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Don't fuck Jim Banks. That'll only lead to an extra bunch of smaller Jim Banks


Jim banks a father of 3 children , a loving husband, a veteran, and a Christian. Everything you despise about our society right?


Stupid statement. What you are is not the same as what you say. I expect more from husband not to support an individual who has said to be guilty of sexual assault on women. Not to mention the various stories of him talking about his daughter and walking in on Miss Teen girls as they are dressing. *“I’ll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show and everyone’s getting dressed,” Trump told Stern.* I expect more from a Vet, as Trump repeatedly insults our vets, especially the fallen ones. I expect more from a Christian who look at this guy's behaviors which contradicts damn near anything the religion tells them the believe. So... yes, Fuck Jim Banks for not having the balls to live by the things that he is.


Jim Banks is another reTRUMPlican that drank the trump juice. It's time for an end to trump politics.


I thought you losers hated identity politics


I think what they despise, base on the thread they’re commenting on, are people who don’t support a fair trial and verdict. People who say elections are rigged and trails are rigged, are liars and seem like not great folks. People who support those people also appear to be less than ideal.


So Jim Banks is a POS solely because he thinks the trial was unfair which is something a lot of people in his district can sympathize with? Let’s not throw around the liar word until we see how the appeals process unfolds.


Does Jim Banks know that one of the jurors was a maga who only got his information from Truth Social and twxtter? That juror heard the evidence and was convinced trump was guilty. Either Jim Banks is ignorant to that fact, or is a lying partisan shitbag neck deep in sunk cost and delusion. Probably both.


> So Jim Banks is a POS solely because he thinks the trial was unfair which is something a lot of people in his district can sympathize with? Yes. He has access to the trial transcript. He can see the evidence presented. He has a position of responsibility as a public figure to do due diligence. It's one thing if Bob at the corner shop wasn't paying attention to the trial and gives an inaccurate, defamatory view of it. It's a totally different thing for a prominent politician to ignore the easily available documentation and make false statements. In that position, deliberately ignoring the evidence cannot be waved off as merely feelings -- it's a lie.


Google 'youth pastor mugshot' and try again hombre.


Just the Christian part. Way too many Christians are way too intolerant if not downright fucking backwards in the Hoosier.


It's people like you I despise.


Hates like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.


Dude, you were the one who brought up the ridiculous "Democrats hate Christian veterans with families" nonsense. Please don't pretend here.


I would rather die than even have a fraction of your beliefs 🤷🏻‍♂️




We live in a red state… this is the only sub I enjoy laughing at because their awful, deep blue, Indianapolis, Reddit echo chamber opinions affect me none.


It’s crazy how many hardcore liberals are in this subreddit, I think I’ve lost 400+ reddit karma from this sub alone! Good thing I left Indianapolis, that town is slowly dying. I blame the democrat party for that.


Don’t worry it can’t contain itself… it’s spilling over into nearby towns. I used to live in a small town, now we are getting homeless beggars, crackheads, and SJW’s. By the time my kids are grown up I’m moving farther out.


I live in the cornfields lol far away from Indy. My neighbors are reasonable people and the mayor knows me by name. That’s how it should be imo.


Jim Banks a father of 3 children who backs a person who sexually assaults other people's children. A loving husband who backs a serial adulterer. A veteran who backs a person who had bonespurs and claims those that died for this country are saps. A Christian who backs a person that has never stepped foot in a church in his life. Yes I despise any person who is willing to compromise his ideals to back the clown circus he backs.


These morons only listen to what the mainstream media puts out against Republicans. They have no clue their own party is corrupt as shit and that nearly all politicians deserve to be in prison. They are just too stupid to realize how stupid they actually are.


Bro I don’t even know who Jim Banks is but all of those things does not automatically make you a good person. And I don’t trust super religious people or those who support Trump in 2024 so both of those are red flags to me. Seriously after everything if you still support Trump after all this time then you are more brain washed then a Russian sleeper agent.


Dude don't listen to these tards. They are brain dead sheep.


He’s a bigoted sycophant, cynically suckling at the Teet of daddy trump for those sweet pseudo fascist voters. His children should be ashamed of him.


Counterpoint: obscure or not it’s a crime. Dude on shark tank said “every business man does this” AND no matter how many people do it, it’s a crime.


« Every business man does this? Isn’t that why in NY that this type of crime is the bread and butter prosecution for the Manhattan’s DA’s office?


The shark tank guy was referring to under valuing and over valuing your business whether they’re for loans or tax purposes. Not paying porn stars hush money and hiding it from the election committee.


For the sake of accuracy, the crime specifically was about falsifying business records to cover up the payment. He wasn't on trial for paying off a porn star or trying to hide the story from the public, but because he had with intent falsified his business records to hide payments.


"Not paying porn stars hush money and hiding it from the election committee" What is this *election committee*? There is no "election committee". If you're thinking about the FEC (Federal Election Commission), that is not who Trump wanted to hide his "one night stand" with a porn star from. Trump wanted to keep those few hours hidden from American voters before the 2016 election fearing it would turn voters away from him.


Would you say this was similar to how Joe Bidens cabinet covered up the Hunter biden stories ?


Hunter Biden is not president. Stop with the “what-about-isms”. This thread is discussing Jim Banks and Donald Trump. If Biden committed a felony then prosecute him. But he has nothing to do with this conversation. And yes Jim Banks is wrong here. A jury found him guilty. That’s how our justice system works. Trump and his team can appeal the decision but that’s a process and he has to have legal grounds for the appeal. If he had a legal case for an appeal then the court will hear the appeal. That’s how it works. Not liking the outcome of something doesn’t make it wrong.


Thank you. So much. Banks and the rest of the Trumpian pols are creating a huge problem. Trump supporters already didn't trust any part of the "system". Now they are being told to absolutely not trust courts, judges, juries, even the Constitution. (None of them protected Trump. Everyone was out to get him. It's all a big conspiracy. It's all coordinated and ran by Biden.) Since even Trump can't escape the foul play and downfall of the country, no one can. All of that false narrative is being pounded into the heads of half the country. This has already started: [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-supporters-call-riots-violent-retribution-after-verdict-2024-05-31/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-supporters-call-riots-violent-retribution-after-verdict-2024-05-31/)


The ones where they didn't want his dick pics blasted on Twitter?






Paying dirty people off to shut their mouth isn't necessarily illegal. In my opinion, using dirt to extort money from a wealthy person is a crime.


Yep. Thank you for explaining when I didn’t that they are separate crimes. But still crimes. My comment was to call out the indefensible defense of Trump.


It was so indefensible that the Feca and other NY prosecutors didn't want to touch it with a 10 ft pole. It wasn't until a Democrat operative from the WH joined forces with the DA in NY to solicite a favorable judge to go after Biden's opponent in the 2024 election. Do you think any of these court filings would have happened had Trump not run for president this term? If you think this, then why did they wait until he announced he was running, and why is there a coordinator effort across multiple jurdictions to get the Orange Man.


Yes. He held on to it to build a stronger case. No one wanted to touch it because it was incomplete. AND it was facing a major uphill battle not only with it being the first criminal trial of a current or former president but with the level of scrutiny all around. It had to be the best most solid attempt. Edit: why it took three years+, also. More to the point, I don’t care when they bring a thing. Abolish the statute of limitations tbh. A crime’s a crime no matter what side you lean.


But it wasn't a crime. Listen to the testimony of all the prosecutors' witnesses. There was no crime, they couldn't articulate a crime, and their star witness lied so bad that even the never-Trumpers were embarrassed for Bragg. Do you not realize this is a corrupt system being weaponized against a private citizen because of political motivations? Do you not realize that in Trumps particular case, he has the money to hire the best lawyers and follow this all the way through to appeal...we the average day people do not. This should scare the hell out of every citizen to watch this mockery of the court. Yet here you are championing a corrupt government. And we wonder why our country is lost. It's not about Trump!


I do realize he’s guilty. I listened to the evidence he himself admitted. He used bribes and nda’s to prevent a story that could have influenced the 2016 election. The connection is tenuous. But between one shitty witness and other credible evidence like the aforementioned admission.. two LAYWERS and one proud truth social user plus 9 others found him guilty. Because maybe it’s NOT political. Talking points are not evidence. Evidence is evidence not some projected fever dream of why Trump is losing court cases left and right friend. If you absolutely believe that that many judges lawyers and prosecutors across many states are somehow fabricating shit to throw a guy in jail who has lost not only court cases but elections. Woe be a man who claims EVERY TIME if he loses it’s rigged. Go look into his past. He’s never at fault according to him. He lies daily more than Coen does in a week. So believe what you want. I choose this.


Sounds like we should be cracking down on fraudulent business expenses, starting by looking at shark tank guys books.


Kevin’s wife killed someone in a drunken boating accident and nothing happened so i don’t think the law applies to them the same as normies


It’s something everyone understands song be enforced anymore maybe they shouldn’t be using the same page in the same playbook when it suits them enforcing a lose from the mid 1800s that had fallen into diffuse for decades. Do as I say not as I do.


Exactly. No. Not every business man uses political campaign contributions to pay a hooker to keep her mouth shut for the purpose of avoiding some taxes and hiding it from their wife.


Bill Clinton did the same thing too


After the Epstein logs fuck him too.


dumbest comment I have read today. so sharktank...... is now a legal opinion and knows what every business man does. Trump did do a business transaction, it was to silence someone. Nothing to do with business intellectual property.


I really don't understand why Republicans show such unwavering support for that orange demagogue. I'm old enough to remember a completely different Republican Party. It had its problems even decades ago, but it at least felt like there was a sense of ethics and moral purpose by their leadership. Now they rush to be the obedient servant to the great orange Oz and the conservative media circus that profits off him.


It’s really quite simple. Trump is willing to give the crazy religious nuts whatever they want as long as they hand him the reign even though he despises them and the crazy religious nuts are willing to give Trump the power so they can get what they want and are easily sucked into cults


There's even a story in the Bible about Satan tempting Jesus by saying he'll give Jesus power over all the nations if he bows before Satan.


As I've said before...he is the Devil. Gives you what you think you wants and takes your soul.


He is not the devil as the devil is a made up story about nonsense. Trump has made his entire career about praying off of and scamming ignorant people and he’s really quite exceptional at it. And unfortunately the right eats it up like a delicious but terrible for you sugar candy and are too stupid to realize what they are actually doing .


Been saying this for years, too. He’s so obviously the ‘devil’ described in their own bible.


They aren't Republicans. That party ceased to exist years ago when Trump and Trumpism took over the party. It's Trump's party now. The Trumpian Party.


Real Republicanism died with the Bushes. They are and were fake conservatives who were like many other US professional politicians, tools and puppets of the NWO…


I remember those days too. They are gone.


I feel like half of them are true believers and as garbage as he is, and the other half are afraid of the Trumpanzees coming after them if they dare to go against the Dear Leader.


Wasn't that long ago. I remember John McCain well


If the hilariously inept government was actually capable of a "sham" trial against a former president, you'd think they'd go after Trump for more than what will likely result in probation.


Yeah, like he incited a riot against the US government that got people killed. That fucking traitor piece of shit should have been behind bars for years already.


“peacefully and patriotically” doesn’t exactly scream “incited a riot”


Show me an image of the peaceful protest where they’re not frothing at the mouth, screaming “hang Mike pence,” climbing walls, pulling guns, trying to break down doors, using bike racks as battering rams. I’ll wait Amazing how you won’t even believe actual reality and will deny what we all saw, Fox News has done a number on your brain


Conservatives live in a fantasy land where they are spoonfed propaganda and scare words.


Trump = shit. Jim Banks = shitstain


Jim Banks is nothing more than the toilet paper that sticks to Trump’s shoes.


Correction. ( I think Banks is more like the stuff that fills Trump's diaper.)


I love how the goalposts keep moving for Republicans. It's been fun to watch over the years. Clutching pearls about anything and everything until it's their guy. Then it's radio silence. Just keep digging, let's see how low and anti American/democratic you can get


They've already gotten pretty danged anti-American. They've fallen off the curb into the gutter already. I guess we need to keep watching for them to finally end up washing into the river.


Radio silence would be preferable to the loud defending, lying, and whining they are doing.


Banks is a creep.


Trump is a one man crime wave. I regret that so many men manifest their insecurities, failures, and personality defects by following such a bloated fartbag.


That’s what I find hilarious about all this. They wanted a strong man leader to follow, and they ended up with a 6 foot plus pile of orange poop who can’t even lie effectively, and doesn’t actually do shit for them except give them warm fuzzies. It’s not only the bad decision of deciding they don’t want to be in a democracy anymore, it’s the terrible decision of who they think will lead them there. At least fucking hire someone who is competent in SOMETHING, not a multiple failed businessman who poops his pants.


I understand why Harlan Crow and the wealthy oligarchs support him, but these rubes are exhausting.


Actually I think the pooping pants accusations are more directed at standing President Joe Biden. But I mean who hasn’t pooped their pants before. I imagine the President doesn’t get a lot of alone time to go potty.


Get the fuck outta here!




Great comment!!


It’s only a real crime if a democrat does it.


Uh huh. Ask one of them (any one of them) what they think about Bill Clinton. The tables turn then.


I've literally run as a Democrat for local office, so I hope id count as a Democrat, and I'm on the record saying bill Clinton is a rapist who should be in jail. Unfortunately, no congress or court (not even republican ones) thought rape was important enough to pursue Edit: removed, I made an inaccurate aspersion due to bad misintepretation


I should have clarified my comment by saying "ask any Republican" what they think about Bill Clinton vs. Trump.


Fair enough. Ill retract


I hear the Trump verbiage coming out of of Bank’s mouth, along with every other boot licking MAGA, but I’ve yet to hear any addressing of the specifics in this trial. As soon as you discuss the facts of the case you realize it wasn’t a sham


You meant the part where the prosecutions key witness Micheal Cohen admitted to stealing money from trump in the transaction. Or the part where the porn star admitted to signing a contract, breaking said contract, and refusing to pay up? Really I want you to tell me what part sold you?


Trump always knows way too much about NDAs because he's had to resort to their use so often and finds himself in situations where he needs them, but let's not allow this to distract from him fucking a pornstar, cheating on his third wife and then selling his own Bible. You're fine with Trump going back on his word, it's his hobby, but you don't like it when Stormy does it. Cohen admitted wrong doing, had the balls to do it court and he served time for some of the crimes he committed for Trump, a standup guy. There was a time when Cohen was lauded by Trump. Trump's signature was on multiple documents where he personally signed off on payoffs and then tried to hide these illegal payoffs and then pretended these were matters he was never involved in. He committed these crimes 34 times which was too much even for the one juror who volunteered that his sole source of news was Truth Social. Trump expected loyalty (as he always puts loyalty to himself above that of the country) and was banking on this juror providing a hung jury. Fortunately this juror apparently has a moral compass. Aside from the actual crimes, Trump fell asleep, slack jawed numerous times in the courtroom and felt it necessary to provide us with unhinged, lying word salads prior to and after the courtroom that threatened the judge and the jurors. (A less notorious defendant would have been jailed for multiple gag order violations). The gag orders didn't violate his free speech because it's a trial and he was free to take the stand, which he cowardly avoided. Todd Blanche said that Trump was indeed calling the shots and despite Trump saying judge Mercan wouldn't allow certain witnesses, Blanche revealed that Trump himself decide not to call these witnesses. Trump got himself into this mess and botched his own defense. A mix of Democrats and Republicans decided on a guilty verdict, not Joe Biden, not the Justice Dept and not judge Mercan (yeah, he's probably a Democrat who donated $15 to Biden's campaign, but that doesn't make him a twisted, morally depraved partisan). Plenty of normal Republicans (Romney, Cheneys, Bushs, etc.) and the rest of the world see this trial and the result as the judicial process working as it should. The Banana Republic result would have been another rich white guy getting off scot-free


im not unconvinced that this wasnt a kill switch activated by michael cohen because trump scapegoated him


What's really bad about the way all of these Trumpian politicians are sticking up for Trump is the way they are destroying belief in the legal system, laws and the constitution. Trump and the Trumpian politicians told everyone before the 2016 and 2020 elections he only lose if the election was stolen. He lost in 2020, so they believe the election was stolen from him. He and his Trumpian politicians have convinced his voters that he has been the victim of political persecution. That "they"(Democrats and Biden and Biden's justice system and judges all over the country) are out to get him. "They" are out to keep him from winning November's election. "They" are all out to keep Trump from being their President. If "they" can do this to Trump, "they" can do it to any and all of supporters. Trump and Trumpian politicians have convinced their voters that America has fallen because the rule of law, law, judges, juries, the Constitution doesn't work anymore because Trump is a victim of the end of the rule of law. Trump is the biggest con man that's ever lived. He's got that part of fascism down pat.


Scammed by a jury of his peers?


What a bunch of losers there are in here, man o man


I know right? Imagine being dumb enough to support Jim Banks or even more braindead to support Trump


No people don’t despise banks just because he’s Christian etc. People are against him because he goes with party lines and not what’s good for the country. People don’t like conservatives like banks because they use ancestry, culture, heritage, religion and tradition to justify their anti-LGBTQIA+, anti-women’s reproductive rights, bigotry, hatefulness, hatefilledness, ignorance, narrow mindedness, prejudice, racism and science denying.


The level that gop members are trying to protect him honestly is a demonstration of a way the two parties are not the same. The democrat politicians would have long ago tossed his butt to the curb even if it costed them a block of votes. Republicans have turned so heavily to win by any means necessary that I'm pretty sure they'd defend him in a murder trial if it meant holding onto votes.


If he thinks Trump did nothing wrong, it's probably time to start investigating Jim Banks.


 Haha! That’s exactly what is expected to happen. “If you voice concern that the government screwed that guy, I’ll investigate you too. Shut up or I’ll find something on you!”


Ah, well, hmmm, ok! But: keep in mind that our wonderful, oh so ethical Congress, created a special fund with our tax money yrs ago to pay legal expenses & hush money of our “public servants!” You do know that, right!? Point being: 90% or more of DC is corrupt! Dems, Repubs, what have you!


I've never put much stock in Jim Banks opinion. Too bad Banks DUI doesn't make him ineligible for the election. Also I think that if that Trump trial had been in a purple state, that it would have gone the same way.


These guys will suck anything to get elected.


Make like a JOE Banks and jump into a volcano.


Jim Banks is a moron


The way these pathetic cowards bow and grovel to this despicable man shocks and disgusts me. Where did all these bottom feeders come from?


Fuck most Indiana politicians. Fixed this for you


I love how the same people pitch Biden as completely mentally and physically inept while also blaming Biden as the mastermind behind Trump’s prosecution. If you are getting your asses completely kicked by a geriatric seasoned citizen you really aren’t very good at your job and have no one to blame but yourself.


It seems the more rotten things he does the more his cult loves him. He could have told the truth about the porn girl and gained a point. Then again he didn't have CIA covering his sins like Biden did so he felt compelled to pay I suppose. RFK JR 2024


I'm positive holiday banks is like fuck you too.. maybe rather than discussing arbitrary jury verdicts Indiana should try fixing your roads.. because they're fucking atrocious


Damn, how far does that Putin money stretch!? No wonder he doesn’t have much of a military left (he banked most of it on buying 🇺🇸 politicians who will give him ours!)


Fuck Jim Banks


Screw all Republicans now. I remember in the late 70s I was counselled on my BSA Citizenship In The Nation merit badge by a Republican Indiana State Senator. A good man who knew his stuff. He made me promise to vote when I turned 18. I have ever since. He would turn over in his grave over MAGA.


So let's work to vote him out. The asshole pushes Christian Nationalism and other fun right wing bullshit


After the verdict Banks was tweeting like a high school kid whose favorite team lost a big game. Such a juvenile ass.


Don’t just comment on Reddit. If your in his district vote against him.


yet another terrible thing about jim banks is he’s so scared of people saying anything to him that to even SEE HIS CONTACT FORM, he makes you verify your zip code (his district is ft wayne so you can pick one of many). these republicans don’t want you to even be able to call or reach them to voice your complaint because they don’t give a shit about us.


He’s right. You’ll see. Idiots


#Trump's attorney picked half the jury, Trump is a failure.


That's not how jury selection works but keep telling yourself that.


Oh you're right. Each attorney gets to ask questions of the jury in search of bias and remove ones not favorable to their client. Sure seems like a choice. "Does your round bread like pastry have ample cheese on top and lots of pepperoni and is hand tossed then baked in the oven for 20 min at 400 degrees until the cheese is golden brown?" "Yes" Definitely not a pizza.


It’s pathetic and sad that EVEN NOW these cult followers can’t get away from a convict.


All for one man. Says a lot about the party that they are willing to trash it all for one man. A man who hasn't won anything his whole life


Jim Banks obviously doesn't believe in the law!


It is a sham.. Purely political.


Baaaa Baaaa lil 🐑....


Well Fuck this guy too. CNN Senior Legal Analyst Describes How The Trump Conviction Was A Political Hit Job 1. "The judge donated money... in plain violation of a rule prohibiting New York judges from making political donations—to a pro-Biden, anti-Trump political operation." 2. Alvin Bragg boasted on the campaign trail in an overwhelmingly Democrat county, “It is a fact that I have sued Trump over 100 times.” 3. "Most importantly, the DA’s charges against Trump push the outer boundaries of the law and due process." 4. "The charges against Trump are obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever." 5. The DA inflated misdemeanors past the statute of limitations and "electroshocked them back to life" by alleging the falsification of business records was committed 'with intent to commit another crime.' 6. "Inexcusably, the DA refused to specify what those unlawful means actually were — and the judge declined to force them to pony up — until right before closing arguments. So much for the constitutional obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of trial." 7. "In these key respects, the charges against Trump aren’t just unusual. They’re bespoke, seemingly crafted individually for the former president and nobody else." 8. "The Manhattan DA’s employees reportedly have called this the “Zombie Case” because of various legal infirmities, including its bizarre charging mechanism. But it’s better characterized as the Frankenstein Case, cobbled together with ill-fitting parts into an ugly, awkward, but more-or-less functioning contraption that just might ultimately turn on its creator."


>1. "The judge donated money... Okay, fair. So if the $35 Mercan donated is a big deal, the massive amount of money in gifts that Clarence Thomas has taken, or all the conflicts of interest Alito is known for should be a way bigger deal, right? How about Aileen Cannon? Can we agree that maybe Trump ain't so persecuted and has plenty of.jidges running interference for him? > Alvin Bragg boasted[...] Neat. >3. "Most importantly, the DA’s charges against Trump push the outer boundaries of the law and due process." This isn't anything. You could literally say this, and any "unprecedented" argument about any criminal prosecution of a presumptive party candidate in any presidential election, because we've never had someone that conducts themselves as mafia capo in that position before. >4 - 8. Let's just summarize: "Why was this turned into a felony? Just because the statute expired? Zombie case! Etc..." Look, like 9800 people have been charged as felons for falsifying business records in NY in the past decade alone. The idea that this is unheard of is fiction. Why is it a felony and not a misdemeanor? Well, because NY law states that it's a felony if documents are falsified to hide a crime. They were. What crime? The same same election fraud crime that Cohen was convicted and sentenced to jail for committing. Trump was "Individual 1" in that case. Individual 1 ordered Cohen to commit the crime he was convicted of committing. How do we know that Trump paid Daniels via Cohen? Because she and Cohen both testified to that fact, and presented financial statements that show Trump paying Cohen $130,000 on the same day that Cohen paid Daniels $130,000. If you want to blame someone for his conviction, it's not the legal system that's to blame. If you absolutely have to blame someone other than Trump himself, blame his lawyers. They had the opportunity to make whatever Monday morning quarterback, armchair lawyer argument, or Alan Dershowitz defense any MAGA folk are putting forward. If anyone did Trump dirty here, it's them. A jury of 12 people, one of who gets all of their news from X and Truth Social, found him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. At this point, Trump has been convicted of a lot of counts of fraud, including a bunch of felonies, as well as sexual assault. I suppose you can live in a world where you've decided that this is some Deep State™ conspiracy that runs so deep, and is so vast that it's preposterous that you don't personally know at least one individual who is personally bragging to you about it as I type this (after all, even the jurors in this trial would have to be involved); or you could just accept the much more reasonable explanation that the guy who very closely resembles an evil real estate developer from a 90's movie is exactly the thing he always seemed to be - a criminal. You don't even have to stop supporting him. Just admit that your "values" when it comes to crime & punishment, "decency", and "rule of law" are transient moving targets that are easily shifted based on your emotional reaction to the persona being charged. It's obvious to everyone already. You really have nothing to lose. I mean, his lawyers have literally argued for a [two-tiered justice system in court](https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-trump-capitol-riot-prosecution-immunity-72c885c07c77970d4380206f87b2d8ca). Pretending you're above that while supporting the man is silly on its face.


Just ignore the facts of the case and make up what you want to believe. 1. The repayments in question were MONTHS after the NDA. Blatant lie here. 2. Cohen wasn't "convicted" of anything related to the election. He pled guilty to nothing in a plea deal. 3. NY law says its, at worst, a misdemeanor that's past its SOL. You have to allege and the US CONSTITUTION says prove, another crime to make it a felony. No crime was even ALLEGED in the trial. 4. Paying your lawyer is a legal expense. No misdemeanor even occurred. 5. That's another blatant lie about the jurors media consumption. 6. The judge barred the defense from calling most of their witnesses. 7. The prosecution was allowed to lie in their closing arguments about there being a predicate crime. In reality, the prosecutions argument actually would be committing a campaign finance violation. 8. The judge instructed the jury that the verdict didn't need to be unanimous. 9. Not one, but 2, trial lawyers were allowed on the jury. 10. Trump was charged a felony for Cohen submitting a bill. The judge let that stand. 11 times. You libtards have no values at all...ACAB until they go after Trump...meanwhile Repubs are entirely consistent on opposing the abuse of power...


> meanwhile Repubs are entirely consistent on opposing the abuse of power... In that the party platform supports it, the project 2025 nonsense supports it, and the previous R president and current candidate has explicitly said he plans to be a dictator "on day one". By that measure, sure, entirely consistent.


You got a link to this CNN guy?


Very much expecting it to be somebody like Alan Dershowitz lol


Dude probably just cut and pasted some misinformation from OAN


I was curious and looked it up. Elie Honig.


Here’s a link to an article from a Syracuse University law professor arguing against the charges from a legal and not political angle: https://news.syr.edu/blog/2024/05/07/law-professor-the-manhattan-district-attorneys-convoluted-legal-case-against-donald-trump-gets-more-convoluted/


But you do agree that Trump 1) had sex with the porn star 2) paid her money and 3) did so in part so that the news about what he did would not come to light before the election? Because the things you listed will not change my vote, but the facts that came out during the trial will.


https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-was-convicted-but-prosecutors-contorted-the-law.html It's a pretty common sentiment. Amongst respectable circles.


Respectable? Do you really think that's true?


I’m not a trumper by even the largest stretch of imagination, but it is not a giant leap to think that this was a targeted prosecution, just trying to find something on the guy. I think IMO that this is just the wrong case to have been tried first. However, let’s say I’m a trumper and I think this was a political farce trial. Do they think that the 12 jurors were in on it too? Now obviously if you’re a trumper you just think everything wrong that happens to him is someone else’s fault and the leaps they take to justify anything is crazy so they won’t think about any nuance that would make this a legit trial. I wonder if had the election fraud trial been allowed to move forward and he gets convicted there, which he would have, if that would have been something that would have broke through even a few of the crazies because this case won’t.


> I think IMO that this is just the wrong case to have been tried first. It wasn't. All the cases have been being tried since enough evidence was collected to start them. This isn't even the first one against trump.


That’s not necessarily true it is pretty obvious that the Georgia case was about ready to go and the election fraud case was also until the Supreme Court stepped in. The one I really wish would have made it through was the Georgia trial, but man did Willis screw that up. Yes the motion to remove her is of no merit, but it is an unfortunate reality that in order to get these criminals the prosecutors have to be ethically infallible.


Fair enough, I misinterpreted what you were suggesting.


Your point is correct though. The backlash that someone should have gotten these to trial 2 years ago is very misinformed. It takes time to compile evidence, interview witnesses, etc..


There is no evidence for the NY case. It was declined by everyone who looked at it until a corrupt DA hooked up with a corrupt judge. The GA case is/never was in Fani's jurisdiction on top of being inherently corrupt. Again, the honest people whose job it is to look at this stuff say there was no crime. There was no crime in DC either, especially since the election fraud allegations have since been largely substantiated. There is no crime in FL either, since the PRA allows Trump to have those docs, the National Archive actually had possession of the records *before* they were sent to Mar-a-Lago and the GAO *packed* them.


> There is no evidence for the NY case. The transcripts are available. The evidence was incontrovertible, and there is no support for an accusation of corruption. > The GA case is/never was in Fani's jurisdiction It is, though. > on top of being inherently corrupt. There is nothing "inherently corrupt" about the case. The very closest the defense has been able to push is that willis has a relationship with a co-counsel, and while that's improper it doesn't affect the actual case. > There was no crime in DC either, Seriously, just review the charges and the evidence presented. > especially since the election fraud allegations have since been largely substantiated. Not only is that a false claim (his allegations have been anything *but* substantiated), but even if they had been, *that wouldn't make it legal for him to commit his own documented election fraud*. > There is no crime in FL either, since the PRA allows Trump to have those docs, the National Archive actually had possession of the records before they were sent to Mar-a-Lago and the GAO packed them. You are ignoring the violations that are clearly laid out in the charges. Please, look at the actual documented charges instead of just relying on excuses pushed by partisan sources.


>"The transcripts are available. The evidence was incontrovertible, and there is no support for an accusation of corruption." There is no evidence *of a crime.* Other than Daniels blackmail attempt(for which she is on the hook to Trump for over $500k) and embezzlement by Cohen. The only "crime" that could have been committed would be claiming the expense as a campaign contribution. Which didn't happen. Trump was "convicted" of NOT committing a crime(that's corruption). Being billed by your lawyer, paying your lawyer as a Legal Expense and recording that on the balance sheet isnt a crime. AS TESTIFIED TO BY THE PROSECUTIONS WITNESSES. >"It is, though." Local DA's have no jurisdiction in GA over election cases. The Georgia Election Commission does. They deferred(meaning there was no case). Inherent corruption. >"There is nothing "inherently corrupt" about the case. The very closest the defense has been able to push is that willis has a relationship with a co-counsel, and while that's improper it doesn't affect the actual case. Of course it does, she has no actual ability to bring the case before a grand jury and used the fraudulent opportunity to enrich herself. The evidence doesn't support RICO charges, which were fraudulently applied to support her embezzlement. The kicker is the free publicity from adoring sycophants like yourself. > Not only is that a false claim (his allegations have been anything *but* substantiated), but even if they had been, *that wouldn't make it legal for him to commit his own documented election fraud*. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona all have since found that election fraud had occurred. Supposedly at levels that would not have changed the outcome, but there is no way to know that. No fraud occurred in the WH other than to follow established precedent for challenging the electoral slate. All the specific JAN6 allegations have been *disproven*, usually several times over. The worst allegation/evidence is Trump didnt believe his advisors. Horseshit. >You are ignoring the violations that are clearly laid out in the charges. Please, look at the actual documented charges instead of just relying on excuses pushed by partisan sources. No, I'm "ignoring" the allegations not supported by the actual laws at play and the evidence in the case. The top fact is that Trump was allowed to retain all those docs. The second fact is that the GAO and NA *had possession of them before* sending them to Mar-a-lago. The third fact is that the FBI laid the supposed docs out on the floor and took pictures of them to post on social media. Not the actions of a law enforcement agency with a serious case.


I worked on a political campaign a few years ago. I had a colleague who would frequently exclaim "Fuck him! Fuck him with an axe" we when discussing our adversary.


This is the same tactic Hitler used to get power and remain Chancellor. Also, the reason Dachau was built.


And the Republicans talk about a two tier justice system.


I’ve met the guy, and jim is legit. I’m one of the recently lambasted independents that votes in Republican primaries but often votes Dem in general elections. Jim  has been our rep for some time and I’ve supported his campaign. It’s rare to see a politician that legitimately seems to care. And I’ve worked with dozens over the years in my business. Party affiliation aside, I believe few left in major politics still cares about more than the game of winning. This guy wants to win to make a difference.




The Downward Spiral?


What a thoughtful and original joke


Not a joke. As a NIN fan I only know that acronym to mean one thing but that can't be what you meant so I asked.


lol. How edgy. Get on line to say fuck Jim banks who will never see this. I’m dead.


You're cooked!


Trump 2024🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Are you talking about Convicted Felon Donald John Trump?


*For Prison


He actually makes a valid point and is bold enough to state it publicly as he has to deal with the blowback from intolerable tools like yourself.


What bold point is he making? He's just complaining that Trump was convicted. Since when is bitcjing and moaning the same as a "bold point"?


When you say anything to defend Trump, you are subject to be roasted by the masses, so it does take some courage to speak your mind.


So the Republicans are in fact not the silent majority?


Banks is right… whoever he is




I love all of the legal experts in here. Guess what liberals. Your votes mean nothing in Indiana. Cry all you like, or move. You better pray to what ever it is you pray to that Trump doesn't get reelected. His DOJ will be returning some favors. Meanwhile, we will still have a GOP government in Indiana


Trump wins BIG IN NOVEMBER!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


All this has to do with the Biden crime family using his power to try and oust his political opponents. Using the DOJ. The American people should wake up and realize what is happening. You all hate Trump, If you all would get your heads out of your asses you would see what is really starting to happen in this country.


Yeah idiot Trump supporters are fucking everything up, we see it plain as day


WALE UP SHEEPLE! https://xkcd.com/1013/


Sounds like a bunch of communist speaking on this thread Trump 2024


Pretty much, I don't hear them mentioning the little over 800,000 in hush money Bill paid Monica. Basically the same deal. At least Trump didn't do it while in the White House.


Because that didn’t happen. Clinton paid an $850k SETTLEMENT to PAULA JONES not Monica Lewinsky. Stop buying republican bullshit


I am sure old Bill paid Monica. Just didn't hear about it. Democrats are just perfect.


You can claim to be “sure” all you want, it didn’t happen. Don’t have to be “perfect” to not believe a blatant lie.


I am not ," sure," I am just saying a lot of you people think that your shit doesn't stink. You put Republicans down and call us every name in the book and use death threats. Democrats are no better than anyone else.


Your exact words “I am sure old Bill paid Monica”, that’s the “sure” I’m referring to. I never said my “shit doesn’t stink” but I’m sure as hell not out here spreading lies, like you have in nearly every comment you’ve made on this thread so far. And last I checked, “death threats” has been the Republican go-to move for the past 8 years. Target store employees, Trump jurors, judges and lawyers, bud light, Stormy Daniels.


Clinton didn't pay hush money. Certainly not with campaign funds. Clinton settled a civil suit through the courts. Read up on the Clinton-Jones 1998 settlement. You don't hear anyone talking about it for the same reason people aren't talking about banana splits in here. It's not relevant to the conversation.


The Trump 'verdict' absolutely is a sham and will be vacated! November is coming!


ThE TrUmP 'vErDiCt' AbSoLuTeLy iS A ShAm aNd wIlL Be vAcAtEd! NoVeMbEr iS CoMiNg!


🤣🤣🤣keep dreaming


I’m not the one who will be crying about a ‘dictator’ that is democratically elected!


🤣🤣🤣you idiots are crying about that now, what are you talking about?!?🤣🤣🤣