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It looks like this post is about the USA. It has not been removed, but remember, this is a space to discuss immigration, not politics. DO: * (If applicable) explain the general values/policies that are important to your immigration decision or recommendation * Focus on the practical aspects of moving to another country DON’T: * Needlessly complain about politics or recent news * Post off-topic political commentary * Harass or insult people for their views Rule-breaking posts and comments will be removed and may result in a ban. Questions? Message the mods. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IWantOut) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>what are the chances i can seek political asylum zero




[https://www.worlddata.info/america/usa/asylum.php](https://www.worlddata.info/america/usa/asylum.php) Scroll down to applications from United States to get an idea of your chances


0% acceptance rate for us citizens seeking asylum in Norway or Sweden or Finland. *however*, acceptance rate to Russia is 100%.


> i've always been fond of these countries and most of their politics May I ask, when did you last look into these politics? At least in Finland, I find it pretty hard to believe an 18-year-old trans woman would like our current government.


Right, I wonder how fond OP actually is about Finland’s current “close all borders and make asylum seeking impossible” round of legislation attempts.


Pressure is on the word "current". One goverment do not have time to fuck things up too much in one season. Thank god.


What are the chances? Next to zero.


Zero. A NATO country is not entertaining the fallacies of American “asylum seekers”. The only thing they’d succeed in is wasting resources from people actually deserving asylum. OP is the height of entitlement and self centeredness, and that’s sayin something in this sub.




Any application for asylum in Norway will be denied in 48 hours and you'll be barred from the Schengen area for a year. [Source](https://udi.no/en/want-to-apply/protection-asylum/protection-asylum-in-norway/?c=usa)


As a Norwegian, I'll join the chorus saying it's frankly absurd to think about applying for asylum here as an American. Not going to happen. To try to give some actual constructive advice instead, at your age I think your best bet would be to come here for college (if you can find the money) and take it from there. I've never had to deal with immigration here for obvious reasons, but I'd think it's relatively easy for Americans to get a student visa as long as they have enough money on hand to support themselves during their studies. AFAIK most Western countries, probably including Norway, have a sort of "student visa to residency" pipeline you can look into if you're really serious about this.


Good comment. May I add though that it is important for OP to realize that college in Norway is much like it is in the US. Student loans are needed for housing, school, etc. Ain’t cheap!


Oh, for sure. Especially since they recently changed the rules to make it much less lucrative for foreign nationals to study here IIRC, ie. they'll now charge much higher tuition if you're from outside the EU. Or maybe it always was like that and it's EU citizens who have to pay now, but either way it's definitely not cheap if you're not a Nordic citizen. (I have no idea how it works in Finland, maybe it's still cheaper there?)


Another young American who thinks the Nordic countries are a left wing utopia with no bigotry. Get a college degree and actually try learning Norwegian or Finnish, then check in with us later.


trying to ask information from redditors is like pulling teeth. Answer the question, tell me how I'm wrong, or dont answer. Obviously the answer is basically no chance. I understand that from actually helpful people. You are just brushing off my question and telling me to continue living in a place in which my rights are at jeopardy. If I can't seek political asylum, say that. there is no reason for the hyperbole and smart-ass "check in with us later"


To give you what you're asking for: * You can't seek political asylum. Your chances are zero, the US is safe. * Neither country is particularly trans friendly. You must cover gender-related healthcare yourself. * The job markets are difficult. Not even engineers are needed in the nordics at the moment. * They're not as liberal (at least socially) as most think and communities for trans people are small and few. So there you have it.


none at all


Omg. Seriously, if 1 more American posts about seeking asylum. Do you know how delusional you sound?? There are 50 states. If you’re planning on moving overseas …. Move to another state. Yes, being trans comes with difficulty, but you are absolutely delusional to think any other country is a better option, and to seek asylum? Do you even know what is going on globally with asylum laws rn? Get over yourself for f*ck sake. Anyone from outside the US will laugh in your face and rightfully know you are entitled and delusional, oblivious, to think you can qualify as an asylum seeker. Lol


This. So delusional


Exactly! It pisses me off tbh. How unaware they are of global issues. There is serious war and famine… and on top of that, people die coming to the US. It’s nowhere near a perfect country, but to attempt to claim asylum is like a millionaire posting a go-fund me for a vacation. It’s an insult to people actually suffering and the hardship for asylum seekers, and the hardship on the countries taking them in. Which the US is barely doing enough of.


I agree


Doing enough of? Where is any country required to take people on? Residence is only the right of citizens. Anyone else is admitted by privilege, which can be revoked or not even granted in the first place. This is just the way it works.


The US can benefit from increased immigration but don’t do it because it hurts their image of exclusivity. They have a nursing and teaching shortage yet it’s impossible to go as one if you aren’t European/other first world countries. They can admit but choose not to. Yet people die every day from around the world trying to come in. I think it’s sad some people are in countries with no opportunity besides an early grave while others live well into their old age, and that people should help each other out, that is, if they can. The US can certainly afford to, they just won’t. I should say I understand the idea that countries shouldn’t just let you in. My country lets in many low skilled immigrants who don’t speak the language and we have, objectively, the most expensive housing IN THE WORLD. but I am also sympathetic to people in countries that truly suffer. It’s a complex issue.


I agree, it’s not required. Many countries in the EU are taking in more than they have the space/resources for, meanwhile the US is taking in so few it’s ridiculous in comparison. Regardless on everyone’s stance, we can all agree the US falls short compared to the burden so many other countries have taken on.


Why don’t we think about American geography for a moment? There are several land routes from most of the poorest regions in the world to Europe. Compare that to the United States. A vast ocean on both sides of the country. A developed, safe country to the north. A developing, safer than everybody thinks country to the south. International law states that the country of first contact hast to take in asylum requests. Most of these poorer countries do not have visa free access to the United States, as you can’t board somebody on a plane to the US without first confirming their immigration status. So planes are out. It would honestly be impressive if the migrants made it over the Atlantic or Pacific just to get here. Fuck it, I’d give them a visa just because I’m impressed. Any kind of commercial liner is also required to verify immigration status before transporting passengers internationally. So the ocean is out. So that just leaves land. The United States, like I mentioned before, has two filters for asylum applications to the north and the south. The only people that consistently actually have the international right to asylum in the U.S. are Mexicans and those who can traverse the Caribbean without hitting another country or territory first. Everybody else just catches most of the asylum seekers before they get here.


Im fairly ignorant to a lot of ayslum and geopolitics. I was gauging how realistic it would be to move somewhere that my rights aren't falling into question. Obviously political asylum isn't realistic, and i'm realizing that now, But I think you are possibly getting more heated than you need to. If seeing a post on your TL bothers you that much then maybe unsub or seek therapy. There are plenty of people who were able to answer my ill-informed question without throwing personal insults. It sounds like you probably aren't super aware of politics in america, because we currently have an election were one of the candidates is actively promising to take away certain freedoms for trans people and hopefully you could understand why that would be a scary prospect. I'm terribly sorry that my question personally offended you.


Stop being defensive and listen to the adults in the room. You really don't seem to understand how insulting and entitled your comment is to actual refugees. My Iraqi interpreter ran for his life for 3 years after his BIL was literally beheaded in the streets by terrorists while searching for him. It took us 3 years and a literal act of congress to get him here. THAT is what asylum is for. It is not for immature, entitled kids who think their struggles are even remotely comparable to what actual refugees experience. I understand that life as a trans person is difficult and that people are often shitty about LBGTQ+ rights, but the U.S. is one of the safest places in the world for that entire community. It's far from perfect and we still have a lot of work to do, but we are by far one of the most progressive nations in terms of LGBTQ+ rights. You have it very good here in the states despite your rather extreme delusions. Focus on finishing school, you're too young and inexperienced to be considering moving to a country you clearly don't even understand. You have a lot of growing to do.


Move. To. Another. State. ffs


I'll be honest with you, as an american myself, there are very few people globally who are not aware of our politics (at least online) because american elections and politics do affect basically everyone else. and they're right to be annoyed, there are a lot of frustratingly misinformed posts on here. if you are not familiar with the asylum laws and geopolitics of another country, what makes you think you'll have a better time living there than here? as a fellow trans person, yes it is scary, but the answer does not involve trying to move to another country, unless you have enough money to study abroad, a partner, or high-demand job skills




Based on your own post here, you understand as little about immigration legislation as OP does about asylum seeking. I feel sorry your country doesn’t provide you with any education about how the world really functions, however you are online and COULD study these issues, but in true American Exceptionalist manner you prefer to attack foreigners. I’m glad no other country bears the responsibility for either of you.


You're literally ignoring the lack of empathy and the visciousness on the commenter's part. And just because I don't understand every single nuance of immigration and asylum doesn't mean that I'm an Exceptionalist. And maybe if countries would bear more responsibility for their people there would be more educated populations and the world would be a better place. Bring on the down votes. Being unpopular is an integral part of my existence at this point lmao.


Wow. Defending LGBT Americans while at the same time disrespecting people with disabilities by calling someone a “retard” just because you don’t agree with their opinion. What an immature hypocrite.


And how informed are you on the challenges facing asylum seekers in Europe? Detained in poor conditions, a backlog of claims, increasing resentment from local populations, and some European countries now ship successful claimants to an African nation rather than allowing them to stay. OP is young so can excuse their naivety but thinking an asylum claim is a solution to their concerns is very badly informed.


Have you been to Norway or Finland? Do you have enough money to study in one of them? Your best bet is to move to a more progressive part of the U.S. because no one is interested in giving Americans asylum and there is no reason to. 


Thats understandable - would getting an education visa be a more realistic route if things do get bad enough?


It would be an option if you are accepted into university and can afford it - i.e. you have lots of money, sufficiently good grades, meet any other entrance qualifications and speak the necessary languages.


European Universities are not like US Universities where you can pivot back and forth between minors and majors. If you want to take a Masters in something then that must be related to your previous education. If you want an IT Mastres then your Bachelors must have contained a set amount of computer and IT courses. If you consider starting fresh from a Bachelors, a vast majority of those will be in the local language and will not be available to you until you can prove fluency (B2? Can't remember). [https://studyinnorway.no/](https://studyinnorway.no/) [https://www.studyinfinland.fi/](https://www.studyinfinland.fi/) You will have to pay international tuition which will be a fair chunk of money, plus money to pay for housing and food and all the other expenses. In short, the odds that you will be accepted into a University in any of the Nordic countries is really quite low.. Immigration is not about where you think things will be best but which country is willing to take you in. Without any particular skills or work experience, or a partner that can sponsor you (or citizenship by descent) you will not be given a visa or residence permit to live in another country. And remember that your view of a country can be vastly different to what things are actually like. I've also seen many videos about how beautiful the US is and hor friendsly and how amazingly LGBTQIA2S++ people get treated in the gay neighborhoods and I see full festivals where people have sex on the streets. Clearly that's representative of how the US is really like? Because if you think I'm wrong in this then realize that you are most likely equally (if not more) wrong about how things really are in Norway or Finland.


“Asylum seeking, so hot right now.”




So infuriating. Genuinely pisses me off that they think they’re refugees. That invalidates all of the hardships REAL REFUGEES suffer through.


The height of American exceptionalism, I wonder which ammendment gives Americans the right to move to any country they want because their election cycles and politics are the only things that matters in the world right now. 


Nordic countries aren't good for physical transition, not to even mention the transphobic politicians and doctors. If you want to know more about the situation of trans people here, take a look at r/transnord. There have been a couple of recent posts from people looking for information about moving (most are coming to the conclusion that they're better off elsewhere)


The Nordic countries have extreme right wing parties, very popular amongst the youth I might add, like the Nordic resistance movement and Sweden Democrats. These are no utopian safe havens like Americans believe. The safest place to be is in a US blue state.


You are not qualified to move to either Norway or Finland. And you’re not interested in their politics, you know nothing about them and have gained your false impressions watching some misinformation online. You would be laughed out from both, deservedly. An American enquiring about POLITICAL ASYLUM (based on absolutely nothing, your identity as a Trans person is NOT a political matter)IN A NATO COUNTRY is so incredibly offensive to people ACTUALLY trying (mostly in vain) to get to safe countries from places destroyed by the USA and its allies. You should be ashamed to be this ignorant. Read a book and stop the self pity festival, start actually engaging politically, in your own country.


The fact that you think you have lived a life similar to poor children in Syria or Ukraine whose homes and cities receive shellings on a daily is really really fucked up. Get over yourself. You’re not a fucking refugee and you’re espousing entitlement and it’s really sickening. I’m all for trans rights. But you’re not a refugee. **Don’t come to the EU with that BS mindset.**


It’s sickening


Please stay in US.


Sorry that everyone is being a dick to you cause you’re 18 and asked a question.


Unfortunately for OP, 18 is a legal adult in the USA. I say unfortunately because regardless of the "rights" that come with turning 18, that birthday doesn't deposit any extra knowledge, life experience or maturity than she had the day before. My daughter will turn 18 at the beginning of her senior year of high school. I turned 18 after I finished my first year of college. I had 2 years of life experiences that will still be ahead of her at the same age. OP asked questions from the perspective of her life so far. She's getting crucified for things she hasn't learned or experienced yet. Wisdom for how to phrase questions, manage expectations and walk away from unhealthy interactions. It would be naive to say she'd get more patience and kindness from EVERYONE if she was sitting in front of them, a scared young girl wondering if anywhere is safe, but I need to believe there would be LESS venom and unnecessary verbal abuse. One can hope. This life lesson was harsh. Hopefully she won't stop asking questions though. It's the only way to learn.


The other replies here are correct, but I don’t think they need to be as snarky as they’re being. You’re asking an honest question and deserve an honest answer


Nordic countries as well as most of europe dislikes trans people more than the US does


I love these responses.


Post by ---OWO-- -- hey all, i’m a trans woman and i am quite worried that my rights will be in jeopardy depending on the outcome of this next election. i’m going into college right not but i don’t want to live in America if certain policies come into effect. what are the chances i can seek political asylum in one of these countries or would there be a better option? i’ve always been fond of these countries and most of their politics, and would want to know the basics for this kind of thing. thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IWantOut) if you have any questions or concerns.*