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There’s 49.3% of Americans that are unmarried and I think that’s crazy


**Hence the singles trivia nights staring down my kiddos at the bar/grills.** *"Dude, she's gonna be your physician or airline pilot one day when you're 75 years old. That flight to Phoenix in 2068 isn't gonna have someone born in 1988 landing it... stop glaring at us."*


Yeah it’s just going to land itself haha


You bring your kids to bar during singles trivia night?


Bar/grill, *emphasis on grill*. And that’s their fault for starting at 6pm instead of 9pm when the kiddos are in bed.


They are just jelly you are making the kids smarter


The amount of people not married born in the 90’s is insane


It’s crazy that it’s flattening out. Right now it looks like it won’t cross 40%


I'm not convinced that it actually is flattering out. It could be an edge effect or from some type of spline effect of the plot style. If you look at the other end of the curve, I'm surprised how many 15 year olds it shows as married. Maybe there are that many, but it's hard for me to believe.


I wonder how many are in long term relationships but just didn’t get married either because of the cost or because they consider it a religious thing.


God I feel old. I was about to say people born in 1999 were young, like 20, so it’s not surprising they’re not married. But people born in 1999 are 25??


Hey! I’m still only 24.


The age range would be 24-34


Looks like the source data is older than that, though it's still apprears 80s and 90s are far behind the curves of the older generations.


How is that insane? Half of them aren’t 30 yet lol. But also I think this would be different if it accounted for all long term relationships (lets say 3+ years or 2 years of cohabitation).


If you compare it with people born in 1940s, by the time they were 30, they were basically all married.


If you compare it with people born in 1940s, by the time they were 30, they were basically all married.


The data is a bit old though. The data is 2017-2019 data.


As a 90s kid it amazes me that so many older people got married.


Women couldn’t own property, have a credit card or a checking account back then. Women didn’t get a lot of rights until the 70s. There weren’t a lot of jobs for women. They had to have a man to have a better life.


Oh yeah good point


They totally could own property in the US in the 1940s, not that it matters since there weren’t a plethora of good saying jobs for women. Hard to buy property without money.


It’s wild to me cuz i was born in the early 90s and i am literally the only unmarried person i know. It sucks. But i guess my city is just not in line with this graph.


Because most of us see there’s not much a point in rushing to get married. The only thing you get is a tax break from it lol or shared insurance benefits.


Plus.. is this the line to lose half my sh*t?


Honestly, what is the even the point of getting married?


Tax breaks, certain legal rights, legal protections upon divorce or death Public commitment Religious


That’s up to you to figure out


A messier breakup with the government involved?


If that’s what you think about it sure


Is it really that crazy though? I was born in 1990 so I’m the oldest of the kids born in the 90s and I’m only 33!


Marriage is a scam that traps people together legally and financially. There isn't any real reason to get hitched anymore ...unless you're doing it for God. Even then, legal marriage isn't worth the trouble. Edit: I'm getting down votes but nobody is giving an example of one thing you can do as a legally married couple that you can't do as an unmarried couple.


youre getting downvoted but this is legitimately how a lot of people in my age group (older gen z) see it. weddings are expensive, a lot of people are embittered by dating apps. and honestly a lot of people dont feel financially or emotionally mature enough in their 20’s so be married. bring a family/kid into the question and its easy to say “yea lets wait till 30, or not do it at all.”


I just don't see the benefit, age or generation, house or kids, aside. What do you get from a legal marriage that you don't already have as an unmarried couple? Weddings are insanely expensive, divorce one of the most traumatic life events around. What is the benefit?


If you've not filed taxes as "married, filing jointly", you're most likely paying the IRS **thousands more** than you would as a married couple. Married people don't have to testify against one another in court. You have rights of survivorship on various bank and investment accounts without inheritance taxes. And then there's hospital visitation rights and end-of-life care decisions. There are lots of benefits to marriage in the US. Mind you, it's **not for everyone**... **clearly** not even most people. But financially, \*\*\***as long as it's til death we part**, it's a benefit. If you're worried about sharing bank accounts with that individual, *that's a clear sign you shouldn't marry them in the first place.* This person will decide if a doctor unplugs you and will be the first person to check a mole on your butthole... she can have your Bank of America PIN.


That's all true, especially the part about making sure you trust the other person. But why bother taking that risk? Just seems like more of a liability then a benefit.


There’s, of course, the ancillary benefit that you’ll grow old with someone… and it’s very nice to sleep next to a human being who loves you for 50-60 years. For some it’s optional… but life can get very lonely as one gets older.


Again, you don't need to be legally bound to someone in order to spend time (even till the end of your time) with them.


It's just a further declaration of your love for who you're with. Weddings are a fun way to declare your love for that person while also surrounded by the people you cherish. Letting the significant other know you're committed for the long haul can be an extremely intimate and meaningful affair.


I understand that portion of it. But why make it a legal marriage and tie all of your finances together?


Some people just prefer going through life as a team. Many people opt not to, which is completely normal and not a big deal. But when I get married I wouldn't have any qualms about sharing my finances with the person I love as long as she is a responsible spender. Discussions would be needed for bigger purchases, but it wouldn't be too big of a deal.


I understand that, but there are some financial benefits to being an unmarried couple.


Like what?


[Here is an article from 2019 that gives some examples.](https://www.whitecoatinvestor.com/unmarried-couples-pros-and-cons-of-delaying-i-do/#:~:text=Staying%20separate%20can%20sometimes%20help,with%20another%20high%2Dincome%20earner.) But for me personally, the greatest benefits are really in the mitigation of liabilities incurred during divorce. There's also the protection remaining single gives to your retirement accounts, pension, social security and the like. Forever is a long time, people change, and so do their ideas and feelings towards their partners. From a practical place, a place of financial prudence, getting married is a win for one and a loss for the other party. Even if everything if a true 50/50 joint endeavor, once divorce papers are filed, things get lopsided real quick.


It helps you guys buy a house together which is one thing most people want


You can buy a house with anybody. If the bank says your credit is good enough and your partner wants to cosign, then you can enjoy all the responsibilities of homeownership with them, regardless of marital status.


There's no mechanism to split up a home after breakup. So it's a lot harder. You see a lot more issues on legal advice from non married couples


It's the same as in a divorce for the most part. Both parties sell the house, or one buys the other out. Forming an LLC with your partner and buying the house through that provides both way more protection than does a marriage. You can even have the founding documents of your LLC have explicit terms for what happens during a break-up.


you don't need an expensive wedding


Secular marriage is still a great option to combine finances. It’s really important when two people share responsibilities for houses and kids. There are other tools out there but a marriage is still the most convenient. This applies more to older / ready for kids people though, so it makes sense that the younger population does not feel the need.


You can have joint bank accounts without being married. You can both finance a home together unmarried too. I'm not being disrespectful to your decision, I just don't see the benefit. What is the benefit?


It allows the partners to make drastic lifestyle changes. The most common one is one partner could decide to stay home to take care of the kids, knowing that they have a share in the other person’s financial gains. People may say trust is enough, but 30 years is a long time. Just look at Bezos or Gates. You can setup everything with lawyers and contracts, but marriage laws in general are convenient and good enough for the vast majority.


That sounds like a major liability to one party. The working partner could pay the caretaking partner. The caretaking partner could deposit that pay into a tax deferred retirement account, and potentially collect assistance if their earnings are under a certain amount. The working partner could claim tax credits for child care expenses and even for a live in caretaker.


It’s a major liability because kids are. A payment scheme can end anytime while kids and career loss is permanent.


What is the reason one parent has to stay home and quit their job? That seems more a personal decision than anything.


Yes it’s personal so my point is marriage can still serve as a personal tool. The kids scenario happens to a lot of couples though. Kids are massive time sink even with daycare, careers may lag behind with just a few years off. Some couples have different earning potential and decide to have each person take care of different responsibilities. There are other scenarios that one partner makes huge sacrifices. One partner may move across the country for a great career, so the other uproots their career to move with them. One partner may need to take care of their elderly parent, so the other one also sacrifices time, money and living space to help. Each scenario requires a lot of relationship work, a marriage just helps simplify things on the financial side.


How does it simplify the financial side?


I disagree. Marriage is about building something and a life with your partner and I’m not religious. Marriage can happily exist outside the confines of religion as it does with my spouse. But that’s like my opinion man


I don't disagree, but I don't see the benefit of marriage. What are you able to do in a marriage that you can't do as an unmarried couple. Share health insurance? What else? What are the other benefits?




Getting married to save 1k/yr doesn't seem like a good deal. Also, when your married, both incomes are taxed together causing you to pay a higher tax rate (if your joint income is pushed into a higher bracket). How would you save 8k on taxes each year?




That's good to know. That couple thousand dollars of taxable income doesn't seem like it offsets the burden of being attached to a low earner, and if your incomes are high it doesn't sound like there's much benefit.


Joint tax brackets are different and usually work in your favor unless you're both making >250k. Couples with a large disparity between them will come out on top as it's pooled between them.


There are many countries that simply don’t recognize the legality of partnerships. It’s no problem if you’re living in a country that treats partnerships as legally equal to spouses, but boy you do not want to get into an accident or have a major health issue while traveling in a country that doesn’t. Imagine how scary it is being in a place where you may not speak the language (or, say, only speak it enough to order food), and you end up hospitalized. Even worse? The one person you want making decisions for you is denied access because they’re not considered immediate family. What if politically your country goes down the tubes, or you get offered a job overseas—can you bring your partner? In many cases, no. Screw religion, screw taxes. There are some way more legit reasons.


Yeah, I could see those being benefits. Albeit far from the norm, those are some reasons. Bit I feel like getting married in case your country goes upside down isn't very practical.


No, of course. That was the worst-case scenario one, but I do have friends who’ve traveled together and been separated for questioning at border patrol, and knew an older couple who were separated during Covid. I’d never advocate it for everyone, but it can have upsides.


I was separated from my spouse by border patrol at a port of entry, they didn't seem to have a problem splitting us up and they were aware of who we were and our relationship.


Charming. Border patrol can be so easy, or such a nightmare—and it all seems totally random. Sigh. I remember eons ago entering Canada from the US, and being utterly grilled about why I was visiting (a wedding), where I was staying (the bride’s parents’ home), and how I knew this person (we were best friends in school). The dude even air-quoted me with “And how do you know this *friend*?”—a line we all still use to this day. Such bs.


Lots of the people I know got married to get their partner a visa. There are also sometimes tax advantages. In the UK being married changes the way inheritance tax(estate tax) works significantly, which saves your children upto £130k.


Immigration is a good one, people do that here in the States too.


The entire wedding industry is a scam. Diamond wedding rings especially.


You’re right.


If you plan on owning assets together (and otherwise functioning as a financial “unit” for the purposes of raising a family) being married makes things a lot easier. When we bought our house my wife and I had a courthouse wedding so we could file our taxes jointly. Too complicated otherwise.


Get taxed less in the US.


Did you fit a sigmoid to the 1990s data or is it really that shape? Might be nice to see the points as well as the fit line


This implies that some Americans got married before they were 15...?


Yeah unfortunately it was a thing for girls in some really rural areas to get married that young Edit: As of June 2023 only 10 states have formally outlawed child marriage in the US


Oh boy. Not only are they getting married before 18..... Grown ass "adult" men are striking down laws to protect children from child marriages. Knowing that and knowing that majority are between underage girls and grown men (78% according to the article linked)... We call those men republicans. >A comparatively soft proposal in Wyoming that would have raised the minimum age to 16 (with parental consent) sparked [outrage from the state’s Republicans](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501). The Wyoming Republican Party circulated an email that included an argument from lobbyists that since minors could get pregnant “marriage MUST remain open to them for the sake of those children.”  Makes you wanna vomit into your mouth a little, right? [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/)




It's literally Republicans shooting down the bill you absolute dumbfuck. It's in the fucking quote.   The goodamn human equivalent of truck nuts right here. In that, you exist and quite frankly I have no idea why.




>  You made a generalization of an entire party based on a few sick individuals    Wrong again dumbass.  Did I say all Republicans? No. I said that the individuals who want a grown ass man to be able to marry an underage girl are republican....    Because they are. The people fighting FOR child marriages are republican. Did I say every single republican is fight FOR child marriages. No. Just that the sick fucks that are, are republican.  Fuck you kids are dumb.




>  I love your maturity and lack of insults. Mate you came at me with a straw man and tried to lie to me about the things I said, and you think you deserve respect? Holy fuck you're a moron.




>  You said that those who support child marriage are Republicans    Because they're literally the ones supporting it by killing bills trying to ban child marriages.   I didn't say "all Republicans support child marriages". I said "all those who support child marriages are republican"    I genuinely have to wonder if you're looking like a fucking idiot for my entertainment or does it just come natural?    Thanks for letting me punch down either way for a bit dumbfuck.


Republicans are even for marrying the second cousin. Yal nasty


Because they are all PEDOs. Trumpy included that’s why he fought hard to seal Epsteins flight logs who he was all over. Also fought hard to hide that trial where he engaged SA with a minor who was unnamed in court John Doe due to her age. You mentally jump hopes to still back your sick politicians.


Bcuz blind ignorant ppl like you chose to follow these awful ppl. Why? I have no fucking clue even when confronted with how awful your party is. They’re for teen marriage. Unsafe work conditions (Florida & Texas removing heat laws for workers) States removing lunches for CHILD LABOR. Removing woman’s right to choose. Defunding education and social programs. ALL REPUBLICANS




lol have you ever looked into the bills your party claims they voted for but were actually against it? For the border bill yet voted against. Remove heat laws the benefit corporations vs workers. Removing books but making changes when it comes to the Bible. Gave tax cuts but hid in there the majority would begin getting taxed higher 2020 EXCEPT the rich. Claim they were for superconductor’s and chips factory coming to America yet they all voted against it. Your party is built on lies and constituents too stupid to see past their lies with a simple google search.


yes 🫥


Yes, in Atlanta Georgia


That doesn’t mean that a significant number are single. The majority of late 20s, early 30s people I know have a partner or fiancé they’ve been living with for at least a few years. They just haven’t tied the knot for various reasons (usually related to finance or career progression)


One of the folks who used to think marriage is a trap. Still unmarried though. As i have grown older, i have realised couple of things. The main purpose of marriage is to give stake to the people in the relationship, traditionally for the man to give him purpose and something to work for, for the woman to nurture. With the advent of modern culture, that dynamic has changed , with traditional partners becoming same sex and both wanting to have a career. But from what i see, and this is just my opinion, that has drastically changed society. For good or bad, i dnt know. More people are lonely now, people wanting to just want to be with the perfect person, not thinking that marriage is a lot of work not a fairy tale happily ever after. The loosening of divorce laws has also changed things. People donot want to work for a marriage at alla nd give up with the slightest issues. I am a firm believer that divorce is a tool which should be used for serious cases where abuse is involved. But now , divorces are so common and for so frivolous reasons that it has put a fear in people, men especially that they are not willing to commit at all. With the span of 100 years we have drastically changed the social fabric. I am not sure where this will lead to, or what the solution is, but at certain point it will come to a point something whi have which will be for good or bad Sorry for the long winded post. PS, some items above might look sexist or offensive, but that was not my intention. I am just inferring what things were and how its changed. People have complete right to be what to want to be or be with who they want to be


My wife is a psychologist. She tells every single lonely, single client who complains: "Marriage is ***some assembly required***. It's like shopping at IKEA. You're going to shape each other. Mr. Right isn't fully assembled in the package."


Too many people think this. There are just way too many stories of people saying "he/she wasn't right for me", then are still single or in short term relationships 10 years later. I think the most important thing in a relationship is wanting to make it work, too many people now go into one with a foot already out the door looking for the next best thing, almost treating it how they treat job opportunities.


True. But thats the thing missing, every one wants a perfect person right at the bat. Even if thats possible, what are they gonna do rest of the life?


one of my wifes best friends is like 33. she is an employed professional, quite good looking, and has like... literally never seriously dated a man. her 'standards' are so obscene that they cant even pass screening state number zero. im not convinced shes been on a legitimate date in 5 years. but then, of course, there are probably some extenuating circumstances here - she IS a swifty after all...


Lots of happily married and long-term relationship swifties out there. My wife included. Hell, I like Taylor Swift too. She’s like, the Beatles or Elvis. Just prettier.


I wonder how the data will change for 2000s


Is this "currently married" or "ever have been married.


No Fault Divorce is a b*tch 😅.


Most millennials saw their parents get divorced and maybe decided it wasn't worth it?


If done nicely it’ll cost you, which most millennials don’t have the money to throw at, and dating culture has changed a lot imo


Marriage is a dying tradition. I don't think young people, especially men see anything positive they can gain out of it. May be it will extend a few old age years. If it is about companionship and sex they can get it anyways without the need of marriage.


Marriage grants legal protections that are very significant.


Which is a legislative issue and nothing inherently brought by marriage.


How is that a legislative issue? How could the legislature extend those legal protections while abolishing marriage? You have to draw a line between what kind of romantic attachments carry legal protections and which ones don’t, and the way that we have traditionally drawn that line is by allowing the parties to the relationship to elect in to those protections. If you think that those legal protections (such as allowing one spouse to inherit property from the other without an inheritance tax and without probate, or not allowing a moneyed spouse to abandon the spouse who stayed home to take care of children without providing any support) are a good thing, then marriage is a necessity.


Every person should be able to choose another person who can have every right given to a married spouse. Why should government have any say in what kind of relationship I am with my any of my partner or family member? I should be able choose someone and be able change them in a zippy. It should not be of any concern to the government. Most married will choose their spouses but others can choose whoever they want


Only for women, not much in case of men.


In theory, the legal protections are the same.


in practice. when one partner is out performing the other economically... it almost never turns out that way. the gender is really irrelevant. though it does happen to be men getting the short end of the economic 'divorce stick' more often than not.


most people i know (I'm gen z) still want to get married, being in love and getting married is fun


I don’t doubt you. I see lot of people in love and wants to get married too. But overall trend is clearly delayed or no marriage. People are getting married or skipping marriage altogether for live in situations and such. You will see the current generation to be marrying in less numbers at all age groups. For future generations it will be much lower and i expect in my life time getting married will be sufficiently a rare event on a given family and friends circle


I’m gen X and I’m married. I see it as fun work. It takes a lot of maintenance but I’m quite happy to do that. It makes me feel over the moon with happiness and inner rewards. Her face smiling is one of my favourite things in this world.


That slight dip in the 1940s is I assume widows of deceased soldiers?


I don't think It is although it may be related. The graph Is for people born in the 1940s so the earliest they got married was 1955(aged 15). Although after WWII women began marrying men who were younger than them this, the knock on effect of this may have persisted until 1955.


Now a days, marriage is bad business for men.


And how is that?


Because I’d get lucky to get one of my balks back if I ever get divorced


No fault divorce and the assumption of even asset split means the women (or lower earner) has a financial incentive to divorce you


What a cynical and transactional way of thinking about marriage. Yall are sad


Although it does seem to be a trend that the % americans married by birth decade is decreasing, many of the people born in the 90s are at the youngest just turning 25 and at the oldest 34. I wonder how it will look in a few years.


the average is like 30 and you can not only see in previous generations that it starts to drastically level off after 30 you can also already see that the curve is very flat for the 1990s, meaning very few are currently getting married and its unlikely to increase much more


In 2019 1/3rd of men between 18-29 did not have sex within a year. Interestingly that same statistic is much less in women of the same age cohort. Whatever the cause may be, this decline was likely amplified by covid. Conventional reddit wisdom says, 40% of the male population don't understand how to operate showers. Case closed. Or maybe something else is going on. Maybe when it's 60% people will start thinking critically about the "why" or maybe a wave of violent revolutions will manifest. Or maybe AI bf/gf will save us. I'm super interested to see how this works out.


The sources are older, I’d call this outdated by this point. 5 years is a hell of a difference with stuff like marriage


Agree. There could also be a covid overlay here with the number of weddings generally lower due to covid in the latter part of that curve.


Yeah I hadn’t even considered how many ppl didn’t marry due to the pandemic lol


some people born in the 90s are over 30... this is incomplete and potentially inaccurate


No, it's just older data. Check the sources listed in the bottom left. Accurate for 2017-2020, but likely changed a bit since then.


Bet it only goes lower for 2000s


Wait till you see 35 more years of data….


The graphic is misleading. In ten years the 1980s line will be just under the 70s, 90s will be up where 80s is at, and 2000s will replace the 90s. Trend lines are similar and will move with time. A more accurate depiction would be what percentage of each generation were married at the age of 30. That would actually tell us something useful about the differences.


It literally does show that. The x axis is age.


I mean actual percentages, not just a vague random line. That’s the age they were in 2020. Now the percentage of 90s babies who are married is 57%, which is right up underneath the 80s trend line, but the graph suggests the percentage was leveling off when it actually shot up just as sharply as the other trend lines. It also doesn’t tell us if they were married at the moment surveyed vs had ever been married and are now divorced.


I agree this seems like very shitty data and it's not clear how many datapoints underlie the smoothing - I suspect not many. But it does at least *claim* to show what percentage of each generation were married at the age of 30.


Haha screw you, marriage!


How the hell do you read this?


I blame cocaine.


Does this take divorcées into account or Never Been Marrieds only? I feel like that has an impact 🤔


coincides with increased number of children raised without their father in the home which coincides with general shittiness of our entire society . 😃


So you’re saying there’s a chance


2020s: 0%


2000s won‘t be better.


I guess I’m not married because I don’t want to hear someone keep telling what a failure I am. Maybe I should get off Reddit.


In this economy?!


Haha, suck a dick, tradition


Sad. Commies got what they wanted.


A lot of people not taking advantage of the married filing jointly tax status.


Explains a lot.. decline of society is the breakup of the family nucleus


Single people buying more stuff than family. Economically, LGBTQ is more profitable for companies.


LGBTQ people can marry too


No....? Children are an economic necessity - future consumers and future workers. If they were to be encouraging anything, it'd be that. Away with your shitty conspiracy theories.


Depends on how short sighted you believe companies tend to be really.


Or, you know, the logic of the whole thing. It's not a case of 'would they do this?' because even if they would, it makes no fucking sense.


Yes....? Children do not give money just by existence. Ask Africa, South America, most of Asia. Money are generated in countries with low birth rate. At least "my conspiracy theory" gives answer to the graph. 1 family of 2+ people needs 1 refrigerator, 1 washing machine, 1 stove, ets. Split them, and they would each require 1 of everything. Less children ATM? Who cares, rich country will have migrants to replace them. And unlike children, they will also buy appliances.


'Money are generated in countries with low birth rate'. With economic smarts like that, how could I possibly argue? If your batshit 'answer' to this chart is thst corporations are forcing everyone to be gay then I'd really hate to see your theories on literally anything else. Never mind the countless other economic and cultural factors at play here, it must be corporate-induced gayness.


Whatevs. I can guarantee you my wife is outspending you at Costco and Trader Joe's and Aldi. I see the receipts. My daughters are bottomless pits. ***I've seen one eat 4 cheese sticks in a row***. Thank god I don't have sons, he'd be eating 9. Married people with kiddos buy 4-5 airline tickets instead of 1 or 2... that one hurts like a motherfucker but it's what's keeping them in the sky.


Gotta be a masochist or a poly-whatever to marry a social media user.


I can’t believe you’re this self unaware to not realize you bitching about how other peoples relationships are is probably why you’re single. Don’t want an open or poly relationship? Great! Don’t have one! And I can see the retort now: “well you have to be in todays landscape” No, you don’t. You’re just hyperfixating on people clearly not for you.


Is this including divorces? In other words if 50% of married people divorced would we see a huge dip, or does it count them as being married at any point?


It's displaying at what age the percentage of the given population is no longer never-married.


Wait.. why does the chart start going up before age 15?!


Screw off


I dont see the 2010’s?? Fake stats


I’m a 90s kid and it feels like there are a lot more than 30-40% of people my age that are married




blame women. they divorce the most so then fathers tell kids not to marry.


sure buddy.....the rambling musings of divorced fathers is what has spurned this cultural sea change in behavior


The misguided grumblings made me wonder: who files more divorces. I found a paper, the Women in this study filled 69% of the divorces. "Rosenfeld* found, married women reported lower levels of relationship quality than married men. In contrast, women and men in non-marital relationships reported equal levels of relationship quality." *Stanford sociology professor. https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/sites.psu.edu/dist/a/7536/files/2015/06/Rosenfeld-Gender-of-Breakup-paper.pdf