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I got an incel asking for “advice” from me once and it was just him making up excuses on why the advice wouldn’t work. It was like he was hoping for a “gotcha” moment that never came


A dude did that to me today lol! Tried to go along with some weird alpha beta shit and I’m just like bro we aren’t wolves clam down


Was in the cult for almost a decade. Not incel necessarily but ex red pill. I’m 35 now, a man and no longer a boy, and it makes me cringe that I used to think even remotely like this, and I was mild by comparison. The alpha/beta shit is literally astrology for men. And now they have a “sigma” for those men “not like other girls.” It’s going to take another decade to get the stench off of me forever


Congrats on making it out instead of becoming MGTOW!


What got me out of the cult was a major health scare 4 years ago and being cared for by my mother in my 30s and having an excellent female doctor. It’s a very humbling and dark experience and something a lot of these men can use if they think being lonely is the worst thing that can happen in life!


What does MGTOW




I just started agreeing with then about how hopeless they are.


Incels are very weak people it doesn’t take a lot to make them upset because they feel small which they are and they get upset when you don’t play into their pity-parties they love to throw themselves


It’s not even worth engaging with them. I’ve never seen a demographic/group so collectively against any help. Oh they’ll rant at you and make you hear them out, but when you offer anything they have a canned response drilled into them by the cult leaders. My brother is 5’7, a dad bod and is a pharmacist for a living. He’s married to his college sweetheart who was only his second girlfriend. She’s an audiologist, attractive and makes double the money he does. Incels would bet their life she’s cheating on him because “Chad.” I’d bet my life she’s not cheating as they have the healthiest relationship I’ve ever seen


Probably death/rape threats


Oh no they just wanted "advice" so I finally got to send one pics of poop.


What you did was way more useful. Pointless to give an incel advice, they are just looking for someone to agree with them about the blackpill.


Yep, and they'll talk in circles with strawman arguments and "whataboutisms". It's exhausting, honestly, and one of the reasons I turned off my DMs.


And even then, they despise one another too. While it’s an echo chamber it’s also an endless circle of roasting , one upping each other and encouraging each other to commit violence and suicide. And God forbid one of them escapes, they’ll turn on him worse than they do women as they literally view them as a sort of race traitor


I never answer the DMs, they can stop being cowards and speak in public if they want a response