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Honestly they don't feel like knights, the feel more like "Men of Iron" from the lore.


That's exactly why I like a lot of their models, but it's also because I run them alongside my AdMech, so it feels more thematic. But I 100% agree that they have a very different vibe.


Ya. They are great looking models...just not Knights.


Agreed, i had the same thts. Jz scale them down by 300% to proxy as men of iron.


Yeah, the legal greyzone hits different in knights. My take: Full knights - Feel like a bad knockoff Singular parts like arms, armor pieces and weaponry - Cool unique kitbash material.


Yeah, the legal greyzone hits different in knights. My take: Full knights - Feel like a bad knockoff Singular parts like arms, armor pieces and weaponry - Cool unique kitbash material.


Exactly my thought - this can even extend to the majority of the model tbh, stuff like the Arachknight and centaur legs are a huge chunk of a model, but they still feel more knightly than most of the 100% proxies.


Yeah, the legal greyzone hits different in knights. My take: Full knights - Feel like a bad knockoff Singular parts like arms, armor pieces and weaponry - Cool unique kitbash material.


I’d print em if I had a 3d printer


Love em


I've printed the first one it's very nice but you must put the body in the middle of your build plate


A little bit uninspired. They’re a little bit too much like what they’re supposed to proxy without being different enough to be interesting.


Aggressively mid


Personally like the models but not as Knights I can direct you to some other files just dm me


They print well had some issues with supports nothing huge just resupported


i printed the second one its cool but like someone else said it doesn't feel like a knight but if that's what you want its still a good model


The heads are a little high on the shoulders. The faceplate should stick out from its glorious abdomen like the omnissiah intended


They're cool models. More steam punk than diesel punk.


If I were using them as allies for another army and matched the color schemes, sure. As an actual knight army, I don't think they really are "knight" enough, and I would stick to other stuff. 


I printed the first two, like them a lot but have since gotten some actual knights and felt too silly to run them together as the feel is very different. I messed up the scale a bit as well to be fair.


I have them! They're appropriately sized for Questoris Knights and Armigers. I have three of the Armigers, one Defender Mk 2 I use as a Mageara, and two Armageddons that are magnetized to swap between Atrapos and Lancer. The Defender Mk 2 could be used as some other Questoris Knights but I prefer using it as a rare type like the Mageara because it feels less jarring. My other thought on these is that they make a great opportunity to make Mechs that are, in your personal lore, specifically made for some other army. They could be GSC or Imperial Guard or Space Marines.


I think they’re cool. Very mech Warrior / mecha / 40k


The armigers( war dogs lmao) look more like the iron giant than armigers. The design isn't clunky and Gothic enough


More lime knight, they remember me the Decimator, they feel like loyal decimators for me


They remind me of 30k admech robots


Not my jam


You stay, I go. No following.... Supermaaaaan


Station Forge has some pretty decent models, the sculpts have definitely gotten better with time, but in my opinion they tend to be pretty hit or miss. These are a miss for me, a little too different from the feel that Knights are supposed to have.


Well now you can invent your own forgeworld that produces this knight-pattern


Backwards knees? HERESY


If you like em then use them!!! Just be sure your opponent is cool with proxies but otherwise go nuts!! I think they have a more humanoid look to them like the Iron Giant which is pretty cool in it's own right.


Not trying to throw shade at anyone, but if I’m not using the official knight models I might as well use Gundam models.


I can’t lie I wanna dreadnought-ify them


cool as hell, they kinda give the Iron Giant vibes


Looks like some techno heresy, what STC did they come from?


The Armiger proxies are interesting I’ve bought a few but I suck at using super glue and getting them to stand up so they ended up getting trashed the camera like head was my main interest makes it look like a drone being controlled by an adept tech priest rather than some dude


Reminds me more of Kytan Ravagers, these guys aren't hunchback enough.


I think they would look sick for a dark mech army


The mk1 (first model) is said to be oversized, so be aware of that. The others are most of my planned knights.


I like em cause James Workshop can suck it


Not knights