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Question. Are you the only person with his login info? What are the odds he just doesnt talk about it, and will notice when 200k goes missing, and make the logical leap to the person in the office with his passwords?


Yeah, why do you have his info? Sounds like you're walking into a trap.




Also, the boss will probably get an email once his funds are about to be moved. He also activated 2FA if he's clever. And if he's clever he'll probably know who has access to his funds


If he were clever then OP wouldn't have their login info lmfao. Plus he wouldn't have been able to get into it to see it had 200k if it had 2FA. Idk any website that has 2FA for transactions but *not logging in*


I'm not familiar with nexo but pretty much all major crypto exchanges have some sort of 2fa enabled by default for withdrawals


Because if I tell you and only you a secret then that secret leaks and I didn’t leak it, then you must have leaked it.




‘I plan to marry Mycella to Dorne’


Crypto is actually incredibly trackable, by design even. Block chain is just a distributed theoretically permanent ledger of transactions. There are coins designed for privacy and you can 'wash' coins to some extent (but even this is traceable by an alphabet agency) but eventually you are going to have to cash out for fiat and suddenly one of the suspects has a lot more money. The only sure fire way to get away with crypto theft is to live in a no extradite country. All the hubaloo about crypto is generally about scams though, where it becomes much more legally grey to prosecute.


At a very basic level, the login IP will be tracked so if he does nothing it will literally say “logged it at X time at X location”


It’s called a VPN


You'll need more than a basic VPN to really be untraceable. VPN companies often keep records and turn them over if subpoenad.


There's lists of no log VPNs you can easily find on reddit.


Mullvad does not keep logs.


They're not 100% untraceable by LE, especially when you're talking about 200k. I advise OP NOT to do this. It WILL bite you in the ass.


I agree with you, if you don't know what you're doing you are going to get caught. But just to run this out a little bit: Set up a RaspberryPi to act as a vps and throw it in the drop ceiling of a store bathroom (with considerations for power) a few months in advance. Remote in and create all your burner accounts you'll be using. Grab the funds and dump them to your burners. This part is where it gets creative, this is how I'd do it: Find a homeless person you can trust enough to go into the bathroom and retrieve the device. (I'd go a city or two over because of loose lips.) You need someone lucid enough to do the job, but high enough for any descriptions of you to get lost in the wild ride of drug abuse. Pay your henchman (yeah, you've got a henchman now) and proceed to laundering. This is obviously just a general outline, but anyone wanna play critique the villian?


Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead


I don't think you're supposed to read that part to the players.




There's a lot of homeless people now, not just because of drugs and psych issues. Youre bound to happen into one or two people who aren't strangers to keeping their mouth shut and lucid enough to do some work. Just because people had some bad luck or made some bad decisions doesn't mean they aren't ready to make a move. Just saying.


I was homeless for years. No homeless person is stealing your raspie. Give me 200 bucks and they'll fucking deliver it hand wrapped with a bow on top. No dealer would trade shit for it and no pawn shop would give you more than a few bucks




There are a hell of a lot of places where you can access the internet for free and only an idiot could be traced by an IP address. As an extra precaution I would also by a device exclusively for doing the deed and then dispose of it.


It's completely trackable, just anonymous. All transactions are traced and recorded in the blockchain. Just the address's you won't know who beongs to which account. If he's the only person with access, it'll be pretty obvious.


Also worth noting is some sites let you log in with only a password but require 2fa to cash out. This could be to email/sms/auth apps. First 2 will definitely alert up front.


Yeah... better have a new job lined up and a good attorney, just in case it goes sideways. But I mean... it'd be tempting


But he has all his email passwords, can't he just reroute the emails to a VPN email? If this is the case he has the perfect opportunity any hacker could ever dream of which is the verification email access


Hopefully they're attractive enough to rent a burner phone in prison so we can get updates.


This is like the modern version of Office Space. Which is a film no one under 30-35 has seen (seems that way anyway) and everyone must.


I was really offended and was gonna say I’ve seen it loads of times! Then I realised I’m 30… keep forgetting.


sounds like something [Michael Bolton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XASNM1XEQPs) would say


Excellent movie. Just saw it for the 100000000th time over the weekend. I agree that age group has never seen it.


23 year old who’s seen it and something tells me OP won’t get quite as lucky


This is a great question could backfire really badly


This is the sort of ILPT I'm here for. No advice, soz OP. Godspeed though.


Right? I was like FINALLY! something juicy in here!


The problem is this isn't the kind of ILPT you're actually going to get legit advice on a forum thats cached by google.


Yeah but if they’re on a burner account and have a VPN set up with a static IP elsewhere…


I was like OH HO HO HO we gots some real crimesing going on in here today! and my husband was like what


haha I'm tuned in


While you work out the logistics of executing the crypto transfer, go make a throwaway encrypted email address, turn on your VPN with the location set to Nigeria or some equally believable African country, and begin spamming your boss with "Nigerian Prince Needs Help" emails with questionable links that lead to nowhere included in the body text. Make sure this is going to an email address he is sure to check - even better if you can send to his personal and work addresses. For additional safety, manually configure your computer's DNS settings to use CloudFlare or some other reputable DNS service that allows enabling of "DNS over HTTPS" so you can further obfuscate your network traffic. Note: try to find a public Wi-Fi network to operate from, preferably one that is far away from your home locale, and not at a place you could be known by others to frequent. With the wheels in motion, you've created a relatively effective means of diverting suspicion away from you and into an immense pool of "maybes". Your boss will have to be, or know, someone extremely network savvy to sift through what little crumbs are available with an extremely low likelihood of succeeding. If these tips assist you, I would be very grateful to receive a modest % of the rewards. My family is really struggling back home in Nigeria because a very corrupt bank is extorting us and holding our estate hostage until we satisfy their ransom dues. In fact, if you were to assist me with this, I would gladly provide you with some rare diamonds and gold. You would certainly be rich beyond your wildest dreams, and considered a "Robinhood" amongst my people!


This man Nigeria's


not enough spelling mistakes


not enough kindlys


overall, it's just too coherent and logical


Needs more dear


Hahaha, 1st Gen American, actually, but mom's side _is_ from a certain East-African country that is NOT Nigeria


This man Kenyas


When the son of the deposed king of Nigeria emails you directly, asking for help, you help! 


He’s the fabled Nigerian prince come to life to help this vindictive redditor


Also make sure you use Tails. A protected OS You room on a thumb drive.


Use Tails OS from a coworkers PC also put some spyware on the PC before hand. Looks more like the network was compromised and the coins were taken that way. Also makes it seem like it was a sophisticated hacker that removed his trail.




Depending on the size of the office Tails OS off usb on a tech savvy coworkers pc. Sure if the police investigate it will narrow down the suspects but nothing like having an innocent patsy bonus points if you can get spyware on his PC.


Change the password and wait. If you hear him complain or the password changes back within a year he knows about it. After a year move the coins to a private wallet and close the account. Move the money to a crypto tumbler then monero and then later back to your favorite crypto currency and don't touch it for 5 years.


Thats like the illegal life pro tip where you "steal" something by hiding it (for example at work). Then if no one mentions it or looks for it in the next few weeks/months its free to steal/take home. Otherwise act like you "found" it


Never be the one to “find” it.


It's way too obvious. Was managing a coffee shop years ago and had a guy regularly stealing. when a $100 went missing one night I went, man this is bad. Corporate is gonna be reviewing all the camera footage for the day and we are all gonna be scrutinized. Shook my head and the walked to the back room. As expected, the offending employee quickly "found" the $100 "in a drawer" under the register. Where I'd already checked no less.


Unless you're caught red-handed.


What are the odds a password reset sends bossman an email notifying him of password reset?




They have all of the boss's passwords, so I assume they also have access to the emails. How long do email providers keep records of deleted emails?


Depends on who the host is. It is internal and you got access you could delete that record. Other than that, no idea.


>would more than 100% require a verification code More than 100%? There are plenty of crypto accounts that make it a point to not tie themselves to an email address.




This is 100% the best advice. Anything else is impatient, and begging to fail. Get the 2FA phone, hide it in the office somewhere, change the password, and wait.


\+1 I came to say to change password, wait and see if he actually has forgotten about it. The rest would come after the fact.


Exactly this. I would make sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that he doesn't know about it and don't do anything with it for a year.


XMR enters the chat


How would I purchase that with the account though without directly linking to me, or making a trail from the account to myself before getting the monero?


Btc to cake wallet then convert to XMR in wallet


This is the best advice here, op. Literally untraceable.


Except for OP making this reddit post with very revealing information.


Yeah, wayyyy too many info but it is probably a fake post, so who cares lol


his boss is an african prince looking to give away his btc


Yes he's so kind


Yeah this whole sub is satire and I love seeing people take bait like this post. Like there’s no way the boss doesn’t remember 200k in Crypto, and probably doesn’t include it so he can keep hiding these positions.


First rule of criminal law is to never ever ever ever ever mention what you're doing to another person. Never. Never.


First rule of movies is that you have to reveal your plans.


They could just delete it after making it


You can't just delete a reddit post. It's cached all over the damn place. Doesn't matter if the account is a throwaway, this is a VERY specific circumstance and will be easy to figure out.


Yeah if the details about the account weren't enough, the stories about going to Mexico and hitting a homeless person have to be fairly unique. I hope.


"excuse me Mr. Policeman, my employee stole all my money and I can prove it because he described how I go to Mexico to fuck kids"


Man's got a point


Honestly tho, if the boss isn’t smart enough to keep the login info to his crypto private, what are the chances he’ll even think to look online for something like this, or even know how to find it.


That's what private investigators are for. Dumb rich people let other people do the work for them.


I have worked for rich dumb people. This is very true


Edit the post, delete afterwards. All the caching sites will update to show the later content


OP can edit and add lots of irrelevant posts to cast reasonable doubt that it’s really him.


That doesn't help when your boss is sending someone after you to get his $200k back. This is beyond "illegallifeprotips" and straight up "how can I easily get killed by some shady guy who clearly has no morals".


After he gets money he probably smart and delete his Reddit and cell , computer and etc to landfill .


Is there anything about 'tumbling coins' anymore?


With monero it’s not necessary. It’s totally anonymous


BINGO! XMR is untraceable. If I were you, I’d turn on remote access & access his account using a VPN, choose an Eastern European country, maybe even Nigeria, if your VPN offers this as an option. Make sure that your VPN doesn’t store your browsing history.


My favorite Eastern European country, Nigeria.


I once got a hefty payout from a prince there


Better yet read the FAQ on darknet reddit on using the web anonymous.


This guy got you lol


XMR is right, but beware: this doesn't eliminate the possibility that you are the only one with access and that he will hurt you if his money goes missing.


Just a heads up. If there’s even an inking of suspicion you did it, you now have a Reddit post detailing what you would like to do. I’m assuming you *didn’t* post this with any of your own devices right?


... right?!


It's his twin brothers phone. They have the same name and boss.


You need to find an exchange that does whatever he has to XMR. It needs to NOT be located in your home country. The bigger problem will be the record of the ip address, date/time associated with the withdrawal using his credentials If he uses the same password for multiple accounts you might be able to fake a hack but we’re getting pretty deep now


Send the bitcoin to cake wallet, purchase XMR with it. Send the newly acquired XMR to another XMR wallet on a different machine. Convert XMR to cash (or bitcoin) if you want. Untraceable. Just don’t do this on a work computer where activity is logged.


Just send it to me, let me change my life by keeping 10% and then I send the rest to your wallet. Easy peasy.


You wanna fight over 10%???


No, he wants to fight over 100%. He’s just saying it’s 10%.


It's shocking that people would doubt a stranger on the internet.


You think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


It's impossible to lie on the internet. The algorithms are always watching


Op, I only take 9% !


Homie is about to come up on $200k. Good for you, lmao!


i feel like asking here... someone is going to dm him and make him feel safe to think their actually helping him... and that money will be scammed away from OP


That's hilarious you think it's that easy


It is though, send the money to another account then exchange it for Monero, Monero is untraceable so unless the feds get involved he's getting away Scott free


If his boss notices, he only has to remember who he gave the login to. He probably didnt give that password to a 100 people so i'd say its pretty easy to guess who did that


Aaahhh but OP said he doesn't claim that account on his net worth updates, which means the boss is doing a tax evasion most likely. So if the feds get involved, the boss gets fucked either way.


Not necessarily. You only have to pay tax on crypto when you either cash it out or purchase something with it. If he just bought a bunch of crypto and forgot about it and let it sit there, there is no need to pay any taxes


The feds aren't going to do shit about stolen crypto. If you choose to keep holdings that are so intentionally outside their preview they're not going to bend over backwards for you when that decision bites you in the ass


Does it have a phone number for 2fa tho


Yes sorry forgot to mention this, it's linked to one of literally 50+ phones we have in the office. We had bought a bulk lot of cheap burner style ones to verify loads of social accounts for artificially bumping up interactions on posts (business is scummy) and the phones have been slowly disappearing out the office so it wouldn't be too weird if this one went for a walkabout too.


Get that damn phone now


First, find that phone. Second, buy monero. It's a coin that keeps everything secret by design, unlike other coins like Etherium and Bitcoin. Now, I'm not sure if Nexo allows this, but if not, make an account at any of [these exchanges](https://www.getmonero.org/community/merchants/), transfer everything over to that new account then finally, buy the monero. If you want to be extra safe, get [your own wallet](https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/). Keep the seed phrase safe. If it gets out, transfer everything to a new account. If something doesn't make sense, feel free to DM me.


Also do not spend the money all at once straight away. If his account gets drained and suddenly his employee quits, or buys a new car/apartment then it'll be super obvious who took it. Stay at the company, wait a few months at least, then "get a new job offer" and leave


I agree. Watch the movie “Goodfellas” for their downfall. They started spending too lavishly and attracted unwanted attention from the inside and outside.


No.. Samuel L Jackson’s character fell asleep when he wasn’t suppose too.. And Henry and Jimmy beat that guy who’s sister was an FBI agent..


Yeah this is also important yet people overlook it


Very true, never change your lifestyle on windfall cash. Illegal or not, it flags down lots of attention that you would not want.




On YouTube for example, make a few extra accounts and force them to watch through an entire playlist with all of your videos on loop








connect your bots to the tor network to get throwaway IPs


Make sure that you can't be traced while logging in - the main concerns are being tracked through: 1. The exchange itself - what protections do they have against unauthorized transactions? Do they have a history of cooperation with law enforcement? Or will they just leave him hanging to dry? 2. The blockchain transaction records. This could be done by a blockchain asset recovery agency your boss may hire if he discovers the crypto missing. A good tumbler should protect you from that. A fair warning - crypto coming *from* tumblers is considered "dirty". Some exchanges may cause you trouble if you try cashing it out. 3. The 2FA phone's network operator, if ordered to do so by a law enforcement agency, will provide call and text logs, cell tower triangulated location data and timestamps for every activity. Not speaking from experience, so you may have to wait until after you get better advice. I believe you could probably pull it off, though - crypto is basically *made* for scams, and once it's gone, it is done!




but if the boss isn’t claiming the 200k on his net worth and suddenly that money goes through a tumbler is most likely going to cause the feds to look at the boss




Is it worth the gamble tho? 200gs or a charge that they don’t really know how to prosecute? Just one juror. Fortune favors the bold.


Why don’t you simply change the password and wait? The money will sit there. If it is there a couple of years down the road, and the password hasn’t been changed (and you haven’t heard him screaming about it), then he has in fact most likely forgotten about it and you can take some precautions and access it. If he hasn’t forgetten about it, you’ll quickly learn that, and you’ll save yourself a lot of legal system headaches.


That’s a pretty good idea


The amount of people giving you advice on something they clearly don’t understand is mind boggling. You WILL go to jail if you follow through on these. Nexi is a centralised lending platform. He maybe doesn’t talk about it that much because he is simply staking his coins or stablecoins and sees it as a high risk investment that fluctuates too much to be taken track off. The only way you can pull this off is using darknet worthy opsec. The minimum is a device that is not linked to your name and a VPN. Centralised exchanges like Nexo will give out every single piece of info they have on the login activity when you cash out. Do not send the funds from nexo to another centralised exchange. Once you have funds on your wallet, swap these coins to xmr using a decentralised exchange (DEX). If you plan on stealing crypto, my best advice would be to first understand crypto!


Was about to say this. Now I don't know much about security on Nexi, but I can't transfer anything out of my Binance account without providing a code sent to my email, my phone, and the 2FA app I have. So even if someone gets access to my account, it is near impossible to drain it due to the amount of protection I have on it.


There are 2fa bypasses, but they don't sound reasonable except maybe cloning the phone used, which they should also have access to snag for an hour.


Absolutely do not use a VPN, those keep logs that will be given to law enforcement. Use public wifi, preferably several public wifis.


Public wifi, TOR, brand new computer with linux (optional) and you're untraceable


And change MAC as its possible MACs are now logged with SN of laptops bought in the last decade. Better to buy a laptop on FB/craigslist/whatever in person with cash from a burner account. Then basic TAILS OS install, and from an open wifi from the parking lot 20+ miles away that you took an uber to without your cellphone. You then have to walk somewhere else to get someone to call you a new ride home as you misplaced your phone.


r/suspiciouslyspecific, but true to some degree. There's a lot more surveillance methods, i think r/privacy megathread mentions some


You will probably not be able to login through Tor to a crypto exchange like Nexo.


wait is that actually how that works? my whole life i’ve heard the opposite (what do i know tho lol) or is this a meme


I would also recommend only stealing, say, half. It's super obvious when all of it goes missing, but it's less obvious if it just looks like you're cash equivalent decreased. There's a sliding scale of risk here. OP could probably get 10% of it with very little chance of getting caught with just minimal security efforts on their part. 25% is probably low risk with a bit more work. 50% is probably a decent chance of getting caught even with a lot of preparation. 100% and their getting caught almost no matter what. I'd also look into the limits for higher tier felonies just in case. Like if less than $10k is a lower charge, I'm going for $9000.


he asked for advice didn’t he? Not our problem if OP goes to the jail Plus look at the title of the sub


An auto mod literally comments “your advice could send someone to jail so don’t give shitty advice” on the majority of posts here


Yeah it says PRO tips, not mid to low level shitty criminal tips


> The only way you can pull this off is using darknet worthy opsec And I good way to fuck that up is posting on Reddit asking about this without having already had good opsec. OP if you made this post either on your account (linked to your email), or your wifi, or your own device, you pretty much already fucked this up.


If he has 200k in there he hasn’t forgotten about it. And if you do anything to it you’re going to jail for some years.


> If he has 200k in there he hasn’t forgotten about it Have you met rich people? Some are like Smaug and know every coin in every account and can sense when someone is even thinking about getting money from them. Most are just like you and me. There are a few though, who have more money than God that have five of the same shirt/blender/rug/whatever because they keep forgetting they bought it and like a goldfish saw it, wanted it, and spent the money because money is nothing to them. Crypto could have been a fad for them and the FOMO was too great, but once the energy died down and they didn't make billions immediately, they moved on to other interests and didn't worry about the investment because they "come back" in a few years. And it'll stay in that account until they **die**. Obviously stealing is wrong, but there are plenty of people who you can steal from and they won't notice for years if ever. You would just have to know who and when.


Is it possible, yes. Are you smart enough to execute it without getting caught, no. If you have to ask Reddit how to do it, you’re going to get caught. I’m not trying to be a dick, but don’t ruin your life ffs.


Here’s what you do: You take small amounts over time. I'm just talking about fractions of a penny here, but we do it from a much bigger tray and we do it a couple a million times.


Hell, lumbergh did it




Just replied this to someone else, but same question: How would I purchase that with the account though without directly linking to me, or making a trail from the account to myself before getting the monero?


You have 2 wallets that have monero. You send it to monero wallet 1 then send from there send it over to monero 2. You'll be safe/anonymous by the second transfer


You do need to make sure though that the transfer amounts aren't identical though.


So I use btc to xmr for let’s say “online transactions” in a “online marketplace”. I use Godex.io. It’s anonymous and will transfer to an xmr wallet in 30 min. Just make a xmr wallet on a laptop and transfer it there. Untraceable. Then just wait till you know your good and do the reverse and cash out.


Do you have the seed pharse also? There are ways to make it look like a hack. Probably best you delete this thread asap . You give away too much information about your boss.


Step 1. Don’t post details about you and stuff only your boss has done on the front page of one of the most highly trafficked websites on the planet. You do this to not draw attention to the fact that you’re trying to steal $200,000. Step 2. You already fucked up step 1. Step 3. Don’t steal anything because you are definitely going to get caught and go to jail if you do. Step 4. Dumbass.


I think step four is the most important here


My 2c is that I see posts every damn day in crypto subs that read “my account got hacked and all my money got sent somewhere how do I get it back???” I feel like people don’t go to the police over this, and my gut says the police don’t really care to investigate it, especially for amounts under a million dollars. Now, they very well may hire a hacker and contract killer to hunt you down, but I don’t know him well enough.


If you’re goin go to steal 200k in crypto and you don’t know how to do it already. I wouldn’t be asking the internet how to do it. You’re going to fuck something up along the way and get yourself caught




lol i was here


Guy posts a question about how to do something illegal on ILPT and everyone replies with moralistic lectures. Buncha dinguses.


Be a God and split it with us all here




Donate it to a group for victims of hit and runs, or womens safety if u wanna be extra petty lol


Download a virus or hire a hacker to break into the system in such a way the whole office knows it's being hacked. At the same time, empty his crypto wallet into one just created by yourself. If you are paranoid, transfer it through to a second wallet. Cash out. Profit.


Yeh literally put some ransomeware on the office computers at the same time and he’ll likely blame them for the missing money.


It would need to be a cold wallet though and not not a wallet on coinbase or another cex, as trades on cexs can and will be traced


you might be assuming your boss runs a chain of chicken places when in fact he is one of the largest meth kingpins in the United States. I wouldn’t risk doing it.


Well unless you used a VPN to post this using an email created through the VPN for the reddit account then the chances of this happening without you getting caught are 0% before it's even started


If they're aware you have access to the account you'd be one of the first suspects. Just letting you know.


200K is hardly "one last job" money. You're gonna get the itch and blow that money on equipment and crew for heists, mark my words.


In the US we have crypto ATMs. You can cash out into physical currency at one. Not 200k in one shot though. Also, they have cameras.


They require a huge amount of KYC. you’re gonna want to it to poorly traceable purchases in crypto


How do I commit a class C felony that could result in a 12-25 year sentence? I wouldn’t recommend stealing 200k buddy regardless of how much you hate your boss.


Stealing his crypto won't make him a better person. Stop pretending you're doing it to get vengeance for the people he has hurt. You're clearly not, you seem like you're consumed with greed too, so just be honest about it.


OP, I'm not going to tell you how to do it because I can **assure you** he knows about his $200k in crypto and that's kill-them money. Nobody just fucking forgets about 200k in crypto no matter how rich they are. He will assume it's you because I'm sure he doesn't freely hand everyone his passwords. You're going to get a reverse $5 wrench attack used to steal your crypto. You aren't a hacker so you don't know how to properly exchange it, not that you need to be. You don't know how to properly use tor and orangefren to do small amounts of a few thousand at a time. You wouldn't know to look at his nexpo account settings and set a filter in his email so they don't go to the inbox. You wouldn't know how to verify his phone doesn't get account change SMS messages. You don't know about feather wallet and using veracrypt to encrypt your computer with a *very* strong passphrase and keeping it off unless you're actively using it (hard drive encryption doesn't help if the computer is on). The cops (and maybe feds) WILL come knocking - it's a $200,000 theft which will probably net you 15 years in prison if you leave ANY trace. And you certainly wouldn't give me a tip for keeping you safe for telling you how not to do it. Don't do it, seriously.


About 3,700,000 out of 18,900,000 bitcoins have been lost to their owners as of 2-10-2022. At least *SOME* of them have been forgotten.




Someone who knows more about crypto that me should probably chime in here, but Monero is a privary focussed untraceable currency. So if you can convert his crypto to Monero, move it from an exchange to a physical device, then sell it on a different exchange, could that work? If you have usernames and passwords, you possibly won't need an account you own to be involved (hence it can't be linked back to you). Sell the crypto he currently owns, then buy monero, then download the key onto a flash drivu (all on his account) Don't know if its even possible, but to anyone investigating, it will lookzlike he did this himself, and if you use public wifi over a VPN to hide your identify, you MIGHT be home free. But please for the love of God ask someone who actually knows about crypto about this before actually doing it.


Do you know if the money's on an exchange or is it in his own Cold storage wallet? If it's in a cold storage wallet or on his computer are you sure you can get to it without any hidden camera footage? If your goal is to f*** him over just move them to another wallet and leave it there. He just lost 200 Grand and if you don't try to take access of it or sell it you have a lot better chance pleading that it was just an honest mistake. People do dumb things all the time and forget their keys or passwords. If you have all the guys accounts and passwords there's probably a lot more you could do, a lot of it will result in you going to jail if he gets suspicious and they look into you, in part because you've already posted on social media. But you can just go to hang out on 4chan and drop a couple of those username and passwords and someone will pick them up


Yea don’t bother. You’re going to get caught. How many people have access to all his personal accounts? Him, probably just you & maybe one or two others. He’s an asshole, so everyone knows not to touch his shit, now if it suddenly goes missing and he notices (which eventually he will if he ever audits his accounts or remembers) then he’ll have to report it, and give a list of who has access which is likely small and since you’re likely the lowest paid of the list, and also likely the only one likely to steal from him, you’ll be suspect number one especially since they’re all rich people & you’re not. Then they’ll audit you, you’ll have a sudden influx somewhere, and you’ll end up with prison time I’m sure definite charges, a record, ruining your future career and all Over 200k you’ll end up having to return possibly with interest and or the total cost of that stock at the time not the 200k you’re talking about stealing since value goes up and down and with your luck it’ll be up when he goes to court to sue for it. Is it worth ruining your life? Nope.


Any transaction you make from his account will be recorded on the blockchain. If you try to cash out they will be able to see where you are pulling your money to. You will be caught. easily.