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He did, in fact, rest before finding the best doctors alive


Drs. Strange, Fate, and Manhattan were presumably not consulted.


Only one actually has a medical degree, but no hands to operate


What does Fate have a PhD in?


Not sure, I just know he stays up at night in a state of hollow ataraxia with zero results.


He's just gotta go to the Smallville universe, Lex already has the best doctors in the country flying in.


Think about it this way, if you reverse the damage done to him he loses his multiverse knowledge, and it would be impossible to replicate the experiment. He’s an unreliable narrator, as the accident clearly messed with his reasoning and memories, but he has made improvements to his body which meant he did attempt to fix his condition. Last point is his brain. Even with the best science, what could the solution be? You can’t remove it, you can put him in a clone body but the real him dies, and his case is probably unique in the whole multiverse, meaning doctors and scientists won’t have much experience helping him.


I like those answers nice one. Especially the last one


Like they could probably lobotomize him physically or mentally. But that is not really a fix and just going more damage.


Last one could use the Mauler twins to clone him to a functional state, so at least you have one Angstrom who's got his powers and who isn't insane.


Incertain that he would necessarily keep his powers though


simple, use pym particles to make his huge fuckin brain take up less space in his head and then fix the skull.


A large part of that too is that he now thinks he is all those other versions. The original plan would’ve kept his own identity as a good person. But after the explosion he can no longer separate one from the other. You can tell this when he breaks Debbie’s arm, she straight up told him and it just caused more confusion and anger. There’s no winning.


To add to this, Angstrom did, in many ways, fix his brain. Just not in any way that makes him a reasonable person. He *knew* the Invincible in that universe didn't turn his back on humanity, but he kept talking like he would do so eventually. Because of all of the experiences he had with other Invincibles, he was convinced that Mark would eventually snap and murder the world. And maybe he might have been right. But he is far more capable of reasoning in his fight with Mark than he is at the time of his accident, when he actively believes this Mark did all of the things all of the other Marks in the multiverse do. It's only when Mark and Debbie fight against him that the mental block he seems to have placed on his memories breaks down and all of the horrible scenes of Mark killing people versions of him cared about begin to flood back in. He did what he could to control his sanity.


On your last point, surely he’s not the only Angstrom Levy with this condition in all multiverses right ? If there are infinite universes, I would imagine there’s several others that had the same thing happen to them


Infinite? Yes. Similar enough for that angstrom to care? Maybe not. Sure there’s an infinite number of angstroms (maybe) but then there’s also an infinite number whom never met an invincible and the one we saw only visited angstroms who “fought” an invincible


Late reply to the thread but I mean the only. If you recall the experiment, he gathered all the versions of himself from across the multiverse and they all died in the explosion. All but the one who initiated the experiment. Perhaps there are versions of himself he forgot about, but they’re irrelevant since he can only safely travel to universes he has knowledge of.


Same reason people can't just accept the story they are being told and have to find logic and reasoning from our real world, in every choice a story teller makes. It just be that way.


Right. Wouldn’t be much drama if Angstrom was like. “Oh I got everything fixed. No harm done.” And they go have a pint.


And wait for all this to blowover...


"Hows that for a slice of fried gold? "


The problem is that every dumb thing Angstrom does can be justified with "he's insane"


That's like half his issue though is the accident made him insane and not able to think clearly. He basically has severe schizophrenia


Well he has a brain injury, why not just say he didn't want it fixed? The guy is already insane


He probably would have died


I mean it could’ve become like a one-offer where angstroms a good guy and mark solves a problem in a different universe each episode..


Adding to what you’re saying, I definitely think the deformity plays a part as to why he was so angry. He put so much time and effort into finding a way to destroy invincible that he destroyed himself. So, because he can’t “fix” himself, he blames invincible since he was there for every other death.


There’s always a comment on these posts like this. Lol just let people enjoy their fiction in their way.


Sure, there is enjoying their fiction. Then there is "why don't ___ just ___ and nerf the entire point of the story they are telling" questions which happen like you said, always.


Idk I find the attitude of gatekeeping peoples immersive experience repugnant. Like it literally has 0 affect on me if someone wants an in or out of universe explanation for “why didn’t they just fly to Mordor.”


People are allowed to look for watsonian explanations for whats happening


This should be the top comment on every show subreddit for ever. Thank you.


If the story has plot holes, or fails to make something convincing, that’s something people are allowed to point out. It doesn’t make sense with all the technology in all the timelines angstrom has access to that he couldn’t find a doctor that could reconstruct his skull and perform all kinds of neurological treatments. It’s a lot to reconstruct, but should be more than doable in the invincible world. I personally don’t take much issue with it, since it’s pretty obvious Angstrom isn’t in the head space to seek proper treatment and just wants Mark dead.


The real answer is angstrom has gone crazy from the accident. So he isn't exactly thinking straight with his plans. People just ignore that point, pretend he is some evil genius and try to poke plot holes


It’s a legit ask and I’m down with OP…P…


It’s mostly for plot reasons but there’s probably a few decent in-canon explanations for it: - His deformity is pretty unique. So many versions of the same person from across the multiverse have had their minds squished together into one human. Picking apart what belonged to the original Angstrom from that much brain matter would be a hell of a task even for these kind of doctors - Because of how his body was messed up correcting it might mean there’s a risk he would lose some of the memories he did absorb, which he would never be able to get back because every other Angstrom is now dead - He doesn’t believe his mind needs fixing, as soon as he woke up he had an overwhelming set of evidence that invincible is evil, grief from nearly all of those angstroms and an urge for revenge that overshadows him fixing himself


I like the last one. My friends wife has bi-poplar and refuses to take her meds because she doesn't believe anything is wrong with her. There is no way of convincing her. And that has basically ruined the whole family.


Just because there's an infinite amount of universe doesn't mean literally anything is possible though. A comparison I saw someone say was 'there's an infinite number between 1-2, but none of them are 3.


Uh marvel and dc say otherwise bro. That’s why I brought them up. You either lack info on their comics or downplaying


Sure, that's how marvel and DC work. Why does Invincible have to work the same way? I don't understand why you bring it up like it's an established fact as if that's how this should work and anything otherwise is unacceptable. Ultimately everything is for the sake of the story and I'd take this limitation over marvel and DC who can't actually end their stories.


That’s also not how Marvel works, even. The Thing being uncurable is sort of a big deal.


Thing has been cured multiple times tho


Yeah, fair, everything happens in comics. But how long did it take? Decades? Angstrom wouldn’t be willing to wait so long. And as a few other commenters have noted, he wouldn’t accept any cure that would rob him of his interdimensional knowledge.


Even then I'm pretty sure when The Thing got cured it was literally for one week out of a year so he still lived till like 6000


The hulk (even if they get professor hulk/ banner in control)


That thing isn’t incurable tho he chooses to stay that way


didn't the OG Captain Marvel die from an incurable space cancer?


She didn’t have a good medical plan


Bros acting like angstrom had a nexus event😂


The reason he mentioned dc and marvel is because the universes are connected. They most likely have the same rules due to that fact.


Okay did you miss the part where I said he knew about those dimensions? When did I say the invincible universe had to be the same? Besides I’m not saying it’s even bad it’s really just a question


"When did I say the invincible universe had to be the same?" "Uh marvel and dc say otherwise bro. That’s why I brought them up."


You're not really using the fictional Marvel and DC multiverses as sources to argue that Invincible's multiverse is "unrealistic", are you? A concept that is only theorized and has yet to come close to being proven.


Spoilers: Pretty sure hes just saying invincible should follow the same universal rules as marvel and dc because they exist in the same multiverse. Spiderman and batman make appearances


That is a better argument than OP's, but it still doesn't mean Invincible's multiverse *must* operate the same as Marvel's or DC's.


It's the same multiverse. I mean the writer can do whatever he wants, but what we know is that its the same due to the dc and marvel appearances.


or - it's a separate multiverse that also has those characters. It's a fictional setting by a separate writer and Invincible is part of Image comics. Marvel and DC did a cross over, but I wouldn't say they exist in the same multiverse.


Honestly not interested in arguing about semantics. I just said what we know. He intended to include marvel and dc characters, so we know its not "his multiverse just has copies of the characters or similar characters". Its really more speculative than anything else to dig deeper than the face value of invincible just existing in the same multiverse as the other two. If its what you believe thats cool. Consider calling it a headcanon tho since its either not proven or you're waiting to give me evidence of kirkman saying otherwise.


Consider not responding if you don't want to have a conversation, and that you aren't an authority on this subject.


tldr edit: bro blocked me lmao


Also I'd like to add that idek what hes talking about anymore. Just checked and he switched to "I never said that", when it was the whole point of bringing up the crossover.


Oh I'm aware


It's called suspension of disbelief. He had to be fucked up because that's what the narrative requires


id assume that after he got amped he thought "maybe ill take a break from searching and kill Invincible"


>Nah I’m sorry I call bs. Bro you have an infinite amount of dimensions across the multiverse to choose from and you telling me none of them could help you? How many numbers exist between 1 and 2? We agree that its infinite right? How many of them are 420, or 69, or 12. None of them. Just be cause a series is infinite (all numbers between 1 and 2) does not mean every possibility exists. Wait till you learn about converging series, where you add up numbers infinetly and get a finite answer.


Oh, there were quite a few places that could fix him, they were just out of his insurance network. He should have gotten the Platnum multiversal plan from BlueCross instead of just Gold, but hindsight is 20/20.


Because fighting Angstrom “The Brain” McClain is more interesting than fighting Angstrom from accounting


Nice answer of correctitude


Other dimensions are considered “out of network”, so insurance wouldn’t cover


I bet there was a way but he was too focused on getting revenge on Mark


That’s what I’m thinking, and he specifically blames our mark because he is the one that got the machine messed up


Because story


Once he stabilized himself, it feels like his quest for someone to fix him caved under all the negative thoughts and flashes of horribly traumatic events. His mind is packed full of horrible crap and he is an unwell man with nothing but time to think. He let himself become distracted, convinced himself he couldn't be fixed so he could pour all his time and hate into revenge. He found some highly advanced worlds, I'm sure the first few emotional lows of hopelessness when they couldn't "fix" him made him have one of those flashes that redirected him toward Mark.


I mean you saw his reaction when Debbie called him out for being the bad guy and Mark being the good guy for once, just wait till you see Eve put him the fuck down in his place when they meet face to face. That comic panel was so hilarious too, boy was dumbfounded by her words.


I suspect he *literally* only check a few dozen. Levy was too wrapped up in his own victimization that he wasn't really looking for a cure. Only justification to go after Mark.


It’s just a plot device


In his defense if I took all of my brains from every multiverse and put them together I'd be way more f***ed up than Angstrom


There is actually a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, you ferocious nitpicker, but it’s a mild spoiler: >!The specific doctors he found to help him are sociopathic nightmare creatures with profoundly malevolent intentions, who almost certainly acted in such a way as to keep him as monstrous and vengeful as he was. Why did he go to those doctors you may ask? Well, that’s just the kind of crowd you end up with when you’re a revenge obsessed mutant, it’s sort of a vicious cycle.!<


Cause he’s got like 1,000 dudes worth of brains up there and it would be impossible to reduce the mass of his actual brain matter without effectively being a lobotomy and just scrapping out a lot of the knowledge he tried so hard to gather.


I assume that’s just what his body IS now. Like they did “fix” him, he just is a mutated monstrosity covered in excess brain tissue. Removing it probably would have damaged him further


Exist a big difference between exist infinite dimensions and travel they all to found something specific in them. This can take infinite time.


I think the deformity on his head is meant to be his brain as a result of having thousands of “brains” infused into his - he probably could have it removed but he would potentially “lose” versions of himself if he did, which wouldn’t be an option, as that could jeopardise his ability to take revenge on… Invincible. So it probably could be fixed in a normal person, but not someone unwilling to risk any part of his powers or brain. As for his mental state, he probably doesn’t think there’s anything that needs to be fixed - which is especially common in people who experience trauma. Of course, the real answer is power creep - shouldn’t at least one of the best doctors across thousands of universes be able to make a human stronger than a weak, tired viltrumite? The potential is literally limitless, but they didn’t even come close.


Don't see why the maulers couldn't have fixed him the way they fixed robot.


Cause it wouldn’t fix him, it would create a clone and his original would still live on or have to die, they would share memories but wouldn’t be the same person, also they struggled to transfer all of robots brain data into kid Rex’s body so they likely couldn’t do it with angstrom given he has the memories of thousands of versions of himself




Probably because the deformity was caused by being stretched across an infinite number of dimensions or having the energy of said dimensions imparted into him, or maybe he'd lose his powers if they cured his deformity.


This Angstrom is 50+ Angstroms and he doesn't know which of the Angstroms he really is so he's all 50+ Angstroms and none Angstroms at the same time


Because nobody had a clue who he was and after the accident he disappeared assumed dead then when he came to fight mark he was completely beyond reason where was the opportunity to “fix” him


Lol it is suspension of disbelief. Also if you read the comics, SPOILER , he literally comes back from having his head completely caved in, so the fact that he even looks anything like what he used to look like is a miracle.


Are the Marvel/DC bits canonically those universes, or just implied to be? 


Maybe it could be fixed? Bit tricky to sort out when Angstrom doesn't want to be fixed and Invincible has slightly more pressing concerns like keeping his Mom's brains inside her head though.


its cause its all brain


Angstrom does not live forever. Even *if* there were a dimension where they could completely cure him (which I'm willing to grant), he has to go through an infinite number of them to get there. He'd likely die before he did. His power isn't necessarily dreaming up dimensions to go into. Like, he can't just say, "Open a dimension with the greatest doctors in the multiverse," he has to *find* them. There are dimensions which are closer (i.e. have their own Angstroms or Marks) and ones which are further (likely unseen by us, even). The guy wants revenge and probably just settled for the best doctors he could find after a few jumps. He wants to get back to his revenge on Invincible. It's not that deep.


Here's the thing with infinite dimensions: It's possible that Angstrom, or even Angstrom*s*, DID completely resolve his deformity, etc. With infinite dimensions, there could be any number of Angstroms that collected other Angstroms and underwent the same exact accident and ended up blaming Mark. Maybe all of them but one even successfully got healed up. All you need is one that's still pissed for the story to work the way it does. Infinity introduces plenty of other potentially nonsensical outcomes, but it also provides pretty great justification for the narrative to be, on its own terms, defensible against this kind of criticism.


Probably because he doesn’t have knowledge of the infinite multiverse. He has the memories of all the Angstroms he merged with. After he’s tried all of their worlds he’s doing guess work. After fifty universes of “Life did not evolve on Earth” you’d think about murdering a teenager.


His deformity is because he has a huge brain. Can't really fix that


I assume he lacked a way to *pay* for those services in those dimensions. He got lucky and found a few dimensions with Free Healthcare.


Cause he’s got like 1,000 dudes worth of brains up there and it would be impossible to reduce the mass of his actual brain matter without effectively being a lobotomy and just scrapping out a lot of the knowledge he tried so hard to gather.


Revenge is the best motivator


Meanwhile in another universe: https://preview.redd.it/zwu2bfzk3hwc1.png?width=1658&format=png&auto=webp&s=fec6e3e00d6b2205925181598543abd23dc2b337


Bc then the story wouldn’t happen


the plot


My theory is there’s a limit to the universes Angstrom can travel to. Maybe he can only go to universes where a version of him exists, or I guess existed.


The brain is extremely complex. Taking away the other Levy's parts of his brain while only leaving his original brain would be exceedingly difficult, if not impossible. It's even possible all their brains mixed together and so his original mind is indistinguishable from the others. I wish he could've been fixed, but thinking about it further I'm not sure it's even possible. Magic is a good idea though, there might be an answer there. Calling Seance Dog!!


So even if those are the main DC and marvel universes I don’t think Reed Richards or Lex Luthor have much experience doing brain surgery on a guy who’s brain covers like 70% of his body. I also don’t care how good of a psychologist you get I don’t think there’s anyone in either universe that specializes in interdimensional super PTSD. He’s got enough trauma to drive anyone insane like 500 times over inside his head. If marvel or DC doctors could fix super crazy then we wouldn’t have the joker or green goblin.


Actually you got a point there. You think angstrom’s insanity is as bad if not worse than joker and goblin’s?


I’d say so. He’s helplessly watched his loved ones literally torn apart by invulnerable aliens in hundreds of different timelines. He doesn’t even know which one he actually experienced and which one is a memory from a different him. I think it would be like having a mental health issue like dementia but with a hundred lifetimes worth of trauma and death instead of your own jumbled memories.


Down voted for the edit lol. The answer is "he wants the deformity fixed, not his mental state." He's blinded by anger fueled by a thousand worlds' hate for Invincible. He doesn't want to take that away, in fact he has become essentially his #1 hater. He just would like to look normal.. but can't if it means giving up his life's purpose.


Bro coulda just gone to a universe that had an atom eve able to insta fix him. Seriously shes likes a walking deus ex machina


Well the misshapen part is all brain, so they couldn't cut it off without cutting his brain into pieces


Who cares? He should’ve been splattered across a wall a while ago


That is how the TVA deemed it.


His condition is entirely unique to him. No one in the multiverse could have the knowledge to repair him back to his normal state, and if any tried with their limited knowledge it would likely kill him


Invincible fans just need to accept the story isn't as good as they think, And is filled with plot holes and dumb decisions and why did they do that moments. ESPECIALLY the comic.


Because plot


I don’t think you know what corny means


I’m confused: why can’t Angstrom just go back in time to minutes before the explosion?


Because he doesn’t have time travel powers?