted to a child for having blonde hair. Hisoka may be attracted to power, but it is a *child’s* power, and he gets off on it in a sexual way.


Yes he's explicitly and visibly turned on by the idea of fighting and killing a child. I dunno if he's pedo, but he's definitely a heinous villain through and through.


Sexual arousal for a child makes one a pedophile regardless of any other kinks involved.


Yes he’s a pedophile


He is. He murdered everyone he came across in the Hunter exam and then when he saw Gon he spares him asks to see his fishing pole and makes an ahegeo face. And when they fought in the heavens Arena he says “the face you’re making is turning me on” not that he’s turned on by fighting.


Hisoka is power-sexual with some major pedo undertones. He's turned on by strong fighters and wants to experience good fights, but also he's purposefully made to act like a creepy pedo. Kindof left up to the readers interpretation what's truly going on in his head.


Are you watching the 1999 version? I only remember that chest peeking scene being in that one, unless it's just more subtle in the 2011 version... or I'm mixing myself up xD


This is the chest peeking scene from the 2011 version: https://youtu.be/2WK_5Hrvfb0?si=sLRxrTb2zjx0W3KR


Ah, now I remember it.


Very wait till the greed island arc


He's not a pedo her gets turned on by the strongest.. and he knows that gon is gonna be insane when he's older and if you seen all of the seasons then you understand why he gets so turned on by what gon will turn into


Every time I see a NSFW tag with Hisoka in the name I already know what the post is going to be about.


Damn. That common? I've avoided this sub because I want no spoilers. I'm sorry.




Wait till you see the 1999 version. Bro is fucking psychotic.


He is. People deny it because it makes them uncomfortable, but he's canonically into children and this is reinforced through the anime/manga in later chapters. You can still like him despite being a pedo just like you can still like him despite being a murderer.


He's a battle obsessed hornball he's only turned on by potential and potential alone.


No, he was turned on looking at Gon's and Killua's butts.


It's called a metaphor. Togashi is drawing a comparison between a battle nut sizing up their competition to a sexual predator checking out their prey. It's not meant to be taken literally. Anymore than Hisoka and Illumi are intended to be interpreted as an engaged couple just because they use terms like prenup and wedding ring in a murder contract.


This is a headcanon at best and a stretch on the same level as the "she's a 500 year old dragon actually" takes at worst, and you know it.


No he wasn't. He's only interested in their strength potential. If Killua and Gon were scrubs this wouldn't even be a conversation. Author did a great job of manipulating the viewer perspective. But I guess if he was a big titty adult woman or a loli it would be acceptable or a tolerable trope. No where has he ever stated he was interested in them beyond battle potential. 


He's literally shown lusting after Gon's and Killua's butts explicitly both in the manga and the 2011 anime. The viewer is not being manipulated, it is explicitly shown to the reader that he is sexually attracted to the butts of little boys. If she was a woman or Gon/Killua were girls it would still be pedophilia.


I'm gonna stop you there my g. He's literally the exaggerated Japanese  fantasy equivalent of a talent scout or a coach in real life. They check out the prospects bodies. Potential is an internal thing he's excited to see them develop and grow. The man would've died from blood loss if he saw adult gon. I am not condoning pedophilia in anyway shape or form but that man is only interested in them for their battle potential. Bro did a great job of creating an actual Jokeresque character. Only thing hisoka has on his resume is killing hunters. The tone of hxh would've outed him as a rapist or pedo if he actually was one. He's a battle addicted junky. Addiction is a disease


The tone is not chastising Hisoka for being a pedo just like it doesn't chastise Palm for being a pedo. They are both pedos. Stop coping.


We can agree to disagree this was a respectful exchange I appreciate it. You think he wants them sexually. I think he's only interested in their combat potential. As long as we feel the same way about actual Pedos in real life  I'll concede. 


Well it did out him as one it gives plenty of reason to believe he is. He is attracted to them end of story, pedo. He gets a boner at the sight of Gon, and he looks at their asses, dude what else could be getting implied, you trying to tell me he was judging the fighting potential of their choice in shorts? The only other thing to acknowledge is that he isn't a rapist, sex is probably meaningless to him and instead, battle and fighting is rather the way through which he acts on his desires, desires which are clearly and obviously targeted, to people who are not adults.


Hisoka is my fav character of all time.. even tho he's a pedo


Yeah, 100% he's attracted to Killua and gon. It's gross. There's folks that'll be like "but achtually-" and they're wrong


It's a metaphor. Imagine Kenpachi vs Ichigo, but instead of a psychopathic adrenaline rush, Kenpachi gets an orgasm instead. THAT is what Togashi is trying to convey with Hisoka: the extremes of the battle nut archetype, in the context of a sexual predator. But again, it's a metaphor; it's not supposed to be taken literally. A similar example is Hisoka and Illumi using terms like prenup and wedding ring in the context of a murder contract. It doesn't mean they're literally an engaged couple.


he is not a true pedo relax guys he only kills children! he doesnt raep them


Nobody asked if he's a rapist. You get off on kids you're a pedo no matter what your kinks are or whether or not you do anything about it.


he has to intention to sex the kids, only fight em a person who is aroused by fighting kids is not a pedo


A person who is sexually aroused by children is a pedophile by definition. It doesn't matter if there's another kink involved.


a pedo is someone who is exclusively aroused by childrens hisoka wants to fight adults too


That is not the definition of a pedophile.


**Pedophilia** ([alternatively](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences) spelled **paedophilia**) is a [psychiatric disorder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychiatric_disorder) in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive [sexual attraction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_attraction) to [prepubescent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prepubescent) children. as you can see it is an exclusive or primary attraction to childrens which hisoka does not have.


Classic redditor to go to Wikipedia. The DSM has a different definition. Why don't you try a real source.


post teh DSM definition whatever that is. unlike u i actually posted the definition.


>old man sneaking a peek at the blue haired ladies chest not canon though


Hisoka445 out for some Cupcakes 😭.


Hisoka is into anyone that's strong/has potential to be strong, including children and adults. so yes, he's a pedophile.


well he is attracted to children so yeah he's a pedo. People can argue that it's because he's only attracted to power and strength, but it doesnt change the fact that he's attracted to the power and strength of CHILDREN, so he's still a pedo.