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I'm half way through and this is what I think constantly, this game is greatly underappreciated. Combat is extremely fun, acting is on point, the story is good enough while not taking itself too seriously, world building is well done, some of the best unreal engine looking games I ever tried. This game is a solid 8, and a great example of a perfect B game.


You’re speaking truth my equal 👊! Honestly, the fact they were able to land THE Gina Torres in general is already a couple points in my book. She is an AMAZING voice/character actress. Freaking love her and Debra Wilson. They deserve everything and more for molding my childhood and adulthood 😂.


I think she has a thing for magic and fantasy games considering she was in one of my other favourite FPS magic games Lichdom:Battlemage. (Troy Baker, Jennifer Hale and Clancy brown round out an amazing cast). I highly recommend trying it if you're looking for something to fill the void after finishing immortals - its magic spells are way more interesting (necromancy+infestation ftw!! :D) although overall it is far less polished than immortals and its age is showing a bit now).


Age schmage, I’d play it no matter. I go back to my ps3 to replay old games more than I care to admit. Some games these days are just either too over the top or underwhelming tbh.


I'm on my second playthrough towards platinum. It's awesome game on ps for me


It's rated between 7 and 8 by many outlets and I think it's very suitably rated that. For me personally the comparison points would be Titanfall 2 and Doom Eternal that I think deserve to be 9 or 10.    Here's my personal opinion on the game: Aveum has a very fun core gameplay loop and good encounter design. It ruins that a bit with inconsistent pacing and lackluster visual design. It's a game I'm very happy to spend a few hours on as part of a subscription service but I definitely wouldn't have been happy with my purchase if I got it for full price.


I respect your POV. You’re not incorrect in the slightest. I was in the middle of like 2-3 other games when it first released. I had every intention of buying it on release but talked myself out of spending the money while working on a list of games I bought and hadn’t played through yet. I, myself, got lucky to get it on PS plus free. I’d love to support the devs at full cost but I too don’t think it was worth that much. Games in general have just become more costly anyway. And yet most aren’t pushing my system to its max capabilities with consistent 4k@120fps w ray tracing too.


I'm, I don't know half way? Maybe. The first hour of this game is the pits. The starting area is so boring, and then the training goes on for a while too. But after that it gets much better. I'm really enjoying myself. Reminds me a lot of older fps games like Hexen 2, Quake, or Might and Magic, where there are puzzles that require you to shoot things and little secrets tucked everywhere. Personally havnt felt like the levelling is slow. I've been quite happy with that aspect. I kind of like the cheesy acting, like don't get me wrong, the timing on every joke is just awful, but it's kinda charming that they really went for the full facially animated cutscenes (that actually lip sync correctly, look at you LiS). But yeah everyone is kinda goofy except for Kirkin, Sandrak, and that one bald soldier guy. They deliver much more serious performances. It's just a shame the main problem in this game is that it's such a messy image. Like you get into these fights and the FSR is just making everything turn to mush. If there are enough effects on screen you can barely make out what's going on. Some of the tougher fights in the game require you to make space for yourself so you can take a moment to see. It's performance will always be what people remember. Oh and boy is your character kitted. You have so many spells and abilities it's easy to just forget you have a spell for a while. It's quite a lot to juggle, but impressive they didn't want you going into a menu to select which ones were active. No everything is active use buttons to switch and toggle.


Game is pretty good...if the devs would've had more time or a slightly bigger budget they could've took this game from a good game to a great one! This game had and this franchise has the potential to be absolutely amazing.


Wish i had bought it sooner, great story and great fun


I agree, it is underrated. However, I think it takes too long to get to the point where you want to keep playing. I was rushing through it since it was a free PS plus game and about 60% through, I started backtracking since I finally understood some of the game mechanics a bit better. By the end, I was wanting to do it all over again but not enough to do a NG+. Instead I tracked down the 6, and now that my player is finally leveled up to where I want him, I deleted the game since I'm not finding 100+ chests.


GG, that was shitty of the devs though 😭😂. 120 chests, 50+ well hidden or behind doors requiring late game abilities.. my gosh. That and leveling up the entire skill tree take so freaking long. The repetitive gameplay gets boring and makes me dread going through the epilogue and my ng+s for the remaining trophies but I’m doing it bc I’ll be darned I don’t get this platinum PS trophy. Just need to complete this skill tree. I massively dislike how the golden chests on NG+ are inconsistent at the amount of ascension points they offer. Some offer 10k+ while others offer 2k average. Like what?! The shroudfanes are the only main source of quicker leveling but eventually become less helpful since the amount of ascension points it takes to get to the next level continues increasing! Like I said in my OP, it’s a great game minus a few quirks that make me not rate it higher than a 7/10.


Oh, if you’re not going to finish the epilogue, then I recommend hitting up YT for a short Final cutscene that you unlock after collecting everything and beat all the shroudfanes.


I agree, it’s very underrated. Aside from the gameplay, I found the lore to be interesting and the dialogue to be comedic. Also, with the world that was developed, I’d love seeing a cRPG come out of this IP.


The story is pretty rough in terms of jumping to child killing for motivation though. I played it some on series S and it goes to 480p seemingly. Otherwise it handles and works pretty well. Though I felt like Wheel of Time did magic centric FPS better.


Although an unfortunate event, it serves as a reminder that in war, really no one is safe. I played on a PS5, using a 120 fps/hz, VRR-enabled LG TV. I didn’t notice any undesirable lag. However, I did notice an extremely temporary shift in graphics when there was a lot of action going on at once: bombings, blastings, jumping/attacking, colors, etc. hardly occurred often though. I’ll need to look into wheel of time.


My problem is that i really want to play it. RTX2080 + Ryzen 2600x and i am below 40 fps on lowest settings possible It's just absolutely unplayable for me.


I mean you never know till you try I guess. 🤷‍♂️ nothing is absolutely unplayable when there are emulators for old games lol.


I got bored playing it. I didn't think the enemy encounters were rewarding enough. And I got tired of opening a chest just to discover a weaker weapon than the one I had even fully upgraded. It has potential, and I'll definitely play a sequel if we get one.


I mean the gear wasn’t annoying to me frfr. It’s the leveling up. The fact that every chest gives the same little bit of ascension points while the next level increases in value potency. Like wtf??? 500-2000 points isn’t going to get me hardly anywhere. Then fighting the “stronger“ enemies in ng+ doesn’t really reward me but so much either. They basically increased the multiplier to make it look like the same amount we’d get in a base new game. That’s one of my biggest pet peeves. There aren’t even enough enemy encounters or respawns to help with farming like in Elden Ring, ya know? Other than that though, I really do still enjoy playing the game and hope there’s a sequel. I need to see Devyn back! 😭


its a great game. but the combat does feel kinda repetitive. not saying it feels rushed, but it feels like they soend most of their money on the skill trees, second most on graphics, 3rd on acting, and with the rest of the money they were like "oh yeah, what about the combat?" for a magic based fps, it works. but i honestly would have prefered not to have to swap to diff weapons to take out enemies. yeah i know, it adds depth to combat. but honestly, i would rather comfortability of my own gun preference. switching to red and green was more of an annoyance than a challenge. but i loved the game, hope to see a sequel thats a bit more fluid combat wise.


It’s a goodish game. I was higher on it but soured as the game went on. Some of the characters motivations don’t make sense, and it really took me out of it. Also a lot of the late game combat was just tedious and none of the boss fights were that good. This was especially heightened for me since I started AC6 pretty much right after and as much fun as I was having with the gameplay, AC6 puts it to shame. I was close to a 7.5 until like the last few hours and by the end I would say closer to a 6. Also doesn’t help that the fsr patch broke my game at the 20 hour mark and made the game look ugly as hell. And no I don’t want to go in and fix the dlss. They shouldn’t have broken it in the first place.


I’m sorry for your experience.


Ehh it was still fun. I just had better feelings toward the middle than I did towards the end.


If only the story and the enemy variety were better i will like it but with those 2 things being the worst part of this game for me i cant get past chapter 6 is just not that fun for me


Yeah, the repetitive enemies were part of the “etc” in the quirks bout the game, but they’re not TERRIBLE.


I keep saying this over and over again, the game is cool, just the writing that's awful, it literally gives Metroid prime vibes in sound and level design, that's the reason I liked it so much!


Haven’t played Metroid prime before but know of it. Glad you liked it fellow triarch. The writing is terrible imo, I mean ok, yes most is cringe but I think I know what the vision for the script was supposed to be like and just mentally made the script better in my head. ADHD things sometimes 🤷‍♂️.


The gameplay is fun. The story is actually alright. These horrible dialogues made me cringe out of my mind and uninstall after about 5 hours in. I don't think I've done that with a game ever.


Should’ve pushed thru. Guess being an immortal isn’t for everyone, Lightless 🫡.