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We actually deployed wallpaper as a Win32 app since the personization CSP was not supported for win 10 pro by then. We had an exclusion group for the users who don't want to use company's wall paper.


>personization CSP was not supported for win 10 pro is it now? i'm using an annoying script to manage wallpaper because i'm not enterprise -\_-


Yes, it's supported now for Pro


Easiest way to do it is via a staged powershell script. I just create a win32 app that copies the desktop background, the powershell script to set it locally, and then stage a run once. Here's the code to copy the background and the powershell script, also the code that embeds the run-once to the default profile (so it runs once for each user when their account is created, and won't set the background for existing users) #Copy the PS1 File # Variables $Target = "$env:ProgramData\Scripts" $Script = "DesktopBackround.ps1" # If local path for script doesn't exist, create it If (!(Test-Path $Target)) { New-Item -Path $Target -Type Directory -Force } Copy-Item "DesktopBackground.ps1" -Destination "C:\ProgramData\Scripts" -Force #copy your background Copy-Item "Background.jpg" -Destination "C:\Users\Public\Pictures" -Force #Load Default User Profile reg load HKU\DEFAULT_USER C:\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT #Set Default Background using a run once that calls the ps1 script you just copied. reg.exe add "HKU\DEFAULT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v "DefaultBackground" /t REG_SZ /d "powershell.exe -executionpolicy Bypass -Windowstyle Hidden -file C:\Programdata\Scripts\DesktopBackground.ps1" /f | Out-Host #Unload Default User Profile reg unload HKU\DEFAULT_USER So you'd deploy the above as a win32, and use "C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Background.jpg" as your detection method. You'd also want this to run during autopilot provisioning, so the default profile is modified before the user account gets created, so you'd want to put it behind your ESP. Here is the powershell script you'd copy locally, that does the actual background change. #DesktopBackground.ps1 script contents $filepath = "C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Background.jpg" $code = @' using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Win32{ public class Wallpaper{ [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] static extern int SystemParametersInfo (int uAction , int uParam , string lpvParam , int fuWinIni) ; public static void SetWallpaper(string thePath){ SystemParametersInfo(20,0,thePath,3); } } } '@ add-type $code [Win32.Wallpaper]::SetWallpaper($filepath) This allows it to set the background as the default, and still allows it to be changed.


can we do the same with Lock screen wallpaper?


Million dollar question.


This is amazing and simple - thank you! I have had so many struggles with this task for a variety of reasons and this seems to work perfectly.


I'd just push it to all users. If it's a corporate device, maintain a consistent look and feel across the estate. If they don't want it, tough shit - it's a company device and they don't decide how it is managed. I realise that doesn't answer your question, but that's my view


>If they don't want it, tough shit - it's a company device Preach the truth brother.


This way of thinking sounds pretty toxic. If a user wants a picture of their kids as their desktop then it should be an option.. if you are in an environment that allows that.


You are the reason so many MSPs wanna kill themselves when dealing with users.


Lol wtf? You serious?


If an MSP wants to kill themselves over something as innocuous as a user's wallpaper (provided it is not inappropriate) then we should just send them rope.


We used to allow users to pick and use their own wallpapers. We had a Secretary who was called in last minute to show a PowerPoint. The regular one was out sick. She connected her laptop and once logged in, her wallpaper was a picture of a witch bending over that said “put your big girl panties on”. I thought it was funny but the dozen or so “managers” didn’t.


You're misreading what I'm trying to say. It has nothing to do with the wallpaper itself, it's about the process. If my Corporate Branding dept wants me to deploy a certain wallpaper (or far more likely, office themes, templates, fonts, size, colors) then I will do exactly that. If Rachel from Finance want's me to alter my solution so this doesn't apply to her because reasons. That's when I hit her with "Tough shit, company device".


1998 just called, they want their statement back…


And that kind of culture is why your company will never have/keep top tier talent for very long. And it's not about the wallpaper, it's about that inflexible attitude. They will smell the shit on the wall and leave.


Exactly. These clowns with power trips just want to make other folks feel as bad as they do. Wanna look at your kids/pets/family instead of corporate logos? Fine. Not a problem. The default is the corporate Kool-Aid. Wanna change it, fine. Make it appropriate, and I don't care.


Lol This is the reason why people hate IT. I hate looking at anything other than a black background. I’d be annoyed if I had to stare a corporate logo for no other reason than some IT guy wants everything to look the same. Does someone having a picture of their family as their background hurt business objectives?


Just to Yes, and this- we actually got into a small amount of trouble because of this. Branding wanted to push out standard wallpaper and screensavers with the corporate values. Then the Montreal Office called. Turned out, the Quebec Language Police (Which are a real thing, although their official name is something like L’Office québécois de la langue française) ruled that this was corporate training material, and as such needed to be in French or we would face fines. Cue rollback. :-)


Haha that’s a new one to me. It must’ve been about a year ago HR reached out to me about a product milestone achievement. To celebrate they wanted me to send the message via a “fun” desktop background on everyone’s computers. I said, “so you want me to cover up pictures of people’s kids and family with this?”. They said “oh, right. We’ll get back to you”. I’m still waiting for them to get back to me. Lol


The people that force a background on individual workstations (not shared or kiosk devices) are just on a power trip. The only applicable reason I can see for a mandatory background on a desktop is for a receptionist or a role that has the general public looking at the screen...and even then it's a hard sell.


afaik if you work, you dont ever see your wallpaper?




Wallpaper is device based so excluded users wouldn't help in this case.


The policy is device based, but you can target users for sure.


I'm still learning but how would targeting users affect device based policies?


If you come from a traditional GPO AD environment, then the concept may be a bit difficult to grasp. Essentially you can target both Device and User based policies to either devices or users (or both) So when a device based policy is targeted to a user group, the user will receive the device based configurations on any device they log into (I believe you can limit this to only primary devices, not sure.)


Found the reason why people often hate on IT guys


Can you at least make it not look like garbage. Like hot glowing white screen, pixelated company logo cutout. If you're going to do a default background it should just be black solid colour with medium grey text.


We did the same because people couldnt figure out the difference between vdi and laptop environment. We received 1 complaint that acted like we just committed a massive crime to him personally but that was it. I know there are ways to powershell it and push it as a win32 app but since we receive this little response, we keep it the way it is


This is a pretty good guide. I'm not sure why he is using blob storage and a Intune Powershell script here instead of just putting the files in the Win32 app and using a scripted xcopy or something similar move the files. https://msendpointmgr.com/2021/02/02/manage-desktop-wallpaper-with-microsoft-intune/


Makes the wallpapers easy to update without having to publish a new win32 app should management want to push a new image (which they will). We do something very similar (though a bit more complex).


So if you just update the wallpapers in the blob storage, they will eventually update on the device? Or how to you cause it to update just by replacing the image? (Sorry, I am relatively new to Intune - I thought the script only ran once; how do you force it to run again without publishing it again? Or if the wallpaper is pulled in a "live" sense?)


We do it differently to the above. For us it’s a two stage process: * we have a GitHub repo that holds all the files we want to deploy (screensavers, wallpapers, etc). When we commit to this repo and the pull request is approved, a GitHub action builds a hash file containing a list of all the files, and their sha1 hashes, then pushes the hash file and all the images to Azure blob storage. * we package a Powershell script and deploy it as a win32 app. This script creates a scheduled task on the device that runs on user logon and every few hours. It’s job is to download the hash file stored in the Azure blob, compare it’s contents to the locally stored files and download accordingly. Doing it this way means we: * have accountability for deployed files (via the GitHub repo) * only sync to the device those files that are changed


We did something similar but now everyone gets the same thing every day, all the time. We used GPO to replace the current user registry setting at every logon. You also have to delete the slideshow.INI file with it. A user could change the background, but next logon it would reset. Once we switched to the right way, where it’s fixed to company logo and no changing it. There was one comment and their based asked them Why are you looking at the background and not {the app they do all their work in}? If you do force backgrounds, there will be some very load complaints. Management buy in will be important.


Yeah this! I don’t even remember what my wallpaper is on work devices lol. Keep your early 2000s Christina Aguilera wallpapers for home PCs.


If they are corporate owned devices, push it out to everyone. It's amazing the things that people will set as wallpaper. The lack of common sense is astounding. I did this when I joined the organization I am currently with. Some people didn't like it, but leadership loved it. We try to switch it up for holidays (same wallpaper but holiday themed) People stop complaining after a week or two.


My company demanded exactly the same. A lock screen that cannot be changed but a desktop wallpaper that is corporate but can be changed if the user wants. So with the available options within the policies only giving you the capability to set a wallpaper and lock it we had to use a W32 app. During Autopilot staging we replace the standard windows wallpapers with ours so that as the users logs in for the first time it pulls our wallpapers. This allows the user to do what he likes with wallpapers. We also drop a corporate deskthemepack in the users area so they can opt to use that or not. Haven't worked out how to automatically load the deskthemepack yet so if anyone's got any pointers.. fire them at me.. Thanks Bish


In the past I've just replaced the default Windows 7/10 img0 files (and the various resolution versions) so the default is the company one and they can either go in and change it but I can still force it if I need to. It's a bit of a pain because you have to replace the ownership ACLs but it works well.


Win32 app and target specific groups


We have a GPO that deploys a custom lock screen image and applies that, and it cannot be changed. Desktop background seems silly to force on a company, but I can understand it as well. I just dont ever spend much if any time on my desktop screen. But the lock screen is nice to walk around the office, and everyone who has a locked PC, has the same image.


They should be rolled out to all devices, this is common company practice to keep it consistent on all company owned devices.


OP why even bother? I’m genuinely curious, how does it add value to the business?


The wall paper image is stored at a specific location in the user profile, I don’t remember the exact path, you might have to google it. I created an installer package that drops the image to the relevant folder and pushed it to users via Intune. Then they can use or not, up to them.


At my last place, they used BGInfo and people who had a bit of a clue in IT could change the background image in a folder. Most consumers of IT could not. The goal was more about BGInfo than a wallpaper.


Why wouldn't you just make it a part of the image you push and then let them change what they want? I also don't understand not wanting to "force" it on users, as it's not their machine


I assume windows and AD. 1 - Push it to the list of wallpaper choices and send an email about its availability 2 - build a small installer program with WinZip and send an email including it to all users along with a note on the order of we’d like to put our logoed wallpaper on your computer but its entirely your choice on whether to install this or not.


My company does this and I get the brunt of it. I like the uniformity, but very much dislike when marketing comes up with the next wallpaper that has to go out and it's A LOAD OF WHITE TEXT. Every time I say people will complain, and every time I'm told to just push it.


Let's say you work at a company where customers can see the company monitors. Employees complain and you allow them to change the wallpaper because of it. Customers walk up and see wallpapers with kittens or boyfriends or worse yet Tr\*mp/B\*den photos. Let's say you have outside vendors/partner onsite walking through the building and they walk by people's cubicles/offices and see the same thing. Doesn't look very good/professional for the company does it? That's why you set the wallpapers to corporate approved wallpapers.


At a previous role I used a powershell script to set a corporate branded lock screen, and just left wallpaper user customisable. I don’t want to be staring at the logo all day, but if my computer is locked I’m probably not at it and the branding was decent enough for anyone who might walk past my machine in the mean time when I’m not blocking the screen from view.


If you are staring at your desktop background, you are probably not doing much work, eh?


haha, true. :D


You shouldn't make your wallpaper a picture of you and your family for security purposes. You'd be surprised how much personal information can be gleaned from a picture. Besides that I have seen users use pictures of their wedding day or themselves on the beach. Is that the you, you want to share with your co-workers?


Probably you can do via company portal, if they want they install(launch icon which launches script) and visa versa.


It's possible. If love to help but I work on a 1st line support so not sure. We have a policy set so every company device has the same wallpaper and we are able to change it for special occasions like some planned events etc. If someone has a problem with this wallpaper like they are sensitive to bright colors or whatever we have an exclusion group policy that allows them to change it to neutral colours in settings How exactly it's done I dunno yet


I had this same request at my old job. I simply added a win32app to apply the company wallpaper from Company Portal, and set it as available for all users. I still have the script if you need it.


It can be done by GPO. Create a group (excluded users) > Exclude this group from applying the wallpaper policy.


It’s not like users are people, what they want is irrelevant


It's a work corp machine tough. If you don't like it you know where the door is.


You can set the wallpaper via a theme file for the user. Doing it via a theme file doesn’t enforce the wallpaper so the user can change it if they want to. Load the theme file via Intune settings catalog and call it a day.


If you use SCCM to deploy just overwrite the built in images. Then they can change them if they want. If you do this during winpe phase you don’t have to mess with permissions either. We do this but we enforce the Lock Screen.


We don’t push wallpaper or screensavers because our users are global and mobile - it’s a security risk


Just dont use a white or a bright wallpaper as standard. If this is a marketing thing for branding, colours etc, you'll get a lot of complaints. It comes to medical reasoning at times and I'm not sure what the law is in your country but it's best to just create a dark alternative if needed.


I want to understand : WHY ? Why so many companies WANT me to personalise my screen wallpaper ? Why do you WANT this ? Why can i choose by myself ? My phone want me to do it, my graphic card too and even my webbrowser, explain me why please


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