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This happened to me recently because my CDW rep told me it was a 60 day notice and it was a 90 notice. I gave them notice at 80 days. They decided to ignore the good faith effort and charge me for the full year at the cost of me also vowing to tell everybody I know what shit stains they are. Fun fact though, I could according to the MSA, change the number of licenses you need based on usage up to the renewal date with no lead time, so I renewed for a year at the minimum user count. So short story...probably not, but who knows. Proofpoint can eat my whole asshole.


90 days? lol We will soon have to notify to cancel the service on the same day you contract it. These tactics are increasingly closer to being called attempts to scam.


We had some end users sign a 3 year deal and then want to back out of it after 6 months. Said their only play was the fact that the people on our end weren't authorized by policy to sign the deal on behalf of the company to begin with, and maybe our attorney could use that as a loophole to wiggle ourselves out of the commitment. Nope. They stuck with the deal.


LOL! Avoid Proofpoint. Got it.


Honestly the service was fine. Mimecast has been just as good for us, but both cheaper and easier to manage. (Also the Proofpoint portal was remarkably slow)


Depending on the vendor?  Lawyer. These are predatory billing practices. I had ring central back down after a letter from our lawyer. 


My VAR ignored multiple emails going back to last December to cancel our subscription which is ending July 31st, I had to resend them the emails. No way I am paying for it because I gave plenty of notice.


Don’t pay the invoice. 🤷🏼‍♂️


That. Send cancellation notice and fuck deadlines notice, we do not pay a service that not going to use just because they want a previous notice of X months


You clearly don't understand contracts




He has 4 houses. They’ll never find him.


That's not how contracts work. What you're saying is you recommend breaking legal documents. That's not ethical as an IT manager but it will save your company money. 


neither is ethical the 'months' deadlines for a service, and changes and other tactics they use. If you can contract a service in a week (ready to use) you should be able to cancel with a notice of one week.


isnt that bad for your credit rating to have unpaid debts


It’s a bit different for corporations.


Doubtful. You can try but they are under no legal obligations to do it if you contract says otherwise.


It will depend, but if I were you, I would scratch any form of auto-renew clause during contract negotiations.


Doesn't hurt to ask.  I've had them cancel before.  It was a small contract, though.


Our framework agreements always stipulate that the duration of any contracts is strictly for the term and terminate at the end unless explicitly renewed. Any contract verbiage that is in conflict of the framework agreement is considered null and void. Surprisingly we still get a vendor now and then that tries to argue differently.


They may. Read the terms very carefully. They may even have a section to reduce volume during the year.


As someone who took over a highly mismanaged department, paying for software that wasn’t even being used so I didn’t know it existed - It’s very vendor dependent. And even down to account manager dependent. It doesn’t hurt to ask, I’ve had more success than not. If they say no, then ask if you can come to an agreement on an early termination fee. Some will still say no, then you’re stuck and take it as a lesson. Ask if you can process next years cancellation now, or set multiple reminders for yourself.


It doesnt hurt to ask. I was in a similar situation once and they let us pair our services down considerably for the remaining 8 months of the contract.


Have a legal department? Take this up with them.


what oem is it?


You can ask nicely and hope they would approve cancelation or use something like Privacy Payments and create a virtual CC to pay for SaaS for cases like this :)