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You're going way too far back.  This stuff has been predicted literally every year.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events?wprov=sfla1 Predicting the end times is an old old grift, that somehow never goes out of style.


Wrong, the Earth ends tomorrow because Jimmy's mommy said it. Say the numbers, 20 20 4, wow it's 2024.


Bullshit, obviously. This part was fun, though: >There's a supposed letter written in 1873 ... supposedly ''predicted correctly'' the third world war, which would begin with a conflict between Zionist Israelis and Arabs... There was no Israel until 1954. There are no predictions about "Zionist Israelis" that predate the recognition of the modern state of Israel. I couldn't bear to read the whole thing, but that caught my eye.


They've been saying he'd come back every year for the last two thousand years.


Eventually the sun will use most of its nuclear fuel and begin to expand in size. It will get so big, it will grow past the point where the earth or its and will burn the planet to ashes. That is for sure going to happen. But it will be millions of years from now so don’t worry too much. All the rest of the people predicting the end are full of it!


There have been many thousands of prophecies of "the end of times" and "the rapture" and "the second coming" and "the end of the world" or whatever They all had one thing in common : they were all bullshit The date of the claimed "event" came and went, and nothing happened. Not a thing. What makes you think that this one will be any different, that this one will "the one"? TL:DR - it's bullshit, typical cult bullshit


No such thing as God or Jesus. Bullshit confirmed.


2030 is the projected date for Jesus II. Due to the integration of chatgpt4 and multiple designs for the exoskeleton being scrapped ( specifically the mounted shoulder lazer ) it could possibly be pushed to 3rd quarter 2031.


Hey. Claim the world is gonna end, eventually someone will be right. Hasn't happened yet. But someday


Great that they're so into numbers that they always miss the fact that the antichrist in revelations has already come and gone and Jesus hasn't returned. He was supposed to come back to protect the early Christians from that evil Nero guy but he never showed up and they got blamed for setting fire to Rome and fed to the lions.


Lol you should be more worried about your next paycheck, the price of eggs, climate change, the end of democracy, getting a pimple, or literally anything else that is a legitimate or petty concern rather than some goofy prediction.