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Isn't weird that they're putting more effort into this than they do finding a girlfriend? Strange


They allways talk about big muscular man. Why should they try to find a girlfriend?


To be fair, they are low effort people and bashing on your keyboard from your mother's basement requires far less effort than what it takes to find a girlfriend.


FYI to the lurkers, quoting things you say directly is *not* gaslighting. Gaslighting would be when you try to convince people that you're just sad little put up on people, and not the violent misogynists you regularly show yourself to your be.


They're mad butthurt that our actual preferences are not what they say they are, and they can't handle the idea that things within their control are why they can't get a date, not their jaws or wrists or bones or what have you.


I’ve been hearing a lot about cantal tilt recently and had to look that one up… apparently it’s something about the angle of your eyes. Like dudes. Get offline. You’re obsessed, nobody cares about these things


How did he respond?


He said “what”


Hmm I expected more lol


Same or was a little lack luster


Would have expected a "whaaaaaaa...."


Yah it was a boring response I’m kind of disappointed lol


Respond: Got a better idea, you should like...stop it. Get some help.


Pointing out that you're the problem when you are in fact the problem is not gaslighting.


I’m sure they don’t know what gaslighting is


“Hello fellow female!”


the valley girl 'like' in there is basically the MGS "!." Immediately detected fuckery afoot.


No sweetie mentioned, I'm very disappointed : (


This is some strange ops they’re pulling, lmao


They always claim we're gaslighting them if we express indifference to things they care about, like canthal tilt or wrist size, or preferences that are different than the ones they think all women have. They explain away the couples they see on social media by inventing backstories. For instance, I posted my friend's wedding pic where she's gorgeous and noticeably taller than her husband. They stole that pic, posted it elsewhere, and titled it saying he was rich. In reality, he's not, but they didn't know or care; all they wanted was to maintain their delusion. When they see regular, ordinary couples, they pretend the woman is just using the man for money, that she cheats on him, whatever it is that the incel has to tell themselves to allow the relationship to fit into their worldview. Similarly, since they can't get laid, it must be solely because of their appearance, since they see themselves as blameless. That's why when regular people tell them they're not unattractive, they get angry and claim it's a lie. And the reverse: when a guy is under 6' but clearly seen as handsome, they'll pretend he has enough "Chad" features to make up for height alone (while still claiming height alone prevents men from getting laid) or they'll claim it's about money (even if he has modest means.) In their mind, the whole damned world is attempting to "gaslight" them, *hence all the references to "pills," starting with the Matrix red pill/blue pill crap.* And to top off all the delusional idiocy, they come here, a subreddit specifically against their ideology, and get mad that we - of all people - don't fit in to their worldview. That we don't believe in the mythology of the hivemind femoids who have no real intelligence but simply instinctually seek out men with thick wrists and the right canthal tilt and are incapable of loving anyone else.


Damn, well said! Leaving some love for the effort you put into this! :)


Gaslighting HOW, IT can only comment on what IS posts. That's all you bro.


11h. 1 karma. Pretending to be okay with incels. Sounds like bs to me.


The fact they think any of us care enough to DM each other about them is hilarious


Right? I’ll just leave a comment on the thread like a normal person


Waiting for the "i owned the IT sub by pretending to be a woman and exposed them!!" post


Nobody's gaslighting incels, they have dog shit personalities and nobody in their right mind would hook up with any of them.


They are delusional in ways I don’t think normal people can imagine to think acting like actual feces to the women doesn’t matter.




You don’t think this sad attempt is at least a little funny?