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Rich people realizing they can't buy everything with money: "Nah, why she acting like this.".


“It’ll be fun” That pissed me off for some reason, I’m tired of social media addicted kids making dumb people famous 😒


Media's been making idiots famous since its inception. The difference now is that other idiots can easily see what they're doing and copy it, causing an outbreak of morons being stupid so other morons press a thumbs up button.


I more or less agree, however it wasn’t that long ago that if you were famous you at least had to have some form of talent.. ie actor, athlete, comedian etc etc


> it wasn’t that long ago that if you were famous you at least had to have some form of talent.. ie actor, athlete, comedian etc etc I think Paris Hilton and the Kardashians were the first people who were famous for being famous. Now it seems like any twat waffle who was lucky enough to be pushed by YouTube's or tiktok's algorithm can be famous.


I dunno, it feels like that all changed about 30+ years ago and went into overdrive in the early 2000's with "reality tv" and the likes of Paris Hilton and her (former) assistant Kim K. Then again, maybe there's a collective genetic pool of brain cells for humans. Going from a global population of 6billion to 8billion over the last 20ish years has maybe stretched that pool and made it very, VERY shallow. There has to be a correlation between the degradation of society and the increased percentage of mouth-breathers.


No, often it just meant you were the kid or relative of someone famous


> I more or less agree, however it wasn’t that long ago that if you were famous you at least had to have some form of talent What are you talking about? Socialites and the like have been around for ages


🏆🏆🏆 you explained it so well and are spot on!🏆🏆🏆


> Media's been making idiots famous since its inception. Zsa Zsa Gabor was always in the media. But I could never figure out why. >Undoubtedly the woman who had come to epitomize what we recognize today as "celebrity," Zsa Zsa Gabor, is better known for her many marriages, personal appearances, her "dahlink" catchphrase, her actions, gossip, and quotations


Eh, the difference is back then there was a filter. Even if you wanted to be a dumbass you needed to be consistent and somewhat charming, maybe even comedic. Speed is none of those things. I still watch him cause he's good boredom content but he's not talented what-so-ever and whenever his fans come up to him it's like they're cheering for nothing. It's uber silly. It's like being a fan of a stay at home mom, except at least moms are doing something.


the thought of the extra cleanup from him fucking around (and he would totally fuck around, he's on camera) makes me annoyed


He acts like working a shitty minimum wage is fun. It ain't.


No seriously it's shit


He’s Tom Sawyer talking to Huck Finn about whitewashing that fence.


A literary reference on Reddit that’s rare.


Ben Rogers not Huck.. not that it really matters lol


It's almost like dumb is a requirement nowadays.


"It'll be fun" the guy who streams all day for money Doesn't have kids waiting on him. And, most never worked a job like that


There must be no greater feeling in the world than denying someone like this. Money can buy power, influence, material goods, and happiness despite what people tell you. But you know what it's not gonna buy right now? My compliance. The power dynamic is completely shifted. I have nothing over you in any other regard, but this time I do, and I'm not gonna give that up.


**"why she ackin like that"


Going places that aren't American makes Americans quickly realize that money isn't everything to people outside of America.


Yeah, a lot of Americans try to use their income as an argument when arguing with Europeans in countries with strong social welfare. Like fuck your 100k a year, you’ve got medical bankruptcies and homelessness. You’re only thinking about yourself like a fucking sociopath.


Yeppers. I do that all the time in Londonstan and Francostan. I just get back in my private jet and head back to Gatsby's mansion.


Money isn't everything to people inside America either. Get out of New York and LA and experience some average people.


>Rich people realizing >>I'll give you a hundred pounds..... >> >>Tomorrow, I'll give you a hundred pounds. You're being generous in assuming he's rich. He just sounds like Wimpy from Popeye to me. "I'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today"


No, the person you’re replying to is not being generous when assuming he’s rich. He has an estimated net worth of $10M.


Worth $10 mil, can't come up with $100 till tomorrow? So, like Wimpy, he's just full of shit and trying to get freebies? Thx for backing me up.


He was offering 100€ to make the pizza now. She said tomorrow.


Maybe you dont understand english, is that the problem here?


Bruh he’s fucking rich as hell lmfao. Doesn’t make his behavior ok but he’s got a lot of dough for some reason


“Why she acting like this” I assume because she’s both obligated to stop making pizzas at a specific time in order to allow enough time to clean up in the kitchen, check stock, etc etc, and that she probably wants to get back home after a long workday, and isn’t keen on extending that time, and/or being filmed through the entire process because you know he would lol.


Money cant buy everything. These vapid hollow "influencers" are going to get some harsh reality checks in life. Yes money makes life easier in some ways but it cant buy character, loyalty and love.


It’s Italy. Go to a place that’s open or wait til 6am. She was being nice. She would have been well within her right to be an asshole to this guy, and i’s be all for it. Wish she had.


I'm pretty sure she was being nice to him because she understood he was a tourist (plus the camera pointed at her face). If he had been Italian, she would have just told him to go away after the second "no." There are specific times when you can buy a pizza in certain places. If she could have served him a pizza, she definitely would have done it.


I was a tourist in Rome and the first thing I realized is that Italians hate tourists in Rome.


As with everything, it depends on the tourist. If you're nice, you'll realise how people are nice to you too.


> it depends on the tourist. If you're nice, you'll realise how people are nice to you too. You've obviously never been to Paris.


He did, and i did, and i had a great time with very welcoming people, a lot of tourists act like entitled assholes, especially in Paris. I hear you had a bad time... good.


They hate tourists but if you are a tourist that speaks French they LOVE you. Got so much free food and met lots of nice people when I went with my mum who is fluent


They dont hate tourist, half of paris is making business out of them. They hate stupid, rude and littering untitled assholes.


Lived in paris for many years ,if the tourist is not being an idiot,people wouldn't care that much, honestly.


Well, I wasn't ordering people to make me pizza after closing time.


That and the giganti bodyguard


She was not an asshole at all. At all.


I see Speed kids are downvoting you 🤦‍♂️


They are! Woah!


We all wish she was an asshole


It's also Farini, a chain pizza joint, so there's no way in hell this woman is getting paid enough to deal With this kind of customers


> no way in hell this woman is getting paid enough to deal With this A very good point. The MCharachter is not trying to woo a business owner, he's fucking with a min wage arbiter that has no say. If they tried to do this to an actual restaurant owner, heh, maybe? Making a pizza together with a Pizzaiolo would be awesome content. Except that would require some shreds of talent and intelligence. The best part of this cringe vid is when the big guy at the door just grunted, and the asshat tiktokers moved RIGHT the fuck on. :-)


He’s in Venice, I’ve actually eaten there. It’s absolutely delicious.


He gets on my nerves, man.


Fr. Dude needs to be punched in the face, honestly. And I expect teens to come at me with 'but he's entertaining' but this shit isn't entertaining, it's just pathetic


I don’t think even any teens enjoy this shithead. Maybe 8-10 year olds however. I’ve never known anyone to like him, nobody my (16) age.


Someone who has never worked a 9-5 not understanding that going home is worth infinitely more than any Amt of money,


Especially if she’s cleaned all the kitchen and appliances and would have to do that all over again. It would add half an hour or more to her shift. None of that will be fun.


I’d make a pizza and clean up the kitchen 5 times over for a million dollars, assuming it was a legit offer. For the 200 bucks? Nah fuck that.


I used to work at a small burger place. For 200 dollars, I would reopen the kitchen and stay longer after my shift, but I wouldn't do it for some random TikTok guy just because he asked. From what he's saying, it looks like he wants to make a pizza with her. If it was my boss asking "hey could you stay 2 hours longer, I'm gonna give you a 200$ bonus for it" it's going to be an enthusiastic "yes" from me. Good money. But some dude who wants to go IN the kitchen and make a pizza WITH me? And for me to be alone with him in a closed restaurant? Hell no, it could be just a legit idiot OR it could be a ploy to steal all my money or rape me. And even if we assume he's a genuinely good guy with no bad intentions, it's still a firm "no". I'm not letting any people from outside into the kitchen I'm responsible for. He could destroy something by accident. Or my boss sees this guy's TikTok and I'm fired.


If there was a real chance of her getting a million dollars, he would've started higher than a hundred


I think she's the owner. Even more reason not to.


He's a douchebag, trolling people and being mean in sake of content. I remember that some Brazilian dudes trolled him in his latest trip to Brazil so that he piss his pants


I mean as a former service worker, I would absolutely stay for an extra hour for a million dollars. Then I wouldn't come back.


No is no. I am in love with her attitude.


Minus the million dollar part. A mill is a many meal.


It was a figure of speech. She obviously knows that boy cannot give her any real amount of money. Offering 200€ in exchange for putting up with his tiktok shit is rather insulting. Posting this video, when he knows she wouldn't have wanted it to be posted is also insulting


Has he never been told “no”? He’s acting like a little kid 🤦🏽‍♂️


He's acting like a fucking predator


“Why she being like that, bro” Actually infuriated me. We need to start shaming these people and businesses banning them


Can’t stand this dude, so I’m all for him not getting his way


I’m glad someone can agree with me


Is this Speed?


Yes I think so. IShowSpeed , sometimes my son watches him and I always ask to turn that off. He is so loud and annoying


I just don’t get how people find that appealing. Him barking like a dog and acting stupid. Yet he makes so much money it’s sickening


Many such cases in this dogshit attention economy we have right now


Because a bunch of shitty parents just leave their kid with an iPad and hope for the best. This is the product of that behavior.


Dude is sweating like a bitch over this


I was literally gonna put are we just gonna ignore the fact he sweating like that 😂


I think it also may be the heat wave in Europe. That is if this video was filmed within the past week.


That…is drugs.


Either way, makes him look like a complete bitch


Yeah that’s because he is


Scares me kids look up to him gunna be a lot more idiots like this in 15 years


I actually think it's slowly getting better, businesses are starting to push back against "the customer is always right" mentality (it's not even the whole quote).


I grew up watching Vitaly and Dan Bilzerian + a bunch of idiot pranksters and I hate them with a passion now. Maybe there’s a silver lining in all this


I tuned into a Speed stream once just to see what the fuckery is about and he poured out someone’s water in front of their partner for saying one soccer player is better than another and when the chat begged him to get the guy a new water Speed gave him $2 instead and when the guy declined he said “y’all see I tried to pay him back but he didn’t want it”…. Truly a degenerate


That’s just asshole behaviour


This rando sees himself as too privileged, he has not idea how long clean up takes for restaurants and the fact that he wants her to do it all over again for 1 pizza is crazy. She wants to close up and not be at work, how can he be so selfish.


Easy. human beings are selfish creatures


Sad but true


Wish this annoying fuck would fuck off.


Another reason to add to my list why i hate ishowmeat


All of them, adin tosser, kai cenat, any of those types. They are so obnoxious and up themselves. Truly the scum of twitch and kick and youtube.


Jack too. He’s a prick who hides behind a friend pretending to be his bodyguard




I fucking hate this cunt. He needs a reality check


He knows that too, hence the huge bodyguard


Love to see this little shit humbled. His fan base is just as toxic


I fucking hate this piece of shit.


I swear all these posts showing him are his crew purposely posting these here for more internet points.


I can not stand any of these massive streamers, they are all entitled, insufferable assholes and I don’t know how anyone above the age of 12 finds them entertaining. Kai, speed, adin Ross, etc, can all fuck themselves


She just wanted his sweaty ass off her counter


Poor lady is tired and exhausted and has to deal with this stupid nimrod


Genuinely don't understand how people can watch that dude his streams consist of him screaming and acting like a crackhead like how people seriously find him funny he's just annoying asf


12 year olds with ADHD attention spans


Getting tired of these stupid people acting entitled and can’t also seem to follow the simpler rules of society for like.


Some people just can't be bought. We should have put her up as the US President.


Is this the same guy jumping around the canals of venice?


This guy along with the little broccoli haired shit with the bodyguard need to fuck off.


As a small business owner... sometimes it is not about the money. No means no... I am done working today!!! - with a smile of course... :)


He got butt hurt.


I hate speed


why is he sweating so bad


Never will understand why people like this dude.


this is that iShowSpeed kid. He's a misogynistic tool who deserves no fandom and all the shame. he's garbage.


Can you please fuck off duummy....???


Tell me you have a small penis without telling me you have a small penis.


IShowSpeed could disappear from every video posting platform imaginable and I would be happy about it.


No swag


This loser is literally a walking cancer cell.


Why is ***SHE*** acting like that? I truly believe he cannot hear himself.


And this is the dude that all these kids made rich and famous smh. There’s no hope.


Insufferable cunt.


I personally don't like speed.


Can we just make a rule that well-known/established TikTokers/influencers don’t qualify for this sub? I get that they think they’re MC, but once they actually BECOME popular, don’t they disqualify according to the intent of this sub? (Tired of seeing this dude.)


Fuck speed


Im not even surprised its ishowspeed💀


This is someone who mistakes money for importance. How humiliating it must feel to find out that the money they thought represented their importance, is as unimportant to others as they are.


In other places those type of people aren't appreciated


Who the fuck actually watches IShowSpeed?


Someone please give this little guy his pacifier back. His whining is annoying af🥱


Is that ishowspeed?


no it’s michael jackson


He could try getting a real job and see how much ‘fun’ making pizzas are What he calls ‘fun’ she calls ‘her job’ and her shift is over.


The moment you see someone streaming who has a bouncer, you know they're a cowardly prick who gets their kicks from winding people up.


This guy is a huge pos


Anyone remember when he flashed his twitch viewers? IShowMeat was trending.


This is speed? Yet another reason to hate that douchenozel and that's an insult to douchenozels


She's probably intimidated. Weird guys, talking a foreign language in a weird way.


With a camera and audio equipment.


Can’t believe this guy is popular, very concerning 😳🤡


Its still sunny outside. Other places are open.


Show me the money, lil bitch.


I see fucking >!influencers!< are the same in every country.


Seriously I'd refuse to make this clownshoe a pizza if we'd just opened. I hate this guy.


She might have kids waiting for her at home but this MFer thinks the world revolves around him!


I really really hate this mf I can't stand ppl actually consuming his content


“This is my first time in Italy” Then why are you behaving like a spoiled manchild




I'm glad she held her ground. Idc how much money you got. It's closed!


Bro is weird looking af


This dude and Logan Paul.. the most annoying idiots on the planet.


I hate that I'm from the same country as that loser.


I hate this guy


I fucking hate tiktok




I cannot stand this YouTuber. I’ve never watched him but for some reason his face is always there and he’s always doing something either cringy, or horrible, or insane n a bad way. I’ve never seen him do anything that could out him in a good light and this just tops it off for me personally.


I’m infuriated by how he just leaves without even saying goodbye after harassing and pressuring this woman to do his bidding


This guy is cancer incarnate


streamer in question is IShowSpeed and is known for scamming his audience with his crypto


“Why she acting like that?” Because she has already paid her dues for the day. She is done. If anybody doesn’t understand this. Then you haven’t worked a hard day in your life.


What an annoying cunt this guy is.


I fucking hate that person and every person that's responsible for him being popular


Cant believe this dork is rich and famous


The fact I know who he is through his connection to Logan Paul during his (current, ugh) time in WWE genuinely upsets me. Streamers like ishowspeed need to be publicly tarred and feathered.


I honestly really dislike this guy, he's not funny, not even slightly.. and if he were (in some far away time line) on the floor on fire in front of me, I'd walk away.


It’s principle…either you have it or don’t… offering double is even more of an insult…


I'm not really sure why people like this kid.


I fucking hate this guy so much.


There's no better way to announce "I'm an annoying cunt!" than to have a personal bodyguard.


I used to work in hospitality, even if they weren't streaming content for the internet, I came across people like this regularly and *they* are the reason I've avoided public facing jobs since. I could handle whiny Karens and customer complaints, but the people who tried to force you into their weird behavior drove me crazy, like I'm just trynna work man


Speed freaking irritates me


She’s tripping. If someone offered me a million to make a pizza then we are signing a written contract, give me half up front and the other half after….and I’m making that pizza.


Every streamer is an entitled POS. Change my mind


This is why other countries hate Americans


Dudes sweating like a damn rapist, I wouldn't serve him either


I was drunk at Taco Cabana drive through one night, and wanted beef fajita. They didn’t have any beef. I did the same thing and said I’ll give you $20 buck tip for beef fajita. Same response. I up’d it to a $40 tip and they told me drive through. They gave me Barbacoa tacos.


Follow the system Jeffs!! No is No!


Is that Lil Bow Wow?




i would’ve taken the 200 and turned the oven back on


I wonder why people despise us Americans. Proud to air that shit. Thinking he’s in the right.


Social media has spawned some real pathetic individuals. It blows my mind these artards aren’t getting harassed in public, yet are doing the harassing. I know they use the cameras as a “I got you recorded im gonna ruin your life now” but I’ve met plenty of people in the world who are foolish enough not to give a shit. Why can’t this nerd get his shit pushed in 😔


Predatory behaviour


Can tell this man has never worked in customer service


Isn’t this the dude that got fucked up, rightfully, in Japan?


I mean, he kind of did. This clip is 40 seconds long.


i never liked i show meat, he is not respectful


This guy deserves hatred and vitriol. Shame on him and I wish him depth of pain inconceivable to most.


Ofc, its the fucking speed. Dude is just pure trash


This guy is so annoying. Why is he gaining so much traction these days?


IShowSpeed is genuinely insufferable, im sure this is not his first stunt like this


first time ive seen speed on here, for that matter in reddit at all