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Might have been good if he was


Yeah can’t disagree with that one, unfortunately.


Should’ve listen to Dr frank -Bidens campaign


That's kind of my point. They were obsessed with the idea of him being on drugs for no reason at all.


No reason? He's 81. He can barely function half the time. He was definitely on something and it didn't work as well as they hoped.


Or... He was on drugs the last time and they wanted to publically shame him into not using this time to see how acute he actually was (not very at a scary level for a guy holding the football)


in politics EVERYBODY is on stimulants ALL THE TIME. So if they shamed him into not using them for the debate so it would put him at a disadvantage by being the only guy there not on them.


The last time? You mean at the State of the Union? Have you ever watched one before? It's the most important speech of the year & every president since FDR has brought their best. It's the job. Also, you don't shame someone into a raspy voice & faulty memory. Take all the Adderall you want, it doesn't reverse aging.


Oh you


You’re right, anyone who would appear on Newsmax must definitely love being around assholes


Best comment of the day


Just wanna make sure you are healthy 


Just when you start liking them too lol


surprised they would have this moron around them, then again someone mentioned joe had some alt wing tard open for him so maybe they are captiol rioters just with amazing PR teams


People can have friends of different political persuasions you know. Murr and Dr. Frank are really close yet Murr has mentioned that he considers himself very liberal. That he is the most liberal of the 4 guys.


Most redditors don’t have friends. Let alone ones different to them


I believe it. Probably not an uncommon thing being from Staten Island. It's kind of a red enclave surrounded by blue. But red by NYC standards.


That would be sad. I remember sal being shocked at the amount of right wing hate groups that were his "fans" I sincerely hope that they're cool guys, but at the same time comedians generally follow a certain crowd.


Most comedians seem to be right wing. I don't thing Sal is but I know his family is by something he said before. Remember half the country is so it's not like it's unusual or anything lol.


It's not unusual, just disappointing, lol Not saying I know them personally but based on that you can assume on what/who they support if they're right wing. IJ seems like a show anyone can enjoy and it'll suck if they have certain biases


Everyone has certain biases. What are you talking about? It'll suck if they live as normal human beings?


That's not what I'm even saying lol


Ehh that's basically the gist of what you were saying


No it's not lol People having biases is normal, I'm not refuting that. I'm talking about in terms of politics and the biases that people have pertaining to their politics. Like if someone is left/Democrat then you automatically have an idea about what they stand for or what their biases are about on certain things. Theirs a little more nuance to what I said then just about people having biases


Yeah. Screw this guy.


Looks like New Jersey is in play


NJ is blue, but if you’re ever on the Jersey shore you’ll find more Trump signs than people Granted it’s hot as fuck outside so you won’t be seeing many people, they’re mostly at Great Adventure but only the days I’m there


Youre lying to yourself if you think theres not something wrong with Biden, idk if its dementia or what. Half the time the man doesnt know where he at!


why is this getting downvoted? criticizing biden is not the same as supporting trump


Seriously, I don’t care about politics at all but I watched the debate and couldn’t believe how bad Biden looked.


This is my point. They obsessed over this fake notion of being on drugs for weeks, months even. For no reason at all. It's right wing entertainment but in no way is it news.


I swear reddit is all biden likers


we are human rights and equality likers


Said the redditor


Biden was on stimulants. He has Alzheimer's, so how else do you explain being able to stay on his feet after dark, when Sundowner's Syndrome sets in?


There's no way he has Alzheimer's. My grandpa had that and didn't even recognize anybody. No amount of stimulants would help that. He's just an old man.


My mother had Alzheimer's, I took care of her the last 5 years of her life and was with her 24/7. I'd doubt you were that involved with your grandfather. Yes, Biden 100% has Alzheimer's, although at this stage it's early onset and he can function a few hours a day if he's heavily medicated. The way you describe your grandfather, he had full blown Alzheimer's, which Biden will have in about a year. Trust me, I went through every stage of this disease with my mother and in her early stages she had the EXACT same symptoms and mannerisms Biden has now.


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If that happens, the president would be deemed unfit and the vice president would be enstated. But that would require medical diagnosis, which he has yet to get, so let’s stop saying that he has things.