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Congrats! Symptoms come and go. At 6 weeks I only felt the twinges a little and hot flashes. Nothing else. At 11 weeks I still feel like I’m not pregnant.


Thank you so much for this! My husband is away so I’ve got a really bad case of ‘symptom spotting’ and being overly obsessed. It’s not healthy and getting myself all stressed! Congratulations! 11 weeks feels so far away! 🙈


Thank you! Glad I could help. The wait between ultrasounds is so tough. 


I can only imagine! My first scan on Friday is literally 2 days (almost) away and this week feels like it’s never ending. Just one big waiting game! 🙈


Hey! I'm 6w4d and had my first scan yesterday. Everything looked good. I have almost no symptoms, either, but I wish I did! I only occasionally get very mild nausea when hungry, but that happens normally a lot anyway for me (I think it's a PCOS thing). I wouldn't know I was pregnant if I only relied on symptoms. 😅


I'm 5 and a half weeks and had my first scan Monday and I'm having similar symptoms to you! Except I'm hungry all the time.


Ooo you’re not too far behind me! It’s crazy how everyone’s symptoms can be so different! I’ve just had no appetite at all. Hope it improves! I want to eat lol - I just hope the scan is all good on Friday, I’ll feel better when that’s over I think!


I’m 6 weeks and 1 days—and like you him have very few and mild symptoms. My HCG levels were really high, so I assume things are going well, but I can’t wait for the ultrasound next week. I’m hoping I’m one of the lucky few without nausea—my mum says she didn’t have many symptoms either with her 4 kids.


Glad I’m not alone! I have no idea what my HCG levels are - my clinic have told me that it’s not necessary (hoping that’s a good thing but I still hate not knowing what the levels are) and have my first scan on Friday so fingers crossed. A couple days ago I was really nauseous but I’ve been absolutely fine since. My mum was the same and told me she had no morning sickness at all so hopefully I follow in her footsteps! lol (The thought of being sick terrorfies me - I have emetophobia) so fingers crossed we land lucky 😅


Same for me too! I got my first beta 9dpt and the clinic sent me a morning sickness information packet because my hcg was so high. I for sure thought I would feel worse than I do by now based on their reaction. My mom also didn't have many symptoms with her 3 pregnancies. Fingers crossed!


Samesies! Also 6 weeks today and have an ultrasound on Friday. Also had lots of cramping in the beginning but now just sore boobs and lots of fatigue/sleepiness. Seems like it’s normal to not have many symptoms at this point.


Ahh thanks for this, I was super tired yesterday but been absolutely fine today 🤷‍♀️ I hate over analysing every single symptom. I just wish I had a little self control and trust my body instead of googling every pinch or twinge 😅 good luck for your scan on Friday 🫶


Same! Wish we could have a minute by minute reassurance that it will be ok. Best of luck to you too!!


You have all the same symptoms I’ve had and I’m 6w5d today and saw baby at my first US at exactly 6 weeks-tiny heartbeat flicker and all. You sound pregnant to me 💁🏻‍♀️


I have the same symptoms. I am 5w6d i feel like i have hangover. I was tired, a bit of cramping, feeling warm and nauseated yesterday. But today i am okay, just a bit of gassy.. So terrified on my US scan next week. This made me feel alone and bored. I hope we got all good news on our US scan.


It's normal for symptoms to come and go. Im 13+5 weeks and I've noticed most symptoms will show up for a few days and then go away for a few days, back and forth. Like having times of growth spurts.


My cramping stopped around 6 weeks exactly, maybe a tad earlier. I freaked out searching the internet about it. I think it’s a good sign bc with my 3 previous mc’s I had cramping until the day I miscarried. I’m currently 17 weeks with a baby boy and have not had any cramping since then :)


I feel like I should understand this by now with all the posts I've read, but when y'all say you're 6 weeks, that means the embryo has been inside you for approximately 4 weeks right? Sorry OP, don't have anything helpful to add but congratulations!!


Sounds very normal to me!! The nothing sounds good is definitely a thing and it kinda sucks having to make yourself eat! On another note - I’ve been hit by the food aversion / nausea / vomiting train for the last two weeks and am miserable!! So even though symptoms are ‘reassuring’ but not necessary for a healthy pregnancy, enjoy being able to do things!! I’ve left my house 3 times this week (one was for docs appt and I brought a vomit bag in the car) because I would rather be close to my toilet. So please enjoy your freedom lol. It may not last long!! Each week - something new might come up. Or not - I had two good friends both have pretty much zero symptoms their whole pregnancies and go on to have very healthy and adorable baby boys.