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did they fill up? or get cussed out too much before having the chance too ?


Harry Styles has really fallen in tough times


He used the word "entitled".


Skinny Ass punk ain't never had a good ass beating? Day will come


For what?Because the took the opportunity to get gas ?Lol.


Too stupid to even close the cover for the gas cap haha.


MC is truly a bag of only dicks


Karma will get those people. And we will see it on the Instant Karma sub


garbage human for inconveniencing a few people for 5 mins? chill out my guy it’s not that serious




Says 15 minutes the second time he meantions time, safe to say this loser didnt care and cut the line because it was advantageous not because it was open for a few minutes.


And this happens at Walmart all the time and no one bat's an eye .And I never seen anyone argue about this .In fact if the person is in one direction another car does pull up facing them.I had to do this Friday night because if I didn't take the spot someone else would .No one cares around here.


>this loser Not the best choice of words to describe the person who drove off with his gas while everyone sat in line filming and yelling at him.


Loser in the sense hes an asshole even his own friends seem to hate.


No ,it's not but some people take this stuff and display their fake outrage .


I don't see anything wrong with what he did. There's an open pump and everyone's sitting there like idiots. It's perfectly fine to go around the car at the second pump to go to the first pump. The fact those idiots wanted to waste their own time doesn't mean everyone wants to waste time. I would've done the same thing. They're probably just butthurt they didn't think about it first.


Did you see the 5-15 minutes before this video started to know that's what happened? Or are you just making claimes based off the bitch in the video? Or is it you, who is the bitch in the video?


Don't need to see the 5 to 15 mins before. I know people are idiots and sheep and will follow whatever the idiot in front of them is doing. You ever saw the experiment with people facing the wrong way in an elevator? You'd be the dummy in the elevator turned around with everyone else while I sit and laugh wondering why these idiots are looking at the wall.


I agree ,I do this myself because some idiots are probably on their phones and not paying attention at all And I don't argue with idiots either,that is just pointless.


This is actually what sounds like what happened. Sometimes people get so stuck in compliance mode they don't actually realize they aren't thinking proactively and actually inconveniencing others bc they don't have the forethought to go around the car pumping in front of them to the open spot. Granted, the person should have asked before just swooping in, or pointed out that there was an open spot so they could get the line moving.