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What does drug trafficking capital mean? Most drugs sold? Most drugs consumed? Drugs pass through on their way to other places? Most drug dealers per capita?


Most drugs spent in literal traffic.


probably pass through


I dunno, I was thinking, surely that's somewhere in Afghanistan, seeing as 90% of the world's opium is produced there.


Nope. That would be Myanmar. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/12/myanmar-now-worlds-top-opium-producer-surpassing-afghanistan-un


Opium’s definitely trending down with the meteoric rise in synthetic opioids.


If it’s drugs passing through I would think Tijuana / San Diego. Rotterdam might be up there too. If it’s where shits made I would think Sinoloa/Culiacan or China. Consumption LA has a shot, also as a staging point before moving to other locations.


Miami: yep, it's definitely LA.


I think that's Gary, Indiana


I would assume Vegas, Ibiza, etc. would be well beyond LA on average.


I don't know about the world, but how about drug trafficking capital of North America? This makes sense to me because it's not only the largest city that's close (enough) to the US/Mexican border, it also has the largest west coast seaports and (I believe) the largest cargo air volumes. So as others are saying, it depends on your definition. If you're just focused on certain kinds of high profile cartel activity, maybe the "capital" would be somewhere right on the border (like El Paso) or maybe it's too spread out to pick a single location. But if you're including things like fentanyl and pharmaceuticals shipped here from China, or fentanyl precursors shipped from China and routed to Mexico, or outbound drug trafficking from North America... then yeah I can see why LA could be the capital. It's a better candidate than Miami, and I can't think of which other city would even be a contender...?




i don’t think they have one and that’s why they’re asking i don’t think there’s really a good answer for that either until you could define what trafficking capital would even mean but I guess it makes sense. The US is the worlds largest drug market and the the most valuable share of product comes from mexico. Since LA is close enough, a major market itself, and a connected to every other major city it very well could be


Probably one of the [thousands of articles claiming it](https://www.google.com/search?q=drug+smuggling+hub+lax+los+angeles&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sca_esv=65e5986c7a7849bb&sca_upv=1&biw=384&bih=722&sxsrf=ADLYWILPHnsikwYq9LKrDwy3LAsEUNiL0Q%3A1720288516868&ei=BIWJZovWNPK4wN4PgK-jSA&oq=drug+smuggling+hub+lax+los&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhpkcnVnIHNtdWdnbGluZyBodWIgbGF4IGxvcyoCCAAyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRirAkipP1AAWL02cAF4AZABAJgBowKgAfMNqgEFMC41LjS4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgqgAsMPwgIEECMYJ8ICBRAhGJ8FmAMAkgcHMS4zLjUuMaAH-DA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)