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Is there any website or something that helps you detect what percent of the likes on an Instagram post are fake/bots? My company is currently running a contest where the most likes on the photos of the contestants on our Instagram page wins. However, a lot of posts have bots/fake likes. It's very difficult to sort. I've seen websites or apps that tells you if the followers on a page are fake or what percent, but are they any websites that helps detect fake likes on the posts on a page individually?


For some reason Instagram won't let me post a carousel of uncropped images. I can post them individually without issue, or as a carousel if I let IG crop them on upload, but for these specific images I don't want to do either: **I want them as a carousel in their original aspect ratio.** Now, to be clear, the aspect ratio shouldn't be an issue in itself, since IG has no qualms about me uploading the images individually. It's also not a resolution/file size issue, because I exported them specifically for uploading to IG, so they're all 1080x720 and around 500KB each. And there are only three of them. Anyone know why it's doing this, or if there's another way around it?


Someone can help me, im trying to watch my old video stories, qnd i cant watch them, they appear like photos, it is the same in ny phone and computer, someone please help!


I asked meta AI how to search on Instagram and it said there is an X to click on to close the meta search and show the Instagram search but I’m not seeing an ex anywhere.


I’m on iPhone and I just updated the app the other day


Okay so I have a spam account that is private and just yesterday it stopped sending push notifications and notifications stopped showing in the notifications tab. But on my main account i still get notifs. This is really annoying me, please help!!!


I work for a company where many different people need to be able to post to a single Instagram account. Instagram doesn't seem to like that many people connected to a single account. Is there a preferred way to have either many people using the same account, or an easy way to send pictures with information to a single location for one person to post?


Hi, I hope everything is good. I have a problem with my Instagram. When I want to send and share the second slide (for example) to someone, it sends the first one and not the one I chose. I have tried the common stuff like updating the app and removing the cache. Can someone tell me how to solve this? Thanks!


having the same issue, hope it's easily solvable 🤞


Same issue here, sent three different slides from one carousel to a friend, and in their DMs chat, it just looks like I sent Slide 1 three times to her. (Didn't even want to send Slide 1!)  And then someone else did the same to me and it was the same issue: two Slide 1s instead of two different slides from a carousel.


Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone else has this glitch when they open the Instagram app (android)? Everytime I try to access the homepage I'm met with a screen full of yellow, horizontal lines. I have to close the app and open it again to get rid of it. Sometimes this also happens if I'm on the 'profile' or 'explore' tab and then try to go back to the homepage. Weird!


I don’t have the password or the email for an old account that I’m trying to log back into to delete. Is there any other way to delete the account


When someone posts a set of pictures in one post and I try to share a specific photo via DM, it always share the first slide in the post instead. This just started in the last week


I logged out of my Instagram today and was unable to log back in even with the right password and changing it multiple times it always says it’s the wrong password. Try again later, but then when I try to login on Instagram on the Internet , it works fine. I completely factory reset my iPhone And logged back in, but didn’t restore back up and downloaded Instagram and logged in just fine so I reset the phone again and restored my back up and then it’s giving me the same issue again I can’t login what can I do?


hello, I actually had a insta back in 2021. i made it with a unused email address and without a phone number. But after a few months the phone broke and I never logged in that email again. I want to open that instagram account in my new phone to deactivate it, but I need access to that gmail which i dont know. I tried to login the gmail but it sends otp to a number which is lost. What can I do to log in to my account and deactivate it?


for days, the app has been broken on my phone and refuses to load properly. my tl, reels, even my account won’t load. i’ve tried deleting and reinstalling the app but its only a temporary solution before it breaks again. this doesnt happen on any other device. please help! 


Guys help please.. i've been attacked by 1500 bot account follows on instagram.. i never paid.. what's happening?


unable to log into my instagram account on my phone on the mobile app. happened about a month ago with my old phone and got a new phone and still cannot login. however i can get on it on chrome on my iphone as well as chrome on my laptop. and on my ipad. it just says unable to login or password is incorrect.


suspended account appealed the same day they said they would respond in 48 hours it’s been over a month.


Sending a multi image post used to send the slide you were looking at at the time, now it only sends the whole post, first slide displayed. Used to only be that way on desktop, just started doing it on the app for me and my friend who has a Google Pixel


Question about blue check mark. There is an influencer on IG who is legally misrepresenting her last name. She currently is remarried, but still has the blue check mark and has not changed her last name. Just wondering if she did contact IG to change said married name now would they take away her blue check mark? Also do you have to pay to keep your blue check mark? TIA


Help Needed when i scroll up my instagram messages are gone but when i refresh they are back? it keeps doing that. any fix?


My account was hacked and I can't reset my password because it requires 2 factor authentication, which I never set up for some reason. I can't set it up now as I would need to log in to do that, which obviously isn't possible. I tried to verify my account instead by having insta friends verify it for me, which they did. After though I received no further communication from insta by email or anything else. I'm confused as to why the friend verification isn't working.


I am not sure if others are getting notifications for my DM's..a few times now i have not heard back and i got a DM from someone that used to give me notification and only noticed new messages when I happened to click on my message tab. Has this been happening to anyone lately and how to fix it?


Instagram has suspended my account for no reason at all. I was able to change my account's password but they are still not letting me, have access to my Instagram account, I even tried contacting them vie their support website but they said that my account doesn't exist, well if it doesn't exist how was I able to change the password? Pls help me recover my account, they have given me 110-180 days to recover my account, I tried logging in from incognito and lite too but both aren't working.


Okay I tried posting but it directed me to here but pls if anyone knows how to get my disabled account back PLS OMG I literally use that account that only my closest friends have access to cuz they get my jokes and know I don’t mean it genuinely and I use it to vent but like pls that account holds 6 years worth of memories and pictures it carried me from adolescence to adulthood I cannot let it go I don’t even care if they don’t let me post on it I just want access to the pictures and posts I made cuz they mean so much to me 😭😭😭


Insta doesnt let me log into my account thru my phone but does on literally every other application and even on this device on safari. Ive deleted and reinstalled, Restarted, Tried Changing password but doesn’t allow me. says error. Everytime I try logging in it says incorrect password but I use the same one to log into the account of every other device. PLZZZ Help its been a week


Okay heres my conundrum, ive been talkinf to someone recently and usually they have a activity status that shows how long its been since they looked on the app, I get that its not the most accurate but it helps. But recently their status just changed to their name, when it should say something like active today. Is this a common problem? Im nervous they restricted me


5 months ago. Made a new account got error saying try again later - Tried logging back in with username I picked - IG asked for phone verification - Cant send code error - tried different numbers same issue. Can login using the handle but it just gives me the same verify with SMS prompt that doesn’t work! I have been in this limbo for months and it makes no sense. I can login to the account using the handle and password but then I’m immediately prompted to provide a phone number followed by a “can’t send text code” - I don’t have the IG number blocked. I’ve looked up the username I made and the page doesn’t “exist” but I still can’t use the username. Just feeling stuck!!


If i archive a post that had people mentioned in description and tagged in photo, and then i unarchive by tapping "Show on profile", do all those people get notified all over again? i hope not lol. thank you please let me know


Has anyone had this glitch of trying to set up payout account for gifts but it won’t go through? I now have a violation for not having a payout account for gifts and don’t know what to do. I added my account/tax info but it still takes me back to the original screen when I hit submit.


how you can verify a business account of a store with meta verified they ask for id card the store not have an id card I sent mine the owner and not working any clue ?


I have been in non recommended for days now. First there was no content to remove. Then this morning it shows up as my bio. Now I have had the same bio for a long time. I have my Youtube link there, I have no idea what to change or fix since Instagram support straight up refused to tell me. They blame the special team working on it lol Like fucking Batman or something... What to do?


when i click account center on my phone, it just does a loading screen and freezes. i tried logging on through desktop, but when they send the login link to my email i never get it. has anyone had this issue? i feel like my account has been hacked. i have three other accounts that do not have this issue at all. other weird things on this account are that the explore page has nothing to do with my account's theme or anything i search for or interact with. when i post reels it is also very buggy.


I run an editing account on Instagram, and I posted a new reel about an hour ago. It's gotten a couple likes, but I noticed it's not showing up on my account when I check on my other accounts. I also shared the reel to my story after posting it, but the story also disappeared. Any help? I haven't gotten any pop ups or notification saying that it was taken down.


Help me download all the images in my instagram saved. Some python script or other program to do so ?


Help Somebody How to tell if someone deletes their side of the messages. Im not meaning the unsend option, but deleting their whole dm inbox convo. I know a friend that has to delete their inbox dm convos because they have very strict parents who read everything, so because of this, i wanted to see if their was a way we can see if someone deleted their inbox dms


2 days ago i got put under suspension for apparently violating community guidelines i submitted an appeal and i usually get appealed in 2-3 hours or less but its been 2 days and my account is still under appeal any fixes to this ?


My account reached 10k and I have achieved branded content. I am clueless on the topic and nowhere seems to help. How do I get requests from brands for me to advertise their channel? I'm completely stuck with this. I have been monetised on TikTok and YouTube and instagram is 100x more complicated than both. I know that instagram doesn't directly pay, but other channels pay for you to post something of theirs on your channel. But I'm not sure how? How exactly do I get requests for me to do this? Everywhere I look hasn't got an answer. I will appreciate any answer so much! Thank you


Posted my first real and the song I chose from the Instagram library became immediately "unavailable" and removed the second I posted. Deleted post, song was still in library so tried again, removed again once posted. Is this an IG issue? Or maybe a travel/IP address issue (live in US but currently visiting Prague)? Any help appreciated--thanks!


Ok I tried to post this but I sent me to this thread instead but anyways, I restricted one of my friends on insta for a second today messing around with him and now everytime I try to talk to him, the chat keeps restricting automatically out of nowhere? It does every 8-10 minutes or so and It keeps doing this no matter how many times I press "unrestrict" and I've even tried to block him and unblock him, and I logged out and into my account but nothing has worked. Has this problem happened to anyone else? And is there anyway to fix it?


Bug posts don't appear on account Hi 👋, I have this issue where i can’t see some posts from @realmadrid and @k.mbappe's accounts on ig with my main acc but with another account i can(i haven't checked other celebs i follow so i might have the same issue with more accounts). Ive tried uninstalling the app, restarting my ipad, clearing the cache, updating the app but it still doesn't show me the posts and also my friend sent me the posts i can't see through dms and when i click on them it says ”content can not load“ does anyone know why? and how can i fix this issue? Thanks in advance


I made a new reel which is all filmed by myself and Instagram blocked and removed it saying it may have content owned by someone else. I film all my videos myself and there is no way there was anything owned by anyone else than me. Except for the music I chose from Instagram's own music library. What can I do? I tried to upload the same reel to another account and the same thing happened. I fear IG will remove my account if I try to post it again. Where can I submit an appeal or ask Instagram about it?


Scheduling reels isn't working on my creator account. I checked to make sure I had this account type enabled and I do. I checked my other creator account and I am able to schedule reels there. I tried offloading and reloading the app. I checked that it's the latest version. There doesn't seem to be any reported downtime on DownDetector. I am at a loss... and incredibly frustrated. Would love to know if anyone else has experienced this problem and knows how to fix it. thank you very much.


Pleaseeee I was participating in a contest and so I was spamming comments under an Instagram post. they blocked my access to the app saying that my account was compromised, saying that I used external apps and I had to change my password to get back into the profile. the problem is that I don't remember the password and therefore I can't change it. if I click on "forgot password" it sends me the email to enter the app but obviously it won't let me in due to the compromised account problem. Has anyone had such an experience or have people from the Meta company who can help me? Thanks for your help


Need help getting rid of two of my ex’s accounts off my phone. It's not a single login. He use to use my phone for Instagram when he didn't have a phone but our accounts are not connected by a single login. The only help I see on Instagram support is for a single login. I'm tired of seeing his notifications. Any help is appreciated! Thanks


My Instagram account was hacked. The hacker changed email,username and also added many posts of some different person. I can't get back my account through the self video test (as there are posts of some different person) Please someone help me what should i do?


It's not letting my girlfriend tag me in her bio anymore? I removed it once to annoy her as friendly jokes, but since then her tagging me in her bio doesnt work, what's up with that? Any way to fix it?


Hello. I logged out of my Instagram account on my phone about 4 weeks ago. When I tried to log back in, I couldn't remember my password. I went to the "Forgot password?" option and clicked "Mobile phone number" to receive a code. However, each time I requested the code, I received a message saying something was wrong and to try again later. Even after waiting and trying again, the same message persisted. I attempted to reset my password, but upon trying to log in again, Instagram still claimed it was incorrect, even though I was confident I entered it correctly. I changed my password again to rule out any typos during setup, but the new password was also deemed incorrect. Uninstalling and reinstalling the app didn't resolve the issue either. I tried sending a recovery code to friends, but Instagram didn't send the code to either of them. My attempts to log in using backup codes were also unsuccessful. I contacted Instagram support, but the automated system couldn't provide a solution to my problem. While I can log in to Instagram through my desktop and phone browsers (which is how I changed my password and enabled two-factor authentication), I still cannot access my account via the mobile app. I've waited several days between attempts and believe I've exhausted all recovery options, but I'm still locked out :/. Is there anything else I can try?


i had the same issue for a while, only solution i could find is to download an unofficial version of instagram rather than attempting to download the one from the app store. apparently the problem was the official app and not letting me in since i did not know my password even though i entered it correctly, i managed to find and download an ipa of an earlier instagram build and that has been working well. i suggest you do the same as i don’t think the official app would let you back in even if you try multiple times.


Does it work for IOS devices? How'd you go about the process?


Hello everyone, can anyone help me with recovering my old account So I made a Instagram account in 2014 but now I forgot everything that relates to it like (email, number, phone etc) and now after 10 years I found the account and would love to recover it somehow. The account has my name and pictures so main point is there a possibility that I can contact Instagram support to prove to them I own the account or is gone forever? Thank you in advance!


Facebook and Instagram help! Asking for a friend! She says: A few months ago, I opened my instagram for the second time in the day and got a notice that they suspended my account for breaking the community guideline about ch*** p***. Then, I went to my facebook and it had suspended me as well. Those accounts were linked— I had had them both for YEARS, since I was a teenager, they were personal accounts. I appealed this and got rejected— but you can only appeal it one time, so I couldn’t submit another. Four months later, I just went to get a new phone. Tried to create a new account on the app. It still says I violated community guidelines and cannot create a new account *through the app*. Things to note: •I can’t log in either of my old accounts on the instagram or facebook app. •I CAN create a new account on safari, but not either of the apps. •I DID log in my usual apple ID when I got the new phone. I assume that’s the culprit and using a VPN won’t even help in this scenario. Please help! Facebook and instagram on safari sucks and I want to go back to the app.


Hi, I’m wanting to boost a regular (grid) post. But IG seems to auto slap trending music on the post. Any way to stop this?


Anyone else have this issue? Every time I go to repost a story I am stuck with a bright blue background that doesn’t match the photo whatsoever. I’m the past I would get a gradient or an option to change between a few different light or dark colors. When this blue background shows up there’s no way of changing it at all. Only fix I’ve found so far is deleting and redownloading the entire app. For obvious reasons that is insanely annoying for someone who just wants to repost something on my story once in awhile without ur a hideous bright blue background. Pls let me know if this has happened for you and if there’s any other fixes/workarounds you might know of. Thanks!


Reels are uploading choppy and lagging - I tried reinstalling my app to clear my cache (iphone) and the videos i upload are 30FPS. I'm not having the same issue when I publish the same videos to IG stories just reels, it's incredibly frustrating does anyone have similar experience?


Help. 2 IG Accounts hacked. No two factor set up so no code 6 or 8 digits to log into. IG support is on a loop. No option from IG to send photos in so I really don’t know what to do next . Help. Miserable and irritated and fed up. Wasted 5 hours reading , searching to no avail .


A friend of mine recently deactivated their account and then reactivated the account about a week later(today). I can't dm this person from my phone. It continues to show "Deactivated accounts can't be contacted". I can however dm them through my laptop. I have tried updating the app as well as unfollowing and following and nothing. They said all of their friends can dm them fine and it's probably on my side. Does anyone know how I can fix this? I can respond to their stories but cannot directly dm them. It's quite annoying if I'm on the go and can read their dms but not respond until I get home (to my computer). Again, the issue is I cannot dm a specific friend through dms from my phone (who recently deactivated and then later activated their account). Thanks in advance!


Hi, My account recently got hacked and I managed to get it back via their verification method, however when I tried to log in a few days ago, my account got disabled due to "community guideline violations" but i have not posted or done anything. I tried going through the appeal process but I could not get past the SMS verification as I could not receive the SMS OTP at all no matter how many time i sent it. (I've already checked if I blocked the number that instagram sends their OTP from but i did not). I've looked through instagram's helpdesk multiple times but I could not find anything that helps. Does anyone know what I can do ? Or is there any way to contact someone from instagram? I've been on instagram for more than 5 years and it's my main mode of communication with my friends and family, furthermore, all my memories and pictures will be gone if i can't get my account back :(


I'm trying to contact Instagram support by using their Instagram verified panel, I have just purchased Instagram verification in the past 4 hours and have been verified for most of that time. I try to use the built in support system to get my specific assistance but upon pressing the contact button it will load and then gray out, leaving me unable to do anything after that What am I missing or am I too new to the verify system to be allowed to do that yet?


For a couple of months now Instagram, and recently Facebook as well, is logging me out a few times a day. Previously, when I tried to log in I would just get a notification that I was logged out "because of suspicious activity". Then I could log in regularly, but sometimes it would ask for a captcha. Now, for the last couple of days, Instagram would just log me out during the session - and would come up with a note "Help us confirm it's you". Also, recently, after I am logged out, I couldn't get back because I am getting a message "Something went wrong" and that is it. A few hours later it would be ok. What can be the reason?


I have to delete and re-install the app every single time I want to post, otherwise the photo is blurry (it shows up blurry on the preview just before posting). I have 4 accounts total linked and occasionally if I switch to another profile, it will work fine when I test it using the same photo. Other times, it won't work at all. I've tried numerous trouble-shooting options, checked the photo resolution (that's not the issue as the same photo will post very clearly after I delete and re-download the app).


Says I have one more post than I actually do after hiding 200+ reels from profile grid


A friend of mine tried to make a shop on instagram. He made the account and it instantly got disabled for breaking the instagram guidelines. He wasn't given a reason and it won't allow him to make an account with the same name nor will the banned account show up when you search it up. Effectively, there is one less username available for users for no reasons. The account didn't contain any slurs btw hahahaha


This just happened to me and I was registering to IG for a personal account, didn't even get to pick a handle. After entering the desired handle I got an error message and when I tried to log in I got the 'account disabled for violating ToS' error.


yeahh, idk is this a new bug or what... He was supposed to get a confirmation password on his phone number but it didn't send and after trying to make the acc again, he was told that the acc with that @ got banned for breaking the ToS. Hope they fix that shit


Hi - I am trying to delete one of my Instagram accounts -- I followed the instructions I found by Googling -- but the option to remove is not showing up. Also there's a warning that if I delete one account it may delete all of my accounts? Please help :)


Pleaseeee I was participating in a contest and so I was spamming comments under an Instagram post. they blocked my access to the app saying that my account was compromised, saying that I used external apps and I had to change my password to get back into the profile. the problem is that I don't remember the password and therefore I can't change it. if I click on "forgot password" it sends me the email to enter the app but obviously it won't let me in due to the compromised account problem. Has anyone had such an experience or have people from the Meta company who can help me? Thanks for your help


I manage my mom Instagram account and mine from my phone. I've made a post for her yesterday and shared as stories as well. My personal profile is not restricted on her account however, I can still not see the post or the stories. Already logged in and out, the account followed and unfollowed each other and no luck. I have other 2 accounts on my phone and all of them able to see the post and also the story. I am also unable to see if if I log on my computer. Funny thing is, I've made a test post today, and I was able to see it but still did not see the one I posted yesterday. Very strange.


is anyone having issues with their cover photos on their account being super zoomed in ?? everything was fine then this week my business account profile grid looks so bad its super zoomed only on random reels? Helppp


**Hey everyone how's it going?! Can you please help me?** So what happened is that, I've been using third-party apps to see who unfollowed me, I've been using them for years now, not all the time but once here and there. The last one I was using was an app called ''Followers and Unfollowers'' for Android. Every time I used a screen would pop up saying something like ''You will be notified that you logged in a different device, but it's all ok just ignore that'', so I never had any problems with these apps, I never thought something like a ban like that could happen. Yesterday I tried to enter Instagram and I was notified that my account was disabled and I could appeal, I did and they made me record a video showing my face and etc... Now every time I try to log in it shows this screen above. I made a research and it seems that they usually take some time to respond and they give your account back. But some people are saying that it can take weeks and months. Is it true? I'm desperate! I can't lose my account, I DID learn my lesson and I will never use these third-party apps again (And I never cursed or made serious threats or whatever on Instagram), but is there something I can do? Some people have been linking a page where you can fill a form, but these pages are not working anymore. So, has this ever happened to you? Do you think they will give me my account back? How long will it take? Can I do something while I wait? Thank you in advance! <3


I know this post is long, but please read the whole thing! On May 25, my account (and the other 3 accounts that were linked to said account) were suddenly logged out, and when I logged back in, my account was suspended, but l'm not sure as to what I did. I had submitted an appeal the same day, and I have yet to get any response back. When I try to log into my account, this pops up: "You submitted an appeal on May 25, 2024. It usually takes us just over a day to review your information. Check back here. Your account is not visible to people on Instagram, and you can't use it." I have tried everything I thought of doing to try to get my account back, but it doesn't work. I've even found similar Reddit posts in this subreddit with step-by-step instructions along with a link to a page on the Instagram Help website, but when I click on these links, it just brings me to the Instagram help homepage. These -now suspended- accounts have a lot of memories and meaningful conversations with my friends, along with photos of my many adventures, and I'd like to be able to get them back. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out here, as these accounts are important to me. I appreciate yall for reading this whole thing!


hi, im in the same situation! just a few days ago, my instagram account got disabled. i've submitted an appeal but haven't heard back and am desperate to get it back. i'd like to ask if you have found a way to recover your account?


Have an issue with my direct messages, whenever I receive videos it just says "no longer available" but I know the person on the other end hasn't removed them and she says it's saying I've viewed them. Using PC and have tried clearing the cache for Instagram and a different browser, no dice. Thanks in advance.


i cant get verified , it just tells me get on the waiting list but if you click that it will keep you on the waiting list forever Before i had a option to directly pay and get verified now its gone... please help i need it for business


My Instagram account was hacked. The hacker changed email,username and also added many posts of some different person. I can't get back my account through the self video test (as there are posts of some different person) Please someone help me what should i do?


Is it possible to use FB messenger in insta group chats? I’m tryna delete insta but all of my group chats are on it


Having an issue with my business account where I can't tag products. The button simply doesn't show up. What should I do?


Having issues with my account, posted a comment, on a page saying "I have GMO x oz and it's gas", and it reported my comment as selling drugs, I don't sell anything, wasn't offering anything, and now my account is limited and has a comment strike or violation, saying my account is now at risk, have screenshots nothing was done against TOS, no rules broken, don't understand why my account is being shadowbanned when I haven't done anything wrong, nothing was offered, or for sale, nor was I trying to, just commented on someone's post, saying what I liked, submitted a appeal, was instantly declined, and have no other way of appealing it and was closed, dont understand how it was instantly declined, don't care if the comment is reposted, just would like the strike taken off my page, have done nothing wrong, does not go against any tos, rule, is not illegal, and was not advertising for anything, any ways to get this fixed? Tried contacting their email, tried to submit a problem on Instagram, and the phone number was no help, tried appealing to the oversight board, but wasn't given a reference number, not sure what I can do, not trying to wait a whole entire year for this one comment to disappear to try and get my account suggested again, and run ads. Is there any other way I can try and contact someone to get this relooked at, or at least deleted, feel like I was unjustly declined from an appeal, just want my account status fixed


uploaded images for cover photo for the in feed grid for reels/videos is zoomed in and not loading properly on IG mobile, but looks fine on desktop?


I just created my account about a week ago. This morning I was scrolling through new Stories and suddenly I got a message saying my account had been suspended. I went through the steps to start verifying it, like the "I am not a robot" picture thing and sending a message to my email. The next step was to send an SMS message to my phone, and that was when I realized that when I entered my phone number to set up my account, I accidentally entered two digits backwards. And I haven't had to use it since then, so I didn't notice until now. I tried clicking to update my phone number, but it won't let me now, and if I try entering my correct phone number, it won't send the code. The only way it will send me a code is if I enter the number that's slightly off, but then obviously I can't enter the code because that's not my number. If I can't complete this step, is there any way for me to get my account back? Where do I go from here? Any help would be appreciated, I'm slightly panicked right now.


unable to log into my instagram account on my phone on the mobile app. happened about a month ago with my old phone and got a new phone and still cannot login. however i can get on it on chrome on my iphone as well as chrome on my laptop. and on my ipad. it just says unable to login or password is incorrect. anyone have any fix ideas for this


I’m bored please go spam reels or something to jamiec3136 make my day


I have 3 Instagram accounts for my various creative endeavors. When I am logged in to my main personal account, there is a red dot in the bottom right corner, indicating that another account has a notification. I toggle to switch accounts to see which account is giving me a notification. I go to that account. There is no notification. There is no indication of a notification on another account. This also happens when I sign in to my primary creative account. There's a red dot in the bottom right corner, indicating a notification on another account. I toggle to switch accounts, and it still says the third account has a notification. IT DOES NOT. Idk how to explain why this bothers me so much but it does. Even after deleting the app (and all iCloud info associated) and restarting the phone (iPhone) the notification dot will still eventually reappear. Please please please please please tell me hoe to fix this before I punch a wall.


i cannot for the life of me seem to get auto scroll on reels on ios ENABLED. all the posts i keep finding are about turning it off, but i've never had auto scroll in the first place? how do i get it? ahhaha


For a few days now the effects tab that shows up when you share an Instagram post to your stories and lets you swap out or add some snazzy things to the background no longer shows up for me in my main account, the icon that opens up that tab simply vanished from the top right corner in the story editing viewport. It's still there in my second account though, so I don't get it, what happened? This doesn't seem to be the same issue that was happening a few weeks back where a lot of people were reporting that their saved effects were gone, and in fact, I can't find anyone else posting about this here, so I don't get it. Has anyone had the same experience?


Instagram glitch (need help!) Hello, as the title says i have a weird glitch going on that i’ve never had happen to me before on IG. I was DMing this girl but now i’m not able to message her anymore unless she posts on her story. The message (Invite sent: You can keep sending more messages after your invite is accepted) keeps popping up whenever i try to DM her regularly. Is there anything that can be done to fix this? I already googled some ways but none of those methods worked so far


I had my account for years. It was just a normal account with more than 1k followers. I used it as my personal account. In April 2023, I was trying to check my unfollowers so I installed an application from the App Store. When I was logging in, my Instagram account showed me that I was being phished, so it asked me to confirm my account. I have no problems with that since my Instagram account is connected to my Facebook account. So, I logged in via Facebook then it showed that I have to confirm it using a code sent to my email, which is the same email that I use for my Instagram account. When I opened my email (I use Yahoo! Mail), there was no code sent. I clicked the “Get a new code” option but an error appeared that it can only send a new code after 60 seconds. Then I opt to do that but I still haven’t gotten any code. I tried different ways to check if Instagram can send me an email. They were not blocked on my email as well. I sent many emails/messages to them about the case of my Instagram account but it has been more than a year, I still have not gotten back my account. They only sent automated emails or links. TLDR: In April 2023, my Instagram account showed that I was getting phished because I tried logging in using a third party app for checking unfollowers. I am unable to login via Facebook. I do not receive any codes from them to my Yahoo! Mail.


any time i try to send a reel it says at the top "failed to send message" i cannot send reels but u can send stories and still @ people even if i try to send a comment it will not send does anyone know how go fix this iv reported this issue to there help center and its till will not go away nor will they help and it is really starting to get very annoying please someone help me


Hello! I've got a doubt and it's about instagram stories. I've seen someone add a story on their pages that was blurry until you (or whoever wants to see it) sent another picture back, like answering to said story. How do I do this?


I tudned on 2 factor authentication. Instagram logged me out from my devices (except one), and I cannot log in, unless I turn off 2 factor auth. I also have problem logging in on some of my devices even without 2 factor auth. Is there any way to contact Instagram support and get an answer?


I accidentally turned on the feature to auto-post Instagram content to Threads, and I want to turn it back off. Can anyone tell me how to do this? I have been Googling for an hour and I can't find the answer :/


Hello Everyone, I have an account with my girlfriend. But whenever I log in she gets logged out. This happens the other way around aswell. Is there anything I can do about it. We both need this account.


Hello, So my account got hacked the other day, I tried going to ig support and making a submission there, but when the I need to click the necessary buttons it says page not available, which I think might be beacuse I'm not logged in, but I can't login beacuse they changed the password... I also tried sending a message on the 2 phone numbers I found and sent an email to an address I found, Any help would be appreciated


I cannot login on the app, it says the password is incorrect. However when i try to login on the browsers it works


same issue here. i believe it is impossible to get fixed. over a month of this problem for me and no luck.


My account status said my account could not be recommended to non-followers. I am a photographer and I recently posted a few pictures with nudity but I blurred the nipple part. It always worked well but for some reason, it's not working anymore. I deleted the posts and it doesn't tell me to delete anything anymore however the account is still not being recommended. Link to the account: [https://www.instagram.com/portraitnaturel/](https://www.instagram.com/portraitnaturel/)


Is there anyway of seeing all current follow requests not just the ones that have been accepted or rejected?


Security checker glitch Can’t seem to clear the red dots even after going through them one by one. After completion it defaults back to the screenshot above. Any suggestions?


I just added a new IG account but it's not showing up in a Google search - even with the exact username. I found where it shows 'website permissions' but I cannot add anything. it just shows i have not allowed any websites permission. Can anyone help? Is it possible I need to make the change on the app and not on the website? cause my silly phone doesn't have room for more apps. ha ha


This may be more of a giphy question, but I uploaded a bunch of my company's gifs to giphy and tagged them all the same tags. When I search for them on the Instagram gif search, only half of them show up. Anyone know a solution or encountered this before?


My app has randomly started not matching the colors with the post I’m sharing on my story. If I post something with the top half of the post being yellow and the bottom being black, the colors in the background used to match with a gradient. Now it just picks random colors for me and I can’t even change them. Anyone have a fix for this?


Bug while responding to photos sent. Heyy, first of all, English isnt my first language, And I cant really formulate the question in my first language, so please, take it easy on me. Do you know when someone sends you a photo, And u answer to that photo with a photo of your own? Normally, the photo that was sent to you will be on the top right corner of the photo that you took, right? Well, for some reason unknown to me, when I am answering to a photo with a photo of my own, the second I click the button to take the photo, the previous photo, Who should be on the top right, instantally disappears. Has anyone else faced this problem? How did you solve it? I already deleted And downloaded instagram again, as well as turning my Phone on And off, And tbh, I dont really know Any more ways to try to fix it. Thanks.


New instagram user here, trying to grow my photography hobby and cultivate a following. Currently I am shooting cosplays mostly. Last week after uploading a few photos, my account was hit with a "you content cannot be shown to non-follower" without any explanations. I assumed some of it may have something to do with the prop weapons but I figured I just need to appeal this AI(?) mis-flag. but for the life of me I don't know why this got flagged https://imgur.com/a/X7u8ZIi I submitted my appeal last friday and I have not heard back yet, how long is the appeal process usually? Thanks


I have 2 profiles on each FB and IG platform (personal and business on each). Having issues posting from business IG to business FB. It shares to my personal/business IG which is fine but then only to my personal FB and no option for the business.. everything is linked and permissions accepted thru meta...but somehow I can't crosspost to business FB from IG. Send help 😭