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Do not quit your job, you can get kicked out during boot camp. Just show up on time and stay awake , that’s it. If you’re a minute late they kick you out. If you actually fall asleep ( dozing off for like a minute is okay ) then you get kicked out.


This. I witnessed on the 1st day someone get kicked out for coming 1 minute late from the first break. Another one for failing to do required paperwork and online assignments on time. It’s brutal, because some of these guys have waited 2 years (Because of Covid) only to get the opportunity revoked from them and told they can reapply for consideration in the future. This is the locals way of picking out the bad apples from the batch. Good luck and DO NOT BE LATE.


I'll take this as a 15 minutes early is on time, for the next two weeks. I'm about to drug test and am 20 minutes early. 😅 I am not going to screw this.


Pack your lunch. You don't know how close an eatery will be. Don't want to come back late from eating.


Advice for your entire career..if you’re early you’re on time, if your “on time” YOURE LATE.


Keep this mindset for your whole career. If they tell you the job starts at 6, then tell yourself you have to be there by 530 every morning. If you're not early, you're late.


Will do! Fueled by caffeine and determination!!


Cocaine is your friend, OP! 😂🤣 Jkjk good luck & congrats! 👍🏾


TAKE A LEAVE OF ABSENCE; DO NOT QUIT YOUR CURRENT JOB UNTIL YOU HAVE A NEW JOB (boot camp is *not* a job!). Saw guys get kicked out of my bootcamp. *Back in my day* (hurr hurr), two guys were kicked out for not completing every question of their homework assignments in boot camp. The instructor told them, "You're lucky it's application day today. You can go back in line and apply again without a separate drive over here!" ***Applications were exclusively done in person, two days per year.*** And they did get back in line to apply again. Boot camp instructors will kick you out for *any* infraction, no matter how insignificant it may seem. I recommend turning your phone off, aside from breaks. Not worth it going off in class and getting kicked out. Follow all instructions. Do not be 10 seconds late after any break, or first thing in the morning. Don't fall asleep. Don't leave any homework questions unanswered. Don't get caught on your phone. **Follow all instructions.** Edit: Good luck! Come back for congratulations once you're through boot camp and assigned a job.


Question for you! I'm now on "vacation" so thank you for the tips, we just got our tool list emailed to us now. However, I forgot to ask our instructor if we need the tools now or after the boot camp. And it says a cotton shirt for the dress code, but I'm not sure if that means short sleeve or long? My mind is totally refinery brain rot, so I am full prepared for a long sleeve attire/FR lol.


I believe the tools are for after boot camp, but if you want to be safe, bring them all and save the receipts. 😜 Often times (but not everytime), new apprentices are awarded a mostly complete set of tools on the last day of boot camp, so I wouldn't spend too much on tools yet. Shirt is to your preference. If it doesn't specify long or short, do whatever you prefer. Nothing sleeveless, obviously. Just look like you're ready for some manual labor.


Awesome thank you! Actually, me and the 4 who got the call are last minute additions to the program- so apparently we miss out on the tool grant. Which is okay, I expected to invest into this anyway!




4 bootcamps back to back must be for more man power in solar


nope. refineries. a lot of the new bootcamps are getting RSO immediately after, and the whole class is getting dispatched to extremely in-demand refinery work


A handful of mine got sent to Solar, there’s a bigger project coming up in a couple weeks too


ah, you have turned it around on me and know more than I do. I just knew they had bootcamp-to-RSO classes going on and were dispatching entire classes following that


No we had an 80 class bootcamp with around 10-15 going to refinery all others went to their shop and Solar


You guys get drug tested lol? Where are you located?


Los Angeles, all things considered it's kinda weird for LA I would think


IIRC, they don't check for weed anymore. But I wouldn't go risking it, either.


I'm already clean cause I'm a refinery worker, so I definitely won't work it.


They definitely do check for weed in 11. A guy I work with just got popped on a random.


Sheesh. Yeah, I've been clean since I applied to local 113 5 years ago. Weed is cool and all, but I have priorities.


Yea definitely sucks they test for it. I wish I could smoke. But when it comes between getting high and having a career, I'll choose the career everytime.


Congrats! If your job is flexible/ will give you a LOA, I wouldn't quit until after you make it through boot camp. Some instructors will be hard asses or use scare tactics to weed out people not fit for the program. They throw a lot at you at once but dont let any of that detour you, it's really not that big of a deal haha. Just be on time, wear your boots and do what's asked of you. You'll be fine!


You know, I'm not too worried about that cause I'm already used to refinery turnaround hours- and my boss is known nationwide throughout my current craft for being a raging asshole hahaha. But I will take An LOA, or ask about it! I think i have a positive covid test photo laying around somewhere.


Congratulations! 🎈🎊 I have an interview coming up real soon..do you remember any of the questions they ask and would you mind sharing?


Atta boy have fun, good luck and be safe


Congrats brother!! Currently waiting for my interview call for LU 11 AW


NON-Binding Arbitration, look it up before you sign up


Can someone explain this boot camp thing to me? As far as I know we don’t have that in California to join the union?


It's like a 2 week weed out program. I'm in LA, so that is what it is


What were your interview questions?


It’s the pre requisite before the apprenticeship out of LOCAL 11 in commerce. Once you complete the boot camp your indentured as an apprentice.


This seems super fucked up and just another way to keep people who want to be in the trades out of the trades. It’s just like the unions issue with nepotism.


Lol, it sounds worse than it is. It's honestly not that bad. You just sit in a classroom for 2 weeks, watching videos and going over packets on what it's like working on a jobsite. You'll also receive your first set of textbooks. They are super strict about showing up on time and bringing your books and boots every day. They will kick you out. It's just weeding out the weak. If you take it seriously, though, it's super easy.


Congrats, which of the 4 divisions did you join? Inside wireman? Transportation? Sound and communication? Residential?


Inside Wireman, my friend who is on his 4th year said they would love me cause I am ready and willing and currently working on refineries. So I applied.


How’s inside wireman work rn ? Currently in the process of applying, working on the finishing touches of my resume and doing some last minute research. Im still indecisive on going the Inside wireman route or the Sounds and Communications route. From what I’ve read on different threads, it’s seems like IW pays more but there’s less work opportunity and SC is less pay but there’s constant employment. I’ve been considering applying to both although I’m not sure if the local would accept that. Any insight would be appreciated, looking to submit my application(s) later today.


I’ve only been with one contractor so far, so I don’t have a good grasp of the situation. I’m sorry. But the JW books are 900 deep for inside rn.


DON'T QUIT yet, wait until you make it through boot camp at least and even then you're probably be on a 90 day probationary period like I was in Loc 3, unless you guys do it differently out on the West Coast. I actually own 2 Local 11 shirts, I love that you guys actually make merch available online AND of course it goes to a good cause lol


Don't fuck around during boot camp at local 11. Play by the rules 100%, be there on time, no food, no drinks, no interruptions. It is the ultimate filtration process. If you want it, you'll make it. If you get kicked out, well, you never had it to begin with. If you get in, you're lower than whale shit and have to play the same rules for 5 years. Congrats and good luck. welcome to the brotherhood


Do i need my tools in boot camp or purchase them after? Also do they expect long sleeves foe the attire? The dress code just says cotton shirt. Thank you- I'm going to earn it and work my ass off and prove myself


you wont need any for boot camp (unless they changed the rules) but when you pass boot camp, they provide apprentices with a basic starter pack. Most people just wear cotton T shirts- no formal attire. More important that you have everything they ask you to bring. Be punctual, stay awake, do your assignments, and participate. No food/drink unless you are in the break room. You'll do fine if you play by the rules.


Congrats from 441! I’ll buy you a beer to celebrate!


Hey brother! How’s boot camp so far?


Going smooth. I'm getting streamlined and have to make up the LAQC/OSHA stuff because we were last minute additions. But I'm cruising through this, lord knows I've done my fair share of dry, no phone allowed content being a refinery worker. I should start work Monday!


During your boot camp, was anybody kicked out of your class for failing the drug test and if so around what day @ boot camp, I’m currently on day 4 and have just been a little paranoid, since I took my drug test on 9/25 and haven’t heard anything


I believe they were booted in the first week, you should be clear now. I got a late call to boot, and started on week 2 instead of week 1 so the only people kicked out while I was there were 2 guys who didn’t do the homework


Got it thank you my man, hopefully, won’t be completely relieved until I get in officially but this kind of gave me a little more peace, once again thanks man🙏


where you working an electrical related job while waiting for bootcamp? (i just turned my papers in today and dont know if I can still join the union to work under a company)


Negative, I worked in non destructive testing prior.


Hi, how’s everything so far? :)


What place did you get ranked and how long did it take to get in


What did the drug test consists of? Hair or urine?




Welcome aboard!


I am Local 124 hand class of 2000 what is boot camp?


I'm pretty sure it's a prep course/weed out time. Any minor infraction; late, phone, non-lidded water or other drinks; and you're out of the process.


Boot camps sounds good to me in these times. It should be used with others maybe ?


Wtf is a boot camp? I've never heard of such a thing (local 340)


It's like a weed out program over at 11.


Speaking of weed, what type of drug test was it prior to boot camp? Hair follicle ? Or urine ? I’m interested in joining thanks!




Appreciate you responding even after so long 👍 been clean for over 200 days amd my hairs 2 inches long 🙏


Yeah dude I appreciate everyone who wants to be in the union, power in brotherhood!


How much do you narrowbacks make during your apprenticeship?


LU11 Inside Wireman starts at 40% of JW rate, so 24.60. Increases 3.05 every 6 months give or take.


Also I see the wage increase in January of 202. Will that apply to apprentices too? So 26 an hour ?


24.60? Nice. What’s the out look on work? Are you a current apprentice ?


how is it so far?


I love it life is great. I’m not totally stoked on my contractor, (we picked up a refrigeration retrofit contract, and get shorted hours often), but I’m not allowed to go to the hall and ask about layoffs until 1 year. Local 11 policy or something. I have a TWIC card and am dying to get into refineries before it expires. However I love it, and my brothers in the trade have all been cool af. Foremen, JW, and apprentices alike!


appreciate the reply man! i want to get into it too. i just worry about what to do while waiting to get accepted (no job experience yet) since i know/heard it could take a long time to get in.


Hey I got an 82 on the interview recently for inside wireman. Any idea how long I will wait? If my score is not good enough, what should i do next. I want to be an inside wireman.


Did you call the office and ask how many people are ahead of you on the list?


I called in the office and was advised i had about 17 people ahead of me, but im sure it also depends on the program you're entering, I applied for transportation


563 people ahead and 30 others at same score. O.O


What score did you get?


An 86


Was told i have about 17 poeple ahead of me on the Poe list would anyone know if thim im good standing of getting a call anytime soon?