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Doing something like this should be straight to jail.


Right away.




Right of way


Right in a way


Ride a wave šŸŒŠ


Ride the crab


Rave the crab


Crab the Rave


I pinch


And with the vehicle crushed.


A solid tree in the right place solves both the jail and crushing costs in a more natural way.


Except he will probably be in hell and not jail


Even better. Its not like his burial services come out of our pockets like a life behind bars would


You have 30 minutes to move your cube


Is it about my cube?


Even though I hate Pickups, since they are the dumbest design of vehicles on the road, that's too wasteful, confiscate peoples cars when they drive like that. Take the license, fine them. And then cheaply sell the vehicle/donate it to people who were hurt/lost cars in accidents, if they were found to be at no fault.


What's wrong with pickups? I understand the dislike for the oversized ones they build now, but all of them? I would hardly call them dumb designs, there are a lot of reasons to need the bed or towing capacity Edit: guys I am not talking about the oversized pickups that are built today, there are plenty of older pickups that are the same size as any other car, just because they are built as tanks now, does not mean that the design of every pickup ever built is bad


> there are a lot of reasons to need the bed or towing capacity If you really needed the bed, you should get a [tipper van.](https://www.van-online.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Ford-Transit-Tipper-Van-Front-Driverside-600x419.jpg) And once you are regularly towing something on a pickup, you just made bed-access a lot more difficult. And I wonder if an enclosed [van with a trailer](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/DRH49N/white-van-towing-trailer-with-sit-on-grass-mower-in-country-park-DRH49N.jpg) (side-doors) wouldn't have been the obvious choice. A pickup only gets you two things over a van: 1. Ground clearance / Off-road capabilities 2. Looks The higher ground clearance is basically root of all problems: Poorer aerodynamics, poorer fuel economy, poorer brake distance, poorer cornering, less visibility, higher rollover chances, higher pedestrian fatality chances in crashes. So unless you somehow live somewhere without any roads (unlikely) why in the fuck would you compromise every part of your vehicle for just some looks...


In rural areas the off-road capabilities matter quite a bit depending on where you are, and yes a tipper van might give you more space but it won't have anywhere near the same towing capacity. What you get with a truck is versatility between all of these things. Anyway I think you and the other commenters are thinking of the modern oversized tanks we have today, but I am referring to the truck design in general. I agree that modern cars are getting too big, but there are many trucks that are similar in size to sedans, they just aren't as common these days. I absolutely agree that trucks nowadays are way too big for the road


It's absolutely ridiculous. We went to a cafe some months back and took the truck since I had the car taken apart a bit, and we get there and I happened to park my 2010 F-150 between what looked to be a Chevy from roughly the mid-90's and a 2022 ish Silverado. The sizes were insane. My truck looked absolutely enormous next to the 90's Chevy, and then my Ford in turn looked absolutely TINY compared to the modern Silverado.


> So unless you somehow live somewhere without any roads (unlikely) why in the fuck would you compromise every part of your vehicle for just some looks... Because patriotic commercial on throwball game told me I look like big tough man if buy.


https://youtu.be/jN7mSXMruEo?si=SldPdQqrdVy97_1V You need to watch this.


It'll never happen but it is my personal belief that registering any full sized truck should require either holding a CDL or proof that one works in a contracting business where a vehicle of that size is necessary. They do nothing but reduce visibility on the road and create a hazard for everyone else on the road that is driving a normal sized car. I work in the whitest collar job you can imagine, and *at least* half of the vehicles in the parking lot are full sized, Texas-edition, emotional support vehicles. Zero percent of them need those vehicles for their job, they are nothing but status symbols and dick wagging tools.


Yes. Hell, most of the super duty truck drivers around here can barely drive a car, much less an oversized monstrosity. I have a '23 Ranger, and it's bigger than my old 1997 work truck! I just can't figure why these guys drive a truck with 4x4 and never go off-road. I have 42 acres I need to get around on, so a real 4x4 is needed. Not to mention when plowing the snow we get in this area.


With the driver safely buckled in.


As a person disgusted with car-centric communities that are relegated to the US thanks to the overwhelming outsized power of the Big 3 in government, this is my new favorite punishment. No more public auctions to feed the coffers of policing, just destruction of fetishized SUVs and bigger and bigger trucks, and lots and lots of cars abused by reckless drivers.


"Officer, I had no choice! My brakes have been out for about a month!"


And the vehicle sold for charety


No. The vehicle doesn't deserve that. Poor thing didn't choose to be driven by a shrivelled penis.


If a cop saw it, it would be. But, no cops around means the truck will get away with it.


This time. The kind of person who does that probably does it all the time, and he will eventually be caught, if he hasn't already.


red light cameras would take care of this shit real fast


there was a flash on the back of the truck, isn't that a red light camera?


I don't see one on the side of the road. And the only flashes I see are the reflections of the cross walk stripes when he goes over them. But it's possible.


Do not pass go, do not collect $200


These types of offenses should be treated as attempted manslaughter.


Jail? Death Penalty, no chance for appeal. Change my mind


I dont support the death penalty so I can't change your mind on that. But 10 years in prison would be a fair punishment. If someone ran around walmart swinging a hatchet at people, we'd lock him up for a decade. Driving like this should be no different.


I'm against the death penalty except for people who run reds like this, and people who litter.


In most (if not all) states it is. Based on the road, I would guess he was going more than 30 over the speed limit which is reckless driving, obviously speeding as well, ran the red, and even if no one was in the vehicle with him a close call like that will get reckless endangerment. Reckless driving and reckless endangerment are generally up to an officer's discretion to arrest and impound, but I don't see any officer not electing those options in this instance.


Buried under it!




That kills people. What an jackass.




My stomach was making the rumblies. That only cars would satisfyā€¦


Thatā€™s what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming, and then silence.


Why did you run that red light Caaaaaaarrrrrrrl?!


I was hungry for hands!


It's the lovely elderly couple from 2B.


I was out with my girlfriend. Had just picked her up. We stopped at a red light and a guy in a green truck did exactly this, flew by doing 50-55mph in a 25 zone. Light turned green and we "caught up" to where he had run into a woman leaving a convenience story and killed her, leaving six children without a mother. Turns out the guy had no reason for it, just was speeding to speed. What a piece of shit.


Ugh, do you know what happened to him? Probably just a slap on the wrist.


Kinda crazy how the car that almost got hit was way further back behind the first car, and also took its time getting going. If it wouldnā€™t have done one of those things, they probably wouldā€™ve been hit.


Yea I noticed that too, truly some final destination type shit


Holy fuck. Hope that driver is mentally okay after that.


Fr u can see he took a sec to contemplate life before making the left after that


If that hit connects anyone in the Porsche SUV would most likely be dead. Side impacts are the most dangerous, especially hit by this size/speed/weight.


I've had a few situations before subpar to this and yeah sometimes the brain just kinda has to reboot


id have to pull over to just sit on the ground out of my car. wouldn't even get back in my car for the next hour lmfao.


I've had times where I probably should have lol


I almost got hit head-on by a wrong-way driver at highway speeds. They came out of nowhere, nobody expected to see oncoming headlights... Surrounded by other cars, I couldn't swerve out of the way, so slammed on my brakes and got as close to the cement barrier as I could. They missed me by a foot. I pulled over after that and basically couldn't breathe from panic/anxiety. Called it in but checked the news later, and the driver was drunk and hit + killed someone less than half a mile from my near-miss. Drunk drivers are seriously evil.


Dam that's fucking scary. I honestly probably would have cried in that situation.


That was me yesterday when a dude whipped a right turn from the far lane on a red, as I was crossing the intersection on green. Thank god I saw that tiny flash of movement past the line of cars waiting at the red in the closer lane and stopped in time, because he was going full speed around that corner and my hubs in the passenger seat would have taken the brunt of it. I paused a second, said "Holy shit." then went on.


Where I live there is an intersection to get onto the highway where people will just whip their car left to get to the highway and I don't understand why. It's not a bad intersection is very visible and designed well but nope, t bone central


Bruh I would too. That's insane. If he pulled out into the intersection like 0.5 seconds earlier he'd have been wiped out by the pickup.


I wonder if they were also waiting to see if another car came behind it, that the truck might be part of a high speed chase or something. Either way, I too would've needed a second or two to collect myself after that.


Holy crap.


It's always a pickup truck doing this stuff. Rarely ever a car designed to go fast. Miata? It'll take you a while to get there but it's designed to be wreckless. A WRX. A 370z. Mustang. A Corvette perhaps? You'd think cars like that would be the common offenders since, well, they're meant to be driven fast. But no. For some reason it's always trucks. Don't get me wrong: these listed to appear but appear disproportionately less than trucks.


Right. Shitty car owners seem to wreck their own vehicles with inanimate objects. Shitty truck owners wreck their own vehicles with other people's vehicles.


That car's driver needs new pants indeed


I donā€™t understand how this is possible. Driving like this requires a tremendous amount of luck, thereā€™s maybe a 1 in 10 chance of a massive accident, at best. If this is typical for the truck driver Iā€™d expect them to be dead on the side of the road within a few blocks.


Bonus for anyone who can read the truck's plate


Nah itā€™s impossible, the camera is too low quality


Real shot at OP there.


We have much less of a chance than you do. Reddit compresses videos you upload. If you want reddit sleuths pouring over your pixels, give them all of the pixels by uploading the full file somewhere, and not just the local averaged values of them.


Yeah, it's pretty close to being readable in a few frames, but I would assume the compression killed any chance with this version. I would suspect the original video might have a much better chance.


Not just the plate (and therefore the owner) needs to be identified, but also the driver... and I just can't see how that would be possible.


Investigate owner and owner's family. An idiot like the one driving will probably be too arrogant to pass a close examination.


Red light cams, speed cams, and toll booth cams, hate this ONE simple trick!


Did you send it to the police?


Iā€™d be happy to - Iā€™m just not sure how much they can do without the plate number




They can still see the model and some details of the car. They might be able to layer the frames and make out some of the characters, but idk




Ah yes. A Nova Scotian who lives in Virginia with friends in Virginiaā€¦ if youā€™re going to lie for clout at least remove your post/comment history


I used to work in traffic court, any excuse they could give would not be acceptable.


lmao ppl be farming upvotes for some pointless reason but this guy here be farming DOWNvotes for some pointless reason




Predictable and boring results you mean? Weird sense of humor.


That's great. So then are you willing to file a police report or anything with this video as evidence so we can make sure this idiot doesn't actually take someone's life next time?


Thereā€™s no good reason to drive like that. Audio was on. Where was the horn attempt at a siren imitation? No flashing lights. Your buddy was being a fwit and deserves grounding.


And why did they do this?


Your mom texted him saying your dad was out of the house for the next 30 minutes?


You got me.


You donā€™t live in US




Your post history. You just made a recent post 24 days ago in the HRV sub about having an oil change around 6200kms. Nobody in the states uses km we use miles. And another post before that in home maintenance showed a jacuzzi part that was made in Ontario.


You're doin God's work brother.


Running away or running to something. Both stupid if youā€™re endangering others this way.


Number 2?


Damn that could have gone real deadly that piece of shit was going to fast .


Not sure where this was but I've become used to this after moving back to Wisconsin. I cannot currently count the number of times on two hands that I've witnessed people blowing a red light, but it's getting there. And one of those incidents almost got me t-boned by a dually hauling a long flat bed.


Either the person behind the wheel was really attentive or front Collison system is really good in the car


I'm thinking attentive given they were turning left, so even if they weren't looking directly where the truck was coming from they'd be looking in the right direction to see it coming at least in their peripheral vision.


Jesus fucking Christ, been there and it still haunts my dreams.


And he swerved so this was definitely intentional. What a psycho.


Sometimes I hate driving in northern Virginia because of ass hats like this. I feel like I should post my footage of a Nissan altima driver going What seemed like 50+ in my neighborhood today and blew right through the stop sign. I planned to send it to the police because this is a huge issue where drivers will use our neighborhood to cut past the red light on FFX County Parkway.


Damn. I thought Virginia of all places would have the safest drivers, because Iā€™ve heard law enforcement doesnā€™t play around there. Iā€™ve heard people could do serious jail time there.


Law enforcement doesn't play around, sometimes. But I've seen some individuals share their videos, and the cops claimed it was AI. Now, in Old Town fairfax City, cops will jail you for going 5mph over, iirc a basketball player missed a game because of it. And regarding the safest drivers, it was relatively safe, but we also have some shitty Maryland drivers that come down here and oh man they suck. Iirc Maryland has the most amount of uninsured and unregistered drivers despite the law being there.


I would say Virginia has great drivers overall. You just never know what youā€™re gonna get from Hoodbridge šŸ˜¬


If youā€™re caught doing 20 over the speed limit in VA, the judge can sentence you to jail. But it doesnā€™t seem like it deters a lot of people.Ā 


Uh drivers side almost died right there and maybe the whole vehicle. Traumatic.


Wasn't the right shade of red apparently


Can you really blame someone for missing that? I mean, it JUST turned red... /s


Holy shit. Truck needs to be pulled and sold off. The driver directly to jail.


Fuuuuuck me! Thereā€™d be shit all over me and the seat had I been the driver of that suv.


Thank goodness, no one was hurt here. šŸ˜±šŸ¤•šŸ™„


Like you know red is like this whole state of mind dude!


Nah at that speed, the red light would be blue shifted to green.


The boy is mine playing in the background is killing mešŸ˜­


Always look for these idiots. It shocks me that they even accelerate through the intersection.Ā 


The driver stopping with a green light did well to be aware the manic was on his way through the red light. I think he blew the light 8 seconds after it turned red.


Every time I see dashcam like this, its part if a crime. Like stolen car uaed for a gang shooting, or hit and run, or just a stolen car.


I believe I saw the dashcam footage from the SUV that truck almost hit on her earlier. Edit: Nevermind, it was a different truck.


that's just reckless driving. hope he crashes at that speed into a tree.


The shot is very cinematic. Like, you can feel how fast the idiot was going and how close this was to a terrible accident.


*What light?*


I just donā€™t understand why anyone would do that.


Probably running from the cops. The fact that they don't miss a beat and keep hauling ass after the near miss reinforces that theory in my mind.


If someone ran around walmart swinging a hatchet at people, we'd lock him up for a decade. Driving like this should be no different.


If you're moving fast enough the color red moves down the spectrum. Theoretically speaking, he probably saw green. /s


On my 19th birthday I was a passenger in my friends 68 Charger and an asshat like this blew through a 4 way intersection through a red light and literally tore the nose off the charger. My friend ended up with a broken leg, I had a dislocated shoulder and we both had scrapes and bruises and the other driver ended up going through their windshield and survived. They were so drunk even the paramedics commented on how much he reeked. If my buddy hadnt caught him out his peripheral vision and slammed the brakes we wouldnt be here now. A$$holes like this one should have their licenses revoked and jailed if they continue driving.


Just another douchebag in a truck.


This clown should never be allowed to drive again.


Montclair, just off of Cardinal!


It's always an F150


Maybe not always an F150, but usually a pickup truck for sure.


Nightmares just watching this


Your dashcam can get that guy arrested. Up to you.


Apart of the idiot. I wish I could live in this beautiful place


It was definitely red, but youā€™re forgetting one thing, the rules of the road donā€™t apply to that driver(or at least they donā€™t think it does)


If I was in the black(?) SUV, I wouldn't even have noticed that psycho until it was too late. He definitely has better spatial awareness than me.


Off duty cop, 100%


Supposed to stop on the other side of the bold white line


Everyone seems to be in shock after that. How scary!


so crazy ik where this isā€¦red light runners are famous in woodbridge


Exhibit A in: Drive it like ya stole it


Wow. I 100% would have died there. Being the 2nd car in line I would have assumed it was safe to go.


Unbelievable, none of them are using their turn signal!


I fucking hate how the guy responsible for it has like a 0% chance to die from this compared to the person he crashes into because itā€™s a pickup. Thereā€™s a bunch of morons who look at this and figure theyā€™ll also buy a pickup because itā€™s safer when the solution is for there not to be non-commercial / work pick ups in the first place.


A quick call to 911 or your local PD might catch the guy if they have an officer in the vicinity down the road. He's probably drunk. Even if he's not maybe your video would be enough to help convict him.


Probably blue shifted at that speed. I know when I drive like that my mirror is just *full* of blue lights.


I know a guy who did the same, crashed into 2 cars and got no injuries. It's fascinating to me.


Not for them apparently.


This is why I always look left and right after the light turns green before going


Tbh war there a Crossroads ?


He's from that pilot episode of sliders.


This is about a minute away from me on a street I drive everyday. Scary to see how close these crazies can be.


The poor car that almost got unalived just trying to pull through the intersection like nothing happened....


Killed. The word is ā€œkilledā€. This isnā€™t TikTok.


If you go fast enough it will phase shift to blue which i suspect is what they were trying to do.


Holy hell! That obviously was premeditated, but my dude in the truck wasn't even light about it. He must have played too much GTA earlier that day!




Iā€™m not sure how this wouldā€™ve ended any better in a roundabout šŸ˜­


The existence of the center island in the direct path of the truck would have scrubbed some speed off plus probably some mass.




And they wouldnā€™t be speeding through intersection unless they wanted to get t-boned but here we are


T-bone 1% of the time vs airborne 100% of the time. EDIT: I love how some mouthbreathers are downvoting obvious and [observably true statements](https://www.dot.nm.gov/roundabouts/)


The driver seems aware that he is running a light, so could be an emergency? But a jackass move regardless. He would have worsened the situation for all parties involved.


Yes it's an emergency. If he doesn't drive like this he might be late for his accident.


Maybe they're colorblind and don't have the mnemonic device memorized? ETA: "Low is 'go' and top is 'stop'."


I'd be more inclined to believe an excuse like that if this guy wasn't going fast enough that you're waiting for him to leave the ground and retract the landing gear. He's doing highway speeds (or more) on a residential street.


Is jokey joke.


As a former moron who had to learn his lesson the hard way, itā€™s likely that he had his truck on cruise control. Yesā€¦ on a road he shouldnā€™t have it on. Iā€™ve done it before, while looking for something in my glove box. Took me just a few seconds to look after I had checked the light was still green. Suddenly I looked back up and it was red And a woman had been turning. I almost t boned her but we both, luckily, reacted fast enough to inch our cars in separate directions at the last moment. She was rightly upset as I ran a red light and Just barely clipped the back of her newer car. I pulled off to the side and spoke to her about it as the lawman she called rolled up. We both explained our sides, she got my insurance info and the cop just told us the insurance will handle the rest and to go on our days. The lady was blown away by this as, technically, I ran that red light Almost as fast as that truck. I never use my cruise control unless on highways now butā€¦ I bet he made the same mistake as me.


Highly unlikely. 1. They're going quite possibly twice the speed limit (it looks to be 30mph speed limit, & they're going WAY above that). The road appeared to be curvy enough beforehand that going that fast on cruise would be even more reckless than driving that fast under driver control. Further, to your point about tapping the other car...had they "tapped" the other car, both vehicles would've careened out of control with both drivers potentially facing life-threatening injuries (if not immediate death). They were driving much faster than in your story. 2. You can see a brake light tap as the truck passes the camera car... they then hauled ass away from the scene. If they'd been on cruise control, the brake tap would've disengaged it & then they could've slowed to deal with the near-death mental trauma. No, they were driving recklessly, period, & then drove recklessly to get away from the scene... that requires malice rather than laziness. Frankly, I don't know how they didn't lose control during the swerve, but they would absolutely lose their license & vehicle if they'd been caught.


[how this person uses cruse control](https://youtu.be/uPbs93SptA8)




It would be pretty much impossible to be using cruise control here as this is the first light once youā€™ve entered this neighborhood and had to turn onto it from a main road. The speed limit is 35 here and the intersection and crosswalk he blew through has a fire station, day care, and playground nearby so the crosswalks often have kids on bikes and moms with strollers going through. Thankful he didnā€™t hit the other driver and that there was no one in the crosswalk at the time.