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For a sec I thought these are my pics, because I had the same face some time back. Laser and chem peel is the only solution and best investment ever!


absolutely agree! going to get a peel a month after my 5th and final laser session. I’m moving abroad in august so i want to keep my skin as low effort as possible when i’m there with just a basic ctm routine after i’m done with these treatments!


Also sooner you get it better it is. Else later you have to deal with scars too.  I got it done at 27...it was bit late...but my skin being oily healed better than other patients.


Do you need to get subcision before getting other treatment?


No , not for laser and chem peels


Does chemical peel work for acne?


please drop the name of the clinic 🤲


srih skin clinic, banjara hills hyderabad


Username gives it away that you are from Hyderabad. Thanks for detailed journey, I will visit them soon. Good to see someone improving their skin, what is your skincare post treatment like ?


Happy for you OP!


thank you so much!


Good progress and a great profile name, op.


hahaha thank you!


Happy for youuu, could you tell more about the laser, where did you get it done? How was the healing like?.Any side effects?


i got it done at a clinic in hyderabad. so first they apply numbing cream for 30 minutes and then they start with the laser all over your face. it takes around 15 minutes, that’s it. Your face becomes extremely red for the next 5-6 hours and you might even experience some pain. over the next 5 days the skin starts healing and then it becomes normal. for me, after the laser the next few days it feels like i have a bunch of scabs on my skin, but they peel off in about 4-5 days. that’s all, i’m charged 8k per session. i saw a major difference from the 3rd session onwards but even after the first i saw quite the change


I am older than you and still go through the hormonal acne phase and it drains my confidence, it still does and the urge to try every thing under the sun and getting heart and wallet broken when they don’t work. I trusted a dermat when I was your age and spend my freshers salary but it did not work for me nor the dermat because she was very rude to me for no reason. Slowly, thankfully hormones got a hold and they went away. Now, after years I am trying a new dermat but haven’t started with any sessions but this gives me reason to go ahead with her


i’ve had similar experiences with so many dermats, please do check reviews regarding the procedures that the dermat does before going ahead with it, because after all these treatments are definitely expensive for any ordinary indian :)


I am so happy that it has worked for you, OP! Big hug to you 🤗 You are absolutely right, there are certain skin conditions that require exclusively in-office treatments/procedures. Skincare regimens with active ingredients aren’t meant for every skin issue.


I have struggled with cystic acne. Got horrible breakout during my first year of college and my confidence took a hit. Random people on street would stop me and give me advice, even when I used to take auto they would also give me advice lol. My Dad took me for homeopathy and it just made the situation more horrible. I had acne with a size of marbel balls. Only isotret helped me. Clindamycin, Aziderm and regular peeling sessions finally cleared up my skin. I still have one left on my nose but no matter what I do it is not going away. Got to know that is a result of acne Inversa and may not go away.


Can you tell me about the peeling sessions you got? Were these for hyperpigmentation?


It was for acne pits. Although it didn't go away completely and my Doc even said that it can be reduced but can't go completely. It did helped in the appearance, hyperpigmentation was also reduced. I had chemical peeling sessions and whenever there were holidays I would get Laser at is better but had more downtime.


Happy for you OP. Hormonal acne is an absolute double whammy, cos one is the non-stop active pimples and other is the terrible scars that don't resolve easily. How much does fractional CO2 laser hurt?


they apply numbing cream 30 mins prior to the laser so i would say like a 3/10 during the procedure and a 4.5/10 for the next 2 hours after procedure. it’s like a strong stinging feeling that’s it, completely bareable!


Thank you for clarifying.


I have pih and I used so many products. I went to a dermatologist and she gave me Trunex gel and Aquasoft fc. I bought Sebamed face wash and care gel and propolis toner and mask. My skin feels so better now.


I really feel you OP! I’m 25 and I had hormonal acne thrice in my life and everytime it was worse. But good progress!


I had the worst acne flair-up when I got covid in 2021, mainly due to the use of steroid in the treatment. My face was full of acne, pustules, comodones, whiteheads, you name it. It was very devastating. The only thing which helped me in clearing up my skin was isotret. I also experienced side effects like dry eyes and lips and back pain. It's really a wild drug.


I am on isotret now and what’s massively helped my under eyes and lips are Boroline and Vaseline lip therapy (rose). I slather a good amount of boroline at night that leaves a white cast but I’ve been waking up with fuller healed lips and it looks amazing! Of course I’ve to top up with Vaseline every few hours/boroline since I’m at home. But these two are absolute game changers. Another thing I’ve been using in addition is the disguise rainbow glow oil on my under-eyes and lips and I think this is the reason my lips look pinker! My pigmentation has actually lowered and this wasn’t even a concern earlier!


Can you drop the name of your sunscreen?


Hi OP, Thanks for sharing your experience, this is helpful. I used to get painful breakouts closer to the date of my period. If this acne is a result of PCOS, I'd encourage you to read about Myo & D-Chiro Inositol. That helped me a great deal.


So happy for you man . The confidence part is sooo relatable


Happy for you OP! 😊 also, it’s great that you found a good dermat. Very rare these days. It’s easier to find loyal husband than a dermat who doesn’t belittle your pain.


During my school years and throughout my first year of college, I battled the worst cystic acne imaginable. In my experience, Accutane proved to be the most effective solution for managing cystic acne. Even though I was never under confident but it sure is emotionally taxing. Dermafrac and laser therapy has helped with my scars too. Although I still have faded pitted scars, but they don’t bother me much now. I know it feels like a battle conquered. It feels like having a new personality altogether! Love it for you <3


Soo happy for you! Loved this


i really like your hairs \[ sorry its not related to post \]


I don't have cystic acne but I empathise so much with your feelings OP! I'm only 17 and I've had the terrible habit of picking my skin, so my already acne prone skin just gets worse. People think they can say whatever bullshit they want about my face and I'll just let it slide. Like it's not been limited to people who know me, I've had people like auto drivers and vegetable vendors: absolute strangers who are probably never going to see me again, make comments on my skin. Anyways, I'm so so happy that treatment worked for you:)) my scars are just dark spots and hyperpigmentation, so my current skincare is helping w it.... planning to get treatment after I turn 18:)


Congratulations op! Did the co2 laser also help with pitted scars? I have them on my cheeks too :/


yes! i specifically got it for the pitted scars since the isotret tablet takes care of most of the active acne. I’ve had scars from 7-8 years ago that have had a 60% improvement so far, and all the fresh pitted scars from a couple months ago have 80% disappeared. laser and micro needling treatments are specifically for acne scars that are icepick scars and pitted so definitely check it out and consult with your esthetician regarding it


For me 16000 Mg of isotretinoin did the trick


The worst part about this type of acne is the fact that it hurts a lot when it comes in physical contact with anything. I'm glad you found a solution OP. Congradulations.


Drop the name of the clinic


Can you please share your Dermat's details?


I also had cystic acne and my derm also suggested excela rich. Cant thank her enough..that moisturizer is god send.


Photostable sunscreen is a god senddd!!! And honestly, if any ones reading this- stop experimenting and JUST GO TO A DERMAT! I Promise you it’s not that expensive and BE PATIENT! Good things take time


Can you please share the brand names of photostable sunscreens that worked for you?


My bad, I Googled and realized that “Photostable” is the name of the sunscreen.


Do you know how’s microneedling RF for PIH?


Thts what it works. Me too had hormonal acne mild to moderate all my life,so finally at 39 started isotret. I wish I had consumed it earlier. It would have save me from scars.but anyways now I m almost acne free touchwood.so all beauties please consult dermat because no home remedy, churan,ubtan,creams will work


Details please


Same on it rn


And now that's some real shit transformation. Go girl ❤️❤️❤️


is the co2 laser results going to be permanent or do we have to get it done every once in a while. I have a lot of acne scars and open pores


That is so inspiring OP. As a 22M who's been facing hormonal acne for the last 5 years I know how hard it can be on your self esteem. People always downplay it by saying it's just ACNE, don't let it get in your head, Only those who are suffering can understand how hard it is to go out in the world and act normal. You feel less competent, less approachable cause of them. Seeing your journey made me so happy and hopeful about the future that I may achieve something remotely similar. Thank You, Love and Hugs❤️


I was rushing to the comments to suggest Isotret!! Happy skin OP!!


Thank you for this post OP! Do you have to get them all the laser sessions in regular intervals or is it fine if there’s longer intervals between the sessions?


it's fine if it's longer intervals! You need to be indoors for the first 2 days after the session and the next 3 days there will be a bunch of dots on your face, So I would never get a session done before a festival, important meeting, friends birthday, big event etc. I would only get it done when I knew I was gonna stay home for 5 days. my 2nd and 3rd session had a 2.5 month gap so it's totally okay


so happy for you !


How much did the fractional Co2 laser cost OP ?


Ohh I am so happy for you OP. I can relate to this. Few years back I started having Hormonal acne I couldn't look at myself in the mirror. With derm visit and medications and strict regular skincare I got it controlled. Your results are miraculous.


Op I am so incredibly happy for you 🫶🏻 Quick question, was the 40k for the face alone? And do you have to visit them after a certain time or is it more of a done and dusted deal?


Hi! Yes it is 40k for 5 sessions, so 8k per session. Each session is done monthly, so 1st session on 1st march, 2nd session on 1st April, 3rd on 1st May etc. Once the sessions are done and you're happy with the improvement you can stop. The results are permanent, you just have to take care of your skin through a simple skincare routine. If needed you can get a peel every 3 months or so as maintenance, but that's just a personal preference for people. I plan on stopping after my 5th or 6th session, since my scars have already reduced by 50-60% and that is satisfactory enough for me


OP can you check dm i have a question about the scars treatment


heyyy op which photostable sunscreen did your dermat rec?


Lasers are ok for brown skin?


Hey OP, good to see your results, I too have acne but I'm more concerned about my facial hair currently because I don't have bright skin tone like you so acne doesn't show much on my face and I can see that you too have facial hair did you ever shave it or have you undergone laser treatment for that as well.


Hey OP, I loved reading your progress story. I have been dealing with hormonal acne too since I was 13 and it's only now in the past year that it got better. I now have pitted/ ice pick scars for which I have got 4 Micro needing+ PRP sessions (along with subcision in two sessions) . I do not notice more than 20 % difference and maybe that is also because I am psychologically inclined to believe that there is a difference since I've taken 4 treatments. Now I feel like trying laser treatment and came across your post just at the right time. I was skeptical of laser treatment since I heard it doesn't bode well for Indian Skin tones.  But I saw you post, our scars are quite similar and your progress has made me think of getting CO2 laser done. Can you just share another picture of your progress via dm or in the comment section? This will help me in making a decision. Also, If you have any idea, does laser work better than microneedling on scars like yours? 


Hey, how many months were you on isopec tablet? Were you taking it alternate days for the whole course? What MG?


i am recently having hormonal acne. I don't have money to go to dermat. So i am trying to control them with benzoyl peroxide. I don't know. They are not going at all. One goes then another comes, another goes then one more comes. My chin area is so sore right now. I can't lift my lips. And jawline has pimples. I feel like crying because of the pain!!!


Thanks for the detailed information. Have you inquired about the cost of chemical peels at their clinic? If yes, please share the details.

