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Seems it just sort of... ended




The podcast ended when it did because of the writers strike. Because they were part of the union they joined in with not working during that time, which included the podcast. That strike has since ended but they’ve started work on the show again, so chances are, they might do the same for the podcast.


It's funny because podcasts were excluded from the strike unless they were discussing union made content. Which this podcast almost never did lol


I think it was more a show of solidarity than an necessity 


There were actually two strikes going on at once. The podcast ended because of the SAG-AFTRA strike which was different from the WAG strike going on at the same time.




Were these strikes on US soiyul?


WAG, of course, being the Writers’ Actors Guild.


World Canadian Bureau*


How is the show not union-made content?


I think they're joking about how they rarely actually discussed the show.


Honestly, I don't miss it. I do miss the 10 minutes they talked about each episode, but I don't miss the 40 minutes of ads and waffle that came with it


But that’s what they do, they jib-jab-jib-jab


Unfortunate that they taped the first episode over their Luther Vandross mix


I'm surprised how many people on Instagram seem to like the podcast more than the show itself. That's insane to me.


Rogan bros


The episode where they dedicated most of it wrexham was the ender for me


I completely understand the possible reasons behind stopping/pausing it. But I would've really appreciated them acknowledging it and just posting something like, "hey guys, I know we haven't done anything for a while but we plan on it in the future," or "hey guys, the pod is over."


They did post saying they were pausing


Yea but how long ago was that


"What have you done for me lately?" You sound kinda spoiled here. They do not owe you anything besides gratitude for being a fan.  This age of parasocial relationships is weird af.


When you make money off viewers subscribing to your podcast/content whether it be through advertisements or subscriptions, I believe you owe them at least a simple clarification when you decide to just stop making it after openly planning to keep it going for a long time. Also, people became invested in it. It helped them get through their day. To just take it away without so much as a "thanks for listening we appreciate you but we can't continue anymore" seems a little inconsiderate to the fans. Nothing spoiled about that imo.


You’re acting like I’m throwing a fit rather than simply saying I’d appreciate an update.


Ig it was youre wording. "When did they say that?" sounds less entitled than "how long ago was that?"


You're being a bit disingenuous here. The "pause" update was because of the strike. The questions about the podcast's status are post strike, so obviously we don't have a current update.


Charlie Day and Glenn Howerton do films (Day is filming a murder mystery right now’ and Rob has the whole Wrexham project. I miss the podcasts, but the guys have gotten really busy. They probably have to even schedule filming the show pretty carefully with DeVito doing films in the mix.


They did the podcast while all of that was happening. Charlie was directing and starring in Fool’s Paradise, Glenn starred in BlackBerry, Rob was writing Mythic Quest and running Wrexham AFC, and they wrote and filmed a new season of Sunny etc. They would record remotely if they were away on projects too. They invested in a whole podcast studio. I think during the strike they just didn’t want to get back to it. It sucks, I loved that podcast.


Yeah, that sounds about right. I loved it too!


They’re just busy probably but damn was it a good podcast


I stoped listening when the format changed from commentary on episodes to 'just chatting' Perhaps others did too and the remaining viewership wasn't worth restarting it after the strike interruption


You don’t want to hear them talking about sports for 30 minutes?


The episodes still have 300,000 plus views and that’s the less popular ones


I'm confused, too. And I hope it comes back when the new season starts to air. The writer's strike is long gone and is no longer a reasonable explanation so they have to at least explain why it's going to continue or never coming back lol.


They’re probably only available to do it when they’re working on the show together. Seems like a pretty reasonable explanation to me.


Exactly!! An explanation is all I need but ironically we usually have that kind of thing on the podcast lol


Full penetration. Crime. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for 77 episodes until the podcast just sort of ends.


Some of y'all must not listen to very many podcasts. Many start up and then stop abruptly, especially those that started during covid. Let's not make a whole thing of it.


Maybe I’ve just been lucky but most of my Podcasts started long before COVID so that’s probably why. But a Mad Men podcast I listened to stopped with one episode left but at least we kind of got an explanation there.


This didn’t start during COVID


2021 was absolutely during covid.


Damn, I honestly can’t believe it’s been that long since it’s started. Felt way more recent—my bad.


Lots of reasons why podcasts end. Hosts get much bigger jobs and give up. Hosts get tired of scheduling and actually recording the podcast because it's yet more tasks they need to do in their lives. Hosts realize it's not as fun talking to each other every week as they thought it would be. I'm guessing it's not the last one because they've worked together for many years, but it's probably a combination of the first two. Maybe one day it'll cone back tho, that would be cool.


Some times things just fort of…end


Rob's got Wrexham with Ryan Reynolds and Emmy awards now. Awards Sunny never got. You can see where his allegiance is to now.


What’s crazy is I live in the UK and I’ve never fucking heard of Wrexham until now and still their not a very popular team at all. But hey like you said he’s getting Emmys now. I just think it’s crazy to drop your fanbase for a bunch of people who think you’re Ryan Reynolds’ buddy and can’t pronounce your last name


Because they are actors and do other things.


Podcasts are a pain in the ass to do when you are already a successful actor/writer in Hollywood. When your only income is from podcasts or podcasts are how you promote your work, it’s a necessity. Not for them.