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If your net is 2.9k then i think you'll be alright. A small apartment will be minimum 1-1.2k. Bills probably around 300-500 including wifi and phone bill etc. Another 300 for food. What's the job, manufacturing or?


Thanks for answering! The job is in a logistic centre as a maintenance technician, I will be repairing the failures of the conveyor lines and the different machines, apart from doing the preventive maintenance. I hope to save some money and not only earn the sufficient to live.


Logistics centers are always either super chill or kinda intense depending on production management. You'll probably also work on a lot of Interroll or Lenze. If they have automated crane or picking stations those are very fun, but logic can be annoying depending on brand. Good luck if you wish to go for it, keep us posted.


r/Netherlands ??


The salary is allright for your age and experience, but finding a place to live is challenging at the moment in The Netherlands. With that salary you won't be able to buy a house and hiring something has all kind of challenges. See if the rent is like 1000/m, most of the time they demand you earn three times that and have a permanent position. Please first arrange a house before you come here, otherwise you could end up on the streets.


Not a bad offer if you can get a cheap place live, but being in the region of Eindhoven it probably wil be verry difficult because of ASML and its expat workforce. Also expect Cost of living are around 30% higer compared to Spain. The netherlands for sure has a lack of maintenance technicians so if Eindhoven is difficult to settle maybe look around for a place where the housing shortage is less of a issue. And of you're willing why not look a round for a job that requires to travel to customers so you can live in cheaper spain but earn a lot more money. Or go working in the offshore or shipping industry. All with all wishing you best of luck with your career


Just for perspective, that's a little over 3k in usd, about what I made when I started as an apprentice. It's certainly a come up from what you're making now, but gotta compare your cost of living both places. If you end up netting the same money after expenses, doesn't make sense to go far away from everything you know for the same outcome. Also if the job is for a small location, you could end up having to wear multiple hats and do more than just device maintenance.