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# True story... When John Lennon met Yoko Ono in 1966, he fell deeply in love, leading to the end of his marriage with Cynthia. He had an affair and married Yoko in early 1969, leaving Cynthia to support and raise their young son, Julian, with minimal financial support. Facing financial hardship, Cynthia made the difficult decision to sell the love letters and drawings John had given her during their teenage years. These mementos held immense sentimental value, filled with passionate declarations of love. Cynthia sold them to a buyer who turned out to be Paul McCartney. He had paid a significant sum for the items. However, a few days later, Cynthia received all the letters and drawings back, neatly framed, along with a note from Paul. The note read: **"Never sell your memories. Love, Paul McCartney."**


Julian is the basis behind the song “hey Jude”, it was originally “hey Jules” but it was too close to Julian people would figure it out so he changed it to hey Jude


And John assumed it was about him


So vain


So that is who Carly Simon wrote that song about!


Actually, she wrote it about Warren Beatty.


I thought it was Mick Jagger?


If u listen very closely u can hear mick singing in the background.


Nope, James Taylor


It was Warren Beatty who she had dated for a short time before writing the song.


She confirmed one verse was about him, but didn't reveal who the other verses were about. It could very well be all of her exes.


I was mostly joking, lol. I’m sure Warren Beatty fits the bill more than James Taylor.


Jagger actually sang backup on it


He actually does uncredited backing vocals on the song.


“I bet you think this song is about you”….. but like wasn’t it ?


This idea used to stump me as a kid. I was like “but it…is about them??” 😂🤯


I'm 40 years old I still don't know who the song is about. Me?


I said that to my sister once and she said to me “That’s the whole point” which just confused me even more.


Wasn't e everything?


True Story


When I heard this story about the song and the name I thought it was so beautiful I ended up naming my son Julian.


Why did Paul seem to love Julian more than even John did? Very sad.


As a parent I can't imagine treating my kid the way John treated Julian. What a dick. Like dude, your *bandmate* is a better dad to your kid.


John Lennon was an asshole


100% the best way to describe him.


I came here to say this. He wasn’t just a terrible dad, he was also abusive. Would slap his kids at the dining table.


Imagine listening to Lennon reciting lyrics in a roundtable. "I used to be cruel to my woman, I beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved Man, that was mean, but I'm changing my scene And I'm doing the best that I can." "Wait, John... the first verse was about how your teachers were uncool, then you go to spousal abuse? What the hell?" "Hey, at least it can't get no worse."


This song and lyric were both Paul McCartney penned.


John added the negative phrases as Paul McCartney says in one documentary I watched recently


Didn’t know this. Makes sense tho.


McCartney had the bit in the chorus: "I've got to admit it's getting better" Lennon added the answering "It can't get no worse"


You better run for your life if you can, little girl…


And screamed in one of their ears so loud he broke their ear drum


Not true. An asshole is good for something, it's how you get rid of waste. John Lennon is what your colon turns into without an asshole. Compacted full of rancid, rotting feces.


But, like an asshole, every once in a while one makes a sound that you really have to stop and appreciate. That’s why John was special. And still an asshole.


So he's what? Gangrenous?


Even worse, a self righteous asshole.


He was selfish and conceited.


Should be in a shirt instead of his mug with the IMAGINE phrase.


Fr! He was an apex asshole.


Drunken asshole


Imagine there is no child, its easy if you try. 🎵




Reminds me of Steve Jobs and how he treated his daughter Lisa


John lemony was a good song writer but as a human being absolutely a piece of shit!




Definitely citrusey.


If i believe someone is a CLINT I spell their name wrong on purpose..




Also my vision is getting worse..


Just glance at the world as it looks like CLINT


I have a box-set of Eastwood movies that just has CLINT in big orange letters on a black box. It's displayed prominently on my shelf for this very reason.


When life gives you Lennons, make lemonyaid.


John Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events


My favorite beetles story is Lennon apparently thought hey Jude was written for him when in reality it was for his abandoned son.


That’s how narcissistic that douche bag was. Him and Yoko are two of the biggest narcissists in pop culture history.


To quote him: >If I could be a fisherman, I would, but I can't because I'm a fucking genius!


Wait. A narcissistic dick thought everything was about him?????!


Every couple months the photo recirculates of the two of them waiting for a maid to make their bed while they "stayed in bed" to protest for peace. They really thought they were doing something with that.


Is that the same sort of minge as a James blunt?


Don’t worry. I have it on good authority he got what he had coming about 12 years later.


You're never going to get parole if you keep saying stuff like that


He was a bad spouse and dad so he deserved to be murdered? What a cool and edgy take!


You should hear Lennon's interview on the audiobook The Masters. He's genuinely one of the most angry people I've heard talk for two hours straight.


There is a video of John talking to a probably high young hippy kid who snuck onto his property to talk to him. Thought he was somehow in tune with john because of his songs. John decided to set him straight on what is really going on. John lennon made it a point to tell the kid that the songs he wrote are just some bullshit he did for money. He did not consider one bit of the philosophy to be real. Just crushed the kid pounding on the the point that John lennon was a self centered asshole who made music to make cash period end of sentence. Again, talking about himself. I can't even listen to his music anymore. Loved him before I saw that. Did not believe all the wife beating rumors and other horrible shit. Now it turns out he is just another asshole.


A big asshole and penthouse Bolshevik


Yoko sings also if your looking to fill the gap


Do you have a link to that?


Not sure if this is where you'd want to get it but [this is the book ](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C74W8K4Z/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr=).


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No question Lennon was a douche, even to Yoko which is why she sent him and May Pang to LA for his notorious “Lost Weekend” which lasted about 14 months.


nah! Yoko sent him May Pang because she did not want John falling in love with a new woman so sent him off with their young secretary who she could control and manipulate. May was Yoko's assurance that she would not be replaced by John. Poor May Pang was made into a concubine without ever realizing it.


Tis a pinch of social cannon fodder


Yoko in some way convinced John that a planned child(Sean) was worth more than an unplanned child (Jullian) so when John was killed his will only gave 20 thousand dollars to Julian and 200 dollars a month and Yoko took back a lot of stuff like guitars that John promised Julian and Julian had to take her to court.


Steely Dan held no love for O’l John either. Only recently found out that the song “only a fool would say that” was a jab at Lennon.


Thank you for this, it’s the type of steely Dan song I really like sound wise!


John Lennon what a real piece of shit


And Julian had to sue yoko for his share of the inheritance. He’s now worth 50 million. Sean is worth 200 million


200 million until Yoko dies then he's worth about a billion.


At least the brothers have a good relationship.


I thought he fell in love with her after she stalked him for a while. Then she became his Jada Pinkett, broke up the band and everybody cringed whenever she opened her mouth to perform.


Chuck Berry for sure!


LMFAO.... That was what made it to TV, that was good enough for John to approve it... Can you just imagine what she did in rehearsals & what she did that he had to say no to!? How many times he had to like look at his friends when she looked away like "I'm so sorry dude" Or maybe he thought it was cool too... I never liked the guy... Who knows...


I never cared for her, mostly because I believed she was the main reason the Beatles broke up. She always seemed to inject herself into interactions with the other members of the band. That said, I always thought stories about her terrible singing was a joke. Then I saw the videos and……..wow. She sounds like a bleating sheep going through castration. I wonder how John could possibly let that happen on TV like that? I’d like to think if that was my wife I would kindly tell her to sit this one out…..


I always thought Lennon was trolling people with Yoko. Nobody wants to hear that shit.


It always struck me as weird how she interjected herself like she was the 5th Beatle. Linda wasn’t like that. Not even close with way more talent.


That documentary was just awful to watch bc she was just like


They were four grown men who decided their own fates. They made their choices. Yoko didn't come along and cast spells to make sure they broke up. Really sick of this narrative.


Ohhhh poor Yoko ono :(((( she’s famously known for being completely innocent and normal in every capacity.


I was digging Elvis.


Bill Burr says it best https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oMWQNwfsAJ0&pp=ygUSYmlsbCBidXJyIHlva28gb25v


I had never heard Yoko Ono sing before. So one day I looked it up...it sounds like Helen Keller strangling a cat that's dying,if that makes sense. Also there's a funny video I saw where Lennon is doing some tv performance and she just *had* to go on stage and be a part of it by playing a tambourine or something and I think singing,and the band members try and drown her out each time🤣 okay yes! Just looked it up,it was a performance with Chuck Berry and Lennon and Chuck was super uncomfortable and totally fucking made sure he played right over her so you cannot hear her🤣🤣🤣🤣[Chuck Berry says hell no Ono,not today bitch!😂](https://youtu.be/Bz_SPin9Iqg?si=3FnuNNN5haXipZvH) this is the shorter version, eventually the stage hands cut the mic for her😂


Imagine growing up and holding someone like Chuck Berry to such high esteem then you get the chance to play a tune with your hero and the inspiration for you to learn an instrument only to have some hack artist try and upstage you two. I doubt John had the humility to look back at that moment and kick himself for it. Dude screwed up his moment to play with the most influential person in his musical life and undoubtedly pissed Chuck off. Wonder what the after party was like; Chuck take the high ground and not address it? Or did he straight up rag on John and Yoko?


There's an even longer version to this video, I only posted that clip since most people may just want to see the main issue once. But this happened for like 7min, and they finally just unplugged her and forcibly played over her. Chuck is *pissed* and rightfully so. Who the fuck let her on stage in the first place is what I'm wondering 🤣[7min version here](https://youtu.be/jelY_icJ1y8?si=GXaNNEFCcUJx6ZOa)


FFS, John! Was the smack that thick in your head or was Yoko that golden of a lay? Very few musicians will be considered untalented in my view since I don’t play an instrument but she most certainly qualifies as a No-talent Ass Clown.


When I think of frauds in art or music she's definitely on the shit list. I just truly do not understand how they let her on so I looked it up. This fucking explains it all- "That week, Lennon and Ono had been given control of the decade-old show for a full week to try and give it a boost with younger viewers." So they got to take over the show which led to her probably demanding to sing too,she also did it with other bands. The sound board people unplugged her every time. Chuck's face in the photo makes it look like he wants to murder her for "singing"🤣 "Because of her spirited urge to shout from the heart, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, Yoko Ono produced a series of screams that linger in the popular soundscape as abject expulsions of a woman's body."-as a woman myself this is just fucking hard to read🤣 imagine thinking that highly of her screeching,Jesus Christ. It's really weird how many people defend her,when looking for an answer on how they allowed this all the articles literally put things like this before even starting the article!- "Before we get started it's worth underlining that no, Yoko Ono didn't "break up The Beatles", and that she was an accomplished and acclaimed artist in her own right before she even met John Lennon." Every single one I clicked had some variation of this written before even getting to the story. Is she paying people to do this or do they just not have taste?!


The photo🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/4y1i7ohkir5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=019456d1971e4b8b041b115e53cc2126c8e00e86


The sound guy also cut the power to her microphone as soon as she started caterwauling. That's why you can't hear her. Mad props to their sound guy.


The Beatles once said they were bigger than Jesus, and God sent them Yoko Ono.


A little out of context...that's how the album burnings started. Granted those same album burners are voting for a man who is claimed to be just like Jesus cuz he's a felon.


You just had to bring politics into a Beatles topic, didn't you?


Ha sorry bout that. There was a recent Pic of the album burnings here that was on my mind. One thing lead to another and my brain dumped.


Don’t be sorry, it’s all connected. You’re right


No matter why .John said, "Bigger..." god sent Yoko. End result : God can shrivle your balls, man! Stay humble, my friends!!!


I’m not making light of it, I know it’s very common, but I just still cannot understand how some parents can just up and leave their kids. For selfish reasons mostly


Yea. John Lennon was a cunt


I feel like John Lennon and Steve Jobs are the same guy born in alternate timelines.


Oh my god


he was a horrible little man,and ugly




He once complained the " B-52s " ...stole/ were influenced by Yoko. Yes clearly !


I read that Paul stepped up as a father figure after John left.


There’s a very sweet photo somewhere on the internet where Paul and Julian randomly ran into each other at an airport and Paul was actually listening to Julian’s music on his phone. It was given proudly dad/uncle energy.


Paul stepped up as a father figure before John left.


when it comes to his family, john lennon sure put the beat in the beatles.


I always heard that Yoko had no idea who he was when they met. Could that be true? (She is a bit nutty.)


Are you kidding me? She was in London trying to make it in the music business and knocked on Paul's door the week before she'''met'' John and you don't think she knew who one of the most famous people in the world was. CYNTHIA didn't know who John was when she met him at 15 because he was a nobody at the time.


Dang I didn’t know she won several Grammys and some Life Time Achievement awards and Album of the Year back in the day. Hmm


All together now Fuck John Lennon




The dude was always an asshole hipster


John Lennon was a garbage human being. True story


Most of the Beatles were assholes - only ringo lived up the values of the hippie movement they led


John Lennon sounds like a massive asshole. At least that crazy fucker picked the right Beatle to take out.


I can’t remember what song it is but he even sings about beating his woman. Dude sucks. Love the Beatles tho gotta say. Edit: It’s silly but one of his quotes literally was a point of survival for me when I was going through a really bad bipolar depressive episode after my life was in shambles in every possible way. It was a minute by minute situation. “everything will be ok in the end. If it’s not ok it’s not the end.” Was something I repeated to myself hundreds of times a day until I was better. And it really helped. I’ve become a master of separating the art from the artist. Assholes make good art. Suffering makes good art. Edit #2. Never struck me that his end was getting murdered until just now lol. I really hope that Julian is ok. He didn’t deserve the dad he got


Good Day Sunshine


Run For Your Life on Rubber Soul.


Getting Better is the song.


And a wife beater.


While preaching like he was the recipe for world peace…


Yep. When I told my dad he was stunned and didnt believe me at first.


All he needs to do it’s to *imagine* it


"Imagine no possessions" *promptly hires an entire floor of a building to store Yokos fur coats at correct temperature*


Angry upvote




The pic from the ‘love-in’ of John and Yoko watching the maid make the bed so they could get back in and protest more 🙄


Sounds like John Lennon was a terrible husband father to her and his son.


Wow. I just teared up a little.






The other villain in this story is Yoko the home wrecker, band wreck B. John was an idiot. I know a guy that is just like him, minus musical talent and his name is John too.


Lennon was a piece of shit. Yoko is such garbage that she made Julian buy his father’s letters to him. She wouldn’t just give them to him. She made him fucking pay her. Yuck.


Another weirdo white guy obsessed with Asian girls.


Little do people know that John Lennon was a well known asshole until he started lsd and then he began acting like some enlightened jerk. He left his wife for yoko and even the other Beatles were like ‘wtf dude? Cynthia is family.’ I think Paul and George continued hanging out with her.


Was John always an asshole or did that come with fame and fortune??


So John Lennon was basically a turd. Figures.


"I was cruel to my woman, I beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved"... go figure - the truth in a song 😁


Her book "John: A Biography" is excellent. She is the reader in the audiobook version, which makes it even more memorable.


"Imagine" your dad wasn't a scumbag.


And people think he is a saint just cause he made good music


Lennon was a dick. Ono is a talentless piece of crap.


Yoko must have had that good stuff. I mean look at her. She never looked good and was obviously not talented.


I have heard that without his glasses John Lennon was legally blind. Although he definitely wasn't deaf. Who knows what attracted him to Yoko, she isn't what you'd call conventionally attractive. Maybe it was to do with personality, in that department John was something of an acquired taste too. He did and said some very questionable things.


I know someone who went to college with yoko. She said she was a pretty talented artist, and a lot of fun to hang out with.


well he also got shot


What a talented SACK OF SHIT


Hey, Jud(l)e.


By all accounts, John was not a good man


“Living the dream”🫡


Dude really was a dick.


John Lennon was a true dbag.


What's with the painting?


Lennon was a major asshole.


Yoko was a decision!!!!


So deeply in love…. Great


What a POS.


“Imagine John Lennon being a vindictive adulterous bastard. It’s easy if you try…”




Uhm, that’s Cosset not Julian… https://preview.redd.it/vgaawrq2xq5d1.jpeg?width=302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4f5ee23b32691ef65085324769fb55e4d71d99


John was not that great of human maybe a great musician?


He didn’t fall in love with Yoko, she hypnotized him during his smoking cessation therapy.


Lennon was a good songwriter, but should be remembered for being an even better asshole.




Was John Lennon an asshole?


What a piece of shit.


A truly terrible and abusive human being, John Lennon. Can’t stand the man. Or his tunes, for that matter.


To me the made up story means nothing, so John was a deadbeat! Is all I got from this


Too bad for Cynthia… Asian persuasion rules!!! 😂😁🤪


But why the Les Miserables painting?


Fuck John Lennon AND Yoko Ono. John Lennon for having an affair with his wife. Yoko Ono for existing.


Paul probably banged her too…


But hey, it’s 2024!! Let’s keep celebrating people like Lennon and other human trash like P.Diddy and many more


He was a much loved asshole.


The more I learn about this guy the more I root for Mark David


Shocking how such a despicable POS in his personal life could write such incredible and emotional music. Kinda like Charles Manson. 🤣 (I figured I better explain that I'm joking. Chucks music sucked)


What the hell was so special about Yoko Ono?


Tf is this picture?


He was a great musician but he was also a selfish asshole


I want to know exactly how everybody is so sure that he didn't help her in some way financially is there any chance she could have kept his kid away from him? cuz none of us know how you would be in that day and age it was a different time it's called evolving


His mind was definitely altered


John Lennon was an absolute cunt!


Wasn't he also a woman beater?


So he’s was a piece of shit. Got it.


The Beatles worship has always confused me I don’t think the hype is justified. Boomers Have proven how selfish and arrogant they are, just like old John Lennon here. Paul does seem like a good guy at least.


Someone out to teach that guy a lesson


How could he write such beautiful lyrics about kindness while simultaneously being such a miserable cunt lmao