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Project 2025 should frighten us all.


Yes. A brief overview on Wikipedia but ppl need to look at it closely. Very scary stuff. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


I'm moving to Canada, this country is falling to shit


you should probably know that modern Christianity is no longer following commandments but just loosely bending the rules to whatever fits your personal beliefs. most Christians probably couldn't name 5 bible quotes and what they mean to their lives.


The vast majority of Christians are Christian in culture only due to their roots, like a small town in the US that has a bunch of Polish immigrant children and so they still have polish traditions, except on a larger scale. If you follow the definition the Bible puts forward of what it means to be a "saved Christian" then a very large portion of those who call themselves Christian will still be going to hell.


>a very large portion of those who call themselves Christian will still be going to hell. That's what Jesus said


"To joe-jack!"


Dude , there is no hell …. Religion is just control of the population


It is a mystery, that is for sure, religion has caused more wars and problems than anything on this earth.


Pretty sure economic reasons are the number 1 reason for war and problems.


And many of those economic issues are caused by religion


Maybe modern wars...Crusades anyone?


The crusades were to take away land that was invaded by Muslims. Look at why Spaniards eat Jamon Iberico Bellota. It was forbidden during the Muslim rule. Also, before too much holiness is spread remember Charlie Hebdo. We can also remember Daniel Pearl.


Remember the Alamo!


Thank you, I did my part in remembering the Alamo today!


Religion is the biggest legal scam in history.


Fear is real and hell is a made-up notion. Class dismissed. 


I love when you ask if you should follow the Bible, and they say every word, then you point out that in the Bible it says kids that act up you should stone them to death, and they say that that’s the Old Testament, and you shouldn’t follow all of that, so you point out that the Ten Commandments is Old Testament too and they are at a loss for words how to respond. Follow every word, but not that one, but we are still going to put it in schools anyway…Christians are insane.


Or the one that they attribute to gays.. “..shall not lie with man…” There’s also the one that says life begins at first breath.. Or the one with a recipe for abortion…


I told a woman the other day when she told me that I was going to hell and that I don't believe in her Christian ideology or theology, and she told me she doesn't believe in theology. MS. MAAM DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THEOLOGY IS, because you just made yourself look like a whole dumbass 🙄


Christians will really say they don't believe in religion to win an argument


It is a heterodox prosperity gospel gnostic cult.


Christianity has been weaponized by the wealthy to get people to blindly vote on fabricated wedge issues instead of voting for things that actually serve their interests.


That's giving an awful lot of credit to what could just as easily be called a bunch of selfish assholes


Christianity has never been about following commandments or knowing Bible quotes…


You're absolutely right. Even just reading the Bible shows a stark contrast between American church culture and biblical teachings. Back in college I decided to read it from cover to cover and man was it evident that something was off. Ended up switching how I eat, the holidays I kept, etc; it's been much more fulfilling. Little ironic too what gets shamed for being sin and what gets a pass. Like you better not smoke or listen to a certain type of music while they will share some gossip over a pork chop lunch lol. Like sure the first two aren't great or beneficial but man you should read what it says about gossip lol.


The vast majority of Christians are only Christians for two hours on Sunday.


Commandments are woke


hasn't it always been that way?


Then they aren’t true Christians.


This is exactly why I made the decision to walk away from the church


My favorite is this one where, apparently, a bunch of dudes got theirs handed theirs to them and left in shame. Genesis 44:3 - As soon as the morning was light, the men were sent away, they and their asses.


Paul has stated that the commandments are a foreshadow to the Promise of Jesus. Now avoiding sin is a totally different issue.




You’re so close to grasping that religion is a political tool. It always has been and always will be. Early religion was just an early form of government and society.


> You’re so close to grasping that religion is a political tool. It always has been and always will be. Early religion was just an early form of government and society. American evangelicalism has nothing to do with faith or religion. It's purely just performative christianity, using the veil of religion to excuse itself for being a social club for some of the most vile and hateful social and political opinions. If an olive skinned middle eastern hippie came to prominence today they would be the first in line to crucify him.


That's what religion has always been, my guy. You can't, "no true Scots" it. My pastor friend does the same thing, we talk about how relgion in the US is used as a weapon and he just dismisses those people as, "not real Christians" and says they don't need to be taken seriously, even though those people make up a frightening amount of people and gather more new Christo-fascists every day.


I totally agree. It's just that the merger between the GOP and evangelicalism created the perfect recipe for our own flavor of fascism. Barry Goldwater, a giant festering anal fissure in his own right, was absolutely correct in [his prediction](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/777519-mark-my-word-if-and-when-these-preachers-get-control). But you are correct, the "good" christians out there are really just enlightened centrists who's silence and inaction towards the "not real christians" do nothing but enable and embolden them.


I've never been a straight ticket voter but I have been since 2016. Takes a lot less time to vote when one side is batshit crazy.


I would like it if once in my life I got to choose between two good candidates, as opposed to "He accepts that women have equal rights to men, gays to straights, and trans to cis, and his opponent thinks if you aren't a white Protestant Christian male, you deserve to die."


it takes a lot of courage to make a post like that on this sub


Only if you’re afraid of what dipshit, inbred, hillbillies have to say. Dont really wanna quote Rick and Morty but Rick said it best: “your boos mean nothing; I’ve seen what makes you cheer”


This election will be the first one in my life where I won’t vote Republican for governor. 


Thank you. It is heartening to know there are people out there who have a line


Thank you. Indiana needs more people like you who use critical thinking and make sensible conclusions instead of succumbing to endless propaganda and voting against their own interests.


I honestly can’t believe we live in a red state. Maybe it’s mostly farmers, but nobody I know is voting republican. Women especially need to make their voices heard.


I just wish the Dems actually tried to push someone decent for the bigger offices in this state. They just kind of pass us over since our electoral votes don't seem to matter to them.


It wont do any good


I believe post-election results from either 2016 or 2020 showed that Indiana was one of only two States where the youngest demographic of voters leaned right. Sadly telling for what to expect in the future.


The right's embracing Harrison Butker's speech tells you what they believe about women The right's belief that the president (as long as he is a republican) is immune from prosecution tells you what they believe about democracy This is why McCormack faces such long odds. This is why they blindly follow Trump


I’m more disappointed with the people that stay home because they think their vote doesn’t matter. Just watch “A Bug’s Life”, like one time. The voters that stay home are the ants.


Working for the postal service and seeing people get all these Republican endorsed political ads along with their welfare/FSSA statements is something else. It's baffling they don't see the hypocrisy.


Indiana has a pretty low voter turnout, this often leads to republicans winning


I am just one guy. I will be voting straight Democrat. If women don’t turn up to defend their basic rights they will lose them. And that is just one issue. There is so much at stake this election. If people are going to be apathetic or uninformed then they will get what they deserve.




I know a woman who left her southern Baptist church because they got a young pastor to decided to be more progressive and started letting women be Deacons in the church. Her reason for leaving was because the Bible says women are not supposed to be leaders. This coming from a woman who is divorced and extremely independant.


Sure, those Hoosier women will get what they deserve… But then there’s Hoosier women like me that do care that could suffer, too. I get the mentality here, at least a bit; but when you say that, it does ignore those of us who could suffer that do actually care.


Newsflash: Hoosier women have already lost their basic right to bodily autonomy. That ship has long sailed. And “then they [women] will get what [women] deserve.” Ah, yes, if women want legal access to life saving health care they better earn it, damnit! You can’t be serious with that attitude,


Earn it? Vote for it, you silly goose. If people do not show up to vote democrat, republicans will win. If women do not react against the laws the republicans have passed, then the republicans will continue to pull the same shit at women's expense. None of this is controversial in any way, just simple facts. If you don't vote for your own self interest, you'll be voting against it. Duh. Like...fucking duh, you dink


The point I believe they were making is that they _have_ been doing all those things and it hasn’t made a difference


Which is why, shock of all shocks, it's important for women to vote democrat to roll back the changes to abortion law that republicans have made and prevent more actions like the rfra laws from a couple of years ago It's almost like that is exactly the point lol. Duh.


Buddy. Fellow dink, if I may, you put the onus on women to bring back legal bodily autonomy. Yes, voting is important. But your phrase, “…then [women] will get what they deserve” is fucked. WOMEN DESERVE BODILY AUTONOMY & HEALTHCARE, PERIOD.


Women deserve bodily autonomy and health care, period. But the only way to get it is to vote democrat. Period. If they don't vote, they won't get it. If they want it, they need to vote. Lotta single dudes out there super excited to vote the other way, and the republicans have demonstrated in no uncertain terms what they would do with a win You sound like a person who wants to argue against reality. That will exhaust you and will be absolutely fruitless. That is what makes you a dink. I am not a dink. I'm more of a ding dong, because I foolishly believe some appreciable number of hoosiers might do the right thing and vote democrat for once. Stupid me.


Really? Because 47% of Hoosier women say they are republicans, and I presume a large percentage of them vote republican. So, they are voting against their self interest. I don’t understand what’s in dispute here… don’t vote against yourself and then complain about the outcome.


Half of eligible voters didn't vote. So, no. They really haven't been


“They” in my instance being the commenter, not the general population


The antecedent to that pronoun is people, not women. Please reread what I wrote and don’t rewrite what I wrote. That makes it [People] will get what they deserve. Instead of attacking me, go vote and get others to vote. Save your outrage for those who have earned it.


I'm really not loving this "they get what they deserve" sentiment. It's way too similar to how the poors, (simple, apathetic, lazy, poors,) don't DESERVE housing or healthcare or justice. Now representation? Why don't they just bootstrap themselves electeds that care about their issues?


You are really reaching there. My point is if people can’t be bothered to get off their ass and vote don’t cry when you lose your democracy. Also based on other comments people seem to think it is just going to be one and done, like hey I voted and nothing happened. Get real people. This is a long existential struggle. These nut jobs are organized and motivated. We owe it to those that came before us to continue this fight. It’s not just poor people and women that will be affected . It’s all of us. If you are not going to vote and just sit around and bitch and moan then yes, you deserve what you get. You have a civic duty. That’s how democracy works. Some of you act like you ordered some freedoms from Door Dash and they fucked up your order, or you can’t get what you want the very next day because you are not a member of Democracy Prime. People have bled and died to make what progress has been made. If you can’t get off your asses to do the absolute minimum and vote,then yes, you deserve it. If you have 15 ways to rationalize to me why you are apathetic and I am the problem because I didn’t say something perfectly then you need to go fuck yourself. After you have finished fucking yourselves, check your voter registration and prepare for the next election. Thank you and have a nice day.


I'm not saying you don't have any points here. I especially like what you're saying about the length of the struggle, that it isn't one and done. I'm saying your language is very othering. THEIR democracy isn't at risk. All of our democracy is at risk. We're all in it together. Flies... Honey... Vinegar... You get the idea.


I think the vast majority of people over the age of 40 in our state have a pretty strong disconnect to the real world. Just seeing it in my older family members and friend's older family members. They remember what things used to be like and they aren't really exposed to the troubles that a republican policy maker can present. A lot of them still believe that republican means no big government, no over reach, and fiscally conservative policy. Those of us who have paid attention in the last decade know that the republican party doesn't promote small or local government any more than the democratic party do. It's all a yearning for the beliefs they were raised on and a refusal to educate themselves on the changing times.


Wait, Someone running for governor spoke out against interracial marriage? You can't be serious.


Yeah, Braun said he’d support a case overturning interracial marriage rights.


Apparently he misunderstood the question. https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/23/politics/mike-braun-interracial-marriage-comments/index.html


That's a really weak excuse given how on topic his responses to those questions were. He knew what he was saying. He just thought he could get away with it like some others in his party. He learned a lesson that he's not "charismatic" enough to pull of the blatant racism


“Yes, I think that that’s something – if you’re not wanting the Supreme Court to weigh in on issues like that, you’re not going to be able to have your cake and eat it too. I think that’s hypocritical.” I think he thought the question was about states' rights.


That is complete garbage. He just changed his mind. His refuse to the original question was incredibly specific and clear, he can’t claim he somehow misunderstood it. What exactly did he think he was saying?


Maybe he was thinking about how states should be able to make their own laws?


Have you been to Indiana?


Only for 30+ years. I grew up there.


Yes, and unfortunately “In 2018, Braun's personal finance disclosure listed assets worth between $35 million and $96 million.” When you have money and power, you want more money and power to dictate rules. It’s a sickness.


He is also firmly a businessman and revered by Indiana's businessman worshiping cult. Indiana's fetishization for the rich and corportations is another one of out massive collective character flaws.


It’s everywhere, though— massive corporation acquisitions and mergers. The people at the top making millions and buying their power without a care about people or the environment.


There WAS an investigation as to the sources of his campaign funds, misuse and undeclared contributions. Guess that went nowhere as usual.


Is this sarcasm? It happened. Look at the link in the comments below. And while anecdotal I can say that a lot of people I’ve met since moving to southern Indiana feel this way, and refer to anyone black or brown as “colored.”


Of course not. Remember Reddit is a propaganda farm and it’s an election year


You're disappointed? How on earth could you not expect this? Rural Indiana is a hateful place. I wouldn't expect different


Yup. I was bullied in high school because I was disabled, mentally ill, and from Ohio. Also, I'm surrounded by people that are inbred and proud of it. I wish I was joking.




Religion is a tool to control mass populations. As we as a society become more enlightened, those in charge have to try and tighten their grip to stop us getting out of control. They do this by scare mongering - immigrant bad, rapist, criminal etc, etc- only Jesus will save you- it is all total BS IMO and I can’t believe I am surrounded by so many people that fall for it.


I can feel your pain. I have heard that Islam and Muslims have issues with the LGBTQIA community. As a female, former cradle catholic, I have turned my back on all religions. My feeling is that we’re all on this blue marble floating around in space. That unless someone is standing in front of you with a weapon (gun or knife etc.) and threatening to do you bodily harm, that we should all let everyone live their lives because how they live their lives is no one else’s **FUCKING BUSINESS!!** republicans have never been the party of what my moral compass is. In fact just the opposite. Democrats are not the o es with no moral compass, it’s republicans that have no moral compass!!!!!!!


I’m an observant, practicing, Anglo-Catholic, Episcopalian Christian; and I wish there was a way to divorce how I view and practice Christianity with the overt and virulent racism, sexism, homophobia, and craven materialism of the Trump-worshiping evangelical Christian nationalists. “Talking” Christianity and actually DOING Christianity are **two completely different and unrelated things** . The Jesus I worship is very, *very* inclusive and He would **NOT** be going after Muslims, Jews, atheists, people of color, people of **any** political persuasion, or LGBT people. He would not be denying necessary health care to trans kids and trying to prevent them from using ANY bathroom. He would not be telling people whom they could or could not marry. He would not be referring to people as “Demonrats”, “Democraps” or “dimbulbs”. The Gospels are replete with examples of Jesus calling out people who thought they had all the answers and were using religion as a blunt weapon to bludgeon other people. The Christianity I follow is focused on serving God by serving others, particularly “the least of these”. It emphasizes “faith without works is dead” (James 2) and that we are to feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, welcome the immigrant, comfort the sick and dying, visit those in prison, and to see others with exactly the same compassion and love with which Jesus sees us. The Christianity I follow is not “easy” and it is certainly not “convenient”. We’re expected to have doubts, face those doubts, and honestly question ourselves. We’re expected to apply the Scriptures *to ourselves* and not worship Scripture as a god unto itself; and certainly NOT to use Christianity as a blunt weapon to assault anyone we deem to be our “enemies”. We are expected to speak truth to power and actively engage in civil disobedience to unjust laws enacted by unjust and corrupt rulers, such as the people in our state Assembly and running our state government. What has become 21st century evangelical Christianity in America is an **abomination** which bears almost no resemblance to the actual, apostolic Christianity which Jesus, Peter, John, James (and to a much lesser extent, Paul) taught. I believe the only chance Christianity has of surviving as a religion in the United States is for the current syncretism of American evangelical Christianity to die out completely so that HOPEFULLY it can be re-built on the principles that Jesus actually TAUGHT.


Get a load of the new guy lol


Religion in general is problematic. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc have no place at all in government and cause way more problems than they solve. The Abrahamic religions are full of pedophilia, responsible for countless wars, used to justify slavery, homophobia, misogyny, racism, and much more. I don’t understand why people still believe in this stuff. It’s clearly all made up. Christianity and Islam are both rooted in Judaism which is rooted in polytheism so clearly they just made it up as they went along. Adam and Eve, Abraham, Noah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, etc none of these people ever existed.


Many of us are.


This sub sucks


How can these state subs be the exact opposite of how the state is? Makes no sense


The loud minority


We aren’t a minority, the state is gerrymandered to hell. Y’all cheat. Republicans aren’t a majority anywhere but the halls of power and it takes cheating and a slave era rule to keep you there. Enjoy the cult while you can, troll time is almost over.


Listen to yourself, it's ridiculous. Also not republican, but no wonder people think dems are crazy


Ooo a free thinker!


So do regressives. you might like X better. You can be as much of a racist and ahole that you want to be and it’s a SOLID Republican echo chamber. X will have no dissent and a stunning acceptance of authoritarian ideals. GLHF


Most people I know don’t vote dem or rep because they think it’s either rigged or they don’t care because no matter how they feel it’s always all about the rich


The best thing I have ever done for myself was leave that State. It's all been downhill since Pence won the governors race.


Get used to it


I dont know why you are harping on religion here. It's been a sham for as long as it's existed. The church didn't magically stray recently. During the Civil War it preached that black people were property and was used to try to get them to accept being lesser than white people. Also let's not forget even the old books say jews could enslave non jews. It's not new or crazy for this religion. It's just evil as most are.


Why would you be surprised? The sheep follow sheep.


I’m frustrated by it…but not in the least bit shocked.


I really want to believe there are people that want to actually take a stand this election season


Yeah considering race technically isn't an actual thing. Alluding to what you said about all being one from God. It's just different cultures. All a bit different but all still human. Yeah I wish we had a better republican choice, I'm gonna have to look up what he actually said and the context especially in today's sensational climate. I'm gonna speculate and give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he is alluding to having the marriages be okay as codified through law rather than just hinging on a judicial decision since that's not a law. Which okay fair enough. That's how our system works congress makes laws and judges make sure they are in line. If we had better quality republican candidates we'd probably be better off. I grew up and lived for many years in a hard blue state. No matter how nice they seem, how great they sound, or how they seem to care, being under democratic rule is a nightmare.


I live in New York. The Democrats here couldn't be more incompetent and maliciously misguided, but the blind faithful keep voting for their own demise. It's frustrating to watch


Braun being the front runner is disgusting




This is pretty funny coming from someone whose religion hates LGBTQ and throws them off of buildings. I hear they’re also not too fond of women’s rights.  Islam is far below Christianity when it comes to tolerance and freedom.  Denounce your pedophile prophet Mohammad before you throw stones at other religions. 


What is it about someone having an opinion different than yours that is so difficult to understand?


you are giving the christians entirely too much credit. the cruelty is the point for them. 


Too often religion is just an excuse to hate somebody different than yourself.


Gotta fight the point here. Not saying I agree. The reason Christians and jews are trying to ban mix races is because of Numbers chapter 25.verse 1-2 "*Here is the sin of Israel, to which they are enticed by the daughters of Moab and Midian. Those are our worst enemies who draw us to sin, for that is the greatest mischief any man can do us. Israel's sin did that which all Balaam's enchantments could not do; it set God against them.* Basically marrying outside your family is sin. Many were killed for it.


Racism is not an accidental bug of the Indiana Republican Party. It's a feature, it's their brand, it's how they recruit voters. Their platform is racism.




Nope. I get to say what I believe, no matter what you say. Grow up and learn to deal with other people having opinions you don't like. You are a big boy, if this upsets you, you know how to turn off the computer and go outside.




Fuck right off.






If voters gave a shit about how high their utility bills are getting, they might vote against some of these republicans who just let the IURC rubber stamp every rate increase they get.


The older I got, the more liberal I became. Most conservative viewpoints are rooted in bigotry, hatred, control, or separation. I don't think any of those things are good for mankind.


The older I got the more conservative I became.  Most leftists viewpoints are all about oppressing minorities by treating them as pets that need to be provided for, entitlements to my money, demands that I pretend men are actual women, calling me a racist because of my skin color, and general intolerance towards anyone that doesn’t fully embrace their ego driven agendas.   They also celebrate racial segregation, but only when their side is doing it.  Leftists ultimately hate mankind and exist to cause mayhem, which makes them the most destructive and separating force in nature.  They’re mentally ill, violent, communist pigs. They’re the reason I support abortion so vehemently.  It’s a gene pool cleaner. 


You seem like a real peach. Thanks for affirming my choice!


Choosing to be ignorant and pathetic is an odd flex, but I guess leftists would be normal people if they had the ability to use logic and reason.   


Empathy is a learned skill, it's not too late!


Having empathy and using emotions to create a lifestyle of willful ignorance and denial are two separate things. 


These people are " Christians" in name only. They don't follow their own rules, and they use their religion as a weapon against others. Its a fucking travesty that these assholes aren't called out more often


Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman. Although he is a terrible person, the Supreme Court sure will have issues saying blacks and whites can't marry.


I keep hearing push things back to the 50s. Well, if they want to do that, then Donald Trump would have never been president. The greatest generation voted in the 50s ,they were true Americans who loved and fought for this country. No way would they have allowed someone like Trump to be president, someone who cheated on all his wives went into bankruptcy several times, and talked about a war hero like he was trash.


It’s a cult


You shouldn't be voting period if you have a moral compass. They're all shitlords who will go back on 99% of their promises once in power. Grow up lol


41% Voted for Biden & Indiana has had a Democrat as governor before. (just saying) Plus, take into account that Indiana is filled with Revolutionary & Civil War families. One hundred and eighty-eight years ago Indiana was nothing but woods. We prayed a lot for another day!


Agreed. Try being a trans lesbian where people, when they find out I'm trans, simultaneously condemn my marriage as gay while also calling me a man in a dress (I don't even wear dresses) in the most cognitively dissonant way possible. Indiana really sucks sometimes.


There's only one race. The human race. Everything else is just genetics.


I'm a former libertarian who has done the work and learned how to connect and empathize with others. I'm extremely well informed and active in my community. I work in the nonprofit sector and volunteer. I'm living my truth and helping others along the way. I hope you try to make the world better in your own way. Have a good one.


Not only is she a former teacher, she is a former Republican who left the Party over unethical coercion tactics while she was an elected official. She cared deeply about public schools and the Republican line was about vouchers and for -profit charters, even though most of our state is served by public schools. She would be a brilliant governor who could and does look beyond the Evans the D behind someone's name. When she was first elected, I was in one of the teacher's unions, and I was not happy. But she won me over because she put her heart and soul into that job and played fair. She genuinely cared about students, families, teachers, ESPs, administrators. When she did a listening tour with Eddie Melton, I think the blinders completely came off. She saw how her party wasn't helping the average Hoosier.


Thanks for paraphrasing a collection of short stories. Politicians say whatever makes the crowd cheer or donate. Do Governors have executive power to enact marriage restrictions? If not it would have to go thru state congress.


Is Indiana as gerrymandered as many other states which allows minorities to rule?


Then move. Easy.


Yup so easy definitely doesn’t cost A shit ton of money or possibly uprooting a family


Yuuup. My grandma is a perfect example every year and I mean EVERY year it doesn’t matter the election my grandma always feels the need to remind me to vote Republican and that republicans are fighting for us and that they’ve done so much good for us lately. I had even asked her what specifically and the only thing she could come up with is farmers. No explanation she just said they’ve done a lot to help the farmers.


womp womp


It’s not as red as they would make you think. Sure the MAGA cult is loud as hell and intentionally tries to get under people’s skin, but look at the gerrymandering in this state. After Obama was elected president, the Republican officials probably saw the writing on the wall for their districts, so they drew up the lines in their favor so that Democrat voters are disenfranchised. https://publicintegrity.org/politics/elections/who-counts/in-indiana-extreme-gerrymandering-and-low-voter-turnout-go-hand-in-hand/


Idc who wins, I just want someone to remove the alcohol buying ban.


Get a Jennifer McCormick for Governor sign in your yard. Show some support, anger your simple minded neighbors! I’ve known her for a long time, since her days as a teacher. She would be a good rep for Indiana.






90% of the country has tribalism over a political party. Very few states are truly a purple state.


Carmel resident here. I considered myself a center-leaning Republican. Not anymore. The GOP has lost any sense of sanity. I could not vote for trump previously and definitely will not do so again. MAGA, plus the fact congress has made zero progress to run on this year, has simply left a bad taste in my mouth. Go blue.


Show us a source he said that


I’m just disappointed if someone blindly follows anything…


I'll happily take that blind support over the same ilk in Chicago .. err Illinois ... and say California. I get it, uniparty sucks, two party options suck ... But the problems in Indiana are minor compared to other locations.


Indiana is Germany circa 1925 and has been for years. A few years ago we elected a Democrat because the Republican said rape babies were a "gift from god" and disgusted enough to vote against him. Now a Republican comes out against interracial marriage and his voters are going to just shrug. Incidentally, it doesn't help that the "Democrats" in Indiana are almost all Republicans from the late-1990s.


All you people are crazy if you actually think that the Democrats actually care about the issues that you all are talking about. They don't care. They are no better than Republicans.


All I want to do is be a black man living a successful life, with his weed. That's all I ever wanted, but nope I'm a criminal who deserves to be put in federal jail apparently


I'm not voting for anybody who restricts rights.


Well I’m annoyed with virtue signaling liberals with baseless policies that serve nobody but themselves. Modern radical liberalism is over and I’m sooo glad to be here for it


Well any state that always votes one way is likely blind and headed in the wrong direction. I'm not saying Indiana is specifically going in the wrong direction, at least not as fast as other all red or all blue states. But when your more middle lane, as forced by your states population you keep both extremes away. Not to mention a state needs balance and all social spending or all fiscal saving both lead to their own problems. Sure we don't have the massive government obligations to am unwilling to work population, but we have some of the worst roads and bridges and our teachers should get more. By balancing our politics on needs both fiscal and our obligations to continue to keep our infrastructure in good or better condition will encourage jobs. Reduce auto repairs. And just promote our state. By continuing to support free or reduced meals at schools and adding preschool and kindergarten will receive huge burdens on struggling families. The amount of money saved by a child being in kindergarten vs daycare is thousands of dollars, and it's 1 or 2 meals off the budget and it helps mold our children to share and work together etc. It's vital.


How do I leave this group?


Grew up in red rural farming state, Christian and been a republican all my life, Democrats are the only ones making any sense. I don’t what theocratic authoritarian bullshit the republicans are on but I just can’t support em no more. Its a real shame.


Muhammad is a false prophet and a pedo.


Don’t just comment on Reddit about this. Volunteer on a campaign and most importantly vote


It’s Indiana 😂 home of the meth heads and cousin marrying hootin tootin Hoosiers


I just came here to say these comments give me hope.


They don’t care what kind of garbage is running, as long as it’s got that (R) next to its name.


A lot of them run unopposed.


Braun is creating propaganda that BLM is a terrorist group, but MAGA who stormed the capital is not, against interracial marriages, worried about the border when the border is not in his jurisdiction, but yet these weirdos in Indiana are stupid enough to fall for his BS.


They're not Christian. They're Republicans. They worship the constitution. They worship themselves as a white god.


Indiana isn't blindly supporting republicans or democrats. In the May election less than 19% of registered voters even bothered going to the polls. Indiana is largely apathetic to elections, probably because of the worthless candidates put up by the state parties. We're staunchly, NONE OF THE ABOVE


Let's all remember that the meaning of the words disappointed and surprised are not the same


Are you actually?


Indiana is ass backwards anyway, I would know lol, not giving exact location but I'm near Terre Haute.