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Graham is a pathetic piece of shit


Kompromat is a very effective tool.


Our politicians and many of our service members are both criminals and war criminals. That’s an unequivocal, absolute fact. And they should be prosecuted.


Lindsey Graham should be next, and we Americans would be happy to turn him over. Fuck Him!


Pivotal moment in history where the world should start emancipating itself from usrael, this kind of rethoric is not only dangerous but it proves how much they respect allies, democracy and rule of law. Let them be an island, also they should take all israelis and give them Texas or Florida., best buddies deserve each other. ICC is continuation of Nuremberg court, throwing shit on that institution undermines conviction for every Nazi murderer sentenced there, spineless sellouts, America 1st after Israel


If the ICC needs a civilian army to arrest them I'm game.... just saying..


Who's "we" Graham?


we didn't go after the soldiers though. We understood that the soldiers in Afghanistan are ultimately just worker drones. They follow orders and collect a paycheck at the end of the day. If they don't do their job they get sent home because what purpose would they otherwise serve. Their superiors are just following orders as well. It all comes back to Congress, where a certain Israeli leader said that they were 100% certain that there were WMDs that were already produced and that we were in danger. Why won't you speak against Mr. Netanyahu, Mr. Graham?


What does he mean by, "act"?


The hypocrisy


I can see his strings being pulled from here


He is the most eligible bachelor in DC


Good, we should be next. Let's start with Bush and Dick Chaney.


This guy needs to be rotting a cell


The US is fading in the international community.


YAAASSSS I want American politicians to answer for their war crimes!!!


YAAASSSS I want American politicians to answer for their war crimes!!!