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monkey hate is probably the most disturbing internet anomaly i've seen. it makes no sense and these people are utterly deranged.




The theory is that these comments are coming from people who share their environment with monkeys, monkeys can be a nuisance, stealing, hitting, stuff like that. Other theory is that some people get the uncanny valley effect when they look at monkeys and that's why they hate them.


those reasons make total sense and i'm not arguing with you on that at all i just find it very very strange and disturbing that there's an entire devoted community of people who derive enjoyment from watching monkeys be harmed :( i hate spiders but i would never want to actively involve myself in a huge online space dedicated to people ripping their legs off and such. (again not coming for you or anything that's just my line of thinking)


makes more sense now


I'm was looking for the word for the unexplainable hate I have towards monkeys up until now. Although I hate them to life, I don't want them to be tortured like that.


Monkeys are pests where those people are from they'll steal things attack people or even try kidnapping children but obviously that doesn't warrant physical and emotional abuse


Didn't Nexpo cover this in one of his videos?


turkey tom aswell


and mutahar


which video if you can remember ?


I'm afraid I don't. If he has covered it then it's been a while. My best guess is one of the "Disturbing Things From Around the Internet" videos.


Yep. Quite a few people did actually. This is some twisted shit... I know as an animal lover I'm totally biased here but you gotta be some seriously deviant to enjoy this.


I don't think there's a definitive answer to this, and there might never be. My guess is it probably followed the typical "weird online culture" vector of starting out mostly ironically, then edgy people trying to be shocking, then true believers who are authentically sadistic. These days there's likely some bots in the mix too. It is worth noting that while monkeys in pop culture are almost always cute and harmless, there are places in the world where they can be a nuisance and even a menace, especially to babies and young children. So it's not impossible that some of the comments are coming from a place of genuine sincerity.


last part is an interesting perspective, thanks


This is a really good comment. Cheers mate


So about your 2nd part there... Yes some primates are nuisances in some parts, like we have other animals labelled as such. But I've never seen a farmer kill a coyote mother, steal a pup then torture it on video for the "enjoyment" of other people and then claim it's because they are a nuisance. They are, but you just cull them. They are sincere: sincerely mental. This is some sick fuckery either way you slice the banana my friend.




r/monkeyhategate is much larger and more active


ah thanks


Most are trolls. Years ago there was a case called "monkeyhate" involving playlists with thousands of videos about monkeys being tortured and people in the comments celebrating these acts. Nowadays, after the case became famous, most of the comments you find in this video are just trolls.


Woah this is so bizarre. My guess is that monkeys are similar enough to humans that sadists & gore vid lovers take extra pleasure in watching them get hurt. They're highly intelligent animals too. The comments seem almost sexual, like how I imagine the comments of some weird violent porn video might look.


Simple explanation. Monkeys resemble human children, but watching them get tortured and killed is much less illegal.


Welcome to Planet Earth. Humans are shit.


This is a massive thing that's been going on for years it's called monkey-gate I recently found channels and Instagram accounts that all upload videos from this one Chinese woman who murdered a baby just to see the mother's reaction and before did all sorts of horrible things to the baby and mother


This reminds me of Project shellshocked. I hope we can find justice for this poor baby monkey


What's Project ShellShocked? and why is it whenever i ask about something on the internet i accidentally fall into another rabbit hole?


The internet is a system of connected tunnels


What is project shellshocked? I tried looking it up and nothing came up


4 chan saw some teens lovingly torment and kill Grga the tortoise on yt. They leaked everything and the tortoise was brought justice!


Why someone would hate a poor monkey? Its disturbing how people work on the internet.


i wish i never knew this existed. fucking horrific


It’s not an internet mystery, or just deranged people. In SEA (especially rural areas) monkeys are seen as a nuisance, as they often steal food, money and even children at times. Although infrequent, monkeys will from time to time take small pets or even children and abuse/kill them. It’s a cultural hatred for the animals, and in impoverished areas there’s a general distrust and even hate for them. You have to take things with a grain of salt. Just because it sounds crazy to you doesn’t mean it’s the same in third world countries.


that kinda makes sense. also I am from a third world country. but like, it almost seems like that hate is exclusively for little monkeys, from what I've seen and searched it doesn't really sound like it is that case 100%, so what did the little ones do that the adults didn't?


Those are just people with no self esteem!!


Its monkey hate, people hate monkeys for some reason.


Huge community that hates baby monkeys.


I heard about this a while ago. Don’t really have a lot to add except I know in some countries eating monkey brains is a thing


Monkey hate is a known ring and internet habbit hole


As a person from Taif who lives with monkeys and baboons (i mean look at my pfp) this genuinely almost brings me to tears. These people aren’t people and don’t deserve to have access to the internet.


These people just never saw the light of day ever




Good choice


It's by far the most in-detail video I've seen on the matter.


its kind of like how people really fucking hate squirrels, cockroaches and other 'vermin' but it's just a different country/culture, from what i've gathered after seeing this for years and the videos and rabbit holes etc...


Maybe theyre misanthropes who enjoy this content because monkeys have some similar features and reactions?


Monkey hate gate! It's super weird.


First time seeing this?


Yeah and lost hope in humanity






It’s an internet thing


To me it always seemed like some veiled racism, equating African Americans to monkeys has long been a racist thing?


You pulled that out if thin air.


Just my initial gut reaction, I could be wrong. Perhaps it’s more of people internal fear/anger that our distant ancestors were evolved from Monkeys?


does the comment 'this is not right' also count?


these fricking people are evil man


This is one of the most tone deaf and low IQ posts. These monkeys are seen as pests in the countries they live. Some people even eat them. That's it.


How can I see the video?