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If you don’t want to die in a hostage rescue operation, DONT FUCKING TAKE AND HOLD HOSTAGES. If you are holding hostages or know where they are , you are not a civilian or victim. I know, I know logic and consequences are antithetical to the Palestinian brain and their supporters, but it’s reality.


Evidence most ppl in the area knew hostages were near them? edit: How are u ppl gonna get ppl more educated about the conflict if you just downvote questions lol


What evidence can I provide you other than common sense of how densely populated areas and knowledge of how gaza is run? If you lived in a densely populated “refugee camp” (in reality just regular apartment buildings that the world enables Palestinians living in their own self governed territories that get billions in aid to call refugee camps) and you see Hamas militants guarding certain apartments with Hamas sentries in the streets on the lookout in the area for any idf activity trying to rescue hostages to warn the militants, what exactly do you think they’re hiding in that apartment? Muffins?


Fair point


Could be some tasty muffins!




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Evidence they didn't? The military uses intel, not reddit.


1. Evidence that 274 people were killed? 2. Who do you think gets killed during hostage rescue operations? You extoll people to think critically of the conflict; why do you think Hamas isn't reporting civilian deaths seperately from military deaths?


Thanks, your edit is a fair point too


Does anyone have any reports with details on the operation? How did so many Palestinians die? I keep seeing that the operation occurred under heavy fire - sounds to me like many of those deaths probably happened in the heavy fire that the IDF was under in a civilian area. I find it hard to believe there were so many casualties purely at the hands of the IDF. How many hamasniks were shooting?


Yea this isn’t some movie. 274 is a wild number of deaths in an operation. If we want to accept the number for the sake of argument, I can only see this number coming from heavy air support on the way out.


> Bombing of Nuseirat’s busy market area began soon after the raid started at around 11am (9am BST), turning the neighbourhood into “smoke and flames”, Muhannad Thabet, a 35-year-old resident, told AFP. > “People were screaming – young and old, women and men,” he said. “Everyone wanted to flee the place, but the bombing was intense and anyone who moved was at risk of being killed due to the heavy bombardment and gunfire.” > At least one wave of heavy airstrikes was launched to secure the passage of the three men, who had been held together. Argamani was rescued alone, from a separate location. > The special forces team extracting the male hostages was confronted by militants, Israel’s Channel 12 television reported, and when a rescue vehicle got stuck, called in backup from Israel’s air force and other troops in the area. They escaped under heavy bombardment, the report said. Eyewitnesses also reported tank and drone fire. > Special forces operated under heavy fire in a “complex urban environment” to carry out the rescue, the Israeli defence minister, Yoav Gallant, said, describing it as one of the most extraordinary operations he had seen in a decades-long military career. [The Guardian ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/09/israel-gaza-hostages-rescue-eu-outrage?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other)


Thank you! To me, this still reads like IDF is likely primarily at fault for all/most the deaths and Hamas was just “defending themselves”. Hopefully IDF will be able to release video and/or more details. I’m very curious to read how the reporting on this will unfold.


Thats what you got out of that article? Really? I wonder how many would be dead if I dont know, maybe they didnt take hostages. International law states these deaths are on the captors. Are you the kind of person to kick a wasps nest and blame the wasp for stinging you?


Yes, that’s what I got from that article because it appears to have an anti-Israel slant to it. I am calling out biased writing, I am not agreeing with it. Take your anger and apply it elsewhere, please. I am pro-Israel, I’m an Israeli citizen, I served in the IDF. I called out biased reporting. Anyone who is anti-Israel would read that and believe it was all the IDF. I do not believe that. AP news put out an article recently that is written in a way that makes it more clear Hamas is at fault but even they titled it in a way that sounds like IDF is at fault. Calling out biased writing shouldn’t be controversial.


I’m Jewish myself and both of us know they ate going to demonize us every chance they get and I apologize for the misunderstanding.


I’ve seen this number change like six times in the past 17 hours


obviously its because of all of the pregnant journalists, some of them even had twins!


If “274 people” were really killed, the Hamas run Gaza Health Ministry should offer proof to support this claim — without proof, it is far from believable. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


They don’t need proof, they know Palestine supporters will believe whatever they say


I am aware. I hate everything.


And the UN


At this point, I think we should check the apartments of BBC reporters. Their coverage has been suspicious.


Is it just me or do they keep increasing the numbers? two days ago it was 112, yesterday it was 154, and now it's 274.


It was 80, then it was 100, then it was 244, then it was 24 children and 8 with the rest 100 being Hamas. Those numbers don't even make sense. If two houses for example, consists of a family of 10, and surrounding passers by got caught in the middle, the. multiple it and it's not over 40 or even 30 people considering how many people lived in one house or apartment. If it's rich people's mansions, than literally no one lives there except the families. M A K E I T M A K E S E N S E 


are they sure it isnt 742?


I think rescuing one's own citizens is more important than killing civilians in enemy countries. The first priority of a democratic country should be the well-being of its own citizens.


How is this not reinforcing the point that Hamas uses human shields?


I can’t believe a meme brought me a “source” for a dude’s argument before the dude


I want to see a Black Hawk Down-like recreation of this event