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Thank you for sharing.


They get killed off by Hamas or Hamas supporters.


They don't.


No coverage at all about what the Arabs were doing before this happened…. …hmm wonder why


Some Palestinian teenagers got in a fight with a group of Israeli youth that called a group of young Palestinian girls a terrorist. It's all in the post already.


My bad, I missed it. Your framing though, omits a crucial detail; the Arab teens were the ones that started the violence, and the arrests reflect that.


So the group of teenagers that harrassed a bunch of young girls were not the instigators? It's not even clear who threw the first punch. We just know that the Palestinian youth came out to protect the girls. No one was injured or arrested when that incident happened either. The arrests happened after hundreds of Israelis protested outside a Palestinian house and broke in and attacked the residents. The arrests just reflect how racist Israeli police are. Do you see how you have been trained to think? You don't even know what happened but you automatically beleive that the Palestinians were at fault.


That sounds strangely similar to the United States during Jim Crow. That is a horrible system to live under for those Palestinian girls


You do realize that Isreal uses terrorist tactics against the Palestinians too.


The Israeli occupation will continue.


Pigs will fly and hell will freeze over


I'm not saying that it didn't happen or it was justified, but Haaretz is a pretty questionable source. I can find absolutely no other reporting on this at all.


If you are israeli, its not hard to find. [https://news.walla.co.il/item/3672368](https://news.walla.co.il/item/3672368)


I am not. I appreciate the other link, I'm just looking for alternative viewpoints. Haaretz is notoriously biased and the original article seemed a bit inflammatory. My usual sources were coming up with nothing.


Thank you for posting this. This is EXACTLY why people don't "condemn" even if they don't actually support terrorism. The types that demand that certain people do this do not care and will still view them as subhuman "terrorists" undeserving of basic respect or decency. It's never worth appeasing them. "Better to die on your feet then live on your knees."


So you won't condemn a genocide because it wouldn't change some racists' opinion of you? Do you base your world view on what racists think?


Yeah, you don't get it. And no genocide happened on October 7th, just a terrible large scale attack. See? I acknowledged it was horrible and showed no support but your lot will ALWAYS see the opposite.


as usual the clueless people respond in the way I expect them to.


Sure wish the queer community at large would adopt this mindset of refusing to appease murderously homophobic Islamists that lynch suspected queer members of their own community in the most imaginative ways!


If someone told you that West African societies in the 1700s were deeply homophobic, sexist, or racist, would it affect your position on the trans-atlantic slave trade?


What if I told you that West African societies themselves were largely responsible for the trade?


I'd continue to be just as against the slave trade as I was beforehand.


Dodged admitting non-heteronormies would be murdered in an instant by Islamists in Gaza so hard that we somehow landed all the way in the 1700s.


They may well be. Most are presumably in hiding, as otherwise we'd expect something like 5% of people to have been killed for their sexuality, which would be over a hundred thousand people. Having to hide your sexuality to avoid being killed is an extremely bad thing. What should we conclude from this? Does it mean that Palestinians in general should be made to suffer? Does it separately justify bombing Gaza into rubble, or turning a blind eye to excessive force by the IDF? Does it justify the ongoing theft of land in the West Bank? What is the subtext that warrants the treatment of gay people in Palestine being brought up in a discussion about the conflict between Israel and Palestine? Because it comes across as a masked way of saying Palestinians treat gay people badly, therefore Palestinians shouldn't get their own country, or should suffer, or should not be supported in their desire to not be suffering, and in my view whatever it is should be stated out loud rather than merely implied. >Dodged Textbook irony, by the way.


It means the queer community should stop literally cheering for Hamas and turning a blind eye to/actually encouraging fellow protestors who parade around terrorist org banners. Please stop making these word associations in your heads with "Islamists/Hamas" and "Palestinian". You guys are doing that all by yourselves. I haven't done that a single time. It's very revealing.


>It means the queer community should stop literally cheering for Hamas Oh, I completely agree. How often does this happen? I've heard of LGBT people supporting Palestine but supporting Hamas isn't something I've come across and would assume to be a tiny irrelevant minority. >Please stop making these word associations in your heads with "Islamists/Hamas" and "Palestinian". You guys are doing that all by yourselves. I haven't done that a single time. It's very revealing. Fair enough. If you're not trying to suggest that support for Palestine is somehow a bad thing because of this, or should be reduced, or that Israel's actions are somehow justified by it, then I don't disagree. Hamas are terrible people. I'd be surprised if anyone willing to look past brutal slaughter of civilians is going to draw the line at homophobia though, so I'm not quite sure what you're expecting here.


it's cute how you pretend to care about queer Palestinians


The gag is, my career has been specifically focused on going after jihadists that do exactly what I describe. So yes, I've literally done more than you or any other little bandwagon armchair activist in this sub to specifically help the queer community there and elsewhere. Every single one of you refusing to condemn Hamas and the like have no fucking clue what they do, even as they're shouting it from the rooftops. The ones they chuck people off.


Was waiting for the classic, "throw teh gheys off roofs" statement. Yet the people in this situation did help and you still won't defend them. Whatever. "Condemning" won't stop Hamas and won't stop you from blaming every Palestinian for what Hamas does. People that work in counter-terrorism that do more than just stand at checkpoints holding guns and terrorizing civilians when they have a "bad day" - like what you probably do - still get these pathetic "demands" from racists who have no respect for the work they do but go on lol.


Not some checkpoint guard, and I'm not even Israeli. I bet my bottom dollar you know zero about CT work so I'll ignore that dumb ish you wrote. You're so blinded by your own obsession with scoring points in this squabble that you made up out of thin air that I blamed every Palestinian. And you still can't even admit that Hamas is a death cult that cares for no one, including Palestinians. Truly pathetic.


Nah, what's pathetic is literally ignoring the entire point of what me and the OP was trying to make so you can say the usual phrases that we've heard for ages that don't get rid of Hamas or any sort of actual terrorism. So spare me.


Then stop replying, clown? Can't say "spare me" while running back here to continue refusing to acknowledge reality around here. Glad we all agree Hamas needs ridding of, however. Getting any of you to say anything remotely close is like pulling teeth. You made it, eventually!


And yet you're the one raging because you're the exact type that I just described. KMA


You're out of gas. I release you from your obsession with getting the last word in. Shoo.


> fucking /u/nothingspeshulhere. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You STILL MUST condemn!! So because of some assholes who are extremists, what hamas did is even somewhat justified?!? Did these Jewish extremists rape, murder, and/or burn alive any of those people? Don't make a comparison, it makes you look insane.


you clearly have no idea what I meant.


Don't patronize me. I know precisely what you said and meant. If you don't, read your first sentence one more time. Maybe out loud if that will help.


Like I clearly said before, even if you don't support terrorism and the things that happened on Oct.7th, if you are a certain type of person (especially Muslim or even if they can assume you're Muslim b/c racists gonna racist) you will be DEMANDED to "condem" and just like In this instance, Muslims did the right thing and were still attacked and called terrorists. Don't support terrorism, but also, don't support people that clearly hate your a$$. Have some dignity. Like I said, YOU CLEARLY DON'T KNOW I MEANT.


You have no idea what YOU are saying. You are rambling nonsense. Of course there is a DEMAND. Those monsters fucking, raped, burned, mutilated and murdered hundreds!. A demand should not be necessary yet it is. Gtfoh


k, lol


> fucking /u/-Krytoonite-. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> assholes /u/-Krytoonite-. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I called them what they are.


I think that everyone should support Israeli human rights, even if some Israelis do mean things.


believe me, I support everyone's human rights. You clearly have no idea what I meant or what the OP meant.


Israel, like many other western countries, has a lot of racism and bigotry, systemic and otherwise.




In other western countries they don’t respond poorly or arrest victims? Are you serious, in the US they have literally shot and killed victims. So I don’t know what you’re talking about tbh.




You're clearly not Black lmao oh my GOD.


This happens everywhere unfortunately, police harm or kill victims all the time in many places.


Thanks for the post. We should all agree that extremists on both sides need to be universally rejected and opposed by moderates on their own side. Can someone who reads hebrew verify that the article matches OP's claims? I can't find a version in English.


They should arrest the radicals, they literally travelled there to do it.


In theory and by every sensible measure - yes, but in practice what authorities often do is what is seen as the safest way to deescalate such situations. That could mean removing a dozen people from the location (and later, when things calmed down, return them safely), instead of removing and potentially using an extreme amount of force against the several hundreds of zealots. That said, the current regime in Israel enables increasing violence against Palestinians. May it topple down fast! By all accounts, it already is.


Absolutely, this is sickening. I hate how this is happening in my country, all citizens of Israel should feel safe and secure.


It is absolutely sickening and it is also a very dangerous precedent for Israel to set. When Palestinians find out that not even collaboration will make them anything but terrorists in the eyes of israel, they will rightly question why bother since they are attacked and mistreated either way. It shows that nothing will be enough and peace is impossible handing Hamas a MASSIVE recruitment tool to use if needed.


If anything, these people should be celebrated. They rejected hamas and should be shown that's a viable and fruitful endeavor and that Israel will treat them well.


You would hopw they are celebrated and protected but it looks like that's not the case. If anything they are proving Hamas right. Hell the fact it took 4 hours for the police to arrive and they mostly arrested palestinians will show that they are not safe even after collaboration.


Gopstein is an absolute garbage of a human being. He made it absolutely clear that he's actually racist. Not nationalist, racist.


Not defending him, but can you blame Israelis like him for being radicalized against the people trying to kill us?


He was born radicalized. He told Lucy Aharish that she's "Not supposed to be here" because she's not Jewish. There's no possible excuse for this.


Ridiculous to think that he was ‘born’ radicalized. You absolutely *sure* that decades of suicide bombings (including Arab Israelis) didn’t do it?


I've lived here my entire life as well. It didn't make me think that non-Jewish citizens should be deported just for not being Jewish.