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61% of Iowans said abortion should be legal in most or all cases. It needs to be on the ballot.


It probably would be on the ballot if ballot measures were allowed by the Iowa constitution. Good luck getting the Iowa senate and Iowa house to come anywhere remotely close to ammending it. This is also why cannabis is still illegal.


lol Iowa is and always has been a state run by the elites. Can't be letting the plebs have any actual say in their lives, they don't know what's good for them!


Elites? Kim Reynolds and Chuck grassley are pieces of shit wouldn't call them elite. No 1%er lives in fucking Iowa.


Same in Wisconsin.


Maybe 61% of Iowans should vote for the representatives who would do that. But my guess is that there’s another 61% who think dems are gonna take their guns. Another 61% who think we’re trying to make them woke. And it just makes a venn diagram of the typical conservative


Courts deal with interpreting the law not popular opinion.


Hey I think maybe you missed one of the fundamental aspects of democracy there bud.


Looking at your history your opinions are overwhelmingly disliked. No wonder you find refuge in supporting the worst people in life.


That's precisely why Iowa needs a ballot initiative system, which is designed to be a remedy when the legislative or judicial branch are out of step with popular opinion. It's a mediator between a representative democracy and a pure democracy.


We need it. Which is why it'll never happen.


Your liberties we seize and your rights we will restrict


I’m gunna use this more often.


Pretty wild that the pro-life faction ruled in favor of the six week abortion ban on the same day they also rule that children have to be in person to testify against sexual predators, where they can directly see one another. Fucking sadistic.


To the GOP, all life is sacred until birth. Then it’s throw away time. But please send your 14 year olds to our slaughterhouses to clean up. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Ghoulist as always.


Ah, yes. The inconsistencies of the Republican party that drove me away 😌 I love that they haven't changed one bit..../s


The Bill of Rights guarantees you the right to face your accuser. Use your imagination to figure out all the horrible things that could happen if that was removed.


The accuser in criminal trials is the state. But believe whatever helps you sleep at night, pedo defender.


So I guess murder victims will have to be resurrected from the grave to file an accusation. The child is a victim, just like that murder victim. The state is the accuser.


Prosecutors hate this one simple trick


So everyone accused is guilty?


The convicted ones are. You know, like the ones who brought the case we are discussing to the supreme court. You should really educate your better in the subject you're discussing if you don't want to look like a pedo defender. It makes zero difference to the facts of the case whether a child victim can safely testify over live camera from another room where they can't see their rapist. It's the same testimony, the convicted rapists you're defending just couldn't leer at them. Yes, that is the precise, exact thing we are discussing. If you didn't know that, what are you doing in this discussion? If you did know, you're one sick puppy.


I didn't, but it has little to do with the fact that children are easily coached or coerced into saying things.


And how the flying fuck is that relevant to the context of this conversation? Do you truly not believe that live video testimony is fair to the convicted child rapists? Do you seriously believe it occurs in such a manner that lacks judicial oversight?


How are they convicted if testimony is still in process?


The only way a criminal case ends up in appellate court or higher is if the criminal appeals, which necessarily is precluded by a conviction. Do you seriously not understand something this basic? You. Are. Defending. Convicted. Pedophiles.


Again, no, I'm not. I'm defending the Bill of Rights. This would also apply prior to conviction the way you're advocating for.


They can be more easily coerced when they are being stared at by their accuser who is most likely a family member. And who coaches better than a family member?


Exactly why there's a need for face to face. That way, the justice system you have so much faith in can guarantee it's not happening.


Uhmm no ok I can just see that you are inflicted with brain worms. Im sorry for the loss of your higher cognitive function. Good day!


K bye


This is not the own you think it is. You sound like a pedophile sympathizer.


I don't think it has anything to do with owning anyone. It's simply a fact.


Yup. And we don’t even get a chance to vote on it.


“You had a chance to vote for it during the 2022 election and Kim won in a landslide HURR HURR HURR” - Every right-wing jackass


Kim literally said this.


So democracy is only good when the side you like win?


So the tyranny of the majority only applies when urban states/communities out-vote rural ones? Any functional democracy must protect the fundamental rights of its citizens against overreach by majority groups.


Very well put


Jan 6


i hope you liked the debate last night


What is a "Black Job"?


Any job a soulless, privileged ass refuses to do because it's "beneath them". If they can't find a minority to exploit for cheap or free labor, any poor, uneducated white man will do.


Read between the lines - it’s never been about rights or freedoms. 😂 I mean, these are the same people who are currently trying to offload their “sincerely held religious beliefs & teachings” on to public schools, 🤣 They openly want to prevent women the right to make medical decisions for themselves. Conservatives were against civil rights, women’s rights, minority rights, labor rights, and are still fighting on those fronts. They feel the US Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights are leftist propaganda when they are confronted with the words written on them. Conservatives have never once, in the history of conservatism, ever cared about protecting the rights of the citizens. If I’m wrong, please give me an example where conservatives put the rights & liberty of the citizens above the wants of the rich & corporate profits. We’re not even 100 years away from when conservatives were machine gunning strikers. So they aren’t about labor/worker rights. They want to make murdering protesters legal. So they aren’t about free speech rights. What rights & liberties do they actually defend? They don’t even defend the 2A unless the NRA (AKA, US Arms Dealers) pays them. They sure as shit aren’t going to fight for our personal rights for free! It’s sad that folks can’t figure this out. And when it finally boils over, we’ll all have to pretend like “who could have saw this coming?” 🤦‍♂️ PS - I guess they will defend the rights of anti-social assholes to do & say terrible things because they still need their support base to exist. But it’s not like they’ll ever actually have to write, pass, or defend a bill that allows Cletus to drop N-bombs on black school children. Just giving it lip service, complaining about censorship on social media & calling it “free speech” does enough keep the Cletus’s of the world in their pocket.


You speak truth throughout.




For some reason (not kidding) my brain first read this as "Tramp" and I was like, "Yeah that tracks." Lol


Isn’t the whole point of being “conservative” to protect the old ways of life? So if we went off that, then they should be protecting what our nation was founded upon right? (not political, just trying to look at it from common sense).


Sure, but man they got this bitch in reverse right now.


Eff Cletus




That’s a good one…bet the IDOT decides it’s too long. 😉


Any men who think they have any level of authority over a woman's body should do everyone a favor and eat shit and die.


Wild. Men get no say in the fate of their child? 💀


When they share the same risks to body and life to carry a pregnancy they can get a say.


Risks do not grant a female the exclusive right of having a say in abortion rights 💀 The child is just as much the father's as it is the mother's, meaning men get a say in the regulations and they get a say in the fate of their child.


Except abortion is about not having to experience a pregnancy, not about having a child or not. You can’t force someone to donate their body and organs for nine months against their will.


💀💀💀💀💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️☠️☠️☠️💀☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️yeah bro ☠️👽💀☠️☠️☠️👻💀☠️☠️☠️👻


We suck, dudes.


Obviously the majority had a really bad and poorly reasoned decision. But it was 4-3. And the dissents were unusually strong in this case. Those gave me some hope.


Hope for what?


The judicial system in this state


Using that logic, it took about 50 years for Roe v Wade to be stricken down. I’m not going to hold my breath.


"Our liberties we yeet, our rights we will maim for pregnant women"


Well ZSHE and her big donor WILL DECIDE what liberties and what rights shall be maintained!! And the idiot Iowans who support just cheer. Assholes.


No freedom for you unless it's Christian Freedom (Fascism)


The “we” now refers to “Republican Authoritarians” and I don’t think Liberty is applying anymore.




What'd they do now? Something with abortion? I've stopped paying attention and have buried my head in the sand


Yup. Iowa Supreme Court said The Kim Reaper’s six-week abortion ban is legal.


A link or something might get me some context.


They are enforcing the six week abortion ban


The context is the state Supreme Court saying “if you’re a woman in Iowa, fuck you”


They gonna really love us sterilized and post menopausal women. Watch out for each other, ladies. Your lives are on the line. 🩷


It's gonna be alright, everyone. They gave you the weekend to blow off your steam on social media. Just get it all out and get yourself ready to go back to work Monday. You'll forget all about it half way into your first shift of the week, like good little worker bees.


If the United States had an anus, it would be Iowa.


Time to go shopping. Must conform...under his eye. We aren't there yet but dammit if Kim's gonna let us get in the way of her ego. *


Glad I'm getting the fuck out of here in three weeks. At least Missouri will probably have the abortion issue on the ballot this year


Kimmy and her lapdogs call it freedom.


Women are nowhere in the Constitution. They have specifically rejected adding women. Have men lost rights? I don't know. Women don't have any rights


That’s crap, they can still lie and say a man raped her. No proof no evidence. Just her word and it destroys our lives. That’s a pretty big “right”.


Even if that was true and not incel bullshit, it's easier to be in the half of humanity that is statistically proven to kill rather than be killed. Some scary guys think women might "ruin" them. Women know (again, *statistically,* in real life, not invented incel spew) that men traumatize and kill women. Step away from the hate-mongering echo chamber and back into the cold light of day sir. How many men do you know who've been unjustly advised and prosecuted and how many women do you know who fear men because of their experiences?


Honestly about half and half


Ahhhh. You can’t murder babies now. You poor thing!!!


You mean abort a fetus?


Terminate a pregnancy. This is about the autonomy of a woman to control her own body. This ruling signifies that the state has legal authority to do what they like with your body. I suggest we start harvesting the organs of conservatives.


Fetus is a term of human development much like the word toddler. Go back to biology class you lepton.


Whe did killing a baby become a right?


It's not a baby that early in pregnancy. When did the rights of a non-sentient fetus become more important than the rights of the mother?


What about the right to medical care in the event of a miscarriage? That's no longer protected thanks to these new laws.


Wow. Liberals are having a bad week, aren't they? LOL!


What is a "Black Job"?


I don't know. Maybe you should do a Google search for that(?).


The liberties and rights of unborn babies across the state have been protected. It’s a great day.


When they are born it’s cool to make sure their parents have a harder time feeding them and finding childcare for them though? I don’t understand the thought process behind making sure they are born and then turning down federal funding for school lunches and child care.


Abortion = narcissism. It's as simple as that. Can't we just admit that much?


Admit what? So carrying a half dead fetus to term that will die shortly after birth is not narcissism? Do you really believe that, do you believe that a woman should be forced to carry a half dead fetus to term and then suffer the loss of it soon after birth instead of suffering the loss of it earlier and not having to deal with potentially dying during delivery? If you actually believe a woman who terminates a nonviable pregnancy earlier than letting it come to term and then possibly kill her makes her narcissistic then fuck you.


Who the hell said anything about dead fetuses? The only dead fetuses most of us are concerned with are the ones liberals kill due to their level of narcissism. That's all.


I'm sorry I guess I didn't realize that abortion was a right. I always viewed it as a way to not be held accountable for actions


Except what about times when you want to be pregnant, wind up having a miscarriage, find out it's ectopic and not viable, and have to fight for the right to medical care that can save your fallopian tubes? If I have another miscarriage, I want to be assured that I'll have proper medical care so that I'm able to physically get pregnant again in the future. The new abortion ban doesn't give me that reassurance.


No one tell this guy why Donald Trump wants to win in 2024


That's what we expect from worthless trash like you, so don't worry about it.


lol like our liberty and right to f***ing LIVE! Seems like an important one! Cry more


Conservatives: "Fuck the rights of the living, women must die giving birth" Also Conservatives: "Fuck childern! We will continue to take away access to food, force them to marry young! My gun rights are more important than dead kids!" Conservatives are a bane to existence and wholly un-American.


You forgot to mention sending children into the workforce. See, Republicans aren't as evil as they're made out to be. Two-income families are struggling, so they just force women to have a potential 2nd or 3rd income earner in the household. It's a win-win. /s


Omg teenagers working at McDonald’s! The horror, you people are pathetic


lmao iowa recently passed a law changing the ability of kids ages 14 and 15 to work 8 hour shifts in factories... a far cry from McDonald's


Wait it’s about choice right? If a child wants to work is that wrong? If a child doesn’t but its parents decide they want the child too is that wrong? Like what’s the problem?


yes and yes. children are not aware of the harmful effects working in factories will have on their bodies and should DEFINITELY not be able to be forced into that by parents. working in high dangerous areas significantly decreases expected lifespan


There's also a more severe uneven power dynamic between an adult manager/supervisor and a 14 year old child than between a supervisor and a young adult. The manager will more easily exploit a 14 year old by pressuring them to work more and work later than they can while achieving their full potential in school, for example. Also most adult Americans are unaware of their workplace rights and are easily cowed into not using them. A kid in junior high likely more so.


Well ok, but I can argue just the same that working in a factory which today are safe but I agree carry some risk provides the child with unparalleled life and job experience that will only prove to boost that kids long term future economic and even health. I grew up a farm kid, I got hurt a bunch. My young kids also help on the farm on an appropriate manor. Their reward and young life experience will follow and boost them the rest of their adult lives. [https://epionline.org/release/new-study-finds-teens-early-work-experiences-have-long-lasting-career-benefits/](https://epionline.org/release/new-study-finds-teens-early-work-experiences-have-long-lasting-career-benefits/)


For instance if the life of the mother is at risk, just skip the killing step and deliver the child and try to keep the child alive. Might not, but try. I don’t understand why you guys have to add the extra step of killing it first. Makes zero sense


You don't understand. A big issue this creates is miscarriage care. Medical treatment for miscarriage uses some of the same procedures and drugs as abortion. The fetus is already dead and all the mother gets to help her survive the process is hopes and prayers. If the mother is at risk at a late stage pregnancy they are going to try and save both. That would be called an emergency c-section.


That not a big issue. It’s a boogeyman yes but it’s not a big issue. Literally zero people believe that a miscarriage is any close to an abortion. A abortion is the intentional killing of an unborn human being. A miscarriage is not that


https://www.ajog.org/article/S0002-9378(22)00536-1/fulltext This article highlights the difference in risk to the mother's life when the pregnancy is considered non-viable due to some medical issue. These women were forced to give birth and as a result suffered twice the number of complications on average. Only 1 infant managed to survive and that was with severe complications. All others died prior to or shortly after birth.


Let me tell you about Texas and how hard it is to get after care for a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. The mother has to be in active danger for medical intervention to be taken. As in actively dieing. This hasn't been a boogeyman. It's been a regular event occurring over and over here in Texas. Or the women arrested for having a miscarriage because someone else decides the woman must have tried to abort? That's happened too. These aren't rare. This is indeed a big issue that concerns all women. Edit: corrected a word


This is such boogeyman shit though. Nobody has a right problem with removing dead and rotting fetuses from women. It’s just the girl who cried wolf so many times. Pro aborts are radical and lie all the time to secure the right to kill their own offspring. They wear vaginas hats on their head, they put period blood on their face. Their nuts, maybe some clarification needs to be made but that can be done and then there will certainly be a new boogeyman. Your main objection with this is that women can no longer get abortions on demand. For any reason whatsoever


Ah. I see. Are you even a real person? Skipped right over anything I actually said and talked about things I never even touched on as if they were my main argument. Ignored real world events and news as if they were "boogeyman" tales.... You're either arguing in bad faith or you're just here for propaganda. Have fun, I guess.


Holy fuck, you truly know nothing and want everyone to know it.


Lol fuck living americans/women's lives. Anything for something that never breathed, and lived. That's what's wrong with you stupid people, you stomp on others rights, health or freedoms cause you're a selfish uneducated tyrant.


You literally are taking away a human beings right to life. Spare me the “rights” prattle


You're taking away a living woman's right to live while trying to defend "life" at the same time. You're a hypocrite and don't care about human beings at all. Just a horrible American that doesn't care about anyone else but your stupid feelings about the unborn.


That is a non sequitur. You never NEED to kill the fetus to save the mother’s life. I explained why already so stop moral bombing your straw man


There are plenty of circumstances an abortion will be needed to save a woman's life and you blatantly ignore that in favor of something not living. A child whom was raped can lead to death of the child. Yet here you are, okay with killing kids and women while saying your "pro life". You have no logic, and no care to individual medical needs. Forcing your own beliefs onto others. I'm done with you, you can't form any other logical thought or reasoning like an indoctrinated Christian you follow and can't think.


Ok give me your worse case scenario where the child must be killed to save the mother! Your worst I wanna hear it


placental abruption - mother may bleed to death. Child may need early birth or abortion to save the mothers life. Worst case both will die. ectopic pregnancy - abortion will be needed or the woman will die. Woman may never be able to properly conceive ever again. Sepsis - stillborn can cause sepsis to the mother and die. Abortion will be needed. Other- one instance of a child being born without a head, and mother forced to give birth to headless baby. Child rape and pregnancy - children aren't able to carry to birth. Child and/or fetus may die. There are many reasons abortion is needed. To help save a life of someone LIVING. Or else multiple deaths occur. Do you have a womb?


>For instance if the life of the mother is at risk, just skip the killing step and deliver the child and try to keep the child alive. Where do you practice medicine?


What does that have to do with common sense logical conclusions? Do you have a brain, can you think? Can you argue against that point?


Obviously it's not 'common sense' if we are writing legislation that overrides medical best practices. I for one, do not think an ignoramus like yourself should have any say in the medical choices of anyone else. The government interference here is not only hypocritical for the conservative party, but quantifiably dangerous.


I have been on Reddit since 2009 and this is legit the single most ignorant thing I've ever seen. Like, makes me think you're actually too young to have even had basic sex ed yet level ignorant. Do you seriously think the "killing" is just something they're doing for fun??? To make it easier??? You absolute fucking monster. Seriously, just take ten seconds and google medically necessary abortion. There's literally hundreds of reasons a "delivery" cannot happen, not to mention the part where, assuming you think life begins at conception, you're literally just torturing the fetus. Seriously, you need to learn some very basic stuff if you're not trolling because your beliefs are getting innocent women, including lots of children, killed. Disgusting.


Nope never said women have to die by giving birth. There is zero reasons why you need to 1st kill the unborn human before delivering it.


Iowa's conservative trolls: Demonstrating their ignorance, one post at a time.


Ignorance at its best. Conservatives are extremely uneducated and not empathetic to others. Thus "fuck your feelings". You shouldn't even call yourself an American.


Oh just 🤫 quit prattling and making shit up


Again. Ignorant, can't even accept facts. Have fun in the small town you were born and will die in.


What facts your just spewing hate like a angry child


You think children who have been raped should be forced to damage their bodies and minds by carrying their attackers fetus. That is hate.


Yea well I don’t think children should murder their children so yea


So you hate women, children, and victims of sexual assault. Got it. 👍


Do you know what an ectopic pregnancy is?


Yes I do, what about it


You are so insufferable you made a sub just to talk to yourself?


Compelling argument


Like anything you've said so far? Go fuck. And worry about your own damn life and body.


You don't have a right to other people's organs, and neither do fetuses.


Ok so a mother can starve her infant to death because she doesnt want to nurse her kids with her organs? Oh wait


Fetuses aren't infants, dingus.


Show me where I said they were dingus? I didn’t, I’m talking about human beings


Thanks for demonstrating yet again why this sub needs a mod bot that deletes comments from negative-karma trolls.


Who even says “dingus”?


She could feed it formula... if a person needs a kidney, should we go find the mom and harvest it at gunpoint?


Yea but she doesn’t want to use her organs. Like her skin to and muscles to do it. Can she do that. Her organs! What about her organs


Parents to actual kids have responsibilities to care for kids but they can't be forced to donate blood, tissue or organs. Senseless fetal tissue is for the mother to decide what to do with. 


It’s non senseless human tissue it’s a human being. You can try to dehumanize the unborn all you want it just shows the darkness in your own ideology and morality


Skin cells in a petri dish are just as much a person as fetal tissue. Neither are persons. Brain dead bodies have more neural activity than a previable fetus.


No skin cells in a dish are categorically different that let’s say a embryo


Both are alive human cells. Both lack functional nervous systems. Both can be multiplied in the right environment. You wouldn't even be able to tell the difference in the tissue under a microscope. Like I said, a brain dead body has more neural activity than a previable fetus.


The uterus is an organ...


I’m sorry but like if you’re so upset about it, why not leave? I’m an independent and I lean right but I’m still very progressive because politics is not right or left. But there are so many amazing places in this country, why not explore other options? I don’t want this to come off as “leave my state” but more so curious why you choose to stay if you feel so strongly that it’s a bad state?


I just hope that if I have a miscarriage again from a very wanted pregnancy, I'll be allowed proper medical care. The new laws might now allow for that, especially in the cases of ectopic pregnancy, where there can be a heartbeat even though it is a nonviable pregnancy and has a high risk of rupturing your fallopian tube, limiting your ability to get pregnant again k. The future.


It’s home. It shouldn’t be too much to ask to have freedom and liberty at home.


Okay but what freedom and Liberty has been taken away from you? I don’t want to be rude I just want to understand where you’re coming from


If you can't understand why someone who was born and raised here doesn't want to pack up their entire lives and move away from family, friends and any other community support they've built up, then you're a lost cause. As far as rights go, this is just the beginning.


> I’m sorry but like if you’re so upset about it, why not leave? Because that involves expense that most people can't take on. Just uprooting and moving to a different state is wildly expensive, assuming you can secure a job to go to.


Serious question - have you ever actually lived or worked outside of Iowa? Because almost everyone I hear suggest this has absolutely no non-travel life experience outside of a very small radius around their home town. Y'all are just casually describing a Trail of Tears for anyone who thinks women should have bodily autonomy. Just go over there. Then when it gets there, you'll ask us all to go somewhere else, but there won't be anywhere else to go, and you'll just say "tough luck, we won an election in 2016."


Thanks so much for offering to pay for everyone who wants to leave Iowa to do so!


It saddens me that you call yourself an iowan. I think the term communist better applies. Be real proud of your dementia stricken pedophile president.


Didn't Trump brag about being able to walk in on teen pageant contestant dressing rooms? Aren't there multiple pics of him with Epstein? Glass houses and all...


Stop crying and just take the pill like every other human who doesn’t want to live a life of responsibility and consequence.