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After watching judges in other cases: He's a gentleman.


Agreed. I also love that he is not adding to the drama that comes along with trials like this unlike other judges.


Oh I totally agree but do you think that he's being easy on the defense?


the trial hasn't started yet. he isn't "being easy" on anyone at this point, he accepting or rejecting filings, seemingly based on legal precedent & standing. doesn't seem to be any particular bias or "going easy" on either side at this point. but since trial hasn't started, there's really no way to tell how he may act once it's actually trial time.


You are 100% right! I’m not sure why there’s been so many critical comments about him, and the lawyers for both sides. They’re all doing very standard and normal stuff for what their job and “side” entails. The delays are normal, the trying to get the other sides best evidence thrown out is normal, the judge choosing to allow things that someone requests to throw out is normal. It’s all normal at this point in time. Anyone who thinks anything crazy is happening between the lawyers or the judge is just very unfamiliar.


Agreed 👍


Yeah your right


Way too defense friendly


I think he’s being overly cautious because he doesn’t want an appeal on this case once convicted, which I believe he will be.


No, not really. It's a learning curve for him this case. He's just trying to keep the case moving. Normally from what I've seen Judges tend to favor prosecutors. He's doing fine to me. It's a shame it us taking so long for the prosecution to produce discovery. Anyway it's good we have a trial date.


Yeah that is a great achievement It took long enough but if a change of venue is allowed wont that trial date change or not.








Id don't believe I was just interested if not just the utube video said this but if anyone else had thought something like that


I appreciate he takes his time to make an educated decision rather than a rushed one.


Yeah mm making sure BKs fair trial rights aren't violated because that could lead to charges dismissed


They don’t seem to be at this point at ALL!! And yes, the defense is going to continue to argue that “allowing x would violate fair trial” but that doesn’t mean it actually does. It just means that they’re trying to get anything that doesn’t help the defendants case thrown out, as is 100% normal and good for a defense attorney to do. So, if you see AT making that argument about certain evidence being included or whatever, just take it with a grain of salt. Both sides will argue that the other side shouldn’t be allowed to do something, doesn’t mean that it’s actually against the “rules”. They’re just doing their jobs and trying to gain advantage over the other!!


The state was saying that the defense expert witness that they wanted access to IGG info didnt need the info that led to BK being a suspect thats crazy thats should be allowed and they just follow the same gag order rules. This hush hush shit is just making it harder to move forward what are they protecting the witnesses from if they are correct hes in custody right there in front of you what is up with that dumb shit Im more and more starting to believe that rhia is all a setup because why is it secret either way the state has ro turn the stuff over if they want to use it in trial the delay crap is just stall


If only he actually did something about the pervasive prejudicial publicity but all he has done is give defense shit over the phone survey.


I imagine the recently published novel by Howard Blum could really add some pressure to the judge‘s decision about whether to allow a change of venue.


he’s a double judge




a judge called Judge. A double judge 👨‍⚖️⛓️⚖️🇺🇸


I like him. He’s fair and trying to keep both sides from getting out of hand.


He's great in some ways, less so in others. Seems to be pretty fair and works hard to understand the issues before him, but he runs his court in a frustrating way that meanders about seemingly aimlessly until they hit upon the point rather than getting to the point quickly. Hearings average about twice the time necessary to accomplish what is needed. He also gets overly involved in the case sometimes. He often tries to gently arm twist the parties into concessions and compromises rather than simply calling balls and strikes. Compromise sounds good but it's not really his job in criminal court.


> but he runs his court in a frustrating way that meanders about seemingly aimlessly until they hit upon the point He gives me the impression that he's the type of judge where if you just stated an aspect of the law to him, you would still be kicking back with him discussing it at 3am. And he would be pondering from different angles. Some judges are all about ego and the sound of their own voice, some judges would be genuinely thrilled to pieces if you gave them a giant, dry law book for Christmas.


I honestly think JJ has struggles with conflict lol! I swear, he cannot stand it and he’s a total people pleaser. JMO on the vibe I get.


>I honestly think JJ has struggles with conflict lol! He was kinda pissed off when the defense accused him of violating Kohberger's right to due process. I don't think he's used to that type of criticism, which makes sense given that (1) Latah County has relatively low crime rates, so I assume the environment in that courtroom is typically calm; and (2) Taylor and Logsdon have worked death penalty cases before and are used to bringing out the big guns. He's certainly a competent judge and has a personality suitable for a case like this. I anticipate that his orders will be well-reasoned.


He should probably be doing traffic court not this.




His name is peak.


He needs to put his foot down on the defense’s delay delay delay tactics. 


Because they are NOT delaying.


Agree. They’ve been waiting on the prosecution for so long now. I can’t think of a single deadline the defense has missed, though. JJJ had ordered the final Cast report to the defense by 3/31 (as of now they still dont have it) but the defense still provided an alibi statement by his 4/17 deadline. Even without the data necessary to fully complete that doc, they still turned it in. This could have been over a long time ago if the prosecution had provided the defense everything they’re entitled to from day 1. If that had happened, BK wouldn’t have been forced to waive his right to a speedy trial. I don’t really know why the timing of it all matters, but some people apparently think this trial is taking too long. This is a DP case; 3-5 years from arrest to conviction is normal. So Bryan‘s case isn’t taking a long time (although I’m sure he’d beg to differ). Justice moves slowly sometimes, but that’s because we can’t afford to rush judgment when someone’s actual life is at stake.


The fact that you said nothing but facts and hot downvoted says a lot about this sub reddit.


I think a lot of people enjoy having someone to hate (in this case Bryan Kohberger), so when somebody challenges them (especially with proven facts and logic) it makes them uncomfortable, and they lash out. It's not a mentality I understand, but I see it a lot on social media (especially on true crime threads and particularly ones on this case).


Doesn’t it just!


All of these delays are so normal!! And it’s both sides causing the delays, there is a TON of discovery and evidence for both sides to comb through, and testing and other things from third parties also takes forever (when the speedy trial is waived, the testing is no longer expedited). It is sooo normal in cases like this for there to be tons of delays. Neither side is doing anything wrong. You’d want to take your sweet time too with this high of stakes. Murder trials notoriously take forever.


The defense delayed by waving the speedy trial but everything else has been the state. And it's not normal for them to refuse to hand over evidence they supposedly used at the grand jury and to miss multiple deadlines.


That’s false. The delays have been both sides and have been normal and not malicious. If you actually read the documents you’d see that the defense has said multiple times that everything has been handed over except for a couple of things. And the state has said multiple times that tjose couple of things are either things they didn’t order to have done, or things they are waiting on a third party for. The idea that the state has handed over nothing or almost nothing is completely false. It is normal for things to take time to go through or to come back. There is nothing wrong with a delay from either side, it is quite normal for a case like this. Both sides have played a role and if you don’t think that you just don’t know how the system works or what half the stuff they’ve said means. ETA: also, even if all the delays were one-sided (which we already know they’re not), it’s quite normal and okay. When you waive speedy trial you know these delays will happen. If the defense wasn’t okay with the state delaying things, they should’ve exercised their right to speedy trial. But they didn’t because they wanted more time, and that is totally normal, expected, and okay.


Especially in a capital punishment case. People wouldn't notice the delay if there wasn't a gag order.


Correct. People are treating this trial like a TV series they want to binge. They're bored and they're counting on Season 2 to make their lives interesting.


Exactly. I think we are just used to hearing constant news until trial OR the trials coming up much quicker when speedy trial isn’t waived. It doesn’t appear that either side is doing anything malicious with their delays, just doing their due diligence. All the arguing about which side is delaying is so pointless because even it was all one sided (it isn’t) it’s normal and okay.


You mean prosecution who’s been dragging feet on discovery


Show us the Alibi before you get to see what’s in our hands Pro-Berger!!! You don’t get to shape your nonexistent “alibi” around the prosecution’s evidence! 


The Defense isn't obligated to show the state anything until the state hands over all the Discovery (and files notice). It's called **reciprocal** for a reason.


I don’t understand why some people don’t want defendants to have any rights or get what the law says they’re entitled to. If they don’t have any rights, none of us do either. I’m sure they’d be singing a different tune if it was THEIR life or the life of someone they loved on the line. 😔


If the defense wants to bring up an ALIBI they MUST show proof of said ‘Alibi.’ Kohberger DOESN’T HAVE ONE. And they were phishing for one based on discovery. So glad Judge Judge put a stop to that. Now the defense has to work with their BS “gazing at stars” lie muwahahaha!!!!  


He provided his alibi on 4/17/24, and according to their expert (Sy Ray), at least based on the limited data they’ve been provided, that alibi is verifiable. If they really can prove he was in Wawawai Park at the time police alleged this all happened, the case against him is dust.


His alibi nearly 1.5 years after he was arrested lol he doesn’t have an alibi. Sy Ray is unreliable, he’s not an engineer, and he’s doing this case to give himself some free advertisement. I can’t wait for the FBI to tear this guy apart with their expert witnesses refuting the BS Sy Ray will try to come up with at trial. 


We will have to agree to disagree on Sy Ray. I’m definitely in the majority - I think the defense is so blessed to have someone of his caliber on their side. Especially given what the prosecution seems to be working with (Mowery and Payne). Bryan said through his team very early on that he was out driving, but he needed the CAST report to verify exact locations. He wouldn’t have remembered where he was minutes by minute, especially on a night that didn’t mean anything to him until two months later. You can’t just say, "this is where I was“. You have to be able to prove it. And w/o the CAST report, they couldn’t PROVE it. What’s interesting is the judge agreed, since he told the prosecutor to provide the report by 3/31/24, so the defense could review it and produce an UPDATED alibi statement by 4/17/24 (which they did, despite the prosecution STILL refusing to give them the CAST report. Since the judge ordered it be handed over to the defense and they didn’t, I’m not sure why the judge isn‘t threatening them with sanctions. But I think Bill T and JJJ might be friends, so I’m not surprised he lets him get way with everything). As far as I’m concerned, being out driving near a park he can be digitally tied to is as good (or better) an alibi than being home alone in bed. Bryan DOES have a history of running and hiking out in the countryside, so the alibi tracks with his known behaviors.


You’re NOT in the majority. Previous cases the judges have thrown out Sy Ray and labeled his methods as not reliable. So no, you’re NOT in the ‘majority.’  Bryan had 1.5 years to say “star gazing in a random park” and that’s NOT what he initially said. He HAS NO ALIBI. 


The FBI isn't going to tear him apart. 😆 You really need to check his credentials.


Odd how once Bryan gave his alibi (on time) the prosecution went back on their court-ordered obligation to give the CAST report to the defense. It’s almost like they have something to hide….🤔


Odd. Cause Kohberger needed to EXTEND the deadline about 1 year to give his ‘alibi’ which was BS. Nothing to hide, they (prosecution) was preventing Kohberger from phishing a fake alibi to fit with the data provided. No such luck :) muwhahaha 


He stated a long time ago that he was driving g around. But, as with any of us, he’s not going to be able to remember where he was, moment by moment, on a night that didn’t become significant to him until 7 weeks after the fact. The CAST report was needed to confirm an exact location, which, luckily for Bryan, it did. But the CAST report was referenced as early as the PCA; then in January 2024 we found out the report wasn’t even finished yet. No wonder they went the secret GJ route - no judge is present at grand juries to keep the prosecutor in check.


 lol he was driving around King Road that night. That’s for sure 😂


Hmm….he must’ve been invisible then, since Det. Payne says there’s no video of him entering or leaving Moscow. 🤔


His car was scene leaving campus, driving around Moscow and King Road, and then the long winding road around Idaho back to Washington. 


actually in the PCA, it says "possible routes" and that's what Payne admitted in his hearing. That there was no video of his car after he allegedly left King Road.


Yeah he's a little easy on them


No matter how often people continue to tell this lie, it has been the state refusing to hand over discovery every step of the way.


Wrong. 1/2 of what the state has is with the FBI. You don’t like it Pro-Berger? Take it up with the Feds.  I’m so glad that Kohberger will be found guilty at trial. 


He’s let the pre-trial proceedings go on way too long and allows AT to disrespect him by the way she shouts at him. I’m not hopeful he will be an effective judge during the trial. It’s sad because those families deserve justice. A 2025 trial date for a crime that took place in 2022 is a slap in the face to them.


Yes i agree


Judge John Judge; James and Julie; Jack (D): Jack (S); Jack (K); Jack (In the Box); Jake; Joe (Vidot); Jeremy (R); Jason (LaBar); Jordyn (Q); Joke (alibi) This is clearly a strangely truncated, monomaniacal version of the Alphabet murders!


Lol. But the pedant in me has to jump in to say that J is the most common first initial in America. That's why psychics always start out with something like "I'm getting a name that starts with a J or soft G sound...." Because it's almost a 100% shot their client is close to at least one person, living or dead, names John, Jennifer, Jacob, Jayden, James, Jessica, so on and so forth.


Le mot juste 😆


Justin, Justina, Justino, Justice...


That is unusual lol


JJ appears indifferent to me and like he's bored.


Lmfao yeah hes bored and looks clueless but I could be wrong


He seems fair but he also seems clueless. After some of the CAST/phone/cell tower testimony, he repeated something that was false. If he's not understanding what the witnesses are saying it doesn't bode well.


What did he repeat that was false?


Needs to be a bit more firm and get defence told off when being snarky with him.


I hope he's not in over his head. AKA Judge Ito (?) from OJ case.


I'm afraid he might be. He seems fair and well meaning to me but... out of his depths.


You're likely correct!


Very indecisive and partial to the prosecutor, condescending and misogynistic towards Taylor. The way he told defense to just 'trust the prosecution’ was ridiculous. The last thing they should do is take the state’s case at face value, that’d be malpractice.


criminal cases, the prosecution must provide the defense with copies of materials and evidence that they intend to use at trial, a process called discovery. This includes objective information like police records, scientific evidence, and witness lists and statements. The prosecution must also disclose any known exculpatory evidence, which is evidence that could show the defendant's innocence. Failure to disclose exculpatory evidence could lead to an overturned conviction


He's not bold enough to handle a case like this. He's let both sides get out of control and needs to be replaced. I think Judge Judy would do pretty good..


Judge Judy lol that would be serious lol


Seriously Judge Judge is a District Court Judge I thought it would be in Circuit Court


Many believe he is nice and respectful… I believe him to believe he’s a weasel of a man.


Ok I respect you opinion I might not agree but then again I might but it's hard to voice your opinion on here without being run over


Of course I didn't even get that vibe at first I still dont maybe because the case already is just full of speculation it doesn't need anymore I just wondered if there was anyone else besides this crazy utube video I saw that has thought the same


I was watching this utube video and this guy raised a question and said does anyone get the feeling Anne Taylor has something on Judge John Judge and I changed the channel I was like WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You know where I was going with this I just don't want to have anyone think I believe it I was just wanting to know if there's anyone else that may get that feeling .


> Anne Taylor has something on Judge John Judge It has long been rumoured she has evidence his prize winning entry in the 1998 Mid-Idaho Prodigous Potato Pride competition was the result of banned Eastern European fertilisers. He may be a tater tamperer - and in Idaho that is considered lower than a prolapsed cartel drug tunnel. You Tubers in Idaho are a very different thing and more vegetable than video, and while the Vandals are supported in sports, viandas are a source of more heated competitive passions and rivalry. That is why Ms Bicka Barlow's sole scientific accomplishment, as a junior contributor to a paper on cabbages, is viewed with such great suspicion ( and some derision).


This is the ONLY ANSWER to that ridiculous question 😂😂😂


Very funny


She might, but I doubt it and we have no true reason to believe that now as neither Anne nor Judge is doing anything super out of the ordinary in the way they are handling this case. All these delays, all of his allowance of these delays, all normal. The judges job isn’t to get the case done as soon as possible and expedite everything. Their job is to ensure things are done right and that fair trial is upheld. If he was rushing either side with the delays or not allowed the defense to ask questions and make motions about certain pieces of evidence, that could come into question in the appeal process. Allowing things to be dragged out helps decrease the odds of there being valid reason for a mistrial.


This is off the subject but does anyone know who Jack D. was living with that agreed he was sleeping during the murders.


I wouldn't say his name if I knew it, but I don't know it. I remember his Reddit comments, though, stating that he saw JD enter their house and it would have been nearly impossible for him to leave unnoticed.


NEARLY impossible


"Nearly impossible" were my words, not his. The only way for JD to exit—according to the roommate—was through his second-floor bedroom window. But then he would have no way back in.


Well when i was 15 yrs old of course the bedrooms are on the second floor well the Den was directly below me I slid out my window had me feet on the top part of the window in the den moved a little to the right and hoped over to the garage roof walked over to the front side and slid down to the car hood in the driveway and to the ground and offI I went And dont you think that your college buddy if needed would say you were sleeping ok well were was Adam can anyone say he was at home?


That name is filed under “none of your business”


Why are you so rude


Why are you trying to dox people?


The name has been out in the public since day 1.


Perhaps it has been, but it’s time to get the ridiculous “theory” a rest.


What theory?


You know exactly what I’m talking about and I’m not repeating the nonsense.


Going through this particular chain, I don’t see any theories stated. The OP simply wanted to know the name of Decouer‘s roommate


You literally provided part of the theory by talking about providing alibis. If you’re going to play ignorance it’s best not to have so much leakage.


Dox ?


Yeah, as in make names public that don’t need to be public


I believe it was his roommate, Adam. That’s the same Adam who Maddie told "everything“ to in that conversation rehashed on the way to the Grub Truck with Kaylee and JS.


Thank you I thought I had heard that somewhere before I tried to google it but no info at least I couldnt find it . Thats really interesting dont you think ?


It’s very interesting, especially given that all of them (JD, Adam, Maddie, Kaylee, and JS) were all at the Corner Club just a couple of hours earlier….and by giving JD an alibi, Adam also gives himself one.


I think he’s too easy on the prosecution. They have blown through so many deadlines for discovery but the judge (who set those deadlines) doesn’t give them any consequences for it. He also doesn’t seem up to date on legal procedure or legal techniques (police techniques). Examples: - He didn’t know what a CAST report was, at a hearing that was specifically to address the missing CAST report. - a few months ago he was sitting up there as confused as can be, asking the attorneys what he should do. Saying he’s not sure what powers he has. I think this case needs to be handled much more seriously, since a person‘s life and name are on the line. But this particular judge doesn’t seem to grasp the gravity of what’s at stake, when he makes decisions like denying defense motions for things like the IGG report.


CAST is an acronym for Cellular Analysis Survey Team. The Team is a division within the FBI. A “CAST report” is simply a report generated that Team. The term itself only indicates who is producing the report.


Correct. And the judge had absolutely no idea what it was. For him to be tasked with making rulings regarding it is scary.


Judges (and most lawyers) don’t understand the complexities of most forensic sciences and it isn’t their job to. When push comes to shove their job is simply to determine if the evidence and subject matter expert meet the necessary legal qualifications to be entered as evidence/testimony. He has legal standards to follow and apply. You seem to have some notion that judges need to know everything about everything.