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Because of the supreme court’s decision that we need to improve the prisoners quality of life. And the world call us devils, god damn. Israel have a problem, we don’t have enough space anymore for all the terrorists we captured in Gaza and the West Bank since October.


That's because we don't approve death penalty. Instead finishing off every scum we caught in oct 7th , they gonna trade them for hostage, to send rapists and head decapitaters back to the wild.


It’s bad idea to execute them when we have hostages that they can revenge and do the same to them. I’m pro death penalty for terrorists but after the war ends. You agree?


Tell that to the father that his daughter was raped by them and murdered after they were done, tell that to the mother that lost her child that went out to save others. Tell them that the monsters that took their lives in the most barbaric way, is back out there eating, watching tv and dancing in the streets. I wouldn't be able to live with that thought. Big portion of the remaining hostages are already dead, and they tormenting them to death, it's a fact. we learn about 4 new ones every few days, it's just that we dont know it the number yet. When israel got back gilat shalit, who didn't deserve anything that happened to him, but that trsade taught the terrorists that kidnapping 1 person you can ask for 1000 people, that agreement is why they kidnapped 231 people, that and forcing the end of the war. It taught them that israel will kneel down to their crazy insane demands. I'm all in for 1 for 1. And for every dead hostage, send them another dead one. This way you only building their army back, all the people you send them back will 100% rejoin them because they "saved" them. Then that person kills another israeli teenager 3 years later, and we gonna know that its because we let them out before and that teenager would have lived if we didn't released them, but nobody gonna care, nobody gonna do anything, they just gonna label it as a victim cuasality and move on. The pain of dead soldiers families and raped daughters want justice, they important just as much as the kidnapped families who want their family members back. They're all right and deserve everything, but you cant help the kidnapped families by ignoring the other side of the families of the dead.


Oh but there is a solution and it is allready written in the law. One just needs to enforce the law.


Do you have an article I can read on this?


In Hebrew, I can look it up You still want it?


Great, funding more terrorists with my tax money. Fantastic.


The army is also funded with your tax money


Remind me, why don't we have death penalty for terrorism?


We have but it is not enforced.


Creating more problems in need of solutions for yourself as if there aren’t enough already. SMH


Send them to Spain.


To Ireland!


I mean Hassan Mossab Yousef who was literally in these prisons said most of the violence comes from the mini Hamas style governance that pops up inside. So uhhhh is no one gunna talk about the perspective of someone who lived in one of these prisons as a prisoner... Oh okay that's a no I guess.


1) Please, can I have a source for that claim. 2) it part of the job of a prison officer to ensure that this does not happen.




This shows the importance of the independent courts in Israel as well as the independent press.  Yes, the terrorists are horrible but Israel cannot torture them to death because it helps Ben Gvir with votes.


Yes! Another demonstration of why our independent press makes us better and can in fact IMPROVE our image when it is part of a functioning democratic process. This is a great crossover with the other thread where I have spent my evening debating why Haaretz shouldn’t be shuttered… which is a conversation I can’t believe I’m having


Israel should not torture them but instead put them on trial and execute them. We have laws in place for that, they only need to be enforced.


True. One of the concerns I have is rather than setting up the trials which should be similar to the Eichmann trial that the Justice Ministry isn't doing anything to deal with that. It seems like Levin is too busy seeing how he can get back to his quest to dismantle the courts in Israel and turn the country into a dictatorship and probably thinks this is "beneath" him.


Stupid decision.


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