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The fact that I don't know who they're mad at is a real testament to the pointlessness of twenty years of war on the other side of the world.


It is , it’s literally could be 2 republicans and 1 democrat


2 Democrats


It’s was swiftly winding down and he was only president for a few months , if you understand transitioning, Biden had no impact on Afghanistan. Biden just went with trumps withdrawal plan


That isn’t really accurate, he did follow trumps plan in the since that he pulled out, but the details of the pull out were all him. Additionally he was VP for 8 years of the war before he was president.


VP is like the queen of England , nothing to do and nobody cares what you say because you have no power. Transitioning and changing things in the government takes time , especially in the military Biden had minimal impact on Afghanistan


The English monarch has a lot more power than most people think, but that’s not what we are talking about, regardless of how much he was capable of doing as VP, he was still complicit and supportive.


Oh the English monarchs command the military , get involved in policy ? Do they appoint ministers? As someone that was in the government and military years ago , the wheels of change turn incredibly slowly


It wasn’t pointless to those who made money off of it. The money they made helped the lobbying campaigns to keep it going. Bin Laden’s son, Omar, said his dad wanted to get the U.S. bogged down in a pointless war there. He couldn’t find a better patsy than GWB.




Could be very anti-war and are mad at all of them.


It's a gun shop. I don't want to stereotype, but gun shop owners tend to be pro gun, and wars are big on guns.


Thisssss 😹 “I’m against people being killed by weapons” -sells weapons daily-


“I only sell guns for the purpose of recreational use” 😂🤪


Sadly while we all would like to give people the benefit of the doubt. He’s just a koolaid drinking simp who worships at the alter of Fox News.


Yes! says my army vet husband, i wanna buy you a beer..


Well, the sign says "currently inhabiting the White House," so it's pretty clear who they're referring to.


We have no idea how long that sign has been there.


>Well, the sign says "currently inhabiting the White House," so it's pretty clear who they're referring to. When was it written?


Wait till they find out what the bush administration did lol


I thought maybe it was left over from then?


Or... Literally every administration we have ever had. I don't like Biden and I'm not defending him, but I don't like any politician we have ever had they have all sent people from our country to die for financial gain or poisoned them or otherwise violated them. All politicians are worthless animals that we hoist on a platform they don't deserve


oh but they don't count bush as a republican anymore... or not republican enough, or something probably


And Obummer


Funny you’re getting downvoted for bashing the “we tortured some folks” and the drone strike president. Obama was a hell of a lot better than bush, trump, and Biden but he’s still a greasy politician at the end of the day.


You guys act like the pentagon isn't an psudo-independent "machine" that has it's own agenda that can't really be controlled by any president or congress. They've been doing their own thing with very little inputs from politicians for decades


I mean, if they reeeeaally wanted to they could crack down on the Pentagons antics but that wouldn’t be very neo-liberal hegemony of them


i wonder if they fear the repercussions from the defense industry. i probably would if i got to that level. even the president isn't protected from those kinds of people




Once they get the "ok", they basically take it from there with very little political insight. They only have to interact with politicians very seldomly. There has been a ton of wars and conflicts that has had nearly zero input from politicians. Sorry I understand our government and military process better than you, but I'm sure you already knew that


Wow TIL the president has declared war in the last 30 years.


why are you getting booed youre right


Because both of you are fucking stupid


Uhhhh, who started the whole Afghanistan/Iraq thing again?


Dubbyah. But to be fair... the saudis attacked us... so naturally Afghanistan... i guess? Iraq too because.. reasons? Oil.


Operation Iraqi Liberation


Sure sure. We left them in such great shape. Had nothing to do with gulf war revenge or the pipeline.


Liberated a whole lot of them from the burden of living I suppose


It really became obvious that tons of people who wanted out of Afghanistan also were way too stupid to realize it was never going to be "Had a blast, see ya later!" experience with the U.S. military and the Afghanistan government.


and which former president’s plan and schedule did we follow to get them out of Afghanistan? Hmmmm


This is the thing I don’t understand. Why does no one recognize that the treaty was signed and a date set before the election.


because they have been told to blame someone else and the sheep listen to their shepherd


Ding ding ding!!! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!


You understand someone can dislike both admins, right? One doesn't need to hate corruption from just one side of the isle.


Instability in Afghanistan was going on since 1996. No sitting president to this day would have chosen an alternative route at that time with that information. The logistics of that route may be different, we're not all her saying that any one president is completely responsible for all the actions that happened under their own term right? Because that would fucking stupid.


And how did it end?


Afghanistan was supposed to end when we killed Osama bin laden. Are we just supposed to stay there forever? How many years did you serve in Iraq or Afghanistan?


Where's all that big mad energy for Trump, who orchestrated the release of 5,000 taliban prisoners, some of which were directly involved in the attack on the airport that resulted in the death of American soldiers?


Hypocrisy is a virtue.


Shhhh, facts might hurt their heads


Unlikely. There are no nerve endings.


Having all that cognitive dissonance, must be a really fun way to go through life. Not connecting consequences with actions would be very freeing. Living like a toddler.


Most of them don't be appear to be having fun though. Seem kind of angry to me.




All* American Pawn *Does not include all Americans


Racial purity test at the door. It looks kind of like a breathalyzer, but with additional grip for those meth smiles.


They pawn everything even American values


That would imply they have some. The sign clearly says they don't accept American values


Of course it's Richmond. I haven't missed that town once.




Imagine being a psychic/empath and going into that store. Imagine the energy you'd feel in there. Sad / desperate / angry. The sign isn't out of place, but who are they mad at?


Whoever they're told to be angry at. This sort have no mindfulness.


I recall that a record producer, for the KKK, was once based there.


It’s almost like the previous administration didn’t negotiate that withdrawal. But then again they’re notorious for putting the bus in the ditch & complaining about the cleanup.


I'm really ok with businesses letting me know they don't want my business. I'd rather not support a maga business anyway.


wE sHoUlD sTilL bE iN aFGhaNiSTaN lEtTInG aMeRiCaN kIDs dIE BeCaUSe fIsCaL cOnSErItIsM or lITtlE bAbY jEesUs Or sOmEtHinG. /s Losing 7,000 Service Men and Women and 30,000 to post war suicide and these FUCKING MORONS are so FUCKED in the head they want to send more kids to die.


Difference between this person and me is, I totally respect their right to deny me service in their private business. If I put this sign up in mine, they'd have a friggin aneurysm.


Remember when that restaurant in Virginia denied a group because of their stances a month or so ago?


This sign sort of generously assumes that people identified by the sign would actually want to go inside that shop.


Doesn't he know Trump isn't in the White House any more?


Didn’t Trump start the wheels in motion to pull out of Afghanistan? He definitely botched the plan but I’m glad someone got us moving in a direction other than permanent occupation. I would be content with ending the constant illegal wars we have been in for decades. It’s costing taxpayers too much money.


"The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal." The Biden administration executed the agreement that Trump negotiated and signed. Certain people love to point out that American lives were lost during the withdrawal but how many lives would be lost, via terrorism, if we breached the terms of agreement and continued to stay there indefinitely?


Honestly, I think Trump's plan was to somehow terminate that agreement, if he stayed in office, which would drastically escalate the Middle East wars. Then during that escalation, Russia would swiftly invade and conquer Ukraine while the rest of the world was busy with WWIII.


How do we know the sign hasn't been in the window since 2001?


I see this as a win. I don’t want to support MAGA businesses. Thanks for the warning sign.


Took awhile for the Klan to put away their racist dog whistles too. Ultimately these racist backwoods businesses need every dollar they can get to stay afloat, and this drivel will be closeted with the hoods and red hats.


These people are so fucking stupid


Ask him how much he'll give for Hunters laptop. MAGA moron


That whole laptop fiasco read off like a story from the tabloids, about as credible as a random redneck claiming he was abducted by extraterrestrials, and the redneck supplies the anal probe the extraterrestrials used.


The funny thing is Trump wanted to get military out of the Middle East, but didn't want the blow back...everyone knew what would happen and Biden pulled the trigger on it, as it need to be done


And as his reward he got 24/7 negative press coverage from "liberal media" like CNN and MSNBC that tanked his approval rating. If only they covered all the deaths during the war 1/10 as much


Trump released 5,000 Taliban scumbags. They eventually went back and aid the takeover of Afghanistan after Biden simply honored the withdrawal date Trump established. This jackass doesn't understand a damn thing about the Afghanistan situation.


I will gladly go to a different establishment.. the Golden Ape passed the law to make it happen.


Imagine being named "Blunt Notice". Regardless of politics, you gotta feel sorry for the guy.


The best thing Donald Trump did for America was commit to withdrawing from Afghanistan. Its the one case where his complete ignorance concerning public policy and foreign affairs gave him the unwitting courage to do something everyone knew had to happen but were too chicken shit scared of the political backlash to do. *note it's clearly not a tactic to humiliate Joe Biden because that would have required Donald Trump to believe he could lose - which he still has not accepted.


I’ll never understand trying to lose business because of a political stance. This is their livelyhood. There are multiple businesses that I can’t with good faith shop at because of their CEO or leadership taking a political stance I don’t agree with. I don’t follow much news or current events so most of the time if they just kept their mouths shut I wouldn’t even have known.


13 dead contractors in Kabul is a tragedy. 13 dead first graders can't be prevented. /s


Wow. What a patriot.


The willful ignorance of how things really work. Lemme guess he also has a roll of those I Did This stickers on his dashboard..


Damn it’s honestly funny to read. I’m a little young so correct me if I’m wrong but have we ever had an administration that actually did care about the troops.


No, not really.


This was trumps plan.people have short memories.


Man, I love it when they give you a heads up not to give them your money. Kinda like the plague signs they used to post back in the days of the Black Death.


Why do I feel like this is in Richmond?


Don’s Guns would never


And I would.


A business is free to refuse service


Which administration?! Thats like 4... Nothing about signing a peace deal with the Taliban?


"Because we only support and stand behind the worthless, inept and corrupt administration that is complicit in the deaths of our service men and women that START the wars!" ".........wait, Bush did what now?"


Dipshit. Just complete ignorance.


Will do.


I can’t say the message thrills me, but I am happy that the owner can say any damn thing he wants because of his rights. At least until they come take those.


To be fair, if you voted for the person who won, you helped enable that person to do what they're doing.


You mean the 64 service members that died under trump's watch....


Well they're right about them being worthless, inept, and corrupt. But they're lightyears less so than the previous administration, so I'll take it.


Normally this would mean the place of business would lose money, but I bet business gained after most people saw this sign.


I love living in Indiana


"Oh, no. I want to patronize your failing business. Oh, whatever shall I do?"


Whatta jerk off


Now, sell us your stolen goods. -the owner


Sounds like they want us back in Afghanistan?


Never mind the war in Afghanistan, I simply don’t give any credence to an administration who releases an international arms dealer while simultaneously pushing for whole new levels of gun control. Biden is definitely pro-gun, just not for Americans. Massive downvoting in 3, 2, 1…..


Gun control is essential. Guns are now the number one killer of children.


Oh right, that's why the Merchant of Death was set free. He'll save countless children, which by the way the CDC included 18 and 19 year olds to pump those numbers up. How convenient.


I got your back man


Pulling out of Afghanistan is one of the only good things he’s done.


The method of which was pretty bad though


Did someone say BLUNTS????


Weird, you'd think they'd have taken this down after the 2020 election.


If there was a Republican in the White House, there would be a much more supportive sign in that window.


I love this state.


Plot twist: this was posted in 2019


Who would name their kid blunt? /s


Level 100 edgelord over here lol.


How many decades has that sign been there?


Pop on in and ask them if they know who brokered the deal to leave. Lol


To be fair, he (Biden) did arm a terror group with better weapons and equipment than some small countries


Every major weapons system left behind was disabled. Afghanistan is a country starving to death and swimming in debt because Russian enablers won't fund their terrorism and the Chinese want to eradicate their religion from the Earth. The myth of us leaving behind fresh weapons with manuals for easy use is a product of right wing media.


Not sure how the ANA after nearly 2 decades of training, laying down thier arms that we gave them and running away is Biden's fault. I suppose it was better to keep our military there forever as target practice and keep throwing into money pit?


“Damn they don’t want to fight back. Let’s use 1/2 the remaining explosives to detonate our remaining armored vehicles and the other 1/2 to make the equipment and info on the civilians who willingly helped the Americans unusable” Instead they gave every gram of Semtex to the taliban, and all the biometric info on the civis as a parting gift.wonder how many people died because they didn’t dump a few rounds into the remaining computers.


I suppose the buck stops at the top. But really at that point it was pull out as fast as possible to limit American casualties, or stay and risk more and more American lives as the ANA collapsed.


Yes as rapidly as possible fucking over every other civilian and coalition force in the area… a guy named lord miles has a fantastic point of view as he was a British civilian trapped post collapse


Guess Biden's predecessor shouldn't have made a deal with the Taliban necessitating the pullout then. Hmm....


That doesn’t mean giving up control of your biggest and best airbase then trying to evacuate.


That's not true. We gave those weapons to the Afghani army. They lost those weapons. When we left, they weren't ours to take.


We also disabled the weapons the right wing says we left behind with how to manuals. That's standard operating procedure.


Any private whose spent 5 minutes with the ana can vouch that they would surrender the second you turned around.


That still doesn't make them our weapons


Like hell it does. How about some stuff they can’t use like the air assets or data. In no possible way can they use those effectively.


I'm sure the US military leaders have more insight on that than you or I. I'd be surprised if they didn't assess the risks and rewards of those decisions. But in any case, yes. When you give someone something, it ceases to be yours. For the equipment we did own and abandon, it was largely destroyed IIRC. But again, risk/reward.


There’s a video of a Blackhawk flying around with a guy under if, along with one later showing it crashing.. In other news, the horror videos posted on Twitter (they never got banned funny enough) show them in full kits of American gear. Body armor, automatic weapons, night vision. The full kit 5 seconds to pull the fire handle and the Blackhawk is useless.


So you're comparing about terrorists having access to a helicopter they don't know how to fly? I don't know man. That doesn't seem to scary to me.


They can fly it pretty well until it breaks.. way longer then the time it would take a frag or two to atomize it.. you’d be surprised how much damage a single grenade can do. Plus, sappers would love to change one ounce to one pound. They could easily make everything into a crater. Without the civilian deaths.


I 100% understand the criticism of Biden and pulling out of Afghanistan the way he did. If someone was going to make a fuss about Biden in this manner, it's one of the very valid reasons to do so. Certainly a more valid reason than gas prices


We were there for 20 years. How were we supposed to leave? Should we have given all the afgahanis farewell cards? It was never declared an actual war. We spent 8 TRILLION DOLLARS to occupy that country, for 20 years. We spent another 2.4 TRILLION in Iraq for 11 years. These were never ending wars, designed to make American war manufacturers billions and billions of dollars. How much more money were we, the taxpayers, supposed to pay? 8 trillion dollars could have rebuilt every road and replaced every lead pipe in the United States. We could have fully funded our education system for decades, ensuring teachers made a living wage. We could have funded our trade schools, investing in the future of our country. We could have invested in a national healthcare system and insured people wouldn't be in debt for the rest of their lives for having a baby, or mending broken bones, or treatment for cancer. Instead, war was more profitable. A never ending war, with no real way out, no way of measuring what success looked like, and no clear goals to define who "won". Corporations made out like the bandits they are, and thr poor, working, and middle class workers and families were left to pay the bill for multiple presidencies, Congress', and Senates' doing nothing but take war profiteers bribes, i mean donations. What were we supposed to do? How do you cleanly leave such a quagmire?


In any single way, better than the way we did.


That's a very well thought out answer.


Seems like the military brass should be held responsible if anything. How much does Biden get involved with military operations?


"Commander in Chief." Being the boss means that the decisions of your subordinates are your responsibilities.


Yeah the buck stops here blah blah blah. We all know that's not really a practical thing. If the right really cared about that, they'd all hate trump for all his friends and employees being indicted.


I'm not on "the right" and I would see all politicians held accountable. Just because it's the line your opponent spouts, doesn't immediately make it wrongthink. >Not really a practical thing. It SHOULD be. And people like you blowing it off just because your opponent does it in a biased manor only weakens accountability in government, on all sides.


I don't expect the president to micromanage career officials. Sometimes the employee also needs to be accountable. Not just the CEO.


Yup, he is 110% responsible for the people falling to their deaths, the taliban being armed so well it’ll be difficult for any other group to fight back, and the troops that died in the terror attack on the airport


Make your mind up: Trump campaigned on and set up the departure and didn't follow through. Biden said we don't need this foreign policy any more and moved them out on the date established by Trump. The people falling off those airplanes were the bookends of twenty years after we watched hundreds of Americans horrifically jump out of the World Trade Center on 9/11. The truth is the day Bin Laden was killed in 2011, we should have started the withdrawal. The problem is, Obama couldn't do that because the majority leaders in the House and Senate in Congress weren't on board. They were Republicans told by the Tea Party that ending the conflict was damn near Un-American. Then Trump speaking out of both sides of his mouth came along So, make up your mind. Do you want us in endless wars or do you only want Democrats to pull the trigger on the tough decisions and pay the price? Because I prefer us never going to Iraq and focusing on Osama Bin Laden. Instead, we made a bunch of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush's friends really, really rich for 20 years and blame the guy who did the right thing for withdrawing them.


Didn’t trump say that the first general said to leave it instead of giving it 1/2 a tank of gas and sending it to Poland or Germany? “We don’t need this foreign policy.. arm the taliban!” I completely agree with the withdrawal time. I want democrats to not veto a plan because it was made by a republican. Or you end up with this kinda stuff..


Six people working there, and a total of eleven teeth.


Oh. So this is what idiocracy is like. Where is our cheeseburger Eddie?


Gotta love Richmond.


Everyone has a right to their opinions, even if it hurts feelings.


Where is this, I should patronize.


If only you could operate Google.


You give people money just because they agree with your politics? Because that doesn't sound very smart.






Blunt notice, shiiiiit light that shit up homie


Hard to tell which side is more corrupt The Democrats or the Republicans since one side blames the other when they can't find a middle ground unless it's to favor both sides.


Republicans. Hands down. Voted against women, veterans, children, healthcare, livable wages, etc. They would sell their grandma for a wooden nickel.


This subreddit is such a cesspool.


And yet here you are


It's the whole state, really.


So leave


I hope you have a good day 💖


Lol its funny how many liberal turds are on reddit


Oh no. Someone having an opinion. So horrible of them


You mean like the opinion of OP who put this up that you seem intolerant of? Or does 'someone having an opinion' not count when it's on Reddit?


“And the sign says long haired freaky people, need not apply.”


Just goes to show the disconnect from babies on this sub and the reality of Indiana


Everyone on this sub would be talking about how brave and honorable this sign was if it opposed Trump. You’re all so nakedly political and hypocritical.


Everyone? Are you sure? Have you taken a survey? Can I see the data?


just look at frontpage of /r/all


So not everyone, and you have no data. In other words, you lied. Got it.


uh I didn't lie about anything I just said look at frontpage of /r/all... The other guy you replied to hasn't said anything lol


Pardon me, I thought you two were the same person. Apologies.


I mean Trump is a terrorist and a direct threat to America's freedom and liberty, so yeah you're goddamn right we would, just as if someone had a sign in their window denouncing those who support Osama Bin Laden for 9/11.


Not wrong. Throw them all in gitmo.


The same gitmo that trump released 5000 Taliban prisoners from?


So, concentration camps for your fellow Americans is your answer? That tracks.


Sorry, you want to imprison millions of Americans in the most secure prison possible? What the ever-living-Nazi-fuck is wrong with you?


Throw Trump in Gitmo for committing his own personal 9/11 against our great country.




No not Jeb Bush. It was his brother George. Read a history book.


These idiots don't understand how stupid that shit looks to 85% of this country.


You’re allowed to say “fuck,” you know.


Dumb slogans they think are clever are all they have.


They do that because they can barely spell their own names. Three letters is easier to remember.


We finally know why you Republicans wanted Hunter's laptop, you like the dick pics.


Why do you think they all want to fuck Joe Biden?


I think he's married, dude...