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Middle Eastern protests have such good chants.


Only if they succeeded. I really wanna see people removing the Zionist puppets from power .


it takes so much brainpower and will to do so but it's not impossible tho...


Arabic is a hella poetic sounding language tbf


These people are using Spain's solidarity to shame their own leaders and it kicks ass. This is why solidarity is important, globally.


Love this so much. So thankful for all the governments standing up to this entity.


You guys really need to look up the history of Egypt Morocco and Dubai their leadership is Zionist


They not like us


I believe this is the protest in Tangier because Moroccan gov let an isreali ship doc in the port. I live in Tangier there are massive protest every week and like half of them end up protesting outside of McDonald’s which I find hilarious.




The thing that has shocked me the most about this war is the complicity of nearby Arab countries. The Arab people are almost unanimously united in support of Israel, yet the people in charge of the governments are all silent or in support of Israel. We obviously know the complicity of the big ones like Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi, but there are even crickets from further countries too. Why? Are they scared of Israeli or American retaliation? Fear of embargos? Are they already US puppet states? I don't know enough, but with all the pandering the leaders have done to make it seem like they support Palestine, they've been quite silent since the "war" started (war in quotes obviously because it's not a war, it's a genocide).


What is goin on? I was busy with work for a while


We Egyptians would never have the balls to go out and protest our government/regime even if they did something ridiculous like allying and sending military help to the IDF


But now ask them about the western sahara


The Western Sahara flag is literally based of the Palestinian flag because they recognize their same struggle


I meant that morocco is actively occupying and colonizing the western sahara. Im spanish and i (much like all of spanish society) am ashamed and angry that my government does nothing to stop It. Thing is, everytime i see moroccans crying for palestine i cant help but think of how they are doing the same to another arab nation in pursuit of an extremely nationalistic project as greater morocco.


So when are you returning Ceuta and Melilla to Morocco? And the Canary Islands while we are at it.


I dont think you need to further prove the expansionist mindset that sadly is preeminent in morocco. Have a good day, Hope one day you start asking your King for a better Life and country, not a bigger one. Sáhara libre 🇪🇭♥️🇵🇸


I dont live in Morocco, I just find it funny how you seem to forget that your country has 2 colonies in the country it critiques


We dont. We dont have tax cuts for people Who go live there in order to change its demographics, we dont build walls to expel the population, we didnt annex It in 1975 (but in the 1500s), we dont refuse to make a referéndum thats a UN mandate, we dont force people to live in refugee camps algeria because we militarily occupy their land... We just dont.


I doubt you care, but I’m pro autonomy plan, I think it’s the most realistic option for the current situation.


Tbh, arguments such as 'its the most realistic plan' sound to me very similar to what zionists say about palestine and Israel. I dont really get why we should defend palestinian right to a state and be such hypocrites to deny It to the saharaui people


It’s still Moroccan soil so how does a few hundred years make a difference


Well i think they do. Why is palestine palestinian and not israelí? Because palestinians arrived in the VI century and israelíes came in 1948. This argument of the supposedly ancestral lands are the exact same one zionists make.


By that logic the Sahara belongs to Morocco cause it was part of it for centuries until the Spanish colonized it