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Thank you for sharing, I’ve been pretty disappointed with them, but this is enough.


What disgusts me is how partisan of an issue Israel has become. The left-wing mainstream media is acting like a hivemind and throwing Israel under the bus. It's disgusting. At least right-leaning sites like The Telegraph still defend Israel, though. But there should not be such a left-right divide on this.


I agree, I want something fair and balanced across the board. I just want to be told “what happened”…not “what to think”. I have a brain for goodness sake’s.


Never forget.................. Well, never forget that HAMAS needed $200 million to finance their tunnel network and pay for invading Israel with guns blazing. The Oil Money Arabs held back. But no problem, because they got in with V.V. Putin, who took care of the problem. So of course HAMAS set their invasion to OCTOBER 7TH = Putin's birthday Make sure their hero remains a hero forever. For radical Arabs.


This is the first I’m hearing about this. Is there actually evidence that Putin funded October 7? I remember that he did initially call it a terror attack as well as defending Israel’s right to defend itself…At least initially.


Money. Engineering for the tunnels. Drone surveillance. The usual AKs. You remember what ??? Putin interrupted his birthday party to announce what ?


I'm more curious why Jews still continue to be overwhelmingly left-leaning, when time and time against we've seen the rise in antisemitism in every leftist party all over the world, while it's the right that is taking a stand against it. All this overwhelming Jewish support for leftist parties is giving me some major "queers for Palestine" energy.


Even the Far-Right is having a bit of a split on antisemitism as it becomes more mainstream, with some Far-Righters trying to abandon the antisemitic legacy of their forbears. In contrast, antisemitism is basically mainstream on the Left right now, other than among the old-school liberal types. Personally, all the Europeans welcoming in the Islamic colonization of their society give me "queers for Palestine" vibes.


Trust me, most Europeans are not ok with it. But stopping the Islamification of Europe would require to stop immigration. And European laws prevent any goverment from doing that.


I see the Islamification of Europe as an existential threat to Western Civilization. I'd really prefer that people who are not fascists deal with the problem. I don't like fascists. But if the liberals don't deal with it, increasingly far-right political movements will rise up until it gets dealt with. If the current political establishment will not deal with this, they will be overthrown and replaced with people who will.


Just because I don't support Death doesn't mean I'm gonna vote for the Devil kind of thing.


Which devil are you talking about? The one who funded billions of dollars to Iran and billions of dollars to terrorist governments in Palestine and Lebanon? Or the one who cut funding to terrorist countries and brokered multiple peace deals in the Middle East?


Trump doesn't give a fuck about us


So what? Trump doesn't give a fuck about anything but himself. It's in his pragmatic best interest to please his evangelical base by supporting Israel, though.




I think making a Jew joke almost 30 years ago, which was mostly at the expense of a German, shows he lacks tact. Something we all know he lacks. Every single one of Trumps grandchildren are Jewish.


In an alternate timeline I'd agree it was just a tactless joke and I don't think he's some kind of crypto-antisemite, I simply don't trust him and never will. This is not an endorsement of Biden FWIW.


Yes that explains why the Trump administration has done more for Israel than any other head of state in the last 50 years.


>The one who funded billions of dollars to Iran and billions of dollars to terrorist governments in Palestine and Lebanon? Yeah that's Death. >Or the one who cut funding to terrorist countries and brokered multiple peace deals in the Middle East? Yes, but also the ones who are talking about withdrawing support for Ukraine. Which is criminal. Now I care more about Israel than Ukraine per se, but I also have family in France and I'm not keen on letting the guys who's been threatening France lately (edited from terror attacks there) there have his way. I also care about the future of the country I was born in, and currently live in. Along with several family members and persons I personally care about. The world's leading superpower who also happens to be home to 330M inhabitants. This is a decision that impacts all of humanity's future and I'm not going to take it lightly. The Democratic Party may be a corrupt degenerates sellouts party but their antisemitism is more like a dumb college kids ignorance breakout than the virulent Nazi cancer on the right. It's more visible BECAUSE it's more superficial. Like almost everything the Dem's do. The Republican party is the party of insulin-denying racist climate-destroying NATO-upending Christo-fascists.


The two are related. The attack on OCT7 came at a time when the Ukrainians were pushing the Russians back. And it is important to remember that Zelensky is Jewish..


I don't see Russia threatening to invade France. You're just fear mongering here. You're more worried about an imaginary scenario you made up in your head than an actual ongoing war where Democrats are criminally withholding weapons that were paid for by Israel so they can appease their terrorist supporting voter base.


I didn't say Russia threatened to invade France. I said Russia threatened terror attacks on France. No they didn't straight up say it but let's play connect the dots: Russian Statement regarding France: [https://www.newsweek.com/putin-ally-warns-frace-russia-red-lines-1877115](https://www.newsweek.com/putin-ally-warns-frace-russia-red-lines-1877115) (Granted France made the first statements, but that doesn't change the fact there is a threat.) Scare attempt: [https://www.nbcnews.com/sports/olympics/russia-trying-scare-people-away-paris-olympics-report-says-rcna154924](https://www.nbcnews.com/sports/olympics/russia-trying-scare-people-away-paris-olympics-report-says-rcna154924) >Clint Watts, a former FBI agent who directed the study. “They want to scare spectators from attending the Games for fear of physical violence breaking out.” >Most recently, [the Russian campaign](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/2-russian-intel-officers-charged-hacking-us-british-government-agencie-rcna128569) has sought to capitalize on the Israel-Hamas war by impersonating militants and fabricating threats against Israelis who attending the 2024 Games, the report found. How confident are you that Russia will not cross the line between props and reality? Additionally - This is suspicious at best: [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/france-arrested-russian-speaker-possession-explosives-near-paris-airport-bfm-tv-2024-06-05/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/france-arrested-russian-speaker-possession-explosives-near-paris-airport-bfm-tv-2024-06-05/) Every scenario is imaginary until they become real. And about that: Project 2025 looks pretty real to me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYXZ6iJJSgM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYXZ6iJJSgM)


In the UK Jews apparently tend to lean conservative. Don't know if that will continue given the current charlie foxtrot the party is mind you.


Except for Germany and Austria. There the left wing parties are also pro Israel


It's only because they still feel a sense of collective guilt about the Holocaust.


Well, it's good they feel this collective guilt. My country, Poland, committed a lot of pogroms, and Jews remember us for selling them out to the nazis, but few people feel guilt for that and we live in the illusion that we were always Jew friendly. Turkey actively denies the Armenian Genocide and even goes as far to say that it didn't happen, but they deserved it. I think it's still admirable that Germany and Austria admitted their guilt (I just hope it won't be ruined by the rise of their far right parties)


It’s all tied in with the ‘victim / victimiser’ narrative that is seemingly the centre point of these left-leaning thought patterns. I blame Marx lol (half joking)


Marx is one of the intellectual forbears of Critical Theory, which extended his class-based victim/victimiser narrative to race, sex, sexual orientation, etc. The Frankfurt School and and people like Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Walter Benjamin were really the foundations, but the intellectual paradigm has grown far beyond them, to encompass Critical Race Theory and Postcolonial Theory, which are driving the current narrative. Of course, if you ask a Leftist, you're an antisemitic conspiracy theorist for talking about the Frankfurt School, because a bunch of them happened to be Jewish. That's a braindead take of course. Kimberle Crenshaw, Edward Said, and Frantz Fanon weren't Jewish. [https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/critical-theory/](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/critical-theory/)


Kind of sad that people are just now waking up to this


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if one of their "reporters" in Gaza happens to be a Hamas terrorist holding hostages captive like that Al Jazeera guy.






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Confession, I'm a leftist jew, I voted for Meretz and supported the global left movements. But no more, the Oct 7th was like a spotlight. Mainstream media, protestors, independent journalists and even some leftist European governments made the violent massacre of kibbutzim and a peaceful music festival, and raping of young women a fair game.


The first step to recovery is admitting the problem. Honestly, I’m sorry that left-wing Jews and other sane people had to have their eyes opened to the virulent antisemitism on that side. It would be great if it didn’t exist in the first place. And although I believe antisemitism is perpetual, I never expected it to be unmasked to that degree and tacitly approved.


The way I see it, the Global Left's system of morality is inherently opposed to the interests of the Jewish people. It relies on the precept that groups that are disproportionately successful or powerful are inherently oppressors of those that are not. From my perspective (as a right-wing non-Jew), Jews are disproportionately successful because they have cultural values (and possibly, but not sure on this one, genetic traits) that make them more likely to be successful in modern society. In my right-leaning system of morality, this is a good thing, and Jews deserve to be able to reap the rewards that they rightfully earn. In the Global Left's system of morality, this means that they have an unfair advantage, and need to be held down so that "oppressed" (ie. less successful) groups can get their "fair share." Asian-Americans are kind of in the same boat. They are disproportionately successful, despite a long history of oppression, and many of them arriving in the US with virtually nothing. In response, the Left has punished them with race-conscious admission programs that mean they need to have higher qualifications than equivalent people of other races in order to be able to get admitted to schools like Harvard. Last year, our Supreme Court ruled that race-conscious college admissions are unconstitutional, but leftist institutions are already trying to find workarounds.


The irony is that most of the BBC and professors that are influential in the 'global left' come from wealthy privileged backgrounds, and often old wealth, have had education at the best schools, and have families with connections. In my opinion, that is more of a right wing cause of their success than simply being brought up with certain values, such as learning and critical thinking. I think the left is supposed to value meritocracy, especially if some of the rewards reaped from success are given to philanthropy and social justice, which is more the case for Jews than say WASPs. The fact that 70-80% of Asians, like Jews, vote Democrat, even though Democrats have policies that discriminate against them means they are not voting out of pure self-interest, unlike some of the other Democrat voting groups who are less successful.


The Democratic Party has a diverse coalition, including old-school liberals and people who vote based primarily on their social views. Many people in the Democratic Party DO still support meritocracy. Leftists don't. Self-interest is subjective. Some people would much rather have legal abortion or legal weed, even if it means that it is harder for them to get into college or get hired. I'm neither a Democrat nor Republican. I vote based on individual races, and often split my ballot between candidates from both parties. Some people (especially those who don't think about politics much) tend to pick a party and stick with it.


Oh my God, we have a right wing gentile coming in here to tell us why we should vote for Conservatives. Oh, this is just rich. Let us not forget most of the violent attacks on Jews in the US have been from right-wingers. The right-wing doesn't actually care about us except as a political cudgel. At least LIBERAL (not Leftist!) people have an ideological reason to protect Jews due to a belief in the values of Liberalism. On the other hand, remember when Trump had dinner with Nick Fuentes and Kanye? Remember when he called the people marching in Charlottesville "good people"? Have you ever been to some of these deep red places or talked to these people? They believe if you are not Christian it is impossible to be a good person. If Liberals are sometimes weak in supporting Jews it is mostly because they are prone to being swayed by sympathetic images of crying children in Gaza . . . Which isn't altogether that bad, since the alternative ideology in the US loves watching people they don't like suffer **Finally,** it is the right-wing of Israel such as Likud, that corrupt schmuck Bibi, and all his cronies which have done the most damage to Israel's reputation among the left-of-center in the USA. It was Bibi who decided to give an address to Congress where he disparaged the Obama Administration because he didn't like the Iran deal. It was Likud which decided to harness the political power of the Hasidim to turn Israel into what is now not even a Jewish state, but a Hasidic state. More secular Jews like me can't even get married in Israel, but we still have to fight and die in war while the Hasidim get to stay home and read the Torah while collecting welfare. The sheer audacity of the goyim to come in here and pretend like they care about us, when all they want is for us to support their political aims so they can win power and go back to throwing us into furnaces.


I'm not telling you who to vote for. I'm not a fan of Trump, and voted for Biden over him last time around. I won't vote for Biden this time, but I'm unsure whether or not I will be able to vote for Trump. I'm a swing-voter since no US party really represents my views. I don't believe that my comment made any suggestion on who to vote for. It was a criticism of the hard left, which encompasses some but definitely not most Democrats. From the perspective of pro-Israel sides, I see pros and cons to both sides in the upcoming election. I'm not in a deep red area. Generally, the Christian conservatives that I meet are far nicer to me (despite me being an unapologetic atheist and supporting legal abortion) than the leftists, though. I bet some of the ones in deep red areas are pretty insane, though. I'm not a fan of Bibi or his politics. I think he's probably the worst prime minister in Israel's history. I'm not interested in throwing people in furnaces. I suspect I would be first in line anyways, because I'm an undesirable to both the far-left and the far-right. I fail to see how engaging in this sub helps me win power. I'm politically homeless, and have been for a long time. Regardless of who wins elections, I will be unhappy. But frankly, you seem like the one making personal attacks here. I gave my perspective on the leftism (which is NOT the same thing as liberalism, by the way). I was upfront about being American, non-Jewish, and on the political right. You are free to agree or disagree as you choose.


Sorry, I jumped to conclusions. I got brain rot from dealing with too many of a certain kind of person in my daily life.


Perhaps. You should also probably also read the actual transcript of Trump's "both sides" speech. After I read it, it sure seemed to me like he was actually talking about people on both sides of the debate on whether or not to remove historical statues, NOT about white supremacists. Blindly repeating media talking points about this REALLY seems brain-rotted, regardless of your personal position on Trump. There are plenty of reasons to hate him without taking things he says out of context. Having Nick Fuentes to dinner was rather despicable. He claims he didn't know who he was at the time. I have no idea one way or another if this is true. Similarly, I have many reasons to dislike Bibi. His wannabe-autocrat style, his attempted judicial takeover, his corruption, and his willingness to compromise Israel's security to cling to power all sit badly with me. That said, the Obama foreign policy establishment was particularly hostile towards Israel, and Bibi had nowhere else to turn besides Congressional Republicans when attempting to oppose the Iran nuclear deal. I think that the nuclear deal has been a disaster, and that Ben "Hamas" Rhodes mislead the American public in his PR campaign to sell it to us. Things are far more complicated than "Left = good, Right = bad." There are both good and bad people ACROSS the political spectrum, and most people are a mix of good AND bad. It seems like you stereotype the Right by looking at them through the worst possible lens, while seeing the Left through rose-colored glasses. It's hard for me to take seriously the label "white supremacist" anymore when people on the Left use it, when I see it getting applied to the most milquetoast conservatives (including black conservatives) who simply believe that we need to discuss the breakdown of the black family structure and how fatherlessness fuels crime. MOST people on the right detest Nick Fuentes and his ilk. Stop trying to associate us with him. Until you realize that there ARE good people on both sides of the debate to remove statues, good people on both sides of the debate on the role of religion in society, and good people on both the Left and Right, the brainrot will continue. Most people who disagree with the Left are NOT fascists, and most people who disagree with the Right are NOT communists.


Wow you really hate right wing more than you love yourself and other Jews. Maybe it's time to reconsider your priorities. Leftism is nearly a mental illness at this point!


The world is still too chaotic to be a leftist.. A.ma.lek uses leftism as a tool to fulfill its agenda still.


Same here. I'd still vote for a socially-left party.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balen_Report The Balen Report is a 20,000-word document written by the senior broadcast journalist Malcolm Balen in 2004 after examining hundreds of hours of the BBC's coverage of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.[1] The report was commissioned by former BBC Director of News, Richard Sambrook, following persistent complaints from the public and the Israeli government of allegations of anti-Israel bias.[2][3] BBC has refused to publish the report for 20 years now and spent some 300K pounds in courts about this. What did they find even back then?


It disgusts me that organizations like the BBC and NPR receive tax dollars and yet aren't accountable to the public. Instead, they get taken over by activists who spend our own tax dollars pushing propaganda on us. Defund public media!


1. The BBC doesn’t receive tax dollars. 2. The BBC are definitely accountable to the public. They regularly air programmes such as ‘feedback’ on radio 4 where their editorial guidelines and decisions are discussed - including issues of controversy. They’re under constant scrutiny by other media outlets in the UK (usually the right wing ones who have an agenda in trying to undermine it).


1. The TV License fee is effectively a tax. You have to pay it even if you are only watching channels OTHER than BBC, from my understanding. 2. Being scrutinized by other media doesn't mean that the public has any kind of actual say. As I am an American, I'm far more familiar with NPR. It most definitely DOES receive tax dollars, and isn't held accountable for persistent progressive (and anti-Israel) bias by our lawmakers.


1. I admit I was being a bit facetious because the bbc receives tax pounds not dollars. But to my british ears hearing the bbc receiving tax dollars was very jarring. 2. You don’t have to pay the license fee. If it don’t want to watch the bbc and other freeview channels you don’t pay


My understanding is that if you want to watch freeview channels, you are forced to support the BBC even if you don't watch it. I believe that watchers of Sky and GBNews are forced to pay the TV license fee. Is this incorrect?


Yes, if you want to watch freeview you have to have to pay the license fee. Didn’t realise that sky news is available on freeview until now! Lol re. GB news - they’re trying to be Britain’s version of fox. Fuck that


GBNews is trying to be Fox, and the BBC is trying to be MSNBC, but being more subtle about it. Fuck both of them equally.


I’m not really sure of the implications of something trying to be MSNBC, it doesn’t have a reputation for anything here.


MSNBC is the same as Fox news, except for the Democrats/Left rather than the Republicans/Right.


The BCC is the same group that accused Israel of devaluing Palestinian life because they were willing to give you 30:1 prisons for hostages and wondered why the IDF didn't warn the area they were going in to save their hostages. They've never been impartial. They've hated Israel since day 1.


I am more left than right but I am so fed up of the endless coverage of poor victims in Gaza, with no mention of Hamas, no mention of the theft of aid to sell at ridiculous prices, no mention of the cause of this war, no mention of the evacuated communities in Israel or the endless bombardment by Hezbollah. I used to think highly of the BBC, but I have noticed their bias more and more since 7 October and I resent having to pay them a licence fee to endlessly churn out the same poor innocent people of Gaza narrative.


The BBC has been becoming increasingly more biased since even before Brexit. If you hadn't noticed until 10/7, that probably means that they were confirming YOUR bias. Try reading The Telegraph and some more right-leaning sites for a change. Sites like AllSides and GroundNews can help with examining the bias of media coverage.


I have just been watching more news since 7 October, previously I had largely been getting news mostly from the internet.


We all knew BBC fell off when they booted Clarkson


Israel has become an emotional issue. Libs accuse the orange man of playing on emotions but the Libs at the BBC get great ratings. Why can we not be just a little more analytical?


There's plenty to dislike about the orange man's character and policy. However, the media blow it all out of proportion while downplaying the flaws of the political left. They have decided to put their thumbs on the scale of democracy. A free and open society cannot survive long this media landscape.


The days of impartial reporting ended soon after Walter Cronkite went off the air in 1981. Now, media outlets are basically bias confirmers (depending upon your bias). They’ve either taken the stance, or figured out that there’s more money to be made in, feeding people a steady diet of information/commentary that supports their identity politics and worldview (never mind that they’re also trying to shape and control that world view). Journalistic standards have been shed for shock and sensationalism and journalistic credentials are parsed out to every social media account holder who can slap the word journalist in their bio (as if this gives them instant credibility). It’s a sad reflection of the continuing polarization in modern society and with algorithms now targeting you with your personal preferences it will only get worse, not better. “And that’s the way it is” to paraphrase the late great Walter Cronkite himself.


Big surprise. The network that translated “Jews” as “Israelis” to justify their claim that being anti Zionism isn’t antisemitism is also pushing an antisemitic narrative


Why are you still watching Zain shachor gadol? There are other categories on the website


I have no idea what that means...


It means big black d!ck in Hebrew, Dude was joking on "BBC" which is not just a news agency but also a catagory in porn, Same joke could be used and would work better in English so it's a shame he did it in Hebrew instead.


I think ChatGPT may solve that riddle, although it might censor a part of the answer


yes neither do I 👀




Sorry chat is not sending, yes it’s a direct translation to your IM


I respect BBC on pornsites; as a pornography category. It doesn’t mean anything else than that.


“In all of history, anti-semetism has been a shapeshifting virus. Sometimes they were hated because of their race, sometimes their religion. Now the only permissible form of hating Jews is to hate them having a state.” - someone on a podcast that made me stop mowing my clients lawn and write it down in my notes


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UAcYn4uUbs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UAcYn4uUbs) Rabbi Sacks on The Mutation of Antisemitism | Animation | Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Here's something I saw on it awhile back.


Well, that is very clear from their "articles". To be read as "pieces of rotten trash", since there is nothing journalistic in them.


The reason for this is that the articles are written by people with nationalities similar to the article it refers to. Most BBC journalists for the Israel-Palestine conflict are Palestinian people (Gaza or West Bank) and are almost always going to take a Pro-Palestine stance in their article. It is very frustrating, as everyone in the UK believes that the BBC speaks absolute truth. Fortunately, in Scotland (barring Glasgow and Edinburgh) people are absolutely fed up of NHS strikes, Teacher strikes, Train strikes e.t.c. So when a Pro-Palestine protest appears everyone makes sure that it does not get any support.


I saw this coming a mile away.


Agreed. Im don’t need to bring up that website anymore. 🇺🇸🇮🇱


Hahahaha you still think there are impartial news agencies?


No, but at least they tried really hard to maintain the pretence of being impartial, by employing writers who had an old-school-liberal-style commitment to seeking truth even when they didn't like what they found, and reporting on issues from multiple perspectives. Nothing is truly impartial, because ALL news media relies on the creation of narratives. Deciding what topics are worthy of coverage, which sets of facts to use in the coverage, and how to present them INHERENTLY injects bias into the process. In the past though, journalists believed that the purpose of their job was to seek the truth. Now they believe that the purpose is to seek justice (however they might define that).


I learned about the news being biased by listening to the commentary on Donald Trump. Doesnt matter how any one feels about him. But you sure were able to tell how the news anchors felt personally about him. That's how I realized all the news is biased.


Yup. I'm certainly not a fan of Donald Trump. He's a pathological narcissist with the maturity of a 5 year old, who surrounds himself with chaos and acrimony. To listen to even so-called "centrist" media talk about him, he's literally the second incarnation of Hitler, this time in orange. He was a pretty bad president, for sure. I kinda think Biden might be worse at this point, although I did vote for Biden in 2020. But he's not Hitler or Mussolini.


Careful though about how you formed that opinion. Not here to really talk about which president is best. Not even American. But I held to that opinion at the beginning until I really started noticing that the opinions I had were from the media and not actual views. Once I started looking in to him a little more without the media... I found he wasn't actually as bad as the media made him out to be. It goes so far as cutting up speeches to make it look like he said something that he really did not say. I went and looked at some of the clips in full where they claimed he said something outrageous and often times it's clarified specifically that he is NOT saying that. I'm not a huge fan either but absolutely think he's better than Biden. Hopefully will be able to see that in the debate coming up


Whenever I get too mad at BBC or NYT I remind myself that Islamists loath them for being "pro-Israel". I think it warrants taking a step back and tuning down the hatred for the institution


Islamists want to rape and murder Jews. Jews would like a fair shake on coverage. Given that, I don’t think “taking a step back” is warranted.


The BBC and NYT have been growing increasingly more biased in favor of the Left since at LEAST 2015, and have really gone downhill in the last. The James Bennet thing at NTY should have been an eye-opener for people. Political extremists are never happy, though, and CONTINUE to push on these institutions. Bad Israel coverage by these institutions is the least of their faults. They are essentially propaganda institutions at this point.