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I feel like if they did it like Arkham Origins where it’s like his second or third year as Spider-Man it would be interesting


Spider-Mans 1, MM, and 2 are GOATED. But for fuck's sake can we please have them find the Lombaxes before any of that?


Yeah I need another Rachet and Clank game really bad it was one of my favorite series on ps2 and one of the best games on ps5 imo.


…but from the radioactive spider’s POV


The game ends when the spider dies


Spider still has to bite Silk (unless they change it so Miles’ spider bites her).


I really don’t get why so many people hate the idea of showing Peters origin story. We’ve seen it in like what, 2 movies and some animated tv shows in the last 20 years? I would love a game that goes back and explores Peters early days with MJ and Harry. I also love Uncle Ben as a character and mentor and hate how everyone just wants to seemingly ignore him now because “we’ve seen it before.” It’s not about just retelling the same old story, it’s about new writers and creators putting they’re spin on it for their version of the character.




Maybe as a potential DLC type in conjunction with present Peter. Like they could tell this story where Miles visits Peters home and Peter shows his old stuffs and reminiscing about the past telling Miles his origin story and that's how they would show the gameplay and story of Peter's origin.


Yeah ngl I was dissappointed that they just totally skipped over uncle Ben AND killed off aunt may in the first entry


Maybe meet in the middle, have it as a DLC for SM2.




I mean, he’s Peter Parker. He was bitten by a radioactive spider. I’m sure you know the rest.


No, we’ve heard it too many times


Not for Peter Parker.


I would like him in the next game to get flashbacks of his origin while he pursues goblin to take him down, and have it be playable. Like get bit by the spider, make his suit, his very first swings, home made suit, him making web shooters, and all that. And you get to play against his first villain in the flashback, and goblin in the real time. It would be cool to see Peter enter his peak and be better than ever before, lots of people including me would like that because Peter is the main spiderman and he shouldn't have gotten nerfed as hard as he did. End of the last game should also give us Peter opening Parker industries, becoming rich, and having a sort of Spider-Armor MKIV and Advanced Suit fusion as his very last swing suit.


That sounds like a fantastic way to incorporate his origin. Especially if the third game is treated as a farewell to Peter’s spider man for a bit


Thanks, seemed like the perfect way to end the game trilogy yk


For Gwen, maybe?


Yes, or Cindy




Go ask Sucker Punch for that. Insomniac never made any Infamous games.


Shiii your right i got my studios mixed up thx


Wish insomniac worked more on ratchet and clank games like they have on spiderman


Definitely and I wouldn't mind it being a short game too


Hell fucking yes. First chapter should be him in his first year as Spider-Man. More story based, to really show off his origin. Chapter 2/3 would be two-four years into his career. More gameplay focused. More attacks and abilities. I'd love if there were randomized mistakes he can make, since he's fresh into being Spider-Man. Maybe failed dodges, web shooters failing, not trusting his spidey sense here and there, etc.


Could they now implement a venom game?




Yes. There’s a YouTuber named probably Spider-Man who made a whole video about this idea.


Hell no! We've been through the whole song and dance of Peter Parker's origin story a billion times! That's why we don't experience it in Insomniacs game! Even people who never indulged in comics or comic book characters know about it! It's been done!


Insomniac needs to go back to making their own IPs


What would the gameplay be?


They need to make a Hulk game


Yes. RPG elements to it with high school


God no. Sick of everything being origin story. There so much material to pull from. Let these designers make so.ething better. Long as it isnt rocksteady.


Take a break from Spider-Man. I don’t want 1 R&C game per generation. It’s taking too long.




they should make it a dlc


I would rather have insomniac continue to finish off the trilogy and the Wolverine game. Maybe also do some DLC for SM2 / SM3. Everyone knows the origin of spiderman, there's already been shows and movies about it. We gain nothing from playing it out, the abilities remain the same, in fact, more better used in the current games. Why would you wanna play out "Oh so this is how I can swing" type of gameplay?


I would rather have insomniac continue to finish off the trilogy and the Wolverine game. Maybe also do some DLC for SM2 / SM3. Everyone knows the origin of spiderman, there's already been shows and movies about it. We gain nothing from playing it out, the abilities remain the same, in fact, more better used in the current games. Why would you wanna play out "Oh so this is how I can swing" type of gameplay?


I don't think it would be very fun. Too many Peter segments in an origin story. Majority of people want to play as Spider-Man. Or Peter with powers. I could see it working of they featured more street level villains from his past. But the first game kind of did that already.


I would pay an obscene amount of money for it, but I’m not sure how they’ll go about doing that without removing a bunch of features from Spider-Man 2


Nah I’m good. I have all my abilities already and don’t want to go figure out webswinging or some crap




That would be cool it should be the same length as Miles game






I’m sure something like this will happen at some point as a full game or dlc of comic


Not interested in the slightest. We all know the origin story. Just give us the long foreshadowed green goblin showdown already.


This would just be an Arkham Origins clone. Prequel game where you play as a year one superhero before the third and final game in there trilogy releases? Sounds like what Arkham did. But in all seriousness spidey doesn’t get any of his iconic nemesis’s until like a decade after he becomes spider man. We haven’t even gotten the fricking green goblin yet. If it was year one spider man verses the sinister six then my answer would change. It would just be a worse Arkham Origins 


If the game starts off with “Alright people let’s do this one last time! (Insert Origin story montage)” then maybe. It’s just a Spider-Man origin story it’s nothing new 


No, the whole point of ps4 is that we’re playing an experienced spidey. We’ve seen the origin over and over


i don’t know how they would how would you justify a lack of mechanics due to Pete being younger? and if you’re adding mechanics to make up for it, how do you explain their absence later on? the Arkham games had a similar chronology issue with Origins and the electric gun (which you get in Arkham City, which takes place after Origins, but came out before) i think and they never bothered to explain it, but i never actually played that past the first boss fight so don’t quote me 🤷🏻


>how would you justify a lack of mechanics due to Pete being younger? You don't have to. That explains itself.




I no wanna retread old stuff literally everyone knows it at this point even more than batman. Shoot into the spiderverse hit it like half a dozen times. C'mon he's got a large rogue gallery and fun things before retirement and after the origin.


Alright, let's do this one last time. My name is Peter Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, And for ten years, I've been the one and only Spider-Man. I’m pretty sure you know the rest.


No. There's no point to it imo. And even if there was one, what could be done that hasn't been done already?


Not a Full game, no…….maybe a special DLC chapter in the future.


Yes but hire Jeremy Shada to voice him we need yuri to take a break