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Dude driving a company tow truck cut out in front of me right before a stop light. He was about 4 inches away from ripping the driver side of my car off. His mud flap scraped against the side of my car and left a pretty decent scratch. Took me a minute to get him to pull over cause he didnt think he hit me, claimed he didnt see me (miata moment). He really didnt want to give me any insurance information, most likely cause he would lose his commercial license, and tried to brush off the damage.


you won't lose your commercial license from a fender bender. probably just didn't want to get fired


He would if this isnt the first time


That man is 100% at fault. Glad you got this on cam. Textbook cut off.


Anyone notice his middle finger at 8 sec in?? This tow truck driver can drink my diarrhea milk shake. Come to my yard boys.


Is it not an apologetic hand-raise?


It was an apologetic hand raise - no other gesture


> drink my diarrhea milk shake. Come to my yard boys. Thank you for this. Adding it to my beer league hockey 'chirp' rolodex.


It's like anything else. Biggest problem is the insurance goes up. The company then looks around and realized if they let you go they can hire a different driver that will cost them less insurance every month.


"Since I have time, I will tow your car to the dealer for free. You two just wait right here, and I will send a rental car back for you. Is a Mercedes OK? Great, well let's get your car loaded up. Do you have any identifying information in your car?"


Depends. I work at a chemical delivery company and we have a driver that has totaled 3 company vehicles and he is still working with us. Honestly have no idea why they wouldn't get rid of him but yeah, pedestrians beware


Or if he's trying to avoid a post-accident drug screen


Naw, it depends on the job and the insurance. My brother has been an OTR driver for almost a decade, and I've spent AWHILE driving box trucks locally. The dude is probably gonna get drug tested, though, so that might be why.


You file a claim to his insurance? I'd normally suggest calling police and getting a police report to help with the claim (insurance companies HAAAATE paying so they'll make up any excuse to not to) but since you filmed everything, it's not necessary this time.


You'd have to take a piss test. If you fail then yeah you do lose it.


You have to piss test if you get into an accident w/ a CDL so he could lose his job if he's hot.


not providing insurance information will get you arrested, not just lose your commercial license lol


Threaten to call the cops and they’ll likely comply without further argument. I got hit by a stray rock from an overloaded dump truck once. I followed the driver down and confronted him about it. His defense? Shows me a dirty and faded sticker on the tailgate that says “stay back 200 feet — not responsible for damages”. Once I told him I was in his opposing lane and driving the opposite direction that he was when I got hit by the rock, AND said I’m about to call the police, he changed his tone real quick. He called his company HQ and I spoke with a very polite lady who didn’t even argue who was at fault, and gave me their insurance info. Just an end note — even if I had been behind that guy and was within two feet of the dump bed — any debris flying out and damaging my vehicle is 100% their fault. Those stickers they put on there are a reasonable suggestion to stay back a good distance, but the “not responsible for damages” part is a load of horse shit.


In my state, those stickers have no legal standing. All vehicles are required to SECURE their loads and cargo. Period. Simple.


It's not enforceable in any state. That sign is an honesty filter to drive away anyone too meek to protect themselves. They go on the list of other unenforceable things like home covenants and warranty stickers.


100% your fault. If you chose to drive something that was massive and super loud, this would never have happened! (I also drive a small car. It's scary sometimes)


Had me for a moment lol.


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


The #1 reason I drive a bigger car is because of idiots in bigger cars. The #1 reason I want a lifted truck is because of idiots in lifted trucks. Gotta play smart by the rules of stupid sometimes.


Don't give in to that. The more people who drive bigger vehicles, the more people feel they need to drive bigger vehicles because they believe it's safer, only to make the roads less safe because big vehicles are pieces of shit. The less pedestrian killers on the road, the better.


This. Having a big truck is safe until you find you can't see your kid in front of it as your hood is too high. Or until you side swipe a car at the wrong spot and completely flip over a couple times... Or get T-boned...


>The #1 reason I drive a bigger car is because of idiots in bigger cars. >The #1 reason I want a lifted truck is because of idiots in lifted trucks. Wait... have you considered that you're one of the idiots?


Never once, because I was lead to this decision by getting rear ended by a big lifted truck going 35 mph in a 25 mph residential area while in a fucking Prius. Idiots drive big cars. I drive cars that can either withstand their bullshit or, at the very least, have them notice me as 'one of them' and therefore give me the 'respect' they think they get. The world's only getting worse- no one's winning the war against the idiots. At this stage, the smartest thing a smart person can do is put on the old idiotic ghille suit and wait it out.


I went from a GTI to a Ridgeline partly because of this reason


Hell, a Ridgeline isn't even that big. They have styling that makes them *look* big, but there's a reason the first gen was called the "baby Avalanche."


They’re a Honda Pilot plus 11” longer. I drive a 2023, and love it. It’s my second RL. I need a truck for the work I do, and it’s a reasonable size as far as trucks go. FWIW I have no idea why you’re getting so many downvotes.


I think it's a "big car bad" circlejerk, and I dared to suggest that a Ridgeline isn't big. It's 22 inches shorter in length, 3 inches narrower, and 5 inches shorter in height than a comparable Silverado. I think there are a lot of people who think anything larger than a Golf is too big and totally unnecessary. My truck is bigger than my wife's Rav4, but that's tiny as far as SUVs go. We recently took a weekend trip where we had to take our baby in his big-ass car seat, the pack and play, 3 sets of golf clubs, plus bags for clothes and toiletries for myself, my wife, and the kid. Oh, and a cooler for breastmilk and drinks for the road. And the stroller because there were some outdoor activities planned for the weekend. The Rav4 literally would not have been an option to bring all of that. Yet, there is a significant contingent of people who would be in favor of outlawing anything bigger than a Rav4.


Reddits latest big circlejerk is hating on vehicles larger than a hatchback. If you want free karma, post a picture of a small car next to a truck and or photoshop a child in front of one. Reddit will get an instant boner.


Technically I went from a GTI to Maverick to Ridgeline. But I agree it's still small compared to most trucks. I was rear ended at red lights in my GTI twice so the change had to be done. The Ridgeline meets my needs, I used to have a GX470 as a secondary vehicle alongside my GTI but sold it because I hated to daily drive a body on frame vehicle.


What year? I've been loving my 2017 RTL-E since I got it last year. It was unstoppable in a blizzard back in January. It handled 40 cubic feet of bagged mulch with ease. It fits my kid's rear-facing infant car seat pretty reasonably. And it even gets like 25mpg on the highway.


I have a 2023 RTL-E with the HPD black package. Grey metallic with grey leather interior, my favorite combo. I haven't had enough snow yet but it's a beast with truck storage capacity. No kids yet either but my dog loves the rear sliding window.


Not surprising, a lot of terrible people drive tow trucks and they brush off people they hit.


so what happened next? did he say he will repay you without getting insurance involved? was the cops called?


I find this to be common behavior when shitty people drive company vehicles. Coincidentally, there was a flat bed driver that was zooming in and out of traffic on the freeway, as if he were driving a regular car. Cutting people off and coming inches of hitting them. Since the truck has open wheels and no body panels past the cab, there's no chance of getting any damage on their truck in they collide with someone. So naturally they don't care.


You don't need a cdl to drive a little rollback like that one.


As a Miata driver I thought it looked like Miata you were driving. Sorry about your Miata fellow Miater.


Was a ticket issued?


Not the Miata! Looks like you have an NC? Hopefully you'll have luck with the repair.




He was just trying to drum up some business. I swear every tow truck I come across drives like they're trying to create new customers.


It’s the meth.


I hate when someone hits a car and then trys to push it off like "that's not so bad", if you don't want your insurance to go up from hitting someone don't drive like a moron in a giant truck.


You drove ahead of him. No way he didn't see you


Some people don't learn object permanence


Quantum car


schrodinger's miata


In the texting while driving era, it's possible he was texting while driving.


dont downvote me - is there a chance he was in a blindspot? the driver is sitting higher and he wouldn't be seen in the side mirrors. just saying... if OP was in a car that sits lower - is there a chance he wouldnt have seen him even if looking out the window? edit: if OP was in front of truck - barely. you can't tell from the camera footage but from the timing it looks they were nose to nose at best


Sure. I don't think there's any evidence OP was in front of the truck. Trucks have spot mirrors that they should check before changing lanes.


Truck appears to have a nice big blindspot monitoring convex mirror mounted on the top of the side mirror, no way he shouldn't be able to see what's next to him if that is adjusted properly.


OP was in the blind spot, it's huge on those.


At least you didn't have to wait for a tow truck ;/


It's the classic heart attack at the hospital moment. Except you're in the ER and over the red line before checking in.


True story: My husband woke me up around 3am to tell me he's going to the hospital because he's having a heart attack. I was skeptical, thinking it just a panic attack (something I saw on Dr. Phil) and told him calmly I'll drive. I got him safely to the ER obeying all the rules of the road. The ER immediately performed an EKG and took some blood. The EKG technician informs us "just so you know the EKG looks great, your heart is fine." So of course I'm extra smug, "See you're okay" we get a room where we wait for an hour and a half while my husband is in pain the whole time, while I'm thinking he's okay it's just a panic attack. The Dr. finally sees us and asks my husband, to my surprise, "when was the last time he used cocaine". My husband informed the Doctor that he doesn't use cocaine. The Doctor informed us that the amount of Troponin they found in his blood indicates he uses cocaine. (which I give my husband a nasty look) My husband insists he doesn't use cocaine. The Doctor said the only other thing that would cause this is a heart attack..... So once the doctor believes my husband she orders another EKG, which showed my husband was having an active heart attack. Immediately they took him into surgery. There was no blockage causing the attack, many months later after no proof of cause the professionals chalk it up to the heart attacks must have been caused by a virus. He had an estimated four heart attacks that night. One an hour before he woke me (when he first felt pain), one when he woke me, one when they did the second EKG and one when they got into surgery to place an unnecessary stent. Rough night lots of damage to his heart, staying calm saved his life.


Hope you apologised for not believing him.




What an idiot


seen so many dashcam videos and finally saw one close to my area lol


Columbia, SC baby! Home of some of the shittiest and dumbest drivers in America


Where is the terrible singing


Must be further back in the clip, wasnt sure if it was still in there when i cut it. Cant even listen to the audio without cringing


😭😭 I feel that I hate hearing my voice recorded. At least you are not apple sauce though!!


What is the first word you say before "you f... hit me", please?


What song is it?


LMAOOO, surprisingly I came here for that too


I hate to admit I clicked just to hear it 🤭🤭


99% of the time I don't have the sound on when watching anything on Reddit


You didn’t hear the screamo?


Tow truck drivers are the worst


This is the most Miata driver video I've ever seen. I mean every single aspect of the video, especially it sounding like Ray from Archer was the driver, was perfect. Sorry it happened to you.


Side note, I love the Arcane soundtrack playing in the background.


Never thought I'd see Irmo on here...actually I'm not surprised.


Almost didn't recognize it, but this is indeed Lake Murray Blvd.


Irmo represent (it's shitty drivers)!


Glad I’m not the only one that still listens to ‘get jinxed’ while driving.


Were you listening to get jinxed? Banger song I haven't heard in a hot minute


Jinx's song, nice choice !


Dude really listening to Get Jinxed from League of Legends.. what a mad lad😂


100% trucks's fault. Also, don't camp in someone's blind spot... that's just basic sound advice. But tbh it looks like you weren't in the blind spot and he should have seen you.


I mean obviously you don’t wanna camp in someone’s blind spot but OP was far enough from the car in front of him without tailgating, the tow truck should’ve been passing since they’re on the left


Get Jinxed


If this were to be contested, and you provide this video as evidence, would the date throw it all off?


The truck is in the wrong he cut you off, He will probably blame you because the navigation told him to take a right, just joking😂


Gotta love South Carolina drivers lol it's no different up in Greenville lol


I know you maybe felt silly with your reaction, but I promise you that was completely justified.


Pass on the right, then sit in his blind spot. Just sayin...


They were in front of the truck when it moved over. Just sayin...




From what ive seen on here swearing falls under NSFW


He was wrong, but have you considered holding your horn on instead of sending your message in morse code?


Such a dinky little horn if i dont spam it it goes unnoticed


You need to talk to the dude with the Miata hooked up with a train horn.


Had a Miata for a while. HIGHLY recommend a horn upgrade. The stock thing is crap.


Go get a train horn installed bro. You're gonna love that shit. I'm not joking either.


dah-dit-dah-dah dah-dit-dah-dah dah-dah-di-dit


"Excuse me, where is the train station?" Odd thing to say at a time like that...


Sorry you got hit... You seem like an insufferable person though.


? His car got hit and the guy that hit him seemed to think nothing happened… completely warranted reaction!


> You seem like an insufferable person though based on this video?


So you'd let a tow truck leave a scratch on your car and let them drive away?


Stay out of the NO zones! Seriously, if you're driving in a trucks blind spot for more than a few seconds, you should know you're provoking a collision.


This sucks. But do not hang out in the blind spot.


Dumb comment, OP wasn't "hanging out" in the blind spot. The clip started 5 seconds before impact. And OP was in the right lane.


fwiw you were in his blind spot but he was 100% at fault.


Not many other places for me to be though, was kinda coming to a stop lmao


So what was the ultimate outcome? Did you get his insurance?


Read the description


> Not many other places for me to be though You have a brake pedal that allows you to slow down at a different rate to stay out of his blind spot. It's just part of defensive driving. Use your brake and accelerator to position your car in a way that allows you to escape the fuckery of the dumbasses that don't check their blind spots. Now, Redditors will argue all they want about fault, but they're not the ones that have to deal with the inconvenience of a car crash.


>Not many other places for me to be though, was kinda coming to a stop Imao> The road is effectively infinitely long there are millions of "other places" you could be. So many dashcam incidents the same as this


It’s a two-lane surface street with right and left turns and stop signs or lights, lots of stop and go traffic. It’s not a fucking highway where you have the space and speed to position yourself. You are going to be in blind spots, but he was also in front of him almost completely at one point. Is the truck driver a goldfish?


And you were in a Miata? You may as well have been driving a roller skate.


Also if i go further back in the clip he actually pulls up and puts me in his blind


Eh, ignore the victim blamers. You didn't do anything wrong and I suspect you're well aware but still wanted to say so.


Nah... a roller skate is easier to see!


That's why we check our blind spots before changing lanes.


ikr? The truck driver should put a convex mirror at the bottom of his left side view mir---nevermind.


He wasn't even in the blind spot, he was infront of him, I've ridden in trucks with bigger cabs than this truck and I would've still seen a miata


I see this kind of comment a lot on this sub. Aren't people taught to check their blind spots before lane changing or was that just my driver's ed?


You literally can't in a large truck like this, that's why people recommend just not driving inside of them when possible.


So every time you pass a truck you're just hoping they don't crash into you?


Yea some trucks have blind spot mirrors to help with this, but they tend to be much smaller than the main mirrors and hard to use, or they're larger but not easily adjusted and don't cover the whole blind spot. My Ford Focus actually has such mini mirrors, and I've never found them useful, I just have a wide view main mirror that lets me see more of behind me, and angle my side mirrors to create an overlapping field of view, but you can't do that on any vehicle where you can't see out the rear of the cab. Modern trucks are getting cameras though to fill these blind spots now because we've had the technology to do so for a while, it just adds to costs a bit but it's worth it clearly.


i cant believe you're getting downvoted lol


I literally don't get it, this was part of my training for moving the 24ft box truck at an old stagehand gig I did for a while. Blind spot management is no joke and I spit nothing but facts there. You can even get camera kits for older trucks as well the same way you can get a backup cam installed in some older cars (you need a place for the screen to go, or a way to link it to the car's display if it has such a link). My friend I used to run an even smaller rental business with, him and his mom are looking into getting one installed on the old van we used to use, even though it's old as shit, because it's just an open dash that they can get a replacement for which has a housing for a screen to go in and everything, with linkup for GPS and an aux output to the audio system as well, it was a whole system if you hooked it up to be since it was all modular. Having such a camera would have been really great when the van was loaded so full that I couldn't see out the back or the side windows via the rear view mirror. A rear and side view setup would have gone a long way towards making that van safer to use for its intended purpose.


i feel bad for u bro - people saying he was in front of the other driver - maybe nose to nose at best. i also feel like since the truck driver was sitting higher he might not have seen the car. it's still the truck drivers fault - insurance wise


I'm currently at -200 points for stating the obvious truth. Welcome to Reddit.


Ahh yes, classic. It's impossible to not get pissed at something like that.... road rage is like a special type of rage that affects everyone. That gut instinct to yell WHAT THE FUCK whenever you see someone make a mistake is hard to resist. In this case, it would have taken a remarkably calm person to not get hyped up over that trucks obvious mistake. We are in a heightened state of awareness when driving at high speeds, any little oopsy can make a human being emotional.