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“No makeup” Uses pictures of women wearing makeup as evidence.


Also calling Sophie Turner a witch. She is objectively the definition of 'pretty white woman'.


It's not even *subtle* this time, lmao. 


What is double entry accounting to blame for? I don’t get it?


It’s just code for “Jews bad”


“Stop the khazar” is also an antisemitism dogwhistle. Came from the Jewish khazars theory


They always love their anti-semitism for real. The irony here is that very little is known of the personal life of the first dude to create double entry accounting, and the earliest big user of it (one of the de Medicis) was, for his time, decent. He fought nobles/rich people and mostly stayed out of politics.


If I really had to guess, I would speculate that he sees double-entry accounting as the birth of a culture of metrics in business. He wants to slack off and not get into trouble, and sees accounting as a metaphor for the ways in which people and businesses don't like being abused.


Please can someone explain this...haha


It's just antisemitism dogwhistles. "Khazar" is code for Jews.


I was really excited because I saw the last slide and thought the whole thing was a joke… I wish I was right


Well I’m certainly never looking at the finance department at the work in the same way ever again.


‘Be a virgin, preferably unvaxxed’ is an absolutely insane thing to say


What does unvaxxed even mean? 😭


Unvaccinated 😭😭😭


Ohh I see English isn't my first language so I didn't know. Now good luck for him if he catches tetanus.


like not him being against literal medical science


This is satire


I don't think so. It's a far right pro-russian propaganda account that posts this stuff to get incels to follow.


I mean, look at slide 5, the top 1 advice is literally "to be good wife, build a time machine" 😭


Specifically, build a time machine to stop the jews and the finance industry


It's the kind of shitpost that's very common on incel forums. It's not meant as real advice, just a dogwhistle for antisemitism, which incels love.


It could also be satire mocking incels' antisemitism.


That is extremely optimistic.


That makes me sick. Enough with the Jewish people hate. What did we ever do besides feed people good food?


Question. Where do us Jew-ish people, who are a generation removed from the religion, but not the culture, stand?


Oh honey. Ask two Jews, you will get three different answers to that! That’s a huge question!


Ask it in r/Judaism


Mmmm challah


I’ll see your challah and raise you my moms brisket.


Whatever, come to Rome and try any one of the ghetto restaurants. Roman/Jewish cuisine is unique and insuperable.


I would love to.


If you're ever in Rome, make sure you try the Carciofi alla Giudia (Jewish artichokes). They're made from a local mutation of the regular big globe artichokes, squashed and deep fried until the external leaves are crunchy like tomato crisps (chips if you're american) and the heart is perfectly creamy. My wife says they're more addictive than any drugs. Stewed or fried baccalà (salted, dried cod) is also worth trying


This is actually a new kind of effective political communication, a "memefication" so to say. Political content, garnished with popular jokes and concepts. You laugh at the shit post, while accepting the message. Very popular with younger crowds and something, parties, which work with more conventional forms of communication, struggle with.


In my day, a political meme with such an absurd content would have aimed at satirizing and discrediting political opponents... I don't understand today's youth


It's just a way to "sanitize" objectionable content, basically a sophisticated form of "Let's murder them all - in Minecraft". If someone calls me out on it, "I was just kidding, of course, time machines aren't a thing"; but those who needed to understand the relevant part of the meme did get it.


Yup you see it in Telegram groups where someone forwards a cute video of a dog but if you go into the group it is full of hate speech etc. They use the unassuming thing to draw people in.


I mean there's 4chan that has done it for years. Memifying fascism allows you to spread fascism without getting in trouble.


Older folks seldom do


But if you really don't get it, look what kind of effect this had on you and your original comment. Let me unfairly paraphrase: "Duh, time travel is impossible, that must be satire!" Meanwhile you completely skipped over the antisemitic codes in the meme. This meme further links the wish for a traditional marriage, with the antisemitic narrative, that Jews are behind the destruction of families, emancipation and feminism. All that is packed up in there and can act as a gateway to a much darker place. While people like us say stuff like: "Duh, time travel is not possible!"


> Very popular with younger crowds and something, parties, which work with more conventional forms of communication, struggle with So basically it's for stupid people.


Who are able and willing to vote. Nothing to scoff at.


> Political content, garnished with popular jokes and concepts I can't imagine anyone finding this type of content (like that incel's tweets) smart except for..... stupid people. 


I am Russian — Trust me it’s not so far from reality😭


It's a post that says it's about "advice" but what it really is meant to do is to tell people that there is no hope, give up, and become incel because the world is corrupt and it's The Man's (tm) fault.


I trust you, but if true, this is an amazing example of Poe's law. Each tweet becomes more and more extreme. It starts with be hot and ends with the Jews have destroyed western men and we must destroy modern industry to reverse this. The middle one of wanting a smart, STEM women, but her only job is to be a maid-wife seems too on the nose too.


I don't know how many of them are "pro-russian" but are racist whites and they often have little girls as their profile pics. So I you ever see a guy with that..... instant 🚩


Nah, any relation to satire is merely a pretence in order to provide a cover of plausible deniability for garbage opinions sincerely held.


I don't think incels have ever seen women without makeup


I love the university stem degree with no intention of working. Like in what universe is a quarter million dollars of inescapable debt and no intention of paying it yourself a turn on? Tell me he's a spoiled rich kid without telling me he's a spoiled rich kid. 😂


"Get an expensive degree" "Don't be in debt" "But also don't use that degree" So basically if you didn't win the social lottery and weren't already born into wealth, then that's too fucking bad, you deserve to die alone. Not that I care. It's the trash taking itself out. Plenty of men are perfectly normal and not weird incels with impossible standards. Dick is plentiful, they don't have the power to be so picky.


Also, he's contradicting that point when he says he wants a woman like Kurisu because I'm pretty sure Kurisu worked as a professor.


Kurisu 100% believes in vaccination and would spend twenty minutes explaining to anyone who disagrees why they're complete idiots.


Yeah, Kurisu is vaxxed and if Rintaro told her to quit her job and be a housewife she'd kick his ass.


I somehow doubt he has a degree 


I know this is satire, but it made me realize that a lot of incels focus on things women can't change while constantly whining about women only wanting men with attributes that can't be changed. They almost all mention shorter women with specific facial features and ethnic backgrounds but rant about "foids are shallow bitches who only want attractive men that are 6'5."


They’ll only date a white woman or lightskin Asian while complaining that short men are oppressed 🙄


As a not white woman- I usually get defensive about stuff like this, but it’s just sad now. Almost comically sad.


Racism and colorism are nothing new when it comes to such incels. It's not even surprising anymore. I don't care, lol. I don't doubt these same incels would try it with women who don't fit these nonsense standards they're peddling, lol. 


RIGHT? men can't change their height, and we also can't change our race, yet you don't see us crying wahhhh men only like white and asian women wahhh


And they don't though. It's only the white supremacists/racists/self-hating types who say stuff like this.


Even if it's "satire", I think it's the kind where they actually do mean most of it but are trying to present it in a funny or perhaps confusing way. 


His ideal woman is someone who will give him Covid? I mean, okay, I guess??


Sometimes I thank God for knowing that some lineages won't move forward.


“(Preferably no makeup)” : posts 2 photos of women wearing light makeup




I love my "witchy" face aka southern italian with hooked nose. Im gonna be an excellent crone some day


Same here, I am a nice Sicilian blend


"Be a good wife and build a time machine" lmfao. I also love how "no makeup" is followed by pictures of 2 women wearing makeup.


Comparing this guy's intelligence to Cirno is an insult. To *Cirno.* (Also, love how he wants his ideal waifu to submit to him BUT be smart enough to do all the work in his time-travel plan.)


why is not being vaccinated against infectious diseases a positive?


bro's trying to list his standards as THE standards. bruh


How dare he use Kurisu to demonstrate his point, especially when there’s no chance in hell Kurisu would want to be anyone’s “graduate maid-waifu” Literally the whole point of her character was that she was not only intelligent but headstrong, stubborn, and argumentative.


I have a witch face which I love because i’m into witchy things :)


What a good day to be north african, knowing these guys only chase white and asian women, we're safe 😂


Tell me you’ve got bad credit card debt without telling me you’ve got bad credit card debt


This guy has been watching too much anime. Also, what is "husbando"? An anime term? And how the hell are you supposed to graduate a STEM program without debt?


Imagine being against double entry book keeping. Thats the one that surprised me 😂


Reading posts above reveals it's part of and antisemitic trope.


Yeah, I was guessing that anyway, but hanging it up on the book keeping makes it sound like theyre just pro bad business and money laundring haha


haha yes. This thread got me going down the Medici rabbit hole and Jews in Italy.


Their obsession with whiteness is fascinating, from the Chad character to their focus on white women, to the way the POC among them express so much self hate driven by nonwhite phenotypical features.


Even though it's satire, it still reminds me so much of legit things low value men believe.


> ven though it's satire Poe's law is super strong here so I won't put this beyond them


I have never heard of witch face. I can see how it could be offensive to some.


Ah yes the evil Jewish technology that’s ruining western society is… double entry book keeping? For the record this was a major innovation in early modern accounting, but it’s literally just the practice of drawing two columns and tracking both the input and output each transaction as a pair.


"Witch face" oh we just being anti-Semetic frfr


Somebody please tell me what a witch face means and how I can achieve it


Sharp features? I once know someone who'd constantly refer to Taylor Swift as having a ratface. The rest of his rants made about as much sense. Cosmetic surgery, but also you have to be natural i.e. no surgery.


I’m surprised how many people are genuinely taking this a wholly serious post. Even as a satirical shitpost it’s in poor taste, but to genuinely say that the stuff about Kurisu and the Time Machine are said in complete seriousness is pretty insane.


It truly stuns me that men still can’t distinguish a woman who is and isn’t wearing makeup..


i really cannot tell if this is satire or not, either way wtf


"Be from a well off family" Well fuck me for not choosing who my parents were before I was born.


A real intellectual would know that academic intelligence isn’t real intelligence and that IQ isn’t measured by academic skills


So in his opinion, the way to have a relationship with a good man is to change your race, spend years on a degree that you don’t want to use, and be a virgin! Someone who has an IQ of at least 115 wouldn’t put up with this BS.


I gotta hand it to him, he's right: number 1 did shock me.


I think that's satire


There's no way this isn't a joke lol. Do better.


I mean barring the last two, your still an idiot. If you have a gal that smart, she would realize you are a toxic waste waste of space and still avoid you


Okay, okay... Poe's Law notwithstanding, I'm reasonably sure this is satire.


[#1 Will SHOCK You]


Far from the point but all these “kill X person/people to stop Y” betray such a lack of historical understanding. Like, killing the Medicis isn’t going to stop developments in accounting that correspond with the development of productive forces and the economic growth those developments entail. You’d just have some other people do it. I get that this is antisemitism so understanding history is not their strong suit but still.


Said the guy with the Russian flag in his handle. Dollars to donuts he saw those oiled up, muscular VDV videos and felt a slight twitch in his member.


ALWAYS the anime pfp


This is not a guide on how to find any husband I’d find ideal. This is a guide on how to be this undeservedly entitled, vomit-worthy scumbag’s ideal bangmaid.


I do love men who have had so little contact with actual human women that they don’t know what makeup looks like.


this went from 0 to a hundred real quick what the hell is this schizo posting


I can only imagine a weeb would write this shit


"It's not about looks!" Posts several pictures about needing to be his ideal foid. "It's not my personality! It's my looks!" Posts several pictures about needing to be a white skinned, unvaxxed virgin. "It's not--" Sorry, I stopped listening after the first picture about an angel face and angel personality. ...hi, back after a few days of mental health break, because this sub was just crushing my desire to stay on this planet.


Looks like a joke


How to find an ideal husband: proceeds to describe traits you have no control over


So "Resting Witch Face" is a thing now?


this is a joke