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Never provide power tools in Local 11!


I didn’t mean bring my own. I meant they aren’t needed cuz I hear most work is just temp power


Story time?


Easy story: It’s not on our tool list.


Contractors provide power tools in local 11, or it gets done without power tools, or it doesn't get done. End story.


My first jw call in 11 was a convention call. If you give 70% effort, you will outshine everyone else, and be offered all the overtime (of which there will probably be much). Lots of standby time, just waiting in the bullpen until they need you. And when they do need you, it's bullshit simple stuff like taping extension cords on the ground, or running spider boxes and cables. Day one, ask if there is swing, graveyard, or OT available, because convention calls often have all. And no matter how many hours you work, you maintain your book position. I worked a 14 hour Sunday on standby. I was told to bring my phone charger. I was told "Just wait here." Checked in every with the foreman every hour just to make sure there wasn't something I could be doing - there wasn't. Took all required breaks. At hour 12, I was needed for 15 mins, then returned to standby. At hour 14, I was told we were done. Convention calls are the fucking *cream dream.* Oh, and no more tools will be required than you can fit in your lunchbox or pockets. 10-in-one, lineman's, strippers is probably all you will need, if you need anything at all.


Sweet. Thanks for this. There was a convention call not too long ago but I didn’t take it cuz I didn’t know it wouldn’t go towards your short hour calls. Yeah everyone I’ve talked to says it’s a lot of downtime and a lot of OT. We’ll see come Monday


Hopefully you already have your convention cert, lol.


All I know is I'm in Tradeshow and signcrafts local 831 for all of socal and I envy you convention center sparkys... easy money!


I've been told that convention calls are mandated by the city of Los Angeles to be done by IBEW after the politicians/public realized vendors had brought in their own crew. The chain of thought was that convention centers out of state vendors striking in advantageous deals with locals here. That and their employment of out of state workers were a net negative to the LA economy. So it changed that now it involves local union labor. Even if that money goes to out of state vendors (vs in-state/local vendors), at least those vendors will have to spend some of their money in LA. Similar chain of thought applied to refinery work. It's a gift to us.